Something I'm thankful for on the best coin forum ever: Please bring back the really good ones!!

I logged on today before work and some of the new discussions were old but interesting. There was one on GC and one on fake 1950-d 5c (so far - I stopped checking to make this request before going back for more). I am new here, I know about the archives but I am a generalist and would no think of looking up GC or 1950-D discussions. There must be thousands of discussions that new members should read so...
PLEASE RESURRECT ONE OR TWO OF THE BEST OLD CU DISCUSSIONS YOU CAN FIND - even the closed ones dealing with coins that would be especially helpful for new members. Thanks.
Is the search feature broken or do you prefer to just be spoon fed? Why don't YOU do it?
On most forums I've ever been on resurrecting old threads is considered bad form.
time to ignore another. If you can't say something nice and positive maybe this is not the forum for you.........
Closed threads cannot be resurrected, they are usually closed for a good reason.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
I just resurrected one with links to the original threads in it. I know most of the peacock Ike story is fiction, but I still think it was a great story and it brings back the excitement of the forum that was always present in that time period.
Heres the links in case you don’t want to sift through the other thread
First day on the internet?
Also, OP has a long and checkered history under various usernames of which it doesn't seem you are aware. But do whatever makes you happy.
Remember, you can only ignore 5 people. You have to be judicious in the use of them.
I don't think this is the worst request. It will result in people trying to carry on conversations with dead people. However, unless you're looking for a specific topic, the search isn't helpful in finding "all star" threads.
In concept, sure. But this isn't the first time OP has made this type of request. Also, the practical consequences of 10 or 20 people bringing up multiple necro threads to serve OP's interest are quite annoying.
Seems like if the OP would like information, he can search around easily. Click on good posters' user names to bring up their old threads (can't do it for his, he has a private profile). And then branch off from there. That can easily be done for any old threads. Even searching for (for example) "jefferson nickel" with a year it was posted.
One of the great things about this board is the store of information and knowledge. I've gained a huge amount of knowledge. OP made another thread recently where he lamented how obsessed and addicted he was to the board ( he can't find the time to browse through old threads? I view this thread as the equivalent of someone demanding the value of a common date Morgan dollar. There are other and better ways to achieve that goal.
Son, when I was much younger and full of myself, I would have posted just as you did. However, I'm an old man with little time left to enjoy this hobby so I would like to be spoon fed. Since English may not be your main language, I can see that you didn't understand this part of my post: "I am a generalist and would not think of looking up (in the CU Archives) GC or 1950-D discussions." I would not think to look up Continental Dollars, Peacock Ikes, or search for comments from snarky members with a poor track record around here either. I hope that one day in the future as you mature you will come to understand what I posted. I wish you well.
Sure Alan, whatever you say.
True, it's hard to search if you don't know the topics that were good.
Here's a very long thread (90 pages), with many great coins, which has been somewhat inactive and that you may have missed.
And here is one of my old favorites, @saintguru's 2008 visit to the Smithsonian (with Steve Duckor, Ray Moore, John Albanese and Bob B.).
The thread is a little disjoint because the photos were originally hosted on a third party site, which stopped working,
but people saved them and reposted them.
I love a good old thread. Revisits a topic, and brings to life dead and banned members.
Admit to finding interesting forum members and doing a deep dive on their specialty perusing a history of posts. I find nuggets of information the antiquated search engine cannot.
Most people ignore me by design or habit, so my advice typically falls on deaf ears.
Talking to myself and banned/dead forum members, can sometimes be oddly therapeutic
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
@yspsales . I can't speak for other but I usually find you offer pertinent advice and I personally watch for your comments on some subjects. Coin dealers in particular. Have a good day. james
There was the one thread where this crazy guy long since banned and unwelcome here tried to say this coin was chop marked even though everyone told him it was clearly drilled/partial holed and you see the drill run. But you can’t argue with crazy. That one was a classic

11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
I couldn't agree more but don't think that the member in question here will ever mature. Perhaps I'll be wrong, but at least I can admit it if it turns out that way. Some people challenge everything that they can think of a reason to challenge and feel threatened by those who know more or offer other views. Ignore them.
I read the 50D thread, too. That's something that I would have never searched for. I read it because I hadn't recalled seeing any counterfeit 50D nickels over the past 60 years. I saw alterations that I maybe had seen but had forgotten. I learned a little more and was reminded of when these sold at $40/coin.
Don't attack a fellow member just asking for some interesting threads to read. What gives anyone the right to be so judgmental?
And @yspsales I enjoy your contributions.
I like the old threads and I wish more images had been saved from them.
I have no idea why anyone would think bumping interesting old threads is somehow in “bad form”.
Just ignore Lermish, he thinks he knows everything. It really annoys those of us that do.
Wisdom has been chasing you but, you've always been faster
It’s easy to see why this isn’t the best place to be. ( as was the case long ago). There’s more division, dissension, debate and demonizing than I’ve witnessed in 70 years on this Earth. The lack of goodwill and camaraderie is most evident.
Hey , but have fun. Curmudgeons need love, too.
Seems like the OP is posting in bad faith just to annoy people.
I don't wish to annoy anyone but I do understand that some people are very sensitive. That's too bad. My country has become softer with each new generation. I'm reminded of the "Princess and the pea."
For So-Called Dollars, feel free to look up any thread below. Tags are a wonderful thing!
I saw "The Princess And The Frog" with my nieces and had to get up twice to use the restroom.
Does that count?
I'll be back with some links. 😂😂
Here's one:
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Here we have some fun single letter titled threads for the simpletons. 😂
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
And here's a valuable quote: By @jmlanzaf
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Surely this gem of a thread from before I was born needs revived! 😂😂😂
Sorry guys, I couldn't help myself with these! 😂
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Also, can someone give me the link go the aforementioned 1950-D c/f nickel thread? I don't see it.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
@CRHer700 I remember those!
OMG... so many dead or banned members.
CladKing is the energizer bunny.
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
What about Rick Snow's thread about blue toning? He called it something like "The Sun and the blue rooster."
I looked but couldn't come up with it. An interesting and very controversial thread!
This is a good idea for a thread, by the way. Some "greatest hits" would be enjoyable to read through again. BNB, Mongo Bongo, totellthetruth. Resurrect away!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
The blue toning thread was a great one. I learned a lot. Your idea of a best thread forum is a good one.