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1959-D 1c Mule Auction 2019

LanceNewmanOCCLanceNewmanOCC Posts: 19,999 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 2, 2022 11:07AM in U.S. Coin Forum

in a cross-reference link from the recent dollar mule thread vis-a-vis coinworld, i saw the article linked here and after searching our archives to see what i was sure a thread in the time frame of the article (our archive search feature is not good for this outside 12 months) i didn't see an obvious thread but figure there has to be one, so if so, disregard this one and please link the other one(s). t.i.a.

tried a quick engine search to pull up any CF page but didn't see one.

the barcode will scan but says invalid.


images edited out from coinworld.

images below from goldbergs

some noteable comments from the extensive auction description:

It is important to note here that this coin will not be confiscated as the Treasury Department has returned the coin twice to the owner after reviewing the coin and returning it as genuine. It is also considered legal tender by the Treasury Department.

"Table 1: Composition, diameter, thickness, and Mass of Exhibit Q1
Exhibit Cu(%) Zn & Sn (%) Diameter (mm) Thickness (mm) Mass (g)
Genuine* 95.0 5.0 19.05 1.58 3.11
Q1 ~95 - 97 ~3 - 5 19.1 - 19.2 1.5 - 1.6 3.09
*The numbers presented in this row are the Mint specifications for genuine 1947-1962.

FOUND IT with help from @IkesT



my added pup pics from the goldberg images

sharpening really makes the pups pop

<--- look what's behind the mask! - cool link 1/NO ~ 2/NNP ~ 3/NNC ~ 4/CF ~ 5/PG ~ 6/Cert ~ 7/NGC 7a/NGC pop~ 8/NGCF ~ 9/HA archives ~ 10/PM ~ 11/NM ~ 12/ANACS cert ~ 13/ANACS pop - report fakes 1/ACEF ~ report fakes/thefts 1/NCIS - Numi-Classes SS ~ Bass ~ Transcribed Docs NNP - clashed coins - error training - V V mm styles -


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