My collection at 23 coins. Suggestions for #24

Well, my collection has grown to 23 coins. As you can see by the list below most are a bit better dates and also I tend to like Buffalo Nickels.
So I’m looking for suggestions for #24. You can see my price range from the grades of the coins I already have so nothing super expensive as I keep it under $2000, most much lower.
Lincoln Cents
1909 S V.D.B. VF
1922 No D Strong Rev. Fine
1955 Doubled Die Obv AU
1972 Doubled Die Obv AU
Shield Nickels
1879 VG
Buffalo Nickels
1913 S Type 2 F15
1918/7 D Fine
1921 Doubled Die Obv XF
1921 S XF45
1924 S VF30
1926 D XF45
1935 Doubled Die Rev XF
1936 10% Off Center VF
1937 D 3 Legged XF
1938 D MS65
Mercury Dimes
1916 D G6
1921 D VF
Barber Quarters
1913 S AG3
Standing Liberty Quarters
1921 F15
Draped Bust Half Dollar
1807 VG
Walking Liberty Half Dollar
1921 D F15
Morgan Dollars
1893 S G6
$10 Liberty Gold
1891 CC AU
Silverman68, jfoot13, GAB, ricman, Smittys, scrapman1077, RyGuy, Connecticoin, Meltdown, VikingDude, Peaceman, Patches and more.
Looks like a lot of key dates. How about an 1877 Indian Head?
Arrows and rays seated half is always cool
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Buy a nice, MS Liberty nickel.
I see a bust dollar in fine in your future
Add a nice seated coin
Looks like you could use a nice 1875-CC or 1876 twenty cent piece.
You can also get a nice Trade Dollar in that price range.
Nice start.
) Suggestion....any coin that makes YOU smile every time you look at it!
Emoji boo-boo...sorry! Was supposed to be
You need a 1921 peace dollar
Could always add either of the 1942/41 overdates to your Mercs. One of them would make three from Denver.
Or, perhaps something Seated.
Lot of good suggestions.
How about a DCam 1964 Kennedy Accented Hair?
Oregon Trail Commemorative
Several gold Commemorative coins are in your budget
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Something like this won't break the bank and has the magical CC mintmark. You like key's and semi-keys then a 75-cc

More gold.
Go old and gold! Nice start by the way!!
Has your collection been to CAC? If not, I suggest you send it in. Great way to further your education.
Good luck!
A nice 19th century proof. Any denomination but 3c Nickels can be found reasonably priced.
As I like to say, don’t limit your choices by deciding in advance. Instead, let the coin come to you and call your name, because it’s special.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
My favorite coins were found and purchased when I was not seeking those specific coins.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
The '38-D in MS 65 doesn't seem to fit with the rest of the box.
I like the idea of a nice MS V Nickel, I’m partial to Mercs so I would suggest a 1942/1 as someone else mentioned as well. Obsolete denominations would be cool. A Peace $ as well.
Looking for Top Pop Mercury Dime Varieties & High Grade Mercury Dime Toners.
Another idea: since you seem to have an interest in 20th century keys, how about a 1932 d or s Washington?
A nice Two Cent piece or silver Three Cent 1851-O piece would fit the bill.
My mind immediately went to an old dollar...probably a seated dollar, but a trade or draped bust would also fit the bill. Collection seems underweighted on bigger coins.
1851-o three cent silver
I agree with the 1877 indian as it would complement the buffalos well. However, I also like M Feld's advice of finding a coin that speaks to you. A very cool collection so far, I like the key date type set you have going 👍
Aercus Numismatics - Certified coins for sale
Liking the Lincoln cents - really don't collect the rest. I do have 2 1955 DDO's. Story my Dad told me, as he was a cigarette salesman in the late 1950's and, the packs he filled the machines with cost 23 cents. There was actually 2 cents in the pack because they were quarter machines, and some were the infamous 55 DDO's. Just a story I could never verify as HE died 3 years ago.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
A classic commemorative, or more gold
My Saint Set
All depends if you own the bank or just deposit your disability check into it.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
1921 Peace dollar.
Well, you could round out those major Buffalo 5c die varieties with a 1916/16. Unfortunately one of those will cost you a little more than two grand tho. Something a little more affordable would be the 1936-D 3 1/2 legged variety. You could get a nice one for around $1500. As you can doubtlessly see I'm partial to the Buffs, too.
I would add a choice coin from the seated series or a nice piece of old gold.
Keep us posted
How about a 1909-S Indian Cent in the same grade (VF20) as your 1909-S VDB Lincoln Cent? Transitional year coinage is cool.
Another idea would be the 1983 DDR Lincoln Cent. Pairing up the most dramatic DDR of the series with your 1955 and 1972 DDO's would be pretty cool. You would add another composition as well with the copper-plated zinc.
My collecting modus operandi has changed over the years - and it may fit well with your existing collection itemized in the OP. I now add coins that capture my attention, due to design, condition, history, scarcity, or all of those criteria. Perusing coins at a show, shop or website, a candidate coin will stand out from the others (fitting my personal criteria at the time). Sometimes I acquire it right away, and other times I think about it for a while - often as long as an hour
. Consider what made you build the collection you already have, and then proceed with your next coin in the same manner. Suggestions by others are certainly worthy of consideration, however, it is your collection, and the decision to add a coin, should be yours, and one that speaks to you. Good luck, Cheers, RickO
Nice coins!
How about examples of the odd denominations like the half cent, two cent, three cent or twenty cent pieces? A common date Classic Head gold piece, $2.50 or $5.00, would be interesting too.
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. SimpleCollector made me think the most with his. I think I will be adding some bigger coins. My 93 S could use a friend.
Silverman68, jfoot13, GAB, ricman, Smittys, scrapman1077, RyGuy, Connecticoin, Meltdown, VikingDude, Peaceman, Patches and more.
Love the concept
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
You need and want an 1885 V nickel AU.
Great hoard by the way!!
I really like your focus on the less than common dates and key dates. One comment is you need to be careful and make sure you aren’t just filling holes in your collection. Obviously coins vary in quality and eye appeal. Make sure you only seek coins that are top end for the grade. Someone mentioned CAC stickered coins. That is a good first step but not the “end all, be all.” Your collection value is starting to add up, you don’t want to find out, down the line, that the coins you purchased aren’t as valuable because they are of lesser quality.
As for a recommended #24, I’d keep an eye out for a nicer 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter with at least a partial to readable date. You can trade some coins in like some of the Buffs or others you’re not as fond of to help pay for it.
Interesting selection.
I'm not into those, but my way of collecting is similar as what @MFeld and @ricko have stated above :
Just my two cents
At $2k my choices would be a flowing hair half in VG/F, draped bust dollar in Fine, or a classic head $5 in AU55/58. All of these will take some searching to find a nice coin with wholesome surfaces.
How about something fresh and new...2021 clad Roosevelt dime?
1846-O Seated Dollar VF/EF, first branch mint dollar.
1921 D WLH
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
A wholesome 39-O 50c in VF/XF
Latin American Collection
I would go with a nice Peace dollar that fits your price range.
Let us know what you decide.
Kennedys are my quest...
I think I would save up a few coins' worth of money and get a Bust Dollar with good eye appeal. But that's just me. Whatever you get next, make sure that YOU really like it. You obviously have a good eye.
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.