No way this is gonna last ... the top two guys, Lincolncentman and Terry's Coins of Color, must be fiddling with their sets. Ah well, enjoy it while you may ... All good things must end ... Happy Juneteenth all y'all!
PS Thanks to jgdcoins/John for alerting me to my Delicate Situation ...
Kind regards,
As soon as the grades from the last LV show are posted those two sets will be at the top again. I know a few upgrades were made. Enjoy the view from the top.
Not part of a registry set…and I usually don’t collect much copper. But the colors on this one that I saw for sale from Dennis King at the ANA show was an easy purchase that I am very pleased with.
This is one I got back from PCGS recently, I was hoping it might make a 65, but it ended up in a 64 BN holder. I really like the look of it so I'm happy either way.
I started a PCGS set for toned Lincoln cents a few months ago. I know mine aren't anything to compare with what the rest of you are posting, but it's what I can afford (I'm a YN, if that helps explain).
Hi @CentSearcher very nice, lovely toners and no need to apologize for your coins here, ever! I think many of us have been in your shoes at one time or another. I remember many years ago, I sold the only coin I will always regret selling, a well-circulated 1885 Morgan silver dollar, for seven bucks. It was my grandfather's birth-year coin from his old keyring. But I think Granddad would have approved, as the whole roasting chicken and bag of rice I bought with the seven bucks kept me from starvation for about a week. Kind regards, George / VDB Coins
As soon as the grades from the last LV show are posted those two sets will be at the top again. I know a few upgrades were made. Enjoy the view from the top.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Elevator is dropping fast ... #2 now.
MS65BN PCGS. Well, this arrived today. I feel better already!
Kind regards,
Happy Fourth of July! Sold as a set a couple of years back.
Kind regards,
Made some neat ones on my last sub.

Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Picked up a few for the registry this week

@KYCopperCoins love that 11-D! Great coin! 1917 as well!
Kind regards,
@KYCopperCoins very nice!! I have a twin for your 1917. I actually owned yours from 2017 until 2019.
Here is the twin or at least semi-twin.
A couple of new pickups, one from board member @BeefCurry808 (thank you Michael) and one from last weeks Great Collection auction.
From Michael
From Great Collection
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
@robec @KYCopperCoins im glad both of y’all enjoy the coins!
My Instagram
1936-S MS64BN, 1941-D MS65 BN
Great coin @AlanSki and glad to see you here!
Kind regards,
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
@robec Beautiful 14-D and CAC too!
Kind regards,
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Picked these up today at a coin show north of Cincinnati.
Ms65+rb CAC


Oh and these from the other day

- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
That 42 is pretty gnarly robec!
I’ll take all the gnarly ones I can find if the look like that. 😂
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
24-Ds with decent surfaces like this one are just SO tough! Nice ones!
Kind regards,
1909-S MS65BN, newp on the way. Tough date to find with color!
Kind regards,
I know right!
You ain't kidding...and finding one with any color...
Upgraded my current 1910 mpf today, can't wait to see this coin in hand.

- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Not part of a registry set…and I usually don’t collect much copper. But the colors on this one that I saw for sale from Dennis King at the ANA show was an easy purchase that I am very pleased with.
1957 PCGS PR65RB
Chance favors the prepared mind.
This is one I got back from PCGS recently, I was hoping it might make a 65, but it ended up in a 64 BN holder. I really like the look of it so I'm happy either way.

Was mine. Sold both before PCGS even sent them back.


Both sold after one day on our website!
Kind regards,
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Upgraded my 1910 again...

1912-S MS64BN PCGS Ex: Abe's Coloring Book
I started a PCGS set for toned Lincoln cents a few months ago. I know mine aren't anything to compare with what the rest of you are posting, but it's what I can afford (I'm a YN, if that helps explain).
My eBay Store • Instagram • MS Toned Lincoln Cent Set • PR Toned Lincoln Cent Set
Hi @CentSearcher very nice, lovely toners and no need to apologize for your coins here, ever! I think many of us have been in your shoes at one time or another. I remember many years ago, I sold the only coin I will always regret selling, a well-circulated 1885 Morgan silver dollar, for seven bucks. It was my grandfather's birth-year coin from his old keyring. But I think Granddad would have approved, as the whole roasting chicken and bag of rice I bought with the seven bucks kept me from starvation for about a week. Kind regards, George / VDB Coins
Each MS65BN
1925 MS65BN Ex: Abe's Coloring Book
1939-D MS66BN
1944-D MS65BN
1952 MS65BN
1955 MS65BN
Here's a few from my last submission, still waiting on half the trueviews and they have been home almost 3 weeks...

A few more recent purchases for my set. Unfortunately the 1940 D is graded cleaned UNC details. The first 1961 is PR67 RB, and the second is PR66 RB
My eBay Store • Instagram • MS Toned Lincoln Cent Set • PR Toned Lincoln Cent Set
Ok...I finally got my trueviews after having my coins back home for 3 weeks...these are all ms63bn other than 1 in rb...tell me how bad I got hosed?
A few I feel it was accurate on...but I'm pretty sure these coins never saw a loupe and the grader hated toned lincolns.
Here's all the 64's from the sub.
And here's all the 65s but one 1944 in 65rb that hasn't had the trueview added yet...
And the two in 66

Was hoping this one would go higher...but I like it

Recent purchase for the set, a PR-66 RB
My eBay Store • Instagram • MS Toned Lincoln Cent Set • PR Toned Lincoln Cent Set