Yes. This seems like 2010-2011 all over again. Except this time the quantitative easing is more profound.
$25 by end of August is conservative I think.
WOW, JUST WOW, Hope it real and not just a head fake. I am NOT a pumper but I have been buying for a long time and it would be nice to thin out the "Constitutional 90% "
@MilesWaits said:
Who is that guy that was buying monster boxes?!
I remember a member showing off numerous monster boxes. I think his handle was "silverbarron".....but that was years ago.
yep, I chatted with him. He got tired of being called a liar by forum trolls. I like my trolls, they are better trained.
Some will recall that he got caught lying, posting pictures of huge amounts of silver, implying were his, that were moving through his employer's place of business?
@MilesWaits said:
Who is that guy that was buying monster boxes?!
I remember a member showing off numerous monster boxes. I think his handle was "silverbarron".....but that was years ago.
yep, I chatted with him. He got tired of being called a liar by forum trolls. I like my trolls, they are better trained.
Some will recall that he got caught lying, posting pictures of huge amounts of silver, implying were his, that were moving through his employer's place of business?
@MilesWaits said:
Who is that guy that was buying monster boxes?!
I remember a member showing off numerous monster boxes. I think his handle was "silverbarron".....but that was years ago.
yep, I chatted with him. He got tired of being called a liar by forum trolls. I like my trolls, they are better trained.
Some will recall that he got caught lying, posting pictures of huge amounts of silver, implying were his, that were moving through his employer's place of business?
Yeah, that's the guy. At first he insisted it was his stash, but later admitted that over the years the silver that he claimed was his and bragged about it on this forum, was indeed his employers, who, btw owned a coin shop...
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
Just remember it's only manipulation when the price goes down.
@OPA said:
Yeah, that's the guy. At first he insisted it was his stash, but later admitted that over the years the silver that he claimed was his and bragged about it on this forum, was indeed his employers, who, btw owned a coin shop...
Sounds like someone else I know.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
@blitzdude said:
Just remember it's only manipulation when the price goes down.
@OPA said:
Yeah, that's the guy. At first he insisted it was his stash, but later admitted that over the years the silver that he claimed was his and bragged about it on this forum, was indeed his employers, who, btw owned a coin shop...
Sounds like someone else I know.
Ha, if you knew me I would have never let you lose your shirt in silver.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Haven't looked at PM's in almost 2 weeks, holy cow. I've learned from the past, don't chase it up, sit tight and attempt to unload at the top. The million dollar question is where's the top?
@morgansforever said:
Haven't looked at PM's in almost 2 weeks, holy cow. I've learned from the past, don't chase it up, sit tight and attempt to unload at the top. The million dollar question is where's the top?
Rising safe-haven demand will also continue to lift silver prices, analysts added, projecting for the precious metal to rise to $25 within the next six-to-twelve months and even possibly reaching $30 in a bullish scenario.
No more so than SLV or GLD. When one invests in such ETFs is one investing in metals or in the "stock market?" When the major stock market indices crash do they take metal ETFS down with them? While precious metal ETFs are traded on major stock exchanges they are far from being classified as "stocks." Precious metal ETFs are pretty much "anti-stocks." Just might be why they are called Exchange Traded Funds.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Yes. This seems like 2010-2011 all over again. Except this time the quantitative easing is more profound.
$25 by end of August is conservative I think.
Excellent----im up 60% on paper silver in 4 months. And twice that (or more) on paper shovels that dig it out of the ground.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I think $25 in August is likely.... beyond that, my crystal ball is cloudy....
Cheers, RickO
@ $25 I'd be tempted to let some go.
WOW, JUST WOW, Hope it real and not just a head fake. I am NOT a pumper but I have been buying for a long time and it would be nice to thin out the "Constitutional 90% "
+1 here
Who is that guy that was buying monster boxes?!
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Been buying and selling NUGT and AGQ for the last six months and have done very well.
Nailbiting ETFs to hold for sure.
I must admit, I'm not holding either one during this last 5 day run-up.
Too bad, as the profits are excellent.
I'll have to wait for the inevitable correction and get back in then.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
Way over that, considering premium.
Nice ... but I'm in no rush.
I remember a member showing off numerous monster boxes. I think his handle was "silverbarron".....but that was years ago.
yep, I chatted with him. He got tired of being called a liar by forum trolls. I like my trolls, they are better trained.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Some will recall that he got caught lying, posting pictures of huge amounts of silver, implying were his, that were moving through his employer's place of business?
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
I dated Morgan Fairchild. Yea, that's the ticket.
For those that don't recall, a Jon Lovitz line on SNL. Reminds me of people talking their book when metals on the move.
Birds of a feather.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Birds of a feather.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Yeah, that's the guy. At first he insisted it was his stash, but later admitted that over the years the silver that he claimed was his and bragged about it on this forum, was indeed his employers, who, btw owned a coin shop...
Just remember it's only manipulation when the price goes down.
Sounds like someone else I know.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Ha, if you knew me I would have never let you lose your shirt in silver.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Hey, let's not jump the gun here. Where are the $22 Silver? $23 Silver? and $24 Silver? threads?
root numbers?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
22.33 as of now.
I dunno. I just can't get too excited yet. A move of a buck or two - peanuts, in my opinion.
I knew it would happen.
but it's a good start
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Well, it is better than nuthin'.
I knew it would happen.
Lmao, even the bears on this forum hope gold and silver go up!
Gotta love this place 🤗
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Is this for real?
Finally, that silver premium will be less!!
And on another note, Pd GO.
Haven't looked at PM's in almost 2 weeks, holy cow. I've learned from the past, don't chase it up, sit tight and attempt to unload at the top. The million dollar question is where's the top?
If you listen to the 3 Amigos - $10
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I just checked Ag prices tonight for the first time this week. Holy shit Batman. SHTF!
Rising safe-haven demand will also continue to lift silver prices, analysts added, projecting for the precious metal to rise to $25 within the next six-to-twelve months and even possibly reaching $30 in a bullish scenario.
25 isn't bullish?
Not only are PM's up so is the price of 9mm ammo, 9mm heads (bullets) and 00 BUCK if you can find it.
Up..Up and away in my beautiful monetary balloon
Loves me some shiny!
BOOM. Called it to be by end of year. I'll take it early. My next call was triple digits by July 15, 2023. Hope I turn up late on that one as well.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You were off by 5 months. As they say even a broken clock is right twice a day. RGDS lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Yep my AGQ is crying. LOL
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
All 10 shares? Yup!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Thats the stock market. Hypocrite.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
No more so than SLV or GLD. When one invests in such ETFs is one investing in metals or in the "stock market?" When the major stock market indices crash do they take metal ETFS down with them? While precious metal ETFs are traded on major stock exchanges they are far from being classified as "stocks." Precious metal ETFs are pretty much "anti-stocks." Just might be why they are called Exchange Traded Funds.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
VXSLV 66.20 10.94
and now @ $26 - wonder if it will spend more time here than it did @ $25
Where do you get off calling people names? You need to tone down your ATTITUDE.
aren't you the guy saying "back to the $18s as soon as tomorrow" on July 16. LOL, not even right once a day:
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Time to take a breather and review:
@derryb said:
You heard it here first:
March 16 was bear market bottom.
$21 silver before Aug. 15.
$25 before year end, triple digits before July 15, 2023.
Why? Money supply growth.
> aren't you the guy saying "back to the $18s as soon as tomorrow" on July 16. LOL, not even right once a day:
No I said COULD be back to the $18s as soon as tomorrow you spin doctor stalker.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.