@Conshyboy said:
I think people around here are wise to the reject bin haven't found anything in the last year in the ones I check
@Conshyboy: (this morning)
You can't only check the reject bin, (see photos - total $1.05) you have to check in the coin-slot where the coin slide thru, many time coins are stuck there - They can easily be remove with a business card folded in-half (like tweezers)
Also, lift the lift-arm, coins can be left there (hiding) and not seen until the cradle is lifted up (total 2 cents). Always on the floor too...
@Joe_360 I also check those areas and 1 time pulled a gold earring out of coin slot with a straw and chewing gum there were other small pieces of what looked like silver but that dam robot they have in the supermarket had came up and was positioned directly behind me so somebody was watching what I was doing lol
In the spirit of blunt truth! Some armchair quarterbacks are going to bash me and say I have no dignity whatsoever, and well, that might be true. But when silver is involved all dignity hits the winds.
While running coins through the coin machine at my credit union last week I took a peek at the rubbish bin next to the machine - usually coin wrappers, occasional coffee cup, spent plastic baggies etc. I picked up the bin and gave it a wee shake and heard the jingle suggesting that cast off monetary instruments were condemned to an eternity in a waste facility unless I showed mercy and rescued them thus. I picked through the detritus on top of the bin and peeked to the bottom where the jingles were coming from - I spied a lot of brass(no big deal) but then a quarter and a dime - and they had that little glint of that magical light coloured metal I lust after!
After about a minute of work I scooped out all the brass tokens etc and pocketed the mess and went and cashed out my coin machine receipt. When I got home I scooped out a couple of handfuls and came up with these, about 200 or so maverick tokens and...
But the best part was the 9 silver dimes and a silver quarter. One of the dimes is a '49-S. $20 worth of silver thrown into the trash.
Tir nam beann, nan gleann, s'nan gaisgeach ~ Saorstat Albanaich a nis!
I'd like to know the story behind how shield nickles turn up in a coin star and where in that other post.
I'd say that's really odd to see old money turn up?
I snagged a 1964 dime today at a Fry's grocery store in Yuma Arizona.
On the few times I've checked the CS machine never any luck. My wife does the shopping so I don't get there much. And no she will not lower herself to be bothered to go bottom fishing for coins. Her words, not mine. Has no interest in coins, just paper dollars. If you get my drift.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
No CS luck but have been lucky with the cash out machine at a local casino. 3 silver nicks,some wheat cents, and memorial copper cents. And a paper bill with a collectible serial number that I was able to sell for a profit. I usually at the casino cash out the vouchers when I can get back the most change.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
I’ve found that casinos are a great and free way to go through bills and change. I will sometimes go with a 20 and entertain myself by recycling the 20 though the slot machine and taking the ticket to the payout machine to get the cash without even spending a dime. Sometimes I get weak and pull the handle but most times not.
@MtW124 said:
I’ve found that casinos are a great and free way to go through bills and change. I will sometimes go with a 20 and entertain myself by recycling the 20 though the slot machine and taking the ticket to the payout machine to get the cash without even spending a dime. Sometimes I get weak and pull the handle but most times not.
I have direct deposit. I go to my bank's ATM for cash,no fee use,and will w/d few 100 in 5,10, or 20's so can check the serial numbers or look for error bills.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
I have direct deposit. I go to my bank's ATM for cash,no fee use,and will w/d few 100 in 5,10, or 20's so can check the serial numbers or look for error bills.
I do the same at my bank. No fee atm and it disperses ones, fives ,tens, twenty’s and fifty’s up to ten ones per transaction.
A good day at the local Coinstar machine:
Two CineMark tokens, a Century Theatres StarCade token, a 1971-S cent, and several dimes including a silver 1946-D.
@WillieBoyd2 said:
A good day at the local Coinstar machine:
Two CineMark tokens, a Century Theatres StarCade token, a 1971-S cent, and several dimes including a silver 1946-D.
Pics...or it didnt happen!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Yesterday at Morgan Hill Safeway, not a usual stop was looking for blueberries. Bright shiny silver quarter just sitting on the table-top of the CS, didn't even have to bend over to the return slot... 64D, 2nd quarter this month!
Been quite a while - I went in my local Hannaford and found two quarters glued together and about a dollars worth of Canadian dimes and quarters. Those are good around here for spending money so $1.50, went and did a little shopping. On the way out I saw a lady pouring a large bag in and heard the reject sound. I will sometimes just offer to buy the rejects. The lady said fine and reached in and handed me a bunch at the end I asked how much wanted for it and she said just keep it. She had a $320 slip from change and said she had enough of the change. I said thanks and left, I hadn't even looked when I got outside I checked and had a bit of a score with some silver. There was about $2.50 in spendable change, a few Euros and other oddities and the silver.
@Joe_360 said:
No Silver, no W's, nothing but a pocket full of change... Saved for a rainy coin show...
What's up with that gray looking quarter at the bottom of your picture?
From the picture, it looks like a very deep strike with very wide and squared rims.
What's up with that gray looking quarter at the bottom of your picture?
From the picture, it looks like a very deep strike with very wide and squared rims.
I think it is plastic play money?
@Joe_360 You are the undisputed Champion of Coinstar finds! It is unbelievable how much money you pull from the reject slot.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
What's up with that gray looking quarter at the bottom of your picture?
From the picture, it looks like a very deep strike with very wide and squared rims.
I think it is plastic play money?
@Joe_360 You are the undisputed Champion of Coinstar finds! It is unbelievable how much money you pull from the reject slot.
Thank you DC, I am amazed at what people leave behind, unware or kids? I'll admit that I benefit from working at home and having 3 CS located close together on my route to feeding the Home Depot stray-cats....
No CS luck but have been lucky with the cash out machine at a local casino. 3 silver nicks,some wheat cents, and memorial copper cents. And a paper bill with a collectible serial number that I was able to sell for a profit. I usually at the casino cash out the vouchers when I can get back the most change.
That's a good strategy, our casinos have switched to printing you out another ticket for the change.
If you want to donate your change to the casino the casino makes that your first choice (like they are hurting for money) 😭 You have to go to a cash cage to Cash out any ticket with change (there you see the casino really has enough of people's money) 🤑
I always forget to glance at the Coinstar at my regular supermarket...
Last night I remembered.
It was two handfuls! Everything pictured plus about $3 more in change.
Anyone ever seen one of these piratey looking tokens? There's no writing on it.
Coins are Neato!
"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
Morning on the way to feed the cats, Mexican store, a Canadian dime and a 1951 Philly!
Afternoon stop at Safeway, this mid-age guy just arrived. He left all this change, with a 1964 Rosie, a Canadian 5 cent piece, a Euro, and even a Russian coin...
My Sunday haul this week was a modern quarter and penny. Lol!
My Carson City Morgan Registry Set
@No Headlights
Thanks for the catch, typo, I will correct now.
Thanks for the heads up, I pull from the tube that I put it in and check!
I received a 1952 wheat cent in change today.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
No pics, but a pile of coins in the reject slot - about 30 Lincoln cents, 29 or so Memorials and a 1936 wheat.
Today's Coinstar produced a Greece 2 euro-cent dated 2008.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Had to drive into work today, early morning find, 1952-D plus quarter and nickel.

my first silver - 1964 P quarter and $1.36 other plus two car wash tokens
Felt a large coin in slot and was pleasantly surprised
I think people around here are wise to the reject bin haven't found anything in the last year in the ones I check
Actually found on Aug-30. 57-D

@Conshyboy: (this morning)
You can't only check the reject bin, (see photos - total $1.05) you have to check in the coin-slot where the coin slide thru, many time coins are stuck there - They can easily be remove with a business card folded in-half (like tweezers)
Also, lift the lift-arm, coins can be left there (hiding) and not seen until the cradle is lifted up (total 2 cents). Always on the floor too...

@Joe_360 I also check those areas and 1 time pulled a gold earring out of coin slot with a straw and chewing gum there were other small pieces of what looked like silver but that dam robot they have in the supermarket had came up and was positioned directly behind me so somebody was watching what I was doing lol
In the spirit of blunt truth! Some armchair quarterbacks are going to bash me and say I have no dignity whatsoever, and well, that might be true. But when silver is involved all dignity hits the winds.
While running coins through the coin machine at my credit union last week I took a peek at the rubbish bin next to the machine - usually coin wrappers, occasional coffee cup, spent plastic baggies etc. I picked up the bin and gave it a wee shake and heard the jingle suggesting that cast off monetary instruments were condemned to an eternity in a waste facility unless I showed mercy and rescued them thus. I picked through the detritus on top of the bin and peeked to the bottom where the jingles were coming from - I spied a lot of brass(no big deal) but then a quarter and a dime - and they had that little glint of that magical light coloured metal I lust after!
After about a minute of work I scooped out all the brass tokens etc and pocketed the mess and went and cashed out my coin machine receipt. When I got home I scooped out a couple of handfuls and came up with these, about 200 or so maverick tokens and...
But the best part was the 9 silver dimes and a silver quarter. One of the dimes is a '49-S. $20 worth of silver thrown into the trash.
My weekly Sunday check yielded a solitary modern cent and nothing more.
My Carson City Morgan Registry Set
I'd like to know the story behind how shield nickles turn up in a coin star and where in that other post.
I'd say that's really odd to see old money turn up?
I snagged a 1964 dime today at a Fry's grocery store in Yuma Arizona.
Found yesterday at the Mexican store, sitting all by itself! 1962-D quarter, the 2023 streak continues!!

Safeway pile on the left, Mexican store on the right. No silver just some quarters and change...

On the few times I've checked the CS machine never any luck. My wife does the shopping so I don't get there much. And no she will not lower herself to be bothered to go bottom fishing for coins. Her words, not mine. Has no interest in coins, just paper dollars. If you get my drift.
No CS luck but have been lucky with the cash out machine at a local casino. 3 silver nicks,some wheat cents, and memorial copper cents. And a paper bill with a collectible serial number that I was able to sell for a profit. I usually at the casino cash out the vouchers when I can get back the most change.
I’ve found that casinos are a great and free way to go through bills and change. I will sometimes go with a 20 and entertain myself by recycling the 20 though the slot machine and taking the ticket to the payout machine to get the cash without even spending a dime. Sometimes I get weak and pull the handle but most times not.
Been a long dry spell at my local CoinStar but did get these yesterday. Not much, but there is silver.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Not found in Coin machine but in Change at Dunkin Donuts this morning. Wonder where it's been hiding
Lordmarcovan, WTCG, YogiBerraFan, Phoenin21, LindeDad, Coll3ctor, blue594, robkoll, Mike Dixon, BloodMan, Flakthat and others.
I have direct deposit. I go to my bank's ATM for cash,no fee use,and will w/d few 100 in 5,10, or 20's so can check the serial numbers or look for error bills.
I do the same at my bank. No fee atm and it disperses ones, fives ,tens, twenty’s and fifty’s up to ten ones per transaction.
Been dry as a bone for quite some time. Not even any Lincolns, foreign, nothing.
But I'll keep trying. Ya never know when ya put your hand in that reject slot, what ya might find. 😊
Look who got LUCKY this morning, a SILVER QUARTER in the reject bin......
1962-D.....going into the 90% stash.......
this is the first time in like 5+ years this has happened to me....find a silver
dime from time to time, but this was quite the surprise!!!
A good day at the local Coinstar machine:
Two CineMark tokens, a Century Theatres StarCade token, a 1971-S cent, and several dimes including a silver 1946-D.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Pics...or it didnt happen!
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
I threw out one of the CineMark tokens as it was corroded and spent the modern dimes.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
Someone don't like quarters... No silver or W's. $3.75 plus a Pilipinas 1piso

Yesterday at Morgan Hill Safeway, not a usual stop was looking for blueberries. Bright shiny silver quarter just sitting on the table-top of the CS, didn't even have to bend over to the return slot... 64D, 2nd quarter this month!

I’ve been checking our coinstars for awhile and always end up with nothing! Boy I sure would like to have my luck change!!! No pun intended 🤓
Today's find. Unfortunately no silver.

'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
$2.44 in spending money at my local Kroger yesterday
How do people not know that there is a whole handful of change in the reject slot? Doesn't the machine remind you to check before you leave?
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
Been quite a while - I went in my local Hannaford and found two quarters glued together and about a dollars worth of Canadian dimes and quarters. Those are good around here for spending money so $1.50, went and did a little shopping. On the way out I saw a lady pouring a large bag in and heard the reject sound. I will sometimes just offer to buy the rejects. The lady said fine and reached in and handed me a bunch at the end I asked how much wanted for it and she said just keep it. She had a $320 slip from change and said she had enough of the change. I said thanks and left, I hadn't even looked when I got outside I checked and had a bit of a score with some silver. There was about $2.50 in spendable change, a few Euros and other oddities and the silver.
No Silver, no W's, nothing but a pocket full of change... Saved for a rainy coin show...

Shutout for dimes in September, but the 2023 streak continues, no shutout stacking! 1952P plus 5 more clads and a quarter!

Yesterday a 1000 dong coin from Vietnam dated 2003.
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
What's up with that gray looking quarter at the bottom of your picture?
From the picture, it looks like a very deep strike with very wide and squared rims.
Kennedys are my quest...
I think it is plastic play money?
@Joe_360 You are the undisputed Champion of Coinstar finds! It is unbelievable how much money you pull from the reject slot.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Thank you DC, I am amazed at what people leave behind, unware or kids? I'll admit that I benefit from working at home and having 3 CS located close together on my route to feeding the Home Depot stray-cats....
That's a good strategy, our casinos have switched to printing you out another ticket for the change.
If you want to donate your change to the casino the casino makes that your first choice (like they are hurting for money) 😭 You have to go to a cash cage to Cash out any ticket with change (there you see the casino really has enough of people's money) 🤑
No the machine does not let the customer know.
Some of the newer ones have a video display of the coin return prompting people to check...
another hit at the Mexican store, 1944P Mercury, a 60D Lincoln and a 1968 Nickel, some change.

I always forget to glance at the Coinstar at my regular supermarket...
Last night I remembered.
It was two handfuls! Everything pictured plus about $3 more in change.
Anyone ever seen one of these piratey looking tokens? There's no writing on it.
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then someone...somewhere...is making a penny." - Steven Wright
$1.88 U.S.
.80c Canada
10 groszy Poland
The cuprits, a few yukkers left for the lot sweepers
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
31c to offset groceries.
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
Two for Tuesday!
Morning on the way to feed the cats, Mexican store, a Canadian dime and a 1951 Philly!

Afternoon stop at Safeway, this mid-age guy just arrived. He left all this change, with a 1964 Rosie, a Canadian 5 cent piece, a Euro, and even a Russian coin...

May try for the Trifecta?!?