[ Most likely stuck on stock meant for a foreign coin. ]
Always wondered, are foreign coins clad or just an alloy mix?
EDIT: Alot are solid like the earlier Canadian coins are 100% nickel
Some are clad- Panama for instance and Liberia. The US struck coins for both these countries in that time period.. No, not an incorrect alloy mix. It could just be thinner stock or made incorrectly. But why so many of them? I'm sure that I will find more in the same weigh range. I think that the mint just ran out of the correct stock and used what was available that was close. JMHO. However, these have little or no premium at this time. I will keep them anyways.
All the ones that I have found are 1972-P's.
@GiveMeProof said:
Question guys. You CRH some serious quantities. Where do you return them all so that you don't get the same coins back for your next hunt?
Just hope you don't get the same ones back. But honestly, I return my coins to my branch's coin counter so most likely, it'll get delivered to some central 'hub' where it'll be rolled up again and sent to a branch that orders them. It could also be sent to a third party like Loomis where it could be sent across the country. I believe the probability of the same coins to end up back where you got them is extremely low but it could be a possibility.
Collector 75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting! instagram.com/klnumismatics
@GiveMeProof said:
[Question guys. You CRH some serious quantities. Where do you return them all so that you don't get the same coins back for your next hunt?]
I buy rolls at the bank in town (city) then turn them in to banks outside of my town (city). I always indiscriminately mark my rolls with a Sharpie marker just in case I get some back (as banks in my area do purchase rolls as needed from other banks in said area) I won't research them. IF by chance I have accumulated a bunch of Kennedy halves I like to piss off the drive-thru guy by paying for my beer with them!!!!!!!!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
@GiveMeProof said:
Question guys. You CRH some serious quantities. Where do you return them all so that you don't get the same coins back for your next hunt?
Just hope you don't get the same ones back. But honestly, I return my coins to my branch's coin counter so most likely, it'll get delivered to some central 'hub' where it'll be rolled up again and sent to a branch that orders them. It could also be sent to a third party like Loomis where it could be sent across the country. I believe the probability of the same coins to end up back where you got them is extremely low but it could be a possibility.
I use four different banks with lots of branches. I only get coins from two banks (they order them and get them from the federal reserve) and return them to different banks and different branches.. I try to return them to different branches each week and not to overload them and go to each branch like once a month. With the coin shortage going on some banks are thankful when you bring them quarters, but not so much half dollars. My one bank has a sign in the lobby "Quarters wanted" The clerk said that they cannot get any coins at all right now. Man were they happy when I brought in only $330 in quarters. If you can get your bank to order coins for you from the federal reserve, you wount get the same ones next week.
In most banks you need an account to order coins, so just start and account and put in the minimum amount needed to avoid fees. In most banks the minimum amount is like $300 or even less to avoid fees. I am looking into starting a fifth bank, you can never have too many resources-the more banks the better the chances.
@GiveMeProof said:
You guys make a lot of cents... uh sense. I like the sharpie idea. Did you ever get a sharpie roll back?
I take mine to CoinStar because it’s more convenient. I pay 11.9 % but I don’t lose any banks to a drop bank, don’t have to re-roll them, or carry 12 boxes at a time.
Shopping cart
the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
Jonny just shoveled an elderly neighbor's walk. She writes him a check from her bank.
Jonny slips and slides to the bank matching the logo on the note.
Corporate Law is to demand 7 DOLLARS or else...
And there is no Santa Clause , GO HOME !
If the elderly neighbor had paid cash then Jonny wouldn’t have needed to slip and slide all the way to the bank or even need to pay corporates extortionist share. They both pass go!
Just a few customer penny rolls I've had sitting around resulted in a handful of ok wheaties...but I am seriously loving some of my more modern 100% natural toner finds. Good modern natural toning is just so rare.
This one and it's gorgeous warm perimeter toning really pleases me...I find it so soothing in hand
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Nice find there Joey. It is clear to see that they are starting to wear and get scratched up. The last $400 I searched through I did not find a single keeper. I could only get 3 or 5 rolls per bank and a lot of them were customer wrapped and short a few coins. I can't wait until I can order quarters again from the federal reserve. Right now I can only get 1/2 dollar and small dollar coins.
Brutal oh yes lol. But I'm enjoying it.
Taped or glued in the past maybe?
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@ricko said: @Kurisu ... It does look like some glue residue.... Should come right off with acetone - and that will not hurt the copper. Cheers, RickO
Too late...it got deposited at the credit union this morning for someone else to find
But I do enjoy your tips on getting rid of toning of ALL types lol
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
This weeks half dollar finds ($1000 searched) One 90% a 1964 Kennedy, Three 40 % -2 1968-D's and one 1969-D. Only 2 NIFC's a 2013-D and 2018-P. And another 1972 light weight Kennedy at 10.43 grams. The NIFC's are Kinda lightly beat-up-ish and I will put them back. It does seem strange to get more silvers then NIFC's. No complaints, I will take silver over NIFC any day. Also a clad proof 1976-S.
@CoinscratchFever... Tarnish is a molecular bonding of the base metal with a contaminant. Acetone only removes organic substances that have become deposited on the surface. Tarnish becomes part of the surface. And yes, if one were to put acetone on their new car surface, it would get ugly. Cheers, RickO
@ricko said: @CoinscratchFever... Tarnish is a molecular bonding of the base metal with a contaminant. Acetone only removes organic substances that have become deposited on the surface. Tarnish becomes part of the surface. And yes, if one were to put acetone on their new car surface, it would get ugly. Cheers, RickO
Thanks for clarifying Sir. Here is an example of acetone stripping the glaze from the surface, notice the color change as well.
The photos don't really show just how dramatic the change was. Believe me it was like night and day.
It went from cherry red to faded pink. I thought the acetone would remove the spots
Pay no attention to the spots This was back when I was still sending in spotted coins.
This coin was put in a zip lock containing extra virgin olive oil. (few drops) for 2 weeks or so.
Notice the reaction. It's bleeding green. (Eagle's Fan, LOL)
I'm going to open this soon, rinse it off (no rubbing of any kind I should add} with a 5% dish soap dunk.
I was going on the thought sealed with no oxygen.
What would happen. Research a stretch ? Or not ?
At room temp..
I finally found some good home rolled and mostly copper cents. It was nice to see you some good clean piggy bank coins rather than the usual trashed out parking lot zincs
However, it was short-lived nothing better than 67 on the zincs and 65 for the coppers. Murphy winks, close but no cigar!
Not much for this weeks halves- 4 NIFC's - nothing else. Three of which are 2020-P's.
Small dollars:
2 proof presidential dollars
1 proof 1981 SBA's and a 1981-S NIFC regular issue
2 1979-near date or wide rim SBA's
Not even worth reporting these finds. I have discontinued the dollar orders. Starting next week I will only have $1000.00 in half dollars to search.
Joey on the 5:00 news:
Man enters bank wielding a skunk demands teller give quarters from back of vault. Last seen leaving bank with untold rolls of quarters.
Authorities are looking for a cackling middle aged smelly Caucasian. Possible coin collector.
Yes, the last 200, from Loomis. We're pretty bad. Maybe, these from the Fed. and 1 customer wrapped will result in a better outcome? Different bank this time. Something tells me, it WILL! We shall see tonight.
Thanks guys
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
The notorious coin collector spotted again today! Seen running down Main Street jumping and laughing bag o quarters in one hand and a skunk in the other.
Warning: He’s considered armed and smelly
I haven't found anything in quarters for at least the last $470 that I got at banks. Both customer wrapped and bank wrapped. We need to obtain boxes direct from the federal reserve. However, still cannot order any. I can get half dollars at one bank and dollar coins at another- but no other denominations. The dollar coins are not to fruitful however. Once the fed decides to deliver coins in my area, I think the finds will get better. Some banks that whined earlier when I brought coins in, are now begging for coins in any denomination. One bank even has a big sign reading "WE NEED Quarters". I think that the only coins available in my area are recycles from the community around here.
Some banks wrap their own coins.
At least you can get coins Joey. Once in a while a bank will give me 3-5 rolls, but these are very very thin on collectable coins.
...but these are very very thin on collectable coins.
Yep, sorry! This explains why on Ebay, how quarter bank boxes are going for 2-3 times face. Lol. Yep, it's true. Along with other denominations in bank boxes. I would NEVER pay those prices.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.
@CoinscratchFever said: @rec78 What area are you in? Sounds like one that requires a vaccine status card! And what good will brand new quarters direct from the fed be?
I am in NE Pa. No state vaccine mandates here yet
Some good errors on 2021 quarters. I have never got a total uncirculated box of quarters in my life. Pennies once in 2007. They usually are circulated. Halves I am fortunate to get -two boxes per week but only at one branch of one bank. So far all circulated boxes.
@rec78 Thats a nice area and actually some banks here in Southeast Texas are also limiting change. I think it depends on which bank and if local or not. And actually some of the same banks can vary depending on location or personnel on any given day.
Interesting, so I looked at the price guide and didn’t see that PCGS has any errors to date for the 2021 but I suppose it takes time for them to be acknowledged and:or realized.
When you get a chance show us some of what we should be looking for in the 2021 quarters.
Some cool errors there Joey. I have searched a lot of quarters from Mar-Aug. and I did not find one of those double pump handle coins even though I was looking for them.
@CoinscratchFever said: @rec78 Thats a nice area and actually some banks here in Southeast Texas are also limiting change. I think it depends on which bank and if local or not. And actually some of the same banks can vary depending on location or personnel on any given day.
Interesting, so I looked at the price guide and didn’t see that PCGS has any errors to date for the 2021 but I suppose it takes time for them to be acknowledged and:or realized.
When you get a chance show us some of what we should be looking for in the 2021 quarters.
@rec78 Wow. that's cool. I should list all of the weird finds I have saved. I may come here first just to get them IDed but I have several with like the edge flapping over and die cracks etc.
Very nice finds @rec78
EDIT: Alot are solid like the earlier Canadian coins are 100% nickel
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Some are clad- Panama for instance and Liberia. The US struck coins for both these countries in that time period.. No, not an incorrect alloy mix. It could just be thinner stock or made incorrectly. But why so many of them? I'm sure that I will find more in the same weigh range. I think that the mint just ran out of the correct stock and used what was available that was close. JMHO. However, these have little or no premium at this time. I will keep them anyways.
All the ones that I have found are 1972-P's.
Question guys. You CRH some serious quantities. Where do you return them all so that you don't get the same coins back for your next hunt?
Just hope you don't get the same ones back.
But honestly, I return my coins to my branch's coin counter so most likely, it'll get delivered to some central 'hub' where it'll be rolled up again and sent to a branch that orders them. It could also be sent to a third party like Loomis where it could be sent across the country. I believe the probability of the same coins to end up back where you got them is extremely low but it could be a possibility.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
I buy rolls at the bank in town (city) then turn them in to banks outside of my town (city). I always indiscriminately mark my rolls with a Sharpie marker just in case I get some back (as banks in my area do purchase rolls as needed from other banks in said area) I won't research them. IF by chance I have accumulated a bunch of Kennedy halves I like to piss off the drive-thru guy by paying for my beer with them!!!!!!!!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
You guys make a lot of cents... uh sense. I like the sharpie idea. Did you ever get a sharpie roll back?
.> @Kliao said:
I use four different banks with lots of branches. I only get coins from two banks (they order them and get them from the federal reserve) and return them to different banks and different branches.. I try to return them to different branches each week and not to overload them and go to each branch like once a month. With the coin shortage going on some banks are thankful when you bring them quarters, but not so much half dollars. My one bank has a sign in the lobby "Quarters wanted" The clerk said that they cannot get any coins at all right now. Man were they happy when I brought in only $330 in quarters. If you can get your bank to order coins for you from the federal reserve, you wount get the same ones next week.
In most banks you need an account to order coins, so just start and account and put in the minimum amount needed to avoid fees. In most banks the minimum amount is like $300 or even less to avoid fees. I am looking into starting a fifth bank, you can never have too many resources-the more banks the better the chances.
I take mine to CoinStar because it’s more convenient. I pay 11.9 % but I don’t lose any banks to a drop bank, don’t have to re-roll them, or carry 12 boxes at a time.
Shopping cart
Only one time (so far)
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Not a bad record.
the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats.
Jonny just shoveled an elderly neighbor's walk. She writes him a check from her bank.

Jonny slips and slides to the bank matching the logo on the note.
Corporate Law is to demand 7 DOLLARS or else...
And there is no Santa Clause , GO HOME !
If the elderly neighbor had paid cash then Jonny wouldn’t have needed to slip and slide all the way to the bank or even need to pay corporates extortionist share. They both pass go!
Just a few customer penny rolls I've had sitting around resulted in a handful of ok wheaties...but I am seriously loving some of my more modern 100% natural toner finds. Good modern natural toning is just so rare.
This one and it's gorgeous warm perimeter toning really pleases me...I find it so soothing in hand
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Hey, hey!
Hi guys, yes with only 2 quarter rolls to search, look what I hunted down!
2020 W V75 Salt River Bay

Rough condition but still a "W".
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.@joeykoins.... Congratulations on #69..... Cheers, RickO
Congratulations Joey. I’m still sitting at zero. 😂
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Nice find there Joey. It is clear to see that they are starting to wear and get scratched up. The last $400 I searched through I did not find a single keeper. I could only get 3 or 5 rolls per bank and a lot of them were customer wrapped and short a few coins. I can't wait until I can order quarters again from the federal reserve. Right now I can only get 1/2 dollar and small dollar coins.
Brutal oh yes lol. But I'm enjoying it.
Taped or glued in the past maybe?
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu It reminds me of some I found a while back. I’m assuming very high humidity but there must have been another element involved.
@Kurisu ... It does look like some glue residue.... Should come right off with acetone - and that will not hurt the copper. Cheers, RickO
Too late...it got deposited at the credit union this morning for someone else to find

But I do enjoy your tips on getting rid of toning of ALL types lol
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
@Kurisu.... Actually, acetone will not remove tarnish... just organics. Cheers, RickO
This weeks half dollar finds ($1000 searched) One 90% a 1964 Kennedy,
Three 40 % -2 1968-D's and one 1969-D. Only 2 NIFC's a 2013-D and 2018-P. And another 1972 light weight Kennedy at 10.43 grams. The NIFC's are Kinda lightly beat-up-ish and I will put them back. It does seem strange to get more silvers then NIFC's. No complaints, I will take silver over NIFC any day. Also a clad proof 1976-S.

But it will remove that new car finish. I guess the tarnish is embedded then.
@CoinscratchFever... Tarnish is a molecular bonding of the base metal with a contaminant. Acetone only removes organic substances that have become deposited on the surface. Tarnish becomes part of the surface. And yes, if one were to put acetone on their new car surface, it would get ugly. Cheers, RickO
Thanks for clarifying Sir. Here is an example of acetone stripping the glaze from the surface, notice the color change as well.
This was back when I was still sending in spotted coins.
The photos don't really show just how dramatic the change was. Believe me it was like night and day.
It went from cherry red to faded pink. I thought the acetone would remove the spots
Pay no attention to the spots
This coin was put in a zip lock containing extra virgin olive oil. (few drops) for 2 weeks or so.
Notice the reaction. It's bleeding green. (Eagle's Fan, LOL)
I'm going to open this soon, rinse it off (no rubbing of any kind I should add} with a 5% dish soap dunk.
I was going on the thought sealed with no oxygen.
What would happen. Research a stretch ? Or not ?
At room temp..
At my bank this morning and saw this!

Looks Silver, no?
I shall see?
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Not much but four wheaties in a few bank rolls and this JFK counterstamp for fun.
I have found a few of those and it’s always a neat surprise.
@joeykoins should’ve went for the crusty old nickel looks like a war nickel.
I finally found some good home rolled and mostly copper cents. It was nice to see you some good clean piggy bank coins rather than the usual trashed out parking lot zincs
However, it was short-lived nothing better than 67 on the zincs and 65 for the coppers. Murphy winks, close but no cigar!
Not much for this weeks halves- 4 NIFC's - nothing else.
Three of which are 2020-P's.
Small dollars:
2 proof presidential dollars
1 proof 1981 SBA's and a 1981-S NIFC regular issue
2 1979-near date or wide rim SBA's
Not even worth reporting these finds. I have discontinued the dollar orders. Starting next week I will only have $1000.00 in half dollars to search.
200 chances tonight!
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Good luck @joeykoins
I have a few chances as well.
Yep, not one find. 200 skunks.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Joey on the 5:00 news:
Man enters bank wielding a skunk demands teller give quarters from back of vault. Last seen leaving bank with untold rolls of quarters.
Authorities are looking for a cackling middle aged smelly Caucasian. Possible coin collector.
New Set of 200
Yes, the last 200, from Loomis. We're pretty bad. Maybe, these from the Fed. and 1 customer wrapped will result in a better outcome? Different bank this time. Something tells me, it WILL! We shall see tonight.

Thanks guys
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.NOPE, Nothing!
was skunked again. Oh well?

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.The notorious coin collector spotted again today! Seen running down Main Street jumping and laughing bag o quarters in one hand and a skunk in the other.
Warning: He’s considered armed and smelly
I haven't found anything in quarters for at least the last $470 that I got at banks. Both customer wrapped and bank wrapped. We need to obtain boxes direct from the federal reserve. However, still cannot order any. I can get half dollars at one bank and dollar coins at another- but no other denominations. The dollar coins are not to fruitful however. Once the fed decides to deliver coins in my area, I think the finds will get better. Some banks that whined earlier when I brought coins in, are now begging for coins in any denomination. One bank even has a big sign reading "WE NEED Quarters". I think that the only coins available in my area are recycles from the community around here.
Some banks wrap their own coins.
At least you can get coins Joey. Once in a while a bank will give me 3-5 rolls, but these are very very thin on collectable coins.
@rec78 What area are you in? Sounds like one that requires a vaccine status card! And what good will brand new quarters direct from the fed be?
...but these are very very thin on collectable coins.
Yep, sorry! This explains why on Ebay, how quarter bank boxes are going for 2-3 times face. Lol. Yep, it's true. Along with other denominations in bank boxes. I would NEVER pay those prices.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I am in NE Pa. No state vaccine mandates here yet
Some good errors on 2021 quarters. I have never got a total uncirculated box of quarters in my life. Pennies once in 2007. They usually are circulated. Halves I am fortunate to get -two boxes per week but only at one branch of one bank. So far all circulated boxes.
@rec78 Thats a nice area and actually some banks here in Southeast Texas are also limiting change. I think it depends on which bank and if local or not. And actually some of the same banks can vary depending on location or personnel on any given day.
Interesting, so I looked at the price guide and didn’t see that PCGS has any errors to date for the 2021 but I suppose it takes time for them to be acknowledged and:or realized.
When you get a chance show us some of what we should be looking for in the 2021 quarters.
5 previous findings
from last few weeks CRHunted rolls.
2000 Wide AM
Extra Thumb
1972d Huge Die Crack/Liberty Doubled?
Lamination Fold Over
Just Love the Colors!
2015p Doubled Pump Handle
Nothing huge, just cool finds.
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.Some cool errors there Joey. I have searched a lot of quarters from Mar-Aug. and I did not find one of those double pump handle coins even though I was looking for them.
You never hear of this error? https://ebay.com/itm/294595159499?hash=item44973d65cb%3Ag%3A1R0AAOSw5zVhptx8&nma=true&si=VA6DXGPYjZcqHnoIaKtU3bMq6YY%253D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
or this one?
These bring over $100 each. I would like to search a box of 2021 quarters. You only need one to find one to make a good profit.
@rec78 Wow. that's cool. I should list all of the weird finds I have saved. I may come here first just to get them IDed but I have several with like the edge flapping over and die cracks etc.