Mildly on topic. Since it is the holidays (likely the busiest travel time of the year) and people are returning to work and school tomorrow, would it stand to reason that the travel surge will slow in the next day or so and possibly there will be much less stress on the system? And flight cancellations will no longer be on such a large scale? We tend to project our current events into the future even when a large percentage of cancellations may be due to weather concerns that may or may not be happening in a few days.
@bigjpst said:
Mildly on topic. Since it is the holidays (likely the busiest travel time of the year) and people are returning to work and school tomorrow, would it stand to reason that the travel surge will slow in the next day or so and possibly there will be much less stress on the system? And flight cancellations will no longer be on such a large scale? We tend to project our current events into the future even when a large percentage of cancellations may be due to weather concerns that may or may not be happening in a few days.
FUN has been held the same week as long as I can remember. There has always been back-to-school, winter weather and the start of Orlando convention season running in the background.
As an aside, this thread has enjoyed some ridiculous tangents.
@bigjpst said:
Mildly on topic. Since it is the holidays (likely the busiest travel time of the year) and people are returning to work and school tomorrow, would it stand to reason that the travel surge will slow in the next day or so and possibly there will be much less stress on the system? And flight cancellations will no longer be on such a large scale? We tend to project our current events into the future even when a large percentage of cancellations may be due to weather concerns that may or may not be happening in a few days.
FUN has been held the same week as long as I can remember. There has always been back-to-school, winter weather and the start of Orlando convention season running in the background.
As an aside, this thread has enjoyed some ridiculous tangents.
That’s my point. Every year at Christmas the news stories are all about flights being packed cancellations airport backlogs etc.
Does the FUN show typically go on?
I know lots of dealers are not attending for a multitude of reasons most likely the major being the pandemic, but as far as flight cancellations go that seems like it will work itself out. Like it typically does.
@bigjpst said:
Mildly on topic. Since it is the holidays (likely the busiest travel time of the year) and people are returning to work and school tomorrow, would it stand to reason that the travel surge will slow in the next day or so and possibly there will be much less stress on the system? And flight cancellations will no longer be on such a large scale? We tend to project our current events into the future even when a large percentage of cancellations may be due to weather concerns that may or may not be happening in a few days.
FUN has been held the same week as long as I can remember. There has always been back-to-school, winter weather and the start of Orlando convention season running in the background.
As an aside, this thread has enjoyed some ridiculous tangents.
That’s my point. Every year at Christmas the news stories are all about flights being packed cancellations airport backlogs etc.
Does the FUN show typically go on?
I know lots of dealers are not attending for a multitude of reasons most likely the major being the pandemic, but as far as flight cancellations go that seems like it will work itself out. Like it typically does.
Sure, the flight cancellations might work themselves out. But it appears that many of them are COVID-related, not seasonally-related.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Agree. And since the bathroom is on the same HVAC system as the rest of the plane...
Go check out a website that discusses Hepa'd air handling systems on modern jets before you say something that is largley incorrect like this.
It's 100% correct. There is the same HVAC system. Yes, there are HEPA filters...everywhere. Are the bathrooms on a separate filter system? I don't believe they are. So, my point, as @RYK has already said: there was no reason not to quarantine her in the main cabin.
@bigjpst said:
Mildly on topic. Since it is the holidays (likely the busiest travel time of the year) and people are returning to work and school tomorrow, would it stand to reason that the travel surge will slow in the next day or so and possibly there will be much less stress on the system? And flight cancellations will no longer be on such a large scale? We tend to project our current events into the future even when a large percentage of cancellations may be due to weather concerns that may or may not be happening in a few days.
FUN has been held the same week as long as I can remember. There has always been back-to-school, winter weather and the start of Orlando convention season running in the background.
As an aside, this thread has enjoyed some ridiculous tangents.
That’s my point. Every year at Christmas the news stories are all about flights being packed cancellations airport backlogs etc.
Does the FUN show typically go on?
I know lots of dealers are not attending for a multitude of reasons most likely the major being the pandemic, but as far as flight cancellations go that seems like it will work itself out. Like it typically does.
Sure, the flight cancellations might work themselves out. But it appears that many of them are COVID-related, not seasonally-related.
Since the CDC cut the quarantine guidance to 5 days, it should help with the personpower problem.
Personally, I don't care about a little inconvenience in getting there. My bigger fear is that I end up there and then need to quarantine there.
BTW, I think all of these topics are reasonable to discuss at this moment in time, it would be a disappointment if it got shut down and I don't see any reason to do so given that, quite frankly, humanity is under severe stress right now. I find the slight vitriol from time to time on this thread to not be bad. Sure we get at each other and disagree, but it is ok, the key is to discuss this issue out and we all come out learning more about what is going on and how it is going to affect our lives and our desire to be at coin conventions. No worries folks, carry on, let's hear all perspectives. Disagree, debate, learn. We need this I think.
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
“ NYC looks pretty intense. Hopefully NYINC won't be affected too much.”
That’s an excellent point. Dealer in Major Mint Errors, Die Trials & Patterns - Author of NLG Best World Coin Book World's Greatest Mint Errors - Publisher & Editor of
“ NYC looks pretty intense. Hopefully NYINC won't be affected too much.”
That’s an excellent point.
I would expect that we will be revisiting this topic under a new title “NYINC show cancellations after FUN is underway.”
Then possibly one regarding Long Beach. Unless what they say is true and this strain peaks within the next week or two. Still probably going to ruin the NY show.
Charles Davis, leading numismatic literature dealer, has decided not to attend the NYINC. I would say
many foreign dealers will take a pass with the possibility of quarantine. Could get expensive
quickly if they test positive trying to get back home.
Honestly this isnt even a close call for me. First, I'm a collector--i dont make my living from coins. Going would be for pleasure. Between the pandemic being at its absolute peak and the flight nightmares being reported, going to FUN this year was quickly ruled out. Fortunately, the auctions look amazing and I can particpate from home. I am a big believer in everybody making their own choices and as I said earlier staying home was probably the easiest decision I have recently made.
Alas, today would have been a preparation day for me going to FUN, setting up plans, getting ready for lot viewing, getting coins ready to take, notes and valuations set up on my Macbook, etc. etc. This pandemic better end soon as I don't know if I can handle missing another FUN........
@spacehayduke said:
Alas, today would have been a preparation day for me going to FUN, setting up plans, getting ready for lot viewing, getting coins ready to take, notes and valuations set up on my Macbook, etc. etc. This pandemic better end soon as I don't know if I can handle missing another FUN........
Best, SH
Bummer, would've been good to see you again, but I understand.
Since it's only an hour drive for me, I still plan on attending, masked and boosted, and likely no socializing.
I just hope it doesn't turn into a big "Sunday bourse" by Thursday. I'm sure a lot of the buzz will be missing.
@golden said:
All bags are packed and I'm ready to go............... I will be glad to get out of this cold and snow and get to warm weather and have FUN!
Looks like the weather will be on your side.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
Glad I canceled today. Was supposed to leave in less than 48 hours and now all three of my kids just came down with covid. Looks like I am going have some free time at home to play with my coins
@fishteeth said:
Glad I canceled today. Was supposed to leave in less than 48 hours and now all three of my kids just came down with covid. Looks like I am going have some free time at home to play with my coins
Sorry to hear about that. Sounds awful. I hope they have a quick and easy recovery.
Agree. And since the bathroom is on the same HVAC system as the rest of the plane...
Go check out a website that discusses Hepa'd air handling systems on modern jets before you say something that is largley incorrect like this.
It's 100% correct. There is the same HVAC system. Yes, there are HEPA filters...everywhere. Are the bathrooms on a separate filter system? I don't believe they are. So, my point, as @RYK has already said: there was no reason not to quarantine her in the main cabin.
Crappers on a separate filter system…….lol. Your in a enclosed pressurized aluminum tube ..really?. Outflow valves are closed……no air is going out at cruise.
I’d be concerned about the carcinogenic Skydol that you may be breathing through the bleed air system, unless a Dreamliner, gotta love that design.
Airliners are filthy crafts, Covid or no Covid
It’s counterintuitive but the air on a commercial aircraft is quite clean and safer than your average office building.
The air is cycled/refreshed at a rate of about 30 times per hour. The air is a 50/50 mix of filtered air along with fresh air. It is quite clean. Plus, the airflow is top to bottom.
It's 100% correct. There is the same HVAC system. Yes, there are HEPA filters...everywhere. Are the bathrooms on a separate filter system? I don't believe they are. So, my point, as @RYK has already said: there was no reason not to quarantine her in the main cabin.
It makes complete sense to isolate someone with Covid on a commercial jet so I will give you a longer answer this time. But I suppose flight attendants should listen to you instead I guess, instead of using their own judgement based on the training they have had to do their job right?
The hepa systems in modern jets recirculate air literally row for row so that air flow is restricted for each area. That means a given passenger has exposure while in their seat to only a few others around them. So whatever air the bathroom is on, it is fairly restricted and of course the bathroom has walls for further restriction. Most bathrooms on the 100s of jets I have been on have no seats on the same row so it seems reasonable that they have their own air that does not mix with the rows of seats where passengers are seated (although this is not specifically stated in the information vid below). Plus I am sure the other passengers feel more comfortable with such isolation for a Covid + having walls between them and the infected........
Here is an United information video for you, you can find more on youtube.
Granted, air4mdc makes a good point that planes are dirty and anyone who flies sees how disgusting the bathrooms are, that is to be expected when cycling through 1000s of passengers a day on a given jet. That is why myself and Mrs. Spacehayduke have been cleaning our seating areas with disinfectants for decades and taking disinfectant wipes with us to the bathroom for cleaning when we have to. We always got a lot of strange looks from fellow passengers, but we don't get sick either in flight that way........ So when the Covid hit and that was a recommendation, we said 'about time' as it was an obvious thing to do to avoid germs (bleh germs......). Yet in my limited flights during Covid, only a few more people are cleaning areas, ouch.
@fishteeth said:
Glad I canceled today. Was supposed to leave in less than 48 hours and now all three of my kids just came down with covid. Looks like I am going have some free time at home to play with my coins
I can't help myself. But the 1st question that comes to mind reading the middle of your statement is just how good a job does a hepa filter do at removing a fart from the atmosphere?
It's 100% correct. There is the same HVAC system. Yes, there are HEPA filters...everywhere. Are the bathrooms on a separate filter system? I don't believe they are. So, my point, as @RYK has already said: there was no reason not to quarantine her in the main cabin.
It makes complete sense to isolate someone with Covid on a commercial jet so I will give you a longer answer this time. But I suppose flight attendants should listen to you instead I guess, instead of using their own judgement based on the training they have had to do their job right?
The hepa systems in modern jets recirculate air literally row for row so that air flow is restricted for each area. That means a given passenger has exposure while in their seat to only a few others around them. So whatever air the bathroom is on, it is fairly restricted and of course the bathroom has walls for further restriction. Most bathrooms on the 100s of jets I have been on have no seats on the same row so it seems reasonable that they have their own air that does not mix with the rows of seats where passengers are seated (although this is not specifically stated in the information vid below). Plus I am sure the other passengers feel more comfortable with such isolation for a Covid + having walls between them and the infected........
Here is an United information video for you, you can find more on youtube.
Granted, air4mdc makes a good point that planes are dirty and anyone who flies sees how disgusting the bathrooms are, that is to be expected when cycling through 1000s of passengers a day on a given jet. That is why myself and Mrs. Spacehayduke have been cleaning our seating areas with disinfectants for decades and taking disinfectant wipes with us to the bathroom for cleaning when we have to. We always got a lot of strange looks from fellow passengers, but we don't get sick either in flight that way........ So when the Covid hit and that was a recommendation, we said 'about time' as it was an obvious thing to do to avoid germs (bleh germs......). Yet in my limited flights during Covid, only a few more people are cleaning areas, ouch.
Ok so I have an honest question. At MSP tomorrow, they are forecasting 1-3” of snow with 20 mph winds. Does this cancel flights? I honesty don’t know, I don’t fly much. I know there are 100s of other things going on that are canceling flights, I just don’t know how much snow is needed for that. I would think a Minnesota air post would be able to handle snow but again, I am ignorant. Any knowledge would help….
Thank you
@Dscoin said:
Ok so I have an honest question. At MSP tomorrow, they are forecasting 1-3” of snow with 20 mph winds. Does this cancel flights? I honesty don’t know, I don’t fly much. I know there are 100s of other things going on that are canceling flights, I just don’t know how much snow is needed for that. I would think a Minnesota air post would be able to handle snow but again, I am ignorant. Any knowledge would help….
Thank you
Typically, those conditions do not result in cancelled flights.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Lol. I never claimed a source (Bernoulli equation?) because I never made any factual claim. I also never told anyone to trust me.
But the idea that there is row by row isolation is absurd on the face of it. Have you ever smelled food being served to someone not in your row? If so, YouTube or SH is disproven.
However, the bathroom is at least slightly more isolated than a random seat in the plane. The question is whether or not that was significant enough to make it necessary.
Go check out a website that discusses Hepa'd air handling systems on modern jets before you say something that is largley incorrect like this.
Don't want an already wayward thread to be anymore derailed, but in his defence, says low risk and not 100% guaranteed.
Won't get into it any further and guess I will stop with this in this thread.
I'll give credit where it is due. I'm 5'9" and about 150 lbs.,
Mildly on topic. Since it is the holidays (likely the busiest travel time of the year) and people are returning to work and school tomorrow, would it stand to reason that the travel surge will slow in the next day or so and possibly there will be much less stress on the system? And flight cancellations will no longer be on such a large scale? We tend to project our current events into the future even when a large percentage of cancellations may be due to weather concerns that may or may not be happening in a few days.
My Ebay Store
FUN has been held the same week as long as I can remember. There has always been back-to-school, winter weather and the start of Orlando convention season running in the background.
As an aside, this thread has enjoyed some ridiculous tangents.
That’s my point. Every year at Christmas the news stories are all about flights being packed cancellations airport backlogs etc.
Does the FUN show typically go on?
I know lots of dealers are not attending for a multitude of reasons most likely the major being the pandemic, but as far as flight cancellations go that seems like it will work itself out. Like it typically does.
My Ebay Store
Sure, the flight cancellations might work themselves out. But it appears that many of them are COVID-related, not seasonally-related.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Not so many cancels tonight as others, many seem to be in/out of the northeast (weather?)
It's 100% correct. There is the same HVAC system. Yes, there are HEPA filters...everywhere. Are the bathrooms on a separate filter system? I don't believe they are. So, my point, as @RYK has already said: there was no reason not to quarantine her in the main cabin.
Yes, exactly.
Since the CDC cut the quarantine guidance to 5 days, it should help with the personpower problem.
Personally, I don't care about a little inconvenience in getting there. My bigger fear is that I end up there and then need to quarantine there.
Fly in the bathroom
Now i am really curious as to who takes a bath in a plane?
Sponge bath...
From said reference:
Top to bottom air flow
The direction of the air flow in an aircraft is from top to bottom, and not along the length of the aircraft
Sounds like a restroom is safer than the cabin from the above information.
I was wondering the same thing but I figured it was better than taking one in the toilet
Hate to bring up more bad news for FUN, this just in on CNN:
The darkest colors In Fla are around Broward-Miami-Dade
Perhaps only the Orlando area should be queried
Here you go, Orlando is 2nd darkest color (Orange County), it is all bad unfortunately.
Stay safe everyone.
BTW, I think all of these topics are reasonable to discuss at this moment in time, it would be a disappointment if it got shut down and I don't see any reason to do so given that, quite frankly, humanity is under severe stress right now. I find the slight vitriol from time to time on this thread to not be bad. Sure we get at each other and disagree, but it is ok, the key is to discuss this issue out and we all come out learning more about what is going on and how it is going to affect our lives and our desire to be at coin conventions. No worries folks, carry on, let's hear all perspectives. Disagree, debate, learn. We need this I think.
Best, SH
The Heather hammer commeth 😂
100% positive transactions with SurfinxHI, bigole, 1madman, collectorcoins, proofmorgan, Luke Marshall, silver pop, golden egg, point five zero,coin22lover, alohagary, blaircountycoin,joebb21
I forgot
One can use the shower … for showering!
NYC looks pretty intense. Hopefully NYINC won't be affected too much.
Sadly no such luxury in the cattle class that I frequent.
Now boarding

🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
@Zoins said:
“ NYC looks pretty intense. Hopefully NYINC won't be affected too much.”
That’s an excellent point.
I would expect that we will be revisiting this topic under a new title “NYINC show cancellations after FUN is underway.”
Then possibly one regarding Long Beach. Unless what they say is true and this strain peaks within the next week or two. Still probably going to ruin the NY show.
My Ebay Store
Charles Davis, leading numismatic literature dealer, has decided not to attend the NYINC. I would say
many foreign dealers will take a pass with the possibility of quarantine. Could get expensive
quickly if they test positive trying to get back home.
She could waterski with those feet.
Honestly this isnt even a close call for me. First, I'm a collector--i dont make my living from coins. Going would be for pleasure. Between the pandemic being at its absolute peak and the flight nightmares being reported, going to FUN this year was quickly ruled out. Fortunately, the auctions look amazing and I can particpate from home. I am a big believer in everybody making their own choices and as I said earlier staying home was probably the easiest decision I have recently made.
This morning update - flights into MCO cancelled - 45 so far today (8% of all incoming).
Total cancellations within, into, or out of the United States today (so far): 1,925
And it's still early!
Owner/Founder GreatCollections
GreatCollections Coin Auctions - Certified Coin Auctions Every Week - Rare Coins & Coin Values
Alas, today would have been a preparation day for me going to FUN, setting up plans, getting ready for lot viewing, getting coins ready to take, notes and valuations set up on my Macbook, etc. etc. This pandemic better end soon as I don't know if I can handle missing another FUN........
Best, SH
Bummer, would've been good to see you again, but I understand.
Since it's only an hour drive for me, I still plan on attending, masked and boosted, and likely no socializing.
I just hope it doesn't turn into a big "Sunday bourse" by Thursday. I'm sure a lot of the buzz will be missing.
It seems that 7 or 8% of flights may be normal for "Covid times".
That's just what this thread needed...religion.
You probably are thinking that politics is the new religion?
All bags are packed and I'm ready to go............... I will be glad to get out of this cold and snow and get to warm weather and have FUN!
Looks like the weather will be on your side.
"If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear I still wrong?"
My Washington Quarter Registry progress
Glad I canceled today. Was supposed to leave in less than 48 hours and now all three of my kids just came down with covid. Looks like I am going have some free time at home to play with my coins
Sorry to hear about that. Sounds awful. I hope they have a quick and easy recovery.
Crappers on a separate filter system…….lol. Your in a enclosed pressurized aluminum tube ..really?. Outflow valves are closed……no air is going out at cruise.
I’d be concerned about the carcinogenic Skydol that you may be breathing through the bleed air system, unless a Dreamliner, gotta love that design.
Airliners are filthy crafts, Covid or no Covid
It’s counterintuitive but the air on a commercial aircraft is quite clean and safer than your average office building.
The air is cycled/refreshed at a rate of about 30 times per hour. The air is a 50/50 mix of filtered air along with fresh air. It is quite clean. Plus, the airflow is top to bottom.
It makes complete sense to isolate someone with Covid on a commercial jet so I will give you a longer answer this time. But I suppose flight attendants should listen to you instead I guess, instead of using their own judgement based on the training they have had to do their job right?
The hepa systems in modern jets recirculate air literally row for row so that air flow is restricted for each area. That means a given passenger has exposure while in their seat to only a few others around them. So whatever air the bathroom is on, it is fairly restricted and of course the bathroom has walls for further restriction. Most bathrooms on the 100s of jets I have been on have no seats on the same row so it seems reasonable that they have their own air that does not mix with the rows of seats where passengers are seated (although this is not specifically stated in the information vid below). Plus I am sure the other passengers feel more comfortable with such isolation for a Covid + having walls between them and the infected........
Here is an United information video for you, you can find more on youtube.
Granted, air4mdc makes a good point that planes are dirty and anyone who flies sees how disgusting the bathrooms are, that is to be expected when cycling through 1000s of passengers a day on a given jet. That is why myself and Mrs. Spacehayduke have been cleaning our seating areas with disinfectants for decades and taking disinfectant wipes with us to the bathroom for cleaning when we have to. We always got a lot of strange looks from fellow passengers, but we don't get sick either in flight that way........ So when the Covid hit and that was a recommendation, we said 'about time' as it was an obvious thing to do to avoid germs (bleh germs......). Yet in my limited flights during Covid, only a few more people are cleaning areas, ouch.
Best, SH
jmlanzaf source: trust me bro
spacehayduke source: youtube
Space wins by a hair… for now…
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I pray for no complications and a swift recovery!
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I can't help myself. But the 1st question that comes to mind reading the middle of your statement is just how good a job does a hepa filter do at removing a fart from the atmosphere?
Ok so I have an honest question. At MSP tomorrow, they are forecasting 1-3” of snow with 20 mph winds. Does this cancel flights? I honesty don’t know, I don’t fly much. I know there are 100s of other things going on that are canceling flights, I just don’t know how much snow is needed for that. I would think a Minnesota air post would be able to handle snow but again, I am ignorant. Any knowledge would help….
Thank you
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
Typically, those conditions do not result in cancelled flights.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Lol. I never claimed a source (Bernoulli equation?) because I never made any factual claim. I also never told anyone to trust me.
But the idea that there is row by row isolation is absurd on the face of it. Have you ever smelled food being served to someone not in your row? If so, YouTube or SH is disproven.
However, the bathroom is at least slightly more isolated than a random seat in the plane. The question is whether or not that was significant enough to make it necessary.
I'm also not sure why it is at all important.