<< <i>Anyone else - aside from myself - tracking the error Barber Half in the Heritage Long Beach auction, that's a 1912-D struck over a 1902 ? Its an amazing coin - and probably a very intentional "error"
Its very well graded - IMHO - in an NGC F-15 holder.
I believe its currently in the $7,500 range of bidding at the moment. >>
FYI - The coin did not sell...its available at Heritage for $8625.
edit... Post # 3200 >>
It's neat I watched it but it's one of those "how did your chocolate fall into my peanut butter" kind of errors.
I feel it may have sold for $3500 max as it is heavily circulated. >>
I would have been on it up into the $3ks... If there was $7500 on the coin and it didn't sell.. well... foolish seller.
Bear's "Growl of Approval" award 10/09 & 3/10 | "YOU SUCK" - PonyExpress8|"F the doctors!" - homerunhall | I hate my car
<< <i>Last month while at FUN, I picked up an 1894 Proof Dime [ PCGS PR 64 CAM ] and an 1894 Proof Quarter [ PCGS PR 64 ]...tonight, I was fortunate enough to add this to the new set...
PS: The Dime and the Quarter are being sent to BluCCphotos [ Todd ] for imaging. When I get the Half Dollar, I'll send it along to Todd as well to image. I'll post the new images once they [ 3 coins ] are imaged. >>
Very nice, the devices seem to have a nice bit of frost, given that scans never do cameos justice.
Fifty one years ago, my Grandfather passed away. He left behind quite a few nice coins, one of which is an 1892-P Half - in my humble opinion is an AU 58.
I received an altered surfaces grade [ Genuine ] on this coin. Maybe I should have given the coin a quick dip.
Somewhat disappointed ...
Images to follow ... >>
I have to agree, it would have been a sin to have dipped this coin. I received the coin back today and it compares favorably with the other two 1892-P's in PCGS AU 58 that I own - as a matter of fact the luster is more vibrant. This coin has been in my family - untouched, mind you - for over eighty years. My Grandfather never cleaned or messed with any coin - to the best of my knowledge.
The coin goes out on Monday to BluCCphotos for imaging. Will post by the end of the month.
Anyone bid on - and won - the Full Reverse Brockage Barber (?) Dime on Heritage's auction yesterday afternoon ? It was a very neat coin. I thought Broadstruck would've been all over that one.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
<< <i>Anyone bid on - and won - the Full Reverse Brockage Barber (?) Dime on Heritage's auction yesterday afternoon ? It was a very neat coin. I thought Broadstruck would've been all over that one. >>
I followed it and it did sell @ $2,875.00, most likely to a Dealer as a PCGS XF45 last sold for under $3K at Heritage in 1996. I feel this AU55 was also a 1903-O as is mine below due to the shelved mint mark which is NCS UNC Details Scratched Reverse but has a Fully Prooflike reverse and IMHO is much nicer in hand then the example that just sold.
Sorry for the poor pics as I really need to send this out for imaging.
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
Just wanted to add a few photos and get some opinions on a grade. Also I would like opinions on the pictures,if it looks to be washed out or blurry.
I have been tinkering with the shutter speed, and I think I have the look of the coin as It would look in hand,maybe a tad to dark on the obverse,how would (could) I alleviate this problem.
Thanks in advance for opinions and possible answers
I'm so glad you replied,I was hoping for your response because I respect your opinion and expertise. Hopefully more will chime in and give their opinions. If they do,I will give some more detail on the coin.
I was looking at the VF-30 range also.
Mike,BTW, I want to personally congratulate you on your very impressive collections.
I'd grade your 14-s VF20. It wouldn't surprise me if they called it 15 or 25 either based on my recent submissions. The obverse is 18 or 19 while I'd call the reverse 22.5. Just my opinion but the weak Liberty and weak obverse overall really limits the coin's grade. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers I like it!
Thanks for your reply. Also, I would like to add that I have watched and bidded on some of your Barbers in the past and I must say you come up with some scarce quality pieces...unfortunately I've fallen short on my bidding.
I would like more responses before I post PCGS's opinion.
This is a service that routinely gives the 1913-S a Fine 12 without so much as 4 letters of LIBERTY, but coversely has been brutal on the 14-S for some reason. I'd say it got what it deserved though. 25.
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
<< <i>Redglobe...my gut feeling is VF 35 - or VF 30 - on that nice original 1914-S Quarter.
I don't collect mid range Quarters - but if I did - I'd love to own that coin. >>
I stand by my opinion:
You can not grade Quarters the way the Halves are graded. Odd as that might sound to some. One of the reasons I have always liked AU 55-58's is that you can't miss the grade of a lightly rubbed coin...
Redglobe - nice quarters - keep 'em coming.
...and that you for the compliments.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Mike,from the photos of the ANACS slab it looks to me that they graded it correctly.
Is that an older photo that you cracked out and submitted to PCGS,or did you leave it in the ANACS slab to keep the 30 grade.
From the photo it seems to me that the obverse is not the greatest strike......(the leaf detail in the hair area) the reverse looks alot better in detail....nice neck and feather detail.
I've been on the look out for an upgrade for my 1895-S Half in AU 55 and I spotted this coin the beginning of the week. Its a decent 63, IMHO. [ There was a very special 65 listed as well...but a touch too pricey ].
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
No new Barber purchases at Long Beach... even though I had a dealer holding one for me to pick up at the show!!!!! I guess it "accidentally" got sold to another person Not cool at all!!!!!!!
Anways, I had Todd (BluCC) shoot these at Long Beach this weekend, I think they show the color of my 1909-O MS65 Barber Half much better than my pics did:
Just wanted to say that the 09-O Half looks great. Mike Hayes introduced me to the site and I'll try to share, as time permits, as many have. Before I post anything from my Barber Quarter collection, I wanted to attach a pre-slab Barber Dime I purchased from Stack's 1975 Essex Sale (label gem BU, really a 63 - poor photo). I just could not let Mike's fantastic dime collection stand alone. It is in a DGS slab and next time I will share my pre-slab, slab, crossover, conservation and green bean experiences.
<< <i>Gorgeous 1909-O half. Wish I had one in AU. >>
Rob, Yes that is a gorgeous 1909-O - Mike has very good tastes. My PM basis was I thought you were talking about my Cross Over. [ I'd rather have Mike's coin... what a great coin !! Todd does a great job...I'm really looking forward to personally see his work on my coins. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Here's another example of Todd's work - and this subject is on its way to me as I type this.
----------------------- I get notifications when someone posts to this Thread ... and I see my friend Labelman posted something - so - without further ado - lets see what is going on in GA.
---------------------------- Edit:
I may very well have to drive up to GA to look at your sets. Thanks for posting the 1892 Dime - and I look forward to see many more posts - as your schedule allows.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Mike, And you just had to throw that in there..."it's not available"...for us mid-grade Barber Half collectors this is torture...worse than the waterboard...I'm going to complain to the Congressional Coin Junta... NICE COIN!
<< <i>Gorgeous 1909-O half. Wish I had one in AU. >>
Rob, Yes that is a gorgeous 1909-O - Mike has very good tastes. My PM basis was I thought you were talking about my Cross Over. [ I'd rather have Mike's coin... what a great coin !! Todd does a great job...I'm really looking forward to personally see his work on my coins. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Mike, actually, I liked both 1909-Os but thought I waited too long to comment on yours when this one came up. Both of them are gorgeous.
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
A 1912 D Barber Half in PCGS 65 CAC. It was a bit tricky to get all the colors to translate into the image, but I would say it's mostly all there now. The coin lights up when tilted to into light, but is a tad dark in hand. Let me know what you Barber Half fans think.
I think I may have to start a Barber Half collection after seeing the 12-D & 09-O on this thread. I'd love to see the 12-D live! Great coin. Before I get "run over" with all these beautiful halfs, hopefully I can "spice up the site with a quarter. Hope everyone enjoys!
Have to get back to work now. Soon, I'd like to view this entire thread. You folk's (as we say in the south) are great.
BillyGoatsGruff - That has got to be a fantastic coin in hand, its very colorful and I think you may have gotten the colors correct but it seems to lack luster - which must be booming beneath all that surface toning. Very pretty coin. I like it. I would recommend getting it professionally imaged by any of the photographers we've discussed on this Thread. BluCCphotos comes to mind immediately.
Craig/Labelman87 - Sweet 1892 Quarter - looks great - and in your case, the luster is showing but the colors seem muted. A pro could help you out as well.
I should talk - I can't take an image to save my life; that's why I'm sending Todd [ BluCCphotos ] a very large consignment for imaging.
Once these images get back - I'll get them up here on the Monster Thread.
Oh, and Craig...Y'all come back and see us real soon, ya hear !!
Here's another coin from the 2nd Tier set...[ the image isn't the best but its a beautifully toned coin. ]
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
That 1909-0 is exquisite, and Mike that 1910 is also gorgeous!
I haven't posted a new barber in some time and while it's not new (from my dad's old type set bought in 1976) it's the first time I've photographed it. It's raw, any one venture to guess if it would grade?
<< <i>That 1909-0 is exquisite, and Mike that 1910 is also gorgeous!
I haven't posted a new barber in some time and while it's not new (from my dad's old type set bought in 1976) it's the first time I've photographed it. It's raw, any one venture to guess if it would grade?
Just wanted to get back with you and let you see the grade PCGS (or no grade) gave on that '14-S barber quarter I posted a few pages back.
After getting the coin back I was disappointed to say the least,I looked at the obverse and it still seemed OK,then I flipped it over and the reverse had this shiny appearance to it which I feel is what put it in a genuine holder. When I originally bought the coin I thought there was a slight chance of it being rubbed.I bought it for the detail and the "meat" that was still on it.
I bought it thinking it was VF25-30
I want to thank the ones that gave their opinions.
Bluelobster, I would give that 1900-O an XF-45 also...at least that's what I think PCGS would grade it as. The eagle's left wing tip seems to be the kicker (if all other grading points equate to XF-45) for me, IMHO. It has good definition on the eagle's left wing tip, you have a full liberty and there doesn't appear to be any other detracting features. My money is on XF-45...I would be surprised if it came back as XF-40. Good luck...let us know the final verdict! We're crossing our fingers for ya!
Okay Mike you throw down a really nice 1905 AU-55 with exquisite tone and great strike...makes us mid-graders want to put it in our pocket for a few months...stop teasing!
<< <i>Okay Mike you throw down a really nice 1905 AU-55 with exquisite tone and great strike...makes us mid-graders want to put it in our pocket for a few months...stop teasing! >>
One of my other's...
In the Whitman Double Album...
I should have the images of my 1905-P in PCGS 58 in a week or two - its at BluCCphotos as I type this.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
As I mentioned earlier, I'm emailed when some one posts to this thread - and again, I see Labelman87 posted twice this morning [ he's an early morning riser. ] however, page 130 seems to be stuck and won't roll over to the next page until there are enough posts to push it to the next page. This must be some glitch that only PCGS experiences.
awww...I was looking forward to some images...
Okay - here's something from the newer 2nd set:
Happy Hunting everyone.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>Anyone else - aside from myself - tracking the error Barber Half in the Heritage Long Beach auction,
that's a 1912-D struck over a 1902 ? Its an amazing coin - and probably a very intentional "error"
Its very well graded - IMHO - in an NGC F-15 holder.
I believe its currently in the $7,500 range of bidding at the moment. >>
FYI - The coin did not sell...its available at Heritage for $8625.
edit... Post # 3200 >>
It's neat I watched it but it's one of those "how did your chocolate fall into my peanut butter" kind of errors.
I feel it may have sold for $3500 max as it is heavily circulated. >>
I would have been on it up into the $3ks... If there was $7500 on the coin and it didn't sell.. well... foolish seller.
<< <i>Last month while at FUN, I picked up an 1894 Proof Dime [ PCGS PR 64 CAM ]
and an 1894 Proof Quarter [ PCGS PR 64 ]...tonight, I was fortunate enough to
add this to the new set...
PS: The Dime and the Quarter are being sent to BluCCphotos [ Todd ] for imaging. When I get the Half Dollar,
I'll send it along to Todd as well to image. I'll post the new images once they [ 3 coins ] are imaged. >>
Very nice, the devices seem to have a nice bit of frost, given that scans never do cameos justice.
<< <i>Just received another grade from PCGS.
Fifty one years ago, my Grandfather passed away.
He left behind quite a few nice coins, one of which
is an 1892-P Half - in my humble opinion is an AU 58.
I received an altered surfaces grade [ Genuine ] on this
coin. Maybe I should have given the coin a quick dip.
Somewhat disappointed ...
Images to follow ... >>
I have to agree, it would have been a sin to have dipped this coin.
I received the coin back today and it compares favorably with the other
two 1892-P's in PCGS AU 58 that I own - as a matter of fact the luster
is more vibrant. This coin has been in my family - untouched, mind you -
for over eighty years. My Grandfather never cleaned or messed with
any coin - to the best of my knowledge.
The coin goes out on Monday to BluCCphotos for imaging. Will post by
the end of the month.
Anyone bid on - and won - the Full Reverse Brockage Barber (?) Dime
on Heritage's auction yesterday afternoon ? It was a very neat coin.
I thought Broadstruck would've been all over that one.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Anyone bid on - and won - the Full Reverse Brockage Barber (?) Dime
on Heritage's auction yesterday afternoon ? It was a very neat coin.
I thought Broadstruck would've been all over that one. >>
I followed it and it did sell @ $2,875.00, most likely to a Dealer as a PCGS XF45 last sold for under $3K at Heritage in 1996.
I feel this AU55 was also a 1903-O as is mine below due to the shelved mint mark which is NCS UNC Details Scratched Reverse but has a Fully Prooflike reverse and IMHO is much nicer in hand then the example that just sold.
Sorry for the poor pics as I really need to send this out for imaging.
Just wanted to add a few photos and get some opinions on a grade.
Also I would like opinions on the pictures,if it looks to be washed out or blurry.
I have been tinkering with the shutter speed, and I think I have the look of the coin as It would look in hand,maybe a tad to dark on the obverse,how would (could) I alleviate this problem.
Thanks in advance for opinions and possible answers
Redglobe...my gut feeling is VF 35 - or VF 30 - on that nice original 1914-S Quarter.
I don't collect mid range Quarters - but if I did - I'd love to own that coin.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I'm so glad you replied,I was hoping for your response because I respect your opinion and expertise.
Hopefully more will chime in and give their opinions.
If they do,I will give some more detail on the coin.
I was looking at the VF-30 range also.
Mike,BTW, I want to personally congratulate you on your very impressive collections.
I'd grade your 14-s VF20. It wouldn't surprise me if they called it 15 or 25 either based on my recent submissions. The obverse is 18 or 19 while I'd call the reverse 22.5. Just my opinion but the weak Liberty and weak obverse overall really limits the coin's grade. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers
Thanks for your reply.
Also, I would like to add that I have watched and bidded on some of your Barbers in the past and I must say you come up with some scarce quality pieces...unfortunately I've fallen short on my bidding.
I would like more responses before I post PCGS's opinion.
<< <i>Redglobe...my gut feeling is VF 35 - or VF 30 - on that nice original 1914-S Quarter.
I don't collect mid range Quarters - but if I did - I'd love to own that coin. >>
I stand by my opinion:
You can not grade Quarters the way the Halves are graded. Odd as that might sound to some.
One of the reasons I have always liked AU 55-58's is that you can't miss the grade of a lightly rubbed coin...
Redglobe - nice quarters - keep 'em coming.
...and that you for the compliments.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Is that an older photo that you cracked out and submitted to PCGS,or did you leave it in the ANACS slab to keep the 30 grade.
From the photo it seems to me that the obverse is not the greatest strike......(the leaf detail in the hair area) the reverse looks alot better in detail....nice neck and feather detail.
I think it would cross to a PCGS 30
This one is in a blue ANACS G-4 holder. I don't have pics of the full slab.
Thanks for sharing part of your collection.
Recent pick ups from Heritage Long Beach Internet Only Auction
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Hello,
Just wanted to add a few photos and get some opinions on a grade.
Hi Redglobe
Your quarter looks a lot like the VF25 quarters that I have. Will just have to wait till you post its grade!
Very nice coin too!
EAC 6024
I've been on the look out for an upgrade for my 1895-S Half in AU 55
and I spotted this coin the beginning of the week. Its a decent 63, IMHO.
[ There was a very special 65 listed as well...but a touch too pricey ].
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Your 93-S is the RPM and Machine DBL, sometimes called the 93 triple S. But it is the RPM! Nice find!
Anways, I had Todd (BluCC) shoot these at Long Beach this weekend, I think they show the color of my 1909-O MS65 Barber Half much better than my pics did:
Michael Kittle Rare Coins --- 1908-S Indian Head Cent Grading Set --- No. 1 1909 Mint Set --- Kittlecoins on Facebook --- Long Beach Table 448
Just wanted to say that the 09-O Half looks great. Mike Hayes introduced me to the site and I'll try to share, as time permits, as many have. Before I post anything from my Barber Quarter collection, I wanted to attach a pre-slab Barber Dime I purchased from Stack's 1975 Essex Sale (label gem BU, really a 63 - poor photo). I just could not let Mike's fantastic dime collection stand alone. It is in a DGS slab and next time I will share my pre-slab, slab, crossover, conservation and green bean experiences.
<< <i>Gorgeous 1909-O half. Wish I had one in AU. >>
Rob, Yes that is a gorgeous 1909-O - Mike has very good tastes.
My PM basis was I thought you were talking about my Cross Over.
[ I'd rather have Mike's coin... what a great coin !! Todd does a
great job...I'm really looking forward to personally see his work
on my coins. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Here's another example of Todd's work - and this subject is on
its way to me as I type this.
I get notifications when someone posts
to this Thread ... and I see my friend
Labelman posted something - so - without
further ado - lets see what is going on in GA.
I may very well have to drive up to GA to look at your sets.
Thanks for posting the 1892 Dime - and I look forward to see
many more posts - as your schedule allows.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Nudging this Thread along - the last three posts are frozen.
Oh... here's something from my recent bulk purchase...
... and no...its not available, sorry.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
And you just had to throw that in there..."it's not available"...for us mid-grade Barber Half collectors this is torture...worse than the waterboard...I'm going to complain to the Congressional Coin Junta... NICE COIN!
<< <i>Nudging this Thread along - the last three posts are frozen.
Oh... here's something from my recent bulk purchase...
... and no...its not available, sorry. >>
Seriously, this forum sucks until we get a drooling smiley...
Beautiful coin!
<< <i>
<< <i>Gorgeous 1909-O half. Wish I had one in AU. >>
Rob, Yes that is a gorgeous 1909-O - Mike has very good tastes.
My PM basis was I thought you were talking about my Cross Over.
[ I'd rather have Mike's coin... what a great coin !! Todd does a
great job...I'm really looking forward to personally see his work
on my coins. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.
Mike, actually, I liked both 1909-Os but thought I waited too long to
comment on yours when this one came up. Both of them are gorgeous.
Have to get back to work now. Soon, I'd like to view this entire thread. You folk's (as we say in the south) are great.
BillyGoatsGruff - That has got to be a fantastic coin in hand,
its very colorful and I think you may have gotten the colors
correct but it seems to lack luster - which must be booming
beneath all that surface toning. Very pretty coin. I like it. I
would recommend getting it professionally imaged by any of
the photographers we've discussed on this Thread. BluCCphotos
comes to mind immediately.
Craig/Labelman87 - Sweet 1892 Quarter - looks great - and
in your case, the luster is showing but the colors seem muted.
A pro could help you out as well.
I should talk - I can't take an image to save my life; that's
why I'm sending Todd [ BluCCphotos ] a very large consignment
for imaging.
Once these images get back - I'll get them up here on the Monster
Oh, and Craig...Y'all come back and see us real soon, ya hear !!
Here's another coin from the 2nd Tier set...[ the image isn't the best
but its a beautifully toned coin. ]
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I haven't posted a new barber in some time and while it's not new (from my dad's old type set bought in 1976) it's the first time I've photographed it.
It's raw, any one venture to guess if it would grade?
<< <i>That 1909-0 is exquisite, and Mike that 1910 is also gorgeous!
I haven't posted a new barber in some time and while it's not new (from my dad's old type set bought in 1976) it's the first time I've photographed it.
It's raw, any one venture to guess if it would grade?
A very tough date and very nice! I grade it 40.
BF Johnson: 42.5
MFH : 45
Steve - Good luck on the submission.
Soty27 - very pretty Quarter !!! Wild toning !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Just wanted to get back with you and let you see the grade PCGS (or no grade) gave on that '14-S barber quarter I posted a few pages back.
After getting the coin back I was disappointed to say the least,I looked at the obverse and it still seemed OK,then I flipped it over and the reverse had this shiny appearance to it which I feel is what put it in a genuine holder.
When I originally bought the coin I thought there was a slight chance of it being rubbed.I bought it for the detail and the "meat" that was still on it.
I bought it thinking it was VF25-30
I want to thank the ones that gave their opinions.
Here's a newp I just got.
Sorry to hear about the 14-S - regardless, its still a nice coin.
Nice 92-O - ...a "53" ??
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Check out this 1914. No 'genuine' holder for this beauty !
<< <i>Yeah, that really 'is' a shame about the 1914 in the 'genuine' holder.
Check out this 1914. No 'genuine' holder for this beauty !
that's as original as it gets
Oops, I forgot to post the grade....XF-45
It does look undergraded
Here's a couple of Halves
I debating on whether the '97-S is a VF-25
<< <i>Okay Mike you throw down a really nice 1905 AU-55 with exquisite tone and great strike...makes us mid-graders want to put it in our pocket for a few months...stop teasing! >>
One of my other's...
In the Whitman Double Album...
I should have the images of my 1905-P in PCGS 58 in a week or two - its at BluCCphotos as I type this.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
posts to this thread - and again, I see Labelman87
posted twice this morning [ he's an early morning
riser. ] however, page 130 seems to be stuck and won't
roll over to the next page until there are enough posts
to push it to the next page. This must be some glitch
that only PCGS experiences.
awww...I was looking forward to some images...
Okay - here's something from the newer 2nd set:
Happy Hunting everyone.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Two whole days and no new images...
Here's the 1892-O that's scheduled for the Dansco...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
The 1892-S from the newer set...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases