@MsMorrisine said:
repos involve no money creation nor destruction. they are collateralized loans that get paid back quickly.
It's the hundreds of billions of dollars in repo market bailouts from the FED that are the problem. The sudden need for these bailouts point to a much bigger structural problem that should have even Baley's attention.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
FED is increasing it's balance sheet by providing hundreds of billions in low interest loans to the banks. Banks are being bailed out from higher interest rates that are being set by the market. Price discovery is now completely in the hands of the bankers.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@derryb said:
FED is increasing it's balance sheet by providing hundreds of billions in low interest loans to the banks.
repos do not increase nor decrease the balance sheet. they are collateralized loans that are paid back in an extremely short time frame, typically the next day.
"Perhaps during Fed Chair Powell's next Congressional hearings, someone actually has the guts to ask the only question that matters: why is the Fed now monetizing US debt, and pretending it isn't doing so just because it grants Dealers a 3-day "holding" period, for which it then rewards them generously?"
@jmski52 said:
Nobody's ever really explained why the banks can't be responsible for managing their own cashflow, and why they need overnight funding from gov.com
Why should they get this preferential treatment instead of facing the consequences of their own mismanagement, like every other business?
Because our central bank is not the government. It is owned by all the banks getting the preferential treatment.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
MMT is the smoke screen being used by the banking system to methodically purchase real assets by a small, tightly-knit privately-owned cartel using imaginary money. Purely corrupt.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Boat story, and the way I learned about Texas business practices:
I moved to Texas in '69, later built a house out by the lake, and bought a board boat with my business partner. He lost interest, and I bought him out. I lost interest, and advertised the boat and the trailer in the local paper (we did such things back then) for sale for $1000.
A guy answered the ad, and pulled up in his big ol' pickup.
"That the boat 'n trailer?"
"You wanted $1000, right?"
"Yep" (I was learning the jargon)
He pulled out a wad of bills, peeled off a thousand dollars, and handed it over. He then hooked up the trailer to the back of his truck, and moved to drive off.
Me: "Don't you want a receipt?"
Him: "Whufo?"
Me: "Well, you want proof you paid for it, don't you?"
Him: "I paid for it, didn't I?"
Me: "Yessir."
Him: "Well, if you say different, I'll come back around and shoot you."
Getting closer. Just like all those "conspiracy theories" about silver prices being manipulated that have been proven to be true. Unless one believes the DOJ website to be "heresay." LOL
Getting closer. Just like all those "conspiracy theories" about silver prices being manipulated that have been proven to be true. Unless one believes the DOJ website to be "heresay." LOL
Getting closer. Just like all those "conspiracy theories" about silver prices being manipulated that have been proven to be true. Unless one believes the DOJ website to be "heresay." LOL
Please provide a document that shows JPM, itself, owns these huge amounts of silver that you claim. And, please provide a document that shows the DOJ ordering JPM to sell 30 million ounces.
Thats all we want. Shouldnt be too hard for your "forensic accounting" buddies.
Wait it out. Just like you had to wait for proof that silver prices are manipulated on the comex. All those years of crying "conspiracy theory." I'll let time discredit you, once again.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
"Criticisms abound and revolve around the same points. The economy is weaker than people believe. Asset prices are disconnected from economic reality. The markets are manipulated. Many blame the Fed. The idea is that stocks have become untethered from reality because central banks have hijacked the capital markets."
Wait it out. Just like you had to wait for proof that silver prices are manipulated on the comex. All those years of crying "conspiracy theory." I'll let time discredit you, once again.
We are still waiting on some real manipulation news...not this insignificant and inconsequential spoofing stuff.
We want to see proof of silver being held back in price by $10 or
$20 as you so clained a decade ago. Or that it was manipulated downward by several dollars a day.
This 10c here and 15c there nonse is really just noise.
"A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into."
This is an old joke that I heard from a boat owner many years.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Yeah....it can never compare to staring into this thinking, "Wow, my life is so exciting" HAHAHA
Save your money, a boat ain't gonna help. You'll just blame someone else when its time to take the loss. LOL
You really should try to direct your forum efforts to forum topics. While I felt special at first, your fixation on those that post has become just plain creepy.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Yeah....it can never compare to staring into this thinking, "Wow, my life is so exciting" HAHAHA
Save your money, a boat ain't gonna help. You'll just blame someone else when its time to take the loss. LOL
You really should try to direct your forum efforts to forum topics. While I felt special at first, your fixation on those that post has become just plain creepy.
You are special derryb. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
My post was directly on topic as I stated I cant wait to sell my stack of silver to buy a boat.
The only topic you know is conspiracy and manipulation theory. Anyone who disagrees with you is a fool, idiot, troll, clown, ect. There is so much wonder all about, yet you dwell in doom and darkness.
Yeah....it can never compare to staring into this thinking, "Wow, my life is so exciting" HAHAHA
Save your money, a boat ain't gonna help. You'll just blame someone else when its time to take the loss. LOL
You really should try to direct your forum efforts to forum topics. While I felt special at first, your fixation on those that post has become just plain creepy.
You are special derryb. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
My post was directly on topic as I stated I cant wait to sell my stack of silver to buy a boat.
Well at least one post was on topic. Baby steps.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I come to this place to get away from movies, TV, videos, cartoons, fairy tales conspiracy theories etc, I expect to get a bit of the latter but @derryb makes sure I get all the above.
What a jacked up world we live in. The DOJ told JPM to sell their silver hoard so they decided to join the FED pumping MMT machine. I'm more confused then I would be if someone just smacked me over the head with a 1,000 oz comex bar. Does JPM own silver, is JPM pro-FED/anti-silver, is the comex imploding, why the hell has silver been $18 for the past 10 years etc.? All these conspiracies and the price of silver remains the same. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
We have a well known whistleblower claiming DOJ told JPM to sell SOME of its silver hoard as part of a price manipulation enforcement action.
We have a JPM senior executive saying "that there is a lack of desire to acknowledge the fact that market valuations are entirely fabricated - or synthetically generated - by all the central bank liquidity and do not reflect fundamentals of the securities that they represent." This may very will indicate a break between JPM and the FED.
JPM owns tens of millions of ounces of silver and is pro FED. It's very large underground NY vault is actually connected to the Federal Reserve across the street via underground tunnel.
It is the opinion of many silver experts (whom I agree with) that the fast rising demand for physical silver will overtake the shorting/manipulation of contract prices. Bullion banks are significantly reducing their COMEX exposure. One of the largest players, ScotiaMocatta's Mocatta Bullion has left the building.
Silver price did not remain the same for the past 10 years. At one point it was near $50. It provided numerous buy and sell opportunities. Sorry you slept through them. This might qualify for a tax write-off
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
We have a well known whistleblower claiming DOJ told JPM to sell SOME of its silver hoard as part of a price manipulation enforcement action.
We have a JPM senior executive saying "that there is a lack of desire to acknowledge the fact that market valuations are entirely fabricated - or synthetically generated - by all the central bank liquidity and do not reflect fundamentals of the securities that they represent." This may very will indicate a break between JPM and the FED.
JPM owns tens of millions of ounces of silver and is pro FED. It's very large underground NY vault is actually connected to the Federal Reserve across the street via underground tunnel.
It is the opinion of many silver experts (whom I agree with) that the fast rising demand for physical silver will overtake the shorting/manipulation of contract prices. Bullion banks are significantly reducing their COMEX exposure. One of the largest players, ScotiaMocatta's Mocatta Bullion has left the building.
Silver price did not remain the same for the past 10 years. At one point it was near $50. It provided numerous buy and sell opportunities. Sorry you slept through them. This might qualify for a tax write-off
The conviction of your confirmation bias is strong and unfettered and supported by your profound lack of knowledge of market operations.
We do, however, pray for your vindication.
Or...Please explain how JPM it is JPM doing the "naked shorting* rather than a miner selliing furure production?
And what is the incentive to JPM to keep prices low if they have such a "massive stockpile"?
We have a well known whistleblower claiming DOJ told JPM to sell SOME of its silver hoard as part of a price manipulation enforcement action.
We have a JPM senior executive saying "that there is a lack of desire to acknowledge the fact that market valuations are entirely fabricated - or synthetically generated - by all the central bank liquidity and do not reflect fundamentals of the securities that they represent." This may very will indicate a break between JPM and the FED.
JPM owns tens of millions of ounces of silver and is pro FED. It's very large underground NY vault is actually connected to the Federal Reserve across the street via underground tunnel.
It is the opinion of many silver experts (whom I agree with) that the fast rising demand for physical silver will overtake the shorting/manipulation of contract prices. Bullion banks are significantly reducing their COMEX exposure. One of the largest players, ScotiaMocatta's Mocatta Bullion has left the building.
Silver price did not remain the same for the past 10 years. At one point it was near $50. It provided numerous buy and sell opportunities. Sorry you slept through them. This might qualify for a tax write-off
The conviction of your confirmation bias is strong and unfettered and supported by your profound lack of knowledge of market operations.
Or...Please explain how JPM it is JPM doing the "naked shorting* rather than a miner selliing furure production?
OK, no problem. While none of the above accuses JPM of naked shorting three of JPM's metal traders, a managing director and two executive directors, have been charged by federal prosecutors with criminal activity: "Unsealed on Monday morning (Sept. 16, 2019), the indictment alleges that from May 2008 to August 2016 the defendants along with co-conspirators, engaged in widespread spoofing, market manipulation and fraud while working on the precious metals desk at J.P. Morgan."
Of note in the same article is the revelation that, after many years of claiming it's investigations resulted in "no evidence" of metals market manipulation, CFTC regulators suddenly (and only after DOJ criminal charges were announced) revealed that it has filed civil charges against the same three JPM directors/traders. LOL
And what is the incentive to JPM to keep prices low if they have such a "massive stockpile"?
Duh, so they COULD compile a massive stockpile at cheap prices. And one must wonder WHY JPM would build a massive stockpile. JPM does not stockpile anything unless it knows it is undervalued and that it will result in massive profits. When they are ready to cash in they will be counting on these same "market manipulation" tricks to drive the price up. What's a few billion more in fines to profit 10 or even 100 times the fine? After all, as of Feb. 2018 JPM has paid a staggering $44 Billion in fines for a number criminal activity violations yet it continues to thumb its nose at market regulators. Only until a person(s) sees jail time will this "unwritten agreement" of "fines only" between big banks and regulators come to an end. It's almost as if regulators have a revolving door of siphoning off a small portion of big bank profits (a new conspiracy theory?). Sorta like a protection racket. LOL
We do, however, pray for your vindication.
Is metals market price manipulation just a conspiracy theory? No. you have been proven incorrect. So, now that we know the FACTS, and I have in fact been as you say "vindicated" (your prayers have been answered), we can put this metals price manipulation conspiracy theory debate to bed once and for all. Your continuing denial of something that has been proven over and over to be true only serves to detract from your credibility. Just admit it, you were wrong, and move on.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You wrote a lot, but still havent provided evidence that JPM owns even 1 ounce of silver and that they manipulated the price from $4 to $50 and back to $14.
JPM making its move to higher physical prices? Rising spot prices say they are as they move to long positions with their futures contracts.
"While short selling these COMEX futures, they were able to amass huge stockpiles of gold and silver at bargain-bin prices. They now hold an estimated 25 Million ounces of gold and around 1 Billion ounces of silver."
"By giving up this 740,000 oz of physical gold, JPM automatically closed out their entire short position in one week, managing to maintain around 25 Million ounces or more to spare. In the silver market, much the same thing happened but for different reasons. In the end, JPM was able to effectively close out their short positions in silver. This happened because large silver traders saw what was happening in the gold market and rushed to move around their silver positions before it happened in that market. The result was that JPM was able to double dip and take a long position in silver as well."
"Paper COMEX gold and silver futures have mostly all gone long so there is little interest in further selling. Also, there is a huge shortage of physical gold and silver in the world right now, coupled with an enormous investment demand. JPM seems to have entered the final stages of its grand plan and is ready to drop the hammer on those who got caught short at the end."
Yes blitzboy, COMEX is closer to imploding.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
It's the hundreds of billions of dollars in repo market bailouts from the FED that are the problem. The sudden need for these bailouts point to a much bigger structural problem that should have even Baley's attention.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Bailouts? Thats ill-defined. Can you please qualify your comment?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
FED is increasing it's balance sheet by providing hundreds of billions in low interest loans to the banks. Banks are being bailed out from higher interest rates that are being set by the market. Price discovery is now completely in the hands of the bankers.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Thats not how it really is, but suppise it is, then where is the panic and "repocalypse"? Isnt what you wrote an orderly process?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
repos do not increase nor decrease the balance sheet. they are collateralized loans that are paid back in an extremely short time frame, typically the next day.
throwing 100's of billions of dollars at a banking problem, whether done in an orderly fashion or not, is nothing short of a panic.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Butter and beans, I hope all of yous stocked up. Overnight loans, the end is near. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
da cabinets are full.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Apparently so are the banks.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Not the FED's first dance, but it is the biggest:
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Helicopter money (the Magic Money Tree) is here
"Perhaps during Fed Chair Powell's next Congressional hearings, someone actually has the guts to ask the only question that matters: why is the Fed now monetizing US debt, and pretending it isn't doing so just because it grants Dealers a 3-day "holding" period, for which it then rewards them generously?"
After a half trillion in "not QE" the banks should be plenty full, unless of course they already gambled it away.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Nobody's ever really explained why the banks can't be responsible for managing their own cashflow, and why they need overnight funding from gov.com
Why should they get this preferential treatment instead of facing the consequences of their own mismanagement, like every other business?
I knew it would happen.
Because our central bank is not the government. It is owned by all the banks getting the preferential treatment.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
you overslept.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
MMT is the new QE.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
MMT is the smoke screen being used by the banking system to methodically purchase real assets by a small, tightly-knit privately-owned cartel using imaginary money. Purely corrupt.
I knew it would happen.
Sure is helping those "other" asset classes. Sure hope this "insurance" pays off. Baby needs a new boat.
Smoother than Baley's bourbon. Sexy!!
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
A boat? Great investment. LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Boat story, and the way I learned about Texas business practices:
I moved to Texas in '69, later built a house out by the lake, and bought a board boat with my business partner. He lost interest, and I bought him out. I lost interest, and advertised the boat and the trailer in the local paper (we did such things back then) for sale for $1000.
A guy answered the ad, and pulled up in his big ol' pickup.
"That the boat 'n trailer?"
"You wanted $1000, right?"
"Yep" (I was learning the jargon)
He pulled out a wad of bills, peeled off a thousand dollars, and handed it over. He then hooked up the trailer to the back of his truck, and moved to drive off.
Me: "Don't you want a receipt?"
Him: "Whufo?"
Me: "Well, you want proof you paid for it, don't you?"
Him: "I paid for it, didn't I?"
Me: "Yessir."
Him: "Well, if you say different, I'll come back around and shoot you."
Me: "OK"
Lesson learned.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
MMT? Sounds like one of those millennial acronyms. Guess I should ask.....Has the comex imploded yet? lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
@dpoole - great story, frontier justice. Oklahoma is pretty much the same way. Maybe there's still hope.
I knew it would happen.
Getting closer. Just like all those "conspiracy theories" about silver prices being manipulated that have been proven to be true. Unless one believes the DOJ website to be "heresay." LOL
Alasdair Macleod says "Probably by year end."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Gotta keep up with the big-time trollers. 😘
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
1987?? 33 years now you've been praying for the comex to implode? lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Please provide a document that shows JPM, itself, owns these huge amounts of silver that you claim. And, please provide a document that shows the DOJ ordering JPM to sell 30 million ounces.
Thats all we want. Shouldnt be too hard for your "forensic accounting" buddies.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
gimmee, gimmee, gimmee
Wait it out. Just like you had to wait for proof that silver prices are manipulated on the comex. All those years of crying "conspiracy theory." I'll let time discredit you, once again.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Boy, whoever wrote the title to this thread back in Sept. sure nailed it.
Calibrating the craziness.
"Criticisms abound and revolve around the same points. The economy is weaker than people believe. Asset prices are disconnected from economic reality. The markets are manipulated. Many blame the Fed. The idea is that stocks have become untethered from reality because central banks have hijacked the capital markets."
How's this for solid "fundamentals": Tesla's Share Of The Global Auto Market Is 0.8% But Its Market Cap Is 3x The Entire S&P Autos Sector
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
We are still waiting on some real manipulation news...not this insignificant and inconsequential spoofing stuff.
We want to see proof of silver being held back in price by $10 or
$20 as you so clained a decade ago. Or that it was manipulated downward by several dollars a day.
This 10c here and 15c there nonse is really just noise.
I really want that boat....go silver go!!!
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
gimmee, gimmee, gimmee
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The burden of proof is on the one making wild hyperbolic claims, not the ones who question the claims
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Prove it. lol
Proof is in the pudding.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The two best days in the life of a boat owner:
The day you buy it.
And the day you sell it.
"A boat is a hole in the water that you pour money into."
This is an old joke that I heard from a boat owner many years.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Owning A Boat is Like Standing in a Cold Shower Tearing Up Dollar Bills
Yeah....it can never compare to staring into this thinking, "Wow, my life is so exciting" HAHAHA
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Save your money, a boat ain't gonna help. You'll just blame someone else when its time to take the loss. LOL
You really should try to direct your forum efforts to forum topics. While I felt special at first, your fixation on those that post has become just plain creepy.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You are special derryb. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.
My post was directly on topic as I stated I cant wait to sell my stack of silver to buy a boat.
The only topic you know is conspiracy and manipulation theory. Anyone who disagrees with you is a fool, idiot, troll, clown, ect. There is so much wonder all about, yet you dwell in doom and darkness.
Get a life dude. Live a little.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Well at least one post was on topic. Baby steps.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
JPM joins the 'FED pumping' conspiracy theory.
"We can now add JPMorgan to the list of those who now publicly acknowledges what was obvious to everyone back in 2009."
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I come to this place to get away from movies, TV, videos, cartoons, fairy tales conspiracy theories etc, I expect to get a bit of the latter but @derryb makes sure I get all the above.
What a jacked up world we live in. The DOJ told JPM to sell their silver hoard so they decided to join the FED pumping MMT machine. I'm more confused then I would be if someone just smacked me over the head with a 1,000 oz comex bar. Does JPM own silver, is JPM pro-FED/anti-silver, is the comex imploding, why the hell has silver been $18 for the past 10 years etc.? All these conspiracies and the price of silver remains the same. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Well, let's bring you up to speed.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Life of a stacker:

The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
You do look confused. Worry not, you'll figure it out.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
The conviction of your confirmation bias is strong and unfettered and supported by your profound lack of knowledge of market operations.
We do, however, pray for your vindication.
Or...Please explain how JPM it is JPM doing the "naked shorting* rather than a miner selliing furure production?
And what is the incentive to JPM to keep prices low if they have such a "massive stockpile"?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
OK, no problem. While none of the above accuses JPM of naked shorting three of JPM's metal traders, a managing director and two executive directors, have been charged by federal prosecutors with criminal activity: "Unsealed on Monday morning (Sept. 16, 2019), the indictment alleges that from May 2008 to August 2016 the defendants along with co-conspirators, engaged in widespread spoofing, market manipulation and fraud while working on the precious metals desk at J.P. Morgan."
Of note in the same article is the revelation that, after many years of claiming it's investigations resulted in "no evidence" of metals market manipulation, CFTC regulators suddenly (and only after DOJ criminal charges were announced) revealed that it has filed civil charges against the same three JPM directors/traders. LOL
Also note that in June of 2019 DOJ settled a similar case against Merrill Lynch.
Duh, so they COULD compile a massive stockpile at cheap prices. And one must wonder WHY JPM would build a massive stockpile. JPM does not stockpile anything unless it knows it is undervalued and that it will result in massive profits. When they are ready to cash in they will be counting on these same "market manipulation" tricks to drive the price up. What's a few billion more in fines to profit 10 or even 100 times the fine? After all, as of Feb. 2018 JPM has paid a staggering $44 Billion in fines for a number criminal activity violations yet it continues to thumb its nose at market regulators. Only until a person(s) sees jail time will this "unwritten agreement" of "fines only" between big banks and regulators come to an end. It's almost as if regulators have a revolving door of siphoning off a small portion of big bank profits (a new conspiracy theory?). Sorta like a protection racket. LOL
Is metals market price manipulation just a conspiracy theory? No. you have been proven incorrect. So, now that we know the FACTS, and I have in fact been as you say "vindicated" (your prayers have been answered), we can put this metals price manipulation conspiracy theory debate to bed once and for all. Your continuing denial of something that has been proven over and over to be true only serves to detract from your credibility. Just admit it, you were wrong, and move on.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You wrote a lot, but still havent provided evidence that JPM owns even 1 ounce of silver and that they manipulated the price from $4 to $50 and back to $14.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
JP Morgan Now Bullish On Silver With 1 Billion Ounces and Gold With 25 Million Ounces
JPM making its move to higher physical prices? Rising spot prices say they are as they move to long positions with their futures contracts.
"While short selling these COMEX futures, they were able to amass huge stockpiles of gold and silver at bargain-bin prices. They now hold an estimated 25 Million ounces of gold and around 1 Billion ounces of silver."
"By giving up this 740,000 oz of physical gold, JPM automatically closed out their entire short position in one week, managing to maintain around 25 Million ounces or more to spare. In the silver market, much the same thing happened but for different reasons. In the end, JPM was able to effectively close out their short positions in silver. This happened because large silver traders saw what was happening in the gold market and rushed to move around their silver positions before it happened in that market. The result was that JPM was able to double dip and take a long position in silver as well."
"Paper COMEX gold and silver futures have mostly all gone long so there is little interest in further selling. Also, there is a huge shortage of physical gold and silver in the world right now, coupled with an enormous investment demand. JPM seems to have entered the final stages of its grand plan and is ready to drop the hammer on those who got caught short at the end."
Yes blitzboy, COMEX is closer to imploding.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.