any pet owners? pretty funny commentary usually as well. i'll just link the channel. you decide if there is anything for ya.
i have yet to watch a single video of hers where i don't laugh at least a little. the comment she made during one of them about touching gloves before any good fight is gold!
So sister Rita was sitting by her convent window one evening as she opened a letter from home: inside the letter was a $50 bill from her parents. Sister Rita smiled but as she continued to read the letter by what was left of the last glimmers of daylight coming through her window, she noticed a shabbily dressed stranger leaning against a lamp post in the street below. Quickly she took a piece of paper and wrote, "Don't despair - Sister Rita". She then wrapped the $50 bill in it and having got the man's attention, she tossed the wrapped note out of the window to him. The stranger picked it up and read what was on the paper. He looked up, tipped his hat, and slowly made his way down the street and into the darkness. Meanwhile, Sister Rita returned to her letter hoping he would use the money wisely.
The following day, Sister Rita was told that there was a man at the main door of the convent insisting that he should see her so, she made her way down the stairs to see what the commotion was all about. True enough, she found the stranger, who she had last seen standing in the street, waiting for her. Without a word, he handed her an envelope stuffed full with $50 bills.
"What's this?" she asked.
"It's your winnings Sister," he replied, "Don't Despair came in at 80-to-1."
as a hetrosexual male living in contemporary america, i can attest FULLY, that this is how most scenarios usually play out until reality strikes home. rotfl - no worries pcgs staff, this is from young sheldon tv show, so you know the rating is acceptable.
over 4 min but you can watch the first half to get to the "funny" part and watching the first half gives more impact to the "funny" part.
removed for fact check confirmation.
tbh, frodo and sam may have fared better having been inebriated for such a journey!
pretty funny btw.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
any pet owners? pretty funny commentary usually as well. i'll just link the channel. you decide if there is anything for ya.
i have yet to watch a single video of hers where i don't laugh at least a little. the comment she made during one of them about touching gloves before any good fight is gold!
Cheers, RickO
Why have an ordinary bird poo on your car?
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
So sister Rita was sitting by her convent window one evening as she opened a letter from home: inside the letter was a $50 bill from her parents. Sister Rita smiled but as she continued to read the letter by what was left of the last glimmers of daylight coming through her window, she noticed a shabbily dressed stranger leaning against a lamp post in the street below. Quickly she took a piece of paper and wrote, "Don't despair - Sister Rita". She then wrapped the $50 bill in it and having got the man's attention, she tossed the wrapped note out of the window to him. The stranger picked it up and read what was on the paper. He looked up, tipped his hat, and slowly made his way down the street and into the darkness. Meanwhile, Sister Rita returned to her letter hoping he would use the money wisely.
The following day, Sister Rita was told that there was a man at the main door of the convent insisting that he should see her so, she made her way down the stairs to see what the commotion was all about. True enough, she found the stranger, who she had last seen standing in the street, waiting for her. Without a word, he handed her an envelope stuffed full with $50 bills.
"What's this?" she asked.
"It's your winnings Sister," he replied, "Don't Despair came in at 80-to-1."
Cheers, RickO
Soon to be a buck.
He thinks his buddies are going to steal the rest of his beer!
Kennedys are my quest...
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
uh oh. i know i'm in trouble now!
You forgot the tail.
Turn your back while playing a game, and this is what happens.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
My kids would argue with you. For them it was 2 African Geese! I'm thinking they were around 3 ft. tall.
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
Kennedys are my quest...
to be fair. if i ever have a 6' chicken, rooster, goose, duck or the like chasing me, i'd probably run too! i think they call them ostriches.
ok this is ABSURDLY funny
as a hetrosexual male living in contemporary america, i can attest FULLY, that this is how most scenarios usually play out until reality strikes home. rotfl - no worries pcgs staff, this is from young sheldon tv show, so you know the rating is acceptable.
over 4 min but you can watch the first half to get to the "funny" part and watching the first half gives more impact to the "funny" part.
young sheldon george entrepreneur with memaw
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
Cheers, RickO
ok. there is NO way you won't find this funny!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members
USN & USAF retired 1971-1993
Successful Transactions with more than 100 Members