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Urban Meyer on paid leave ?



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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    D Day for Meyer.
    The clock is on his side...but I still think that he gets canned.

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    BrickBrick Posts: 4,955 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Let the punishment fit the crime. How about a three million dollar fine with the fine donated to women's shelters around the country. No increase in salary to Meyer and no contract extension until he is in the final year. Any evidence that OSU or boosters are helping with the fine and charges were found to be true he is gone.

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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I saw some clown talking about this on tv and he kept saying "the Ohio State Community " :D

    I have relatives in Nebraska , they are always babbling about college football , I guess if there is no nearby NFL team that is the sad state you are reduced to. I'd say you guys hate those buffaloes but doesn't bother you that because there is a for real football team in Colorado no one there cares about you clowns? They are your arch enemies but to them you are a bunch of nobodies :D

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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Remember the investigation about Ray Rice. It didn't find the video

    first, an old saying --- I don't condone domestic violence but I know what turns Mr. Hand into Mr. Fist.

    I remember seeing quite a bit of Ray Rice video and what they tended to show was what happened in the elevator. it was disturbing to say the least --- BUT --- I also remember the video of what took place as they approached the elevator. it makes me wonder what happened when they were in their room or somewhere else in the hotel where there was no camera. as I said, I don't condone domestic violence but that has to work both ways.

    I don't put my hands on other people as a general rule because it's just inappropriate, that means men and women. however, I will defend myself, and that means against men and women. I was always taught that respect has to be earned and that is true to a point, so if women want to be respected and treated the way they should be, shouldn't they act accordingly?? I will say, there have been more than a few times I have told women that "if you were a man I'd smack you right in the mouth."

    to watch Ray Rice's wife/GF smacking him outside the elevator(at least that's what I recall seeing) made me think he held off till he was out of sight in the elevator. OOPS!! :D

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    JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Coinstartled said:
    D Day for Meyer.
    The clock is on his side...but I still think that he gets canned.

    Looks like the decision will come Tuesday at the earliest. Probably Weds


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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @keets said:
    Remember the investigation about Ray Rice. It didn't find the video

    first, an old saying --- I don't condone domestic violence but I know what turns Mr. Hand into Mr. Fist.

    I remember seeing quite a bit of Ray Rice video and what they tended to show was what happened in the elevator. it was disturbing to say the least --- BUT --- I also remember the video of what took place as they approached the elevator. it makes me wonder what happened when they were in their room or somewhere else in the hotel where there was no camera. as I said, I don't condone domestic violence but that has to work both ways.

    I don't put my hands on other people as a general rule because it's just inappropriate, that means men and women. however, I will defend myself, and that means against men and women. I was always taught that respect has to be earned and that is true to a point, so if women want to be respected and treated the way they should be, shouldn't they act accordingly?? I will say, there have been more than a few times I have told women that "if you were a man I'd smack you right in the mouth."

    to watch Ray Rice's wife/GF smacking him outside the elevator(at least that's what I recall seeing) made me think he held off till he was out of sight in the elevator. OOPS!! :D

    Both videos were seen by the NFL though . Why did they release the outside the elevator video? So they could spin the PR angle to basically blame her and justify their initial response. Which was a whitewash by the NFL's 40 million dollar man Goodell. Rice supposedly disclosed everything that took place to the friggin NFL The NFL covered it up not Ray Rice . The elevator video was hidden from the public . The NFL never mentioned it and gave him a light suspension as though the events in the elevator hadn't happened or they didn't know what happened. But they saw it and knew and only decided to deal harshly with him when the public saw the second video. They even pretended at first they didn't know about the elevator video and were called out on it .

    You can't decide in advance when an investigation will end unless its a sham. Its ridiculous , no investigation could ever work that way unless it was fake. OJ stabs two people to death , do the police say we only are going to investigate for a week , we can't afford the overtime guys ? No they follow up every lead until they think they have it solved.

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    1951WheatiesPremium1951WheatiesPremium Posts: 6,291 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @bronco2078 said:

    @keets said:
    Remember the investigation about Ray Rice. It didn't find the video

    first, an old saying --- I don't condone domestic violence but I know what turns Mr. Hand into Mr. Fist.

    I remember seeing quite a bit of Ray Rice video and what they tended to show was what happened in the elevator. it was disturbing to say the least --- BUT --- I also remember the video of what took place as they approached the elevator. it makes me wonder what happened when they were in their room or somewhere else in the hotel where there was no camera. as I said, I don't condone domestic violence but that has to work both ways.

    I don't put my hands on other people as a general rule because it's just inappropriate, that means men and women. however, I will defend myself, and that means against men and women. I was always taught that respect has to be earned and that is true to a point, so if women want to be respected and treated the way they should be, shouldn't they act accordingly?? I will say, there have been more than a few times I have told women that "if you were a man I'd smack you right in the mouth."

    to watch Ray Rice's wife/GF smacking him outside the elevator(at least that's what I recall seeing) made me think he held off till he was out of sight in the elevator. OOPS!! :D

    Both videos were seen by the NFL though . Why did they release the outside the elevator video? So they could spin the PR angle to basically blame her and justify their initial response. Which was a whitewash by the NFL's 40 million dollar man Goodell. Rice supposedly disclosed everything that took place to the friggin NFL The NFL covered it up not Ray Rice . The elevator video was hidden from the public . The NFL never mentioned it and gave him a light suspension as though the events in the elevator hadn't happened or they didn't know what happened. But they saw it and knew and only decided to deal harshly with him when the public saw the second video. They even pretended at first they didn't know about the elevator video and were called out on it .

    You can't decide in advance when an investigation will end unless its a sham. Its ridiculous , no investigation could ever work that way unless it was fake. OJ stabs two people to death , do the police say we only are going to investigate for a week , we can't afford the overtime guys ? No they follow up every lead until they think they have it solved.

    Does anyone else see the extreme humor in using the LAPD and their investigation into Orenthal James Simpson as an example of a quality investigation?

    I mean, BOTH Ace Ventura and Inspector Clousseau ran tighter ships.

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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 19, 2018 1:22PM

    Bronco, I don't really see what all the rancor is over this "investigation" by OSU/NCAA. are you upset about the investigation or just have a hatred towards OSU and the NCAA?? or is it that you are given to conspiracy theories??

    what was there to investigate during this two week period?? this stuff has all been known, heck, it happened almost 10 years ago and was repeated around three years ago. I figure the two weeks has been to gather everything known, consider if there are any follow-up interviews needed and then discuss/debate what is appropriate. to me, sort of like making sure all the "I's" are dotted and all the "T's" are crossed before they issue a punishment.

    it isn't an easy case.

    when things were first revealed I was on the "Urban should go" side of things. as time has passed and more has come to light I have lost any opinion of what I think should happen to Urban Meyer and what actually happened with all the principals. OSU knew. Urban Meyer knew, denied he knew for Privacy reasons and then admitted he knew when the story broke. the reporting Police know/knew, but have withheld information for Privacy reasons. the Husband and Wife know everything but neither seems reliable or credible. the extended family hasn't helped. I am sure there will be a concise timeline of events revealed, who did/said what, when and where.

    the strange thing is this --- while espousing conspiracy theories about what OSU and the NCAA are doing, no matter what the ruling is there will be people on both sides who claim it was rigged.

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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I never felt one way or another until the Penn state thing . College football is a disgrace the whole concept of college football in 2018 is disgusting . I would like to see it completely destroyed as an institution . That is to say , banished from TV , merchandise gone, coaches paid like teacher scale salary . No scholarships , if you are there to get a degree and feel like playing then play. No more draft. Colleges can still have teams , divisions whatever but the stench of money should be cleansed from it .

    These NFL owners are rich, rich , rich!!! , they can afford a proper farm system and paid players on those teams. They can afford to buy their own filthy stadiums too.

    You think the murk surrounding this is reason to not fire Urban. I actually agree, I don't think technically he did anything , but to me the murk surrounding it is reason to destroy the entire system , tear it up by the roots and salt the earth so it can never spring back to life.

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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 19, 2018 3:35PM

    @1970s said:

    @bronco2078 said:

    . College football is a disgrace the whole concept of college football in 2018 is disgusting . I would like to see it completely destroyed as an institution . ......................................................................................................................

    2% of college football players go pro. And pro careers usually last no more then 3 years for
    over 80% of all NFL players. It is VERY WISE that these kids get a college education, as the large majority of them will need it.

    Follow your own chain of reasoning then.

    Are you suggesting 98% of scholarships for football don't lead to an NFL player?
    What sense does it even make for a college to offer a scholarship to a player ?
    How much money are we talking about here , and why is it okay that the idea of higher education has been this perverted and twisted away from actually educating people?

    2% if true? say there are 50 guys on a random 2018 roster 10 graduate so it takes 5 schools worth of graduates combined to produce 1 NFL player.

    This is a brilliant investment , millions in fantasy dollars of scholarship money every year to produce an NFL caliber player that some private corporation will benefit from somewhere else.

    Colleges all over the country footing the bill to develop players for the NFL .

    Now the colleges money comes from loans given to other students and backed by taxpayers .

    Everyone that goes to college or sends their kid to one gets to pay corporate welfare to the NFL

    Well that all checks out , we the tax payers pay for the stadiums , pay for the player development , and pay half our cable bills to support the TV money that rolls back to the NFL .


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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I never felt one way or another until the Penn state thing . College football is a disgrace

    I am jealous, I wish that post was mine because it says what is on my mind.

    my Stepson graduated from High School. academically he was very, very good and could probably have Wrestled or played Football for a D1 or D2 school as many of his friends did. instead, he chose a school about three hours from home and graduated this past spring with a Chemical Engineering Degree, a six year program due to internships. he works for a Solar Energy firm in the Toledo area, a Fortune 500 company.

    all six years were on scholarship.

    when he was applying to schools and making his decision I asked him why he had decided not to pursue Athletics, he really was that good. he told me that in order to compete and train properly he would have to restrict his studies too much or take a lesser degree, something Athletic/Sports or Business/Marketing related. before he took his job(while he was still in school) he knew he could work at a major chemical company and make a lot of money, but he wanted to do something more altruistic. his last two years focused on Solar, so he stuck with that.

    you are entirely correct about the number of student athletes who waste potential for the hope of NFL glory and a free ride to school. many have no choice because without their athletic ability they could never afford the education. there are far too many who sell themselves short. my own personal story is somewhat the same --- at an early age I was directed towards Sports, had some skill and rode that. now, at 63, I find myself limited physically so I can't do those things anymore. I wish that instead of that my parents would have turned me towards music. I never learned to play and regret that since I appreciate music as much as any pass-time in my life. if I had put in my 10k hours I could still indulge that today.

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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Chatter is a time served suspension. I may have to become a Michigan fan again.


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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Is any coach worth this type of distraction?

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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Apropos of nothing , I heard Urban told Bill to draft Jimmy G . So maybe he is worth it

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    JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2018 4:39PM

    @Coinstartled said:
    Is any coach worth this type of distraction?

    Geez, even their conference room is in the shape of a horse shoe


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    JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2018 6:10PM

    Press conference happening now. Meyer will be present so I’m pretty sure he ain’t getting fired.


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    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
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    JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2018 6:09PM

    Gets a three game suspension

    AD Smith gets a 17 day vacation from aug 31 to Sept 16. That’s weird


    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
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    sparky64sparky64 Posts: 7,031 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Justacommeman said:
    Gets a three game suspension


    You called that one correctly.

    Seems like a "no mans land" punishment.
    Why 3 games? Why not 2 or 4?

    "If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"

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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Another brick in the wall. To hell with all of them.

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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 22, 2018 6:31PM

    Another brick in the wall. To hell with all of them

    with no details revealed it is hard to make any comment that doesn't reveal bias as that expressed by the "alt" who evidently has info we don't. as such we are left to infer some things which may or may not be right. my hunch is that Meyer reported what he knew when he knew it or else he would have been terminated by the Trustees. the suspension of the HC and AD seem like measures taken to "save face" due to the embarrassment involved with Meyer lying to the media about knowing anything. he should probably rehearse the line "No comment" for further use.

    there's a big difference between Failing to Report and Lying to the Media. if he would have been terminated for that probably every HC in the NCAA would be in jeapordy.

    FWIW, this opinion is only my inference since there aren't really any facts out yet.

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    sparky64sparky64 Posts: 7,031 ✭✭✭✭✭

    So......now the NCAA does their own independent investigation and gets to take a crack at it?
    Wield some of their old school justice like taking away lots of scholarships, etc?

    "If I say something in the woods and my wife isn't there to hear it.....am I still wrong?"

    My Washington Quarter Registry set...in progress

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    larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭✭

    Knowing no facts it's hard to know what the penalty should have been. Three games seems like enough that it's a warning to be on good behavior.

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    orioles93orioles93 Posts: 3,469 ✭✭✭✭✭

    3 games is nothing. If they wanted to send a message they would have made the suspension long enough to include numerous conference games.

    Also why aren't there any program punishments? I mean this was an assistant coach on the staff who committed a crime in his past, and the current head coach knew about it, and allowed him to continue to coach and be around students, and reported the crime using proper protocols and procedures, and that coach was eventually fired, and i could go on and on. It just seems very similar to another past situation where a school was fined millions, had massive reduced scholarships, bowl ban, etc. Outside of the actual crime committed and the magnitude of it (be careful not to say 1 crime is worse than another just because of size in amount) it is very similar, but the handling of it by the ncaa is completely different.

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    BullsitterBullsitter Posts: 5,381 ✭✭✭✭✭

    He'll always be Urban Liar to me.

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    CoinstartledCoinstartled Posts: 10,135 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @larryallen73 said:
    Knowing no facts it's hard to know what the penalty should have been. Three games seems like enough that it's a warning to be on good behavior.

    A warning that if another assistant coach is beating the hell out of his wife, he should step forward? The black eyes on college sports continue to multiply. And why do these idiot schools place themselves in a position that it costs $20 million to fire a turd like this. That is what, 1000 plus annual tuitions.

    Ohhhh but the school makes a profit on the programs. Bull crap...get back to educating young men and woman, that is you charter and the reason that you suck dry the taxpayer, not to get to play a game the second week on January.

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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,763 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I’m just glad all the radio and tv personalities that were calling for him to get fired BEFORE they knew any facts get to be frustrated and annoyed that he didn’t get fired. Other than that I couldn’t have cared any less one way or another. I also don’t care if he knew about the whole thing from the beginning, no excuse for an adult getting abused by anyone in today’s society, if a victim doesn’t reach out for real help via police then they enable the abuse

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    keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 23, 2018 3:48AM

    **Also why aren't there any program punishments

    if another assistant coach is beating the hell out of his wife**

    where are you getting your facts from?? if stuff comes forward that supports the stuff you allude to then their should be some blowback. from what I have heard no one was "beating the hell" out of anybody and this was a personal matter that had nothing to do with the School, why would they be sanctioned?? as I said above, the facts we do know say that all Meyer did was lie to the media.

    think about it, if you abuse your wife, should your employer suffer some consequence??

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    JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 23, 2018 9:08AM

    @1970s said:
    Just in case you missed it, Courtney's OWN MOTHER said she's lying.

    I don’t think anyone missed it. Who knows in nutty families. Courtney’s own mom might be the one lying. Who knows.

    I’m just glad it’s over and won’t lose any sleep


    Edited for accuracy although accuracy isn't a skill needed on this forum

    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @1970s said:
    You guys calling for more punishment understand you're out of your minds ???

    You do understand that Courtney Smith's own mom and mother in law has publicly stated
    that Courtney has made this whole thing up just to get back at Zach ? Courtney got Zach
    fired for something he didn't even do ?

    Of course Courtney is denying it or she could perhaps face her own jail time.


    do you know any women at all? Plenty of otherwise normal women will stick a knife in their daughter mother or best friends back just for the heck of it. Women dislike other women in ways men will never understand :D

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    fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭✭

    Before you put too much credence in the whole "her own mom argument". My dad got remarried to a woman - M - that was sexually abused - raped - by her father from age 8 to 17. M never reported it. M ended up having two daughters after she graduated college that were 8 years apart. When M's first daughter was 12 she sent her to live with her grandparents for the summer. Even though M's husband knew about her abuse by her father he still allowed his 12 year old daughter to spend the summer with a pedophile but only after telling him he would kill him if he touched his granddaughter. Of course M's father abused his granddaughter for the entire summer. Nothing was ever reported. Fast forward 8 years and the youngest daughter is 12 and the grandparents again offer to "watch" their granddaughter for the summer. By this point M is divorced. The grandparents drive up to pick up the youngest daughter for the Summer, since it is the daughter's last week of school. Well the grandfather exposes himself to the youngest daughter while they are visiting. She tells her mom and they end up going to the school nurse. The youngest daughter tells the school nurse what happened and because nurses are mandatory reporters she reports it to the police. M's father is tried and admits to the abuse of his daughter, since the statute of limitations has been exceeded for that crime, denies ever touching the oldest granddaughter and pleads guilty to exposing himself to a minor. M testifies on behalf of her FATHER at the trial. Her father ended up being convicted for exposing himself to his granddaughter and spends a short time in prison. He was an elder in their church, well known business man, etc. When M tells my father about it she says, "I would never have let my daughter talk to the school nurse if I knew the nurse would report what happened". M considered the sexual abuse special time with her father and him showing her how much he loved her. She wanted the same for her own daughters. Suffice to say my father's marriage to her didn't last all that long.

    Most people posting here have never lived in an abusive household or had close friends that have. It is very rarely if ever as simple as just report it.

    I think the punishment for Meyer isn't for lying to the press but rather some of the actions he took like deleting old texts and what not to try and remove any paper trail. It is clear the Meyer didn't believe the accuser and his actions reflected that.


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    larryallen73larryallen73 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭✭

    @perkdog said:
    .... I also don’t care if he knew about the whole thing from the beginning, no excuse for an adult getting abused by anyone in today’s society, if a victim doesn’t reach out for real help via police then they enable the abuse

    Really? The real world would tell you it's not that easy to report abuse no matter what resources are available.

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    fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭✭

    The abuser's mother and the victim's estranged mother are the "closest relatives" you reference. Why is it the skepticism you show towards the victim isn't applied to two people with far greater reasons to lie?

    Not sure where you got your 50% number but I believe the actual statistic is 50% of accusations are unsubstantiated for one reason or another. Abuse, most of the time, is a he said/she said situation which is incredibly difficult to prove. Studies I have seen have found that about 10% of abuse claims are fictitious.

    Your personal experience seems to have blinded you but for most of the rest of us Zach Smith's behavior is pretty textbook. The victim did report to police multiple times, she got a restraining order against her ex-husband for stalking. Abusers rarely if ever change. There is a very good chance that we will be hearing about domestic abuse by Zach Smith in the next 10-20 years when he does the same thing to the next person.

    Not sure why you would wish I was in Urban's shoes but seems about standard for the type of person you seem to be. Sounds like you are permanently bitter about your own personal experience.


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    bronco2078bronco2078 Posts: 9,970 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @1970s said:
    One in four women are reportedly sexually abused.
    I know about it also, as do many others.

    Meyer probably deleted these texts because he knows women lie like a rug. He also knows
    that the police dropped the charges, and this girls closest relatives felt she was nuts.

    And OSU didn't give him any slack for this ?

    I hope someday you are in Urban's shoes. I was, and it isn't fun.

    This woman is a lying sack of cow manure, and now Urban has to miss football games
    because of her. Over 50% of accusations in this country are deemed false.

    If you were falsely accused of something you think that makes this douche Zach Smith innocent automatically , just because you are still angry about it ? Was Jerry Sandusky also innocent because you mad bro?

    I never killed anyone so OJ didn't either!!!!! See how stupid it sounds ?

    Anyway who cares if he has to miss football games? Where did you get the idea that college football was even a little important? Its a free development league for NFL owners, another welfare program for rich people .

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    fergie23fergie23 Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭✭

    Why did he get a protective order placed on him in the first place? Read her account of why one was requested. Obviously doesn't matter to you since you have already made up your mind. However the rest of us aren't quite so close minded .

    You aren't defending Meyer, you are smearing the victim because you were apparently unfortunate enough to have been wrongfully accused once yourself. Makes most everything you have to say ring pretty hollow.

    Some people grow from tough experiences and others don't. Based on your comments you don't appear to have grown very much. Wishing ill on people on a message board because you disagree with them is pretty pathetic. It does however show everyone exactly what type of person you are.


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    JustacommemanJustacommeman Posts: 22,847 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 23, 2018 8:51AM

    I'm half way through reading the complete report. The preamble was curious

    As Meyer admitted in the press conference, he was likely far more patient with Zach Smith’s bad actions due to his relationship with Smith’s grandfather, the late Ohio State head coach Earle Bruce.

    Whether or not Meyer’s inaction rose to the levegl of a three-game suspension is up for debate; but what is not is that Zach Smith probably should have been fired long before last month.

    Zach Smith is a Douche. Yes a with a capital


    Walker Proof Digital Album
    Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
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    perkdogperkdog Posts: 29,763 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 23, 2018 9:30AM

    @larryallen73 said:

    @perkdog said:
    .... I also don’t care if he knew about the whole thing from the beginning, no excuse for an adult getting abused by anyone in today’s society, if a victim doesn’t reach out for real help via police then they enable the abuse

    Really? The real world would tell you it's not that easy to report abuse no matter what resources are available.

    Are you out of your mind? Or do just not know what your talking about? One phone call by a woman or a man for that matter and the police are COMING and they are not leaving until someone is in handcuffs. Gimme a break

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    orioles93orioles93 Posts: 3,469 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 23, 2018 9:54AM

    @1970s said:

    @bronco2078 said:

    @1970s said:

    If you were falsely accused of something you think that makes this douche Zach Smith innocent automatically ,

    Mark this down as dumbest post of the year.

    Zach Smith is innocent according to the police report.

    Are you saying he's guilty ???

    If you are, then you disagree with the police.

    You do realize that Sandusky was innocent according to the police after an investigation was done in 1998? The police aren’t always right.

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