you used the words ( couple percent ) in your post , the Webster dictionary says couple means a pair or 2.
as to the sour grapes: pcgs graders are suppose to be professional graders and i don't understand how they can misgrade so many coins by a full point or more. i can and have submitted coins, and tried resubmitting coins for higher grades , only to sell them and see the same coins upgraded within weeks (no conservation ) and sold for huge profits . i could resubmit coins several times and never get the top pop grade or even a grade higher, and pcgs insiders can receive the higher grade on the first try ? after submitting and resubmitting hundreds of coins i now know that this grading game is a corrupt business and some people ( insiders ) are making serious money dishonestly .
Deltadimeman... My 2% was referencing the possible mistakes that could be graded through rushed grading. Sorry for the confusion... Of course the upgrade rate is many, many multiples of that. I was commenting on the 1 or 2 coins out of 100 that the services might agree on second glance slipped through the cracks due to the graders been "flooded" with coins at a show or event.
Anyway, we both digress... Back to the thread on who is waiting for their coins and for how long.
Please visit my website at and my ebay auctions under my user name
Today was business day 56 and actual day 80 on mine. It should under no circumstances take an entire business quarter to grade one box of type coins. Also keep in mind that this is with 2 supposed "expedite requests" as well as being in the "final verification stage" for at least 3 weeks.
The ambiguity of the customer service side of things utterly disgusts me. I just want them to be straightforward with me about what is going on. I'm tired of having the buck passed, and hearing "were just not sure". I have paid to have a service provided and they did not provide it. There comes a point where you just have to say this isn't right!
To the PCGS apologists out there, you can thump your chest about their stock being up, but I can tell you now that this pathetic level of service will have massive ramifications if it continues. I have already started to hear resentment from other dealers being echoed in every conversation. The rumor mill is already producing plenty of "less benign" explanations for why this disaster of turnaround times has occurred. PCGS reputation is diminishing every day with numismatic professionals. Meanwhile I can have timely service provided by the competitor, with a direct line of communication and friendly customer service. There comes a point where I (and others) have to make the decision to jump ship, and take less profit due to their "perceived" market superiority and make up in volume by going with NGC.
I'm certainly hope that change is coming soon, because animosity is building with every day of lost cash flow.
Holding in unity with all the others who are disgusted.
And by the way my 5/13 order isn't the only one massively delayed, its just the worst of them all. I have June orders that probably won't grade until....well ever at this rate.
Originally posted by: IndyCoppers Today was business day 56 and actual day 80 on mine. It should under no circumstances take an entire business quarter to grade one box of type coins. Also keep in mind that this is with 2 supposed "expedite requests" as well as being in the "final verification stage" for at least 3 weeks.
The ambiguity of the customer service side of things utterly disgusts me. I just want them to be straightforward with me about what is going on. I'm tired of having the buck passed, and hearing "were just not sure". I have paid to have a service provided and they did not provide it. There comes a point where you just have to say this isn't right!
To the PCGS apologists out there, you can thump your chest about their stock being up, but I can tell you now that this pathetic level of service will have massive ramifications if it continues. I have already started to hear resentment from other dealers being echoed in every conversation. The rumor mill is already producing plenty of "less benign" explanations for why this disaster of turnaround times has occurred. PCGS reputation is diminishing every day with numismatic professionals. Meanwhile I can have timely service provided by the competitor, with a direct line of communication and friendly customer service. There comes a point where I (and others) have to make the decision to jump ship, and take less profit due to their "perceived" market superiority and make up in volume by going with NGC.
I'm certainly hope that change is coming soon, because animosity is building with every day of lost cash flow.
Holding in unity with all the others who are disgusted.
And by the way my 5/13 order isn't the only one massively delayed, its just the worst of them all. I have June orders that probably won't grade until....well ever at this rate.
...if you keep it up they may just send you your coins back ungraded with your money refunded and your newly created CU forum account poofed like a fart in the wind...I feel your pain but seriously, I have seen them do that to a poster here a while back. It's a dictatorship not a democracy here...period
Today was business day 56 and actual day 80 on mine. It should under no circumstances take an entire business quarter to grade one box of type coins. Also keep in mind that this is with 2 supposed "expedite requests" as well as being in the "final verification stage" for at least 3 weeks.
The ambiguity of the customer service side of things utterly disgusts me. I just want them to be straightforward with me about what is going on. I'm tired of having the buck passed, and hearing "were just not sure". I have paid to have a service provided and they did not provide it. There comes a point where you just have to say this isn't right!
To the PCGS apologists out there, you can thump your chest about their stock being up, but I can tell you now that this pathetic level of service will have massive ramifications if it continues. I have already started to hear resentment from other dealers being echoed in every conversation. The rumor mill is already producing plenty of "less benign" explanations for why this disaster of turnaround times has occurred. PCGS reputation is diminishing every day with numismatic professionals. Meanwhile I can have timely service provided by the competitor, with a direct line of communication and friendly customer service. There comes a point where I (and others) have to make the decision to jump ship, and take less profit due to their "perceived" market superiority and make up in volume by going with NGC.
I'm certainly hope that change is coming soon, because animosity is building with every day of lost cash flow.
Holding in unity with all the others who are disgusted.
And by the way my 5/13 order isn't the only one massively delayed, its just the worst of them all. I have June orders that probably won't grade until....well ever at this rate.
...if you keep it up they may just send you your coins back ungraded with your money refunded and your newly created CU forum account poofed like a fart in the wind...I feel your pain but seriously, I have seen them do that to a poster here a while back. It's a dictatorship not a democracy here...period
And as a shareholder I hope that occurs and they revoke your PCGS authorized dealership.
The situation is simply really difficult right now for a lot of people, and I can't seem to find anyone who can beat 5/13!! I have simply joined to voice anger and frustration that I'm feeling and to share in the agony of the others that are feeling it. And again 5/13 I feel is a fair bartering chip!
Let me be clear: I don't WANT to have to go to the competitor, I have been satisfied all year long with the relatively timely service that they have provided and I think at least from a market standpoint they tend to be more accurate graders on a lot of stuff. But that unfortunately that doesn't change the situation were in.
I simply am asking for more transparency on what is going on from the customer service side of things, as well as quicker action in what is being done to change things. I see that turnaround times are looking better in the higher tiers but economy is still....basically unusable. I think that is really not fair to the loyal consumers.
The situation is simply really difficult right now for a lot of people, and I can't seem to find anyone who can beat 5/13!! I have simply joined to voice anger and frustration that I'm feeling and to share in the agony of the others that are feeling it. And again 5/13 I feel is a fair bartering chip!
Let me be clear: I don't WANT to have to go to the competitor, I have been satisfied all year long with the relatively timely service that they have provided and I think at least from a market standpoint they tend to be more accurate graders on a lot of stuff. But that unfortunately that doesn't change the situation were in.
I simply am asking for more transparency on what is going on from the customer service side of things, as well as quicker action in what is being done to change things. I see that turnaround times are looking better in the higher tiers but economy is still....basically unusable. I think that is really not fair to the loyal consumers.
If you wanted and/or needed fast turnaround, why did you not pay for Express? When you submit at the slowest tier, why are you shocked shocked that you are at the back of the queue?
db, you're missing the point. Even Express times have increased, so the same argument can be made. These are unprecedented delays.
Indy - you'll just have to decide what you want to do once your coins are back. Hope Matt is well, haven't heard from him in a while.
As I write, Express is 6 days. Their target is always 5 so they are pretty much getting out the customers seeking fast turnarounds on time. Yes, it was higher in the past 2 months, I can't remember what it peaked at.
If I need something somewhere the next day, I overnight it. I don't send it 3rd class.
Two simple thoughts to add some levity to the situation. First, What's the problem. Simply cease purchasing coins valued at less than 20k! Problem solved. Second, Bestday had a good constructive comment: "Now if PCGS would say Sorry.. throw in a couple of discounted chits, your argument would have merit." PCGS isn't required to do this, of course, but I'm sure PCGS would gain lots of kudos if they considered it. Then again, that might put them further behind.
The coins graded by PCGS dropped in half yesterday. Monday and Tuesday they graded over 10,000 coins- on Wednesday 5,700. There must be a virus going around.
The coins graded by PCGS dropped in half yesterday. Monday and Tuesday they graded over 10,000 coins- on Wednesday 5,700. There must be a virus going around.
I spoke with a dealer earlier who is waiting from May like many others; he was told from the dd that a couple lines held up the submission, a 1936 proof cent and a 7/8 morgan which mystified him.
To add some interesting flavor for my 5/13 57 business day long submission:
One of the coins I sent in was an 1802 Large Cent. It was code 86 "Authenticity Unverifiable". In a somewhat roundabout way I got in touch with them through my network and found out that upon second look they failed to attribute the coin correctly and confused themselves. Now it is in the correct holder as an authentic coin. That is a first for me...
300. I never figured this thread would take off like it did but it is obvious there are some very angry customers out there. Still waiting......and waiting...........
I wonder why the estimated times have stayed at 43? I have a lot of coins which don't merit express or even regular for that matter but will wait on submitting until the dust settles.
Edit for below reply: My point was why didn't it go up from 43 to 50...
The turnaround times stated above are the previous week’s average for each service level indicated. These times are estimated, as turnaround times always vary. Certain tokens and medals may require additional research, and turnaround times can fluctuate based on the amount of research required. Times listed are in business days. Turnaround times may fluctuate based on many factors.
A slight improvement in the output in the grading room yesterday- 6,056 coins graded. That's up from the 5,736 on Wednesday, but still way down from Monday and Tuesday when it was well over 10K each day. Is there a coin show this weekend where PCGS has on site grading?
Is there a coin show this weekend where PCGS has on site grading?
One of the big ones is coming up...2016 WORLD'S FAIR OF MONEY Anaheim, Ca. Thursday, Aug 11, 2016 to Saturday, Aug 13, 2016.
That's next week. Do the graders need that much time off to make it to Anaheim from Long Beach? I'm curious why the production went WAY down on Wednesday and Thursday?
Does anyone actually go look for anything anymore? Simply click on "check show schedule" and you will find onsite grading from 8/6 through 8/13. At least the graders get to go home at night.
I know I'm no longer the longest wait, but I do have a 5/26 still "in processing". If only I knew what I was getting into when I sent 3 economy lots in back in May...
I've started referring to sending ECO Lots as "planting next years crop"
Copy and pasted below from the coin grading webpage on our hosts website. Nowhere does it say turnaround times are a guarantee and it never has. I understand the frustration of waiting on your coins to come back, as I am waiting on a sub also. Think about those times that you got them back faster than expected. That has happened to me too, and our host did not ask any more from me for doing so. This is a bump in the road and after it is over it will be forgotten.
Estimated Turnaround Times
Standard & Secure
Express 6 12
Regular 18 30
Economy 43 38
Modern 22 32
The turnaround times stated above are the previous week’s average for each service level indicated. These times are estimated, as turnaround times always vary. Certain tokens and medals may require additional research, and turnaround times can fluctuate based on the amount of research required. Times listed are in business days. Turnaround times may fluctuate based on many factors.
you used the words ( couple percent ) in your post , the Webster dictionary says couple means a pair or 2.
as to the sour grapes: pcgs graders are suppose to be professional graders and i don't understand how they can misgrade so many coins by a full point or more. i can and have submitted coins, and tried resubmitting coins for higher grades , only to sell them and see the same coins upgraded within weeks (no conservation ) and sold for huge profits . i could resubmit coins several times and never get the top pop grade or even a grade higher, and pcgs insiders can receive the higher grade on the first try ? after submitting and resubmitting hundreds of coins i now know that this grading game is a corrupt business and some people ( insiders ) are making serious money dishonestly .
I want to know if anyone can beat 5/13? The lady on the phone said there were others!
The real problem seems to be booking too many shows and overseas grading events during the summer.
Anyway, we both digress... Back to the thread on who is waiting for their coins and for how long.
The ambiguity of the customer service side of things utterly disgusts me. I just want them to be straightforward with me about what is going on. I'm tired of having the buck passed, and hearing "were just not sure". I have paid to have a service provided and they did not provide it. There comes a point where you just have to say this isn't right!
To the PCGS apologists out there, you can thump your chest about their stock being up, but I can tell you now that this pathetic level of service will have massive ramifications if it continues. I have already started to hear resentment from other dealers being echoed in every conversation. The rumor mill is already producing plenty of "less benign" explanations for why this disaster of turnaround times has occurred. PCGS reputation is diminishing every day with numismatic professionals. Meanwhile I can have timely service provided by the competitor, with a direct line of communication and friendly customer service. There comes a point where I (and others) have to make the decision to jump ship, and take less profit due to their "perceived" market superiority and make up in volume by going with NGC.
I'm certainly hope that change is coming soon, because animosity is building with every day of lost cash flow.
Holding in unity with all the others who are disgusted.
And by the way my 5/13 order isn't the only one massively delayed, its just the worst of them all. I have June orders that probably won't grade until....well ever at this rate.
EAC 6024
Today was business day 56 and actual day 80 on mine. It should under no circumstances take an entire business quarter to grade one box of type coins. Also keep in mind that this is with 2 supposed "expedite requests" as well as being in the "final verification stage" for at least 3 weeks.
The ambiguity of the customer service side of things utterly disgusts me. I just want them to be straightforward with me about what is going on. I'm tired of having the buck passed, and hearing "were just not sure". I have paid to have a service provided and they did not provide it. There comes a point where you just have to say this isn't right!
To the PCGS apologists out there, you can thump your chest about their stock being up, but I can tell you now that this pathetic level of service will have massive ramifications if it continues. I have already started to hear resentment from other dealers being echoed in every conversation. The rumor mill is already producing plenty of "less benign" explanations for why this disaster of turnaround times has occurred. PCGS reputation is diminishing every day with numismatic professionals. Meanwhile I can have timely service provided by the competitor, with a direct line of communication and friendly customer service. There comes a point where I (and others) have to make the decision to jump ship, and take less profit due to their "perceived" market superiority and make up in volume by going with NGC.
I'm certainly hope that change is coming soon, because animosity is building with every day of lost cash flow.
Holding in unity with all the others who are disgusted.
And by the way my 5/13 order isn't the only one massively delayed, its just the worst of them all. I have June orders that probably won't grade until....well ever at this rate.
...if you keep it up they may just send you your coins back ungraded with your money refunded and your newly created CU forum account poofed like a fart in the wind...I feel your pain but seriously, I have seen them do that to a poster here a while back. It's a dictatorship not a democracy here...period
Today was business day 56 and actual day 80 on mine. It should under no circumstances take an entire business quarter to grade one box of type coins. Also keep in mind that this is with 2 supposed "expedite requests" as well as being in the "final verification stage" for at least 3 weeks.
The ambiguity of the customer service side of things utterly disgusts me. I just want them to be straightforward with me about what is going on. I'm tired of having the buck passed, and hearing "were just not sure". I have paid to have a service provided and they did not provide it. There comes a point where you just have to say this isn't right!
To the PCGS apologists out there, you can thump your chest about their stock being up, but I can tell you now that this pathetic level of service will have massive ramifications if it continues. I have already started to hear resentment from other dealers being echoed in every conversation. The rumor mill is already producing plenty of "less benign" explanations for why this disaster of turnaround times has occurred. PCGS reputation is diminishing every day with numismatic professionals. Meanwhile I can have timely service provided by the competitor, with a direct line of communication and friendly customer service. There comes a point where I (and others) have to make the decision to jump ship, and take less profit due to their "perceived" market superiority and make up in volume by going with NGC.
I'm certainly hope that change is coming soon, because animosity is building with every day of lost cash flow.
Holding in unity with all the others who are disgusted.
And by the way my 5/13 order isn't the only one massively delayed, its just the worst of them all. I have June orders that probably won't grade until....well ever at this rate.
...if you keep it up they may just send you your coins back ungraded with your money refunded and your newly created CU forum account poofed like a fart in the wind...I feel your pain but seriously, I have seen them do that to a poster here a while back. It's a dictatorship not a democracy here...period
And as a shareholder I hope that occurs and they revoke your PCGS authorized dealership.
Let me be clear: I don't WANT to have to go to the competitor, I have been satisfied all year long with the relatively timely service that they have provided and I think at least from a market standpoint they tend to be more accurate graders on a lot of stuff. But that unfortunately that doesn't change the situation were in.
I simply am asking for more transparency on what is going on from the customer service side of things, as well as quicker action in what is being done to change things. I see that turnaround times are looking better in the higher tiers but economy is still....basically unusable. I think that is really not fair to the loyal consumers.
The situation is simply really difficult right now for a lot of people, and I can't seem to find anyone who can beat 5/13!! I have simply joined to voice anger and frustration that I'm feeling and to share in the agony of the others that are feeling it. And again 5/13 I feel is a fair bartering chip!
Let me be clear: I don't WANT to have to go to the competitor, I have been satisfied all year long with the relatively timely service that they have provided and I think at least from a market standpoint they tend to be more accurate graders on a lot of stuff. But that unfortunately that doesn't change the situation were in.
I simply am asking for more transparency on what is going on from the customer service side of things, as well as quicker action in what is being done to change things. I see that turnaround times are looking better in the higher tiers but economy is still....basically unusable. I think that is really not fair to the loyal consumers.
If you wanted and/or needed fast turnaround, why did you not pay for Express? When you submit at the slowest tier, why are you shocked shocked that you are at the back of the queue?
Indy - you'll just have to decide what you want to do once your coins are back. Hope Matt is well, haven't heard from him in a while.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
db, you're missing the point. Even Express times have increased, so the same argument can be made. These are unprecedented delays.
Indy - you'll just have to decide what you want to do once your coins are back. Hope Matt is well, haven't heard from him in a while.
As I write, Express is 6 days. Their target is always 5 so they are pretty much getting out the customers seeking fast turnarounds on time. Yes, it was higher in the past 2 months, I can't remember what it peaked at.
If I need something somewhere the next day, I overnight it. I don't send it 3rd class.
Here's the point; you want fast, pay for fast.
Here's the point; you want fast, pay for fast.
Exactly. 20 business days is fast -- and I paid for it.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
Those kid graders still have to get past the finalizer, so your coins are in good hands.
First, What's the problem. Simply cease purchasing coins valued at less than 20k! Problem solved.
Second, Bestday had a good constructive comment: "Now if PCGS would say Sorry.. throw in a couple of discounted chits, your argument would have merit." PCGS isn't required to do this, of course, but I'm sure PCGS would gain lots of kudos if they considered it. Then again, that might put them further behind.
Done at last, done at last, thank god almighty, done at last.
I guess it's only another 3 weeks until my 6/6 submission grades.....
The coins graded by PCGS dropped in half yesterday. Monday and Tuesday they graded over 10,000 coins- on Wednesday 5,700. There must be a virus going around.
One of the coins I sent in was an 1802 Large Cent. It was code 86 "Authenticity Unverifiable". In a somewhat roundabout way I got in touch with them through my network and found out that upon second look they failed to attribute the coin correctly and confused themselves. Now it is in the correct holder as an authentic coin. That is a first for me...
At 5:05pm EST... on the 57th Business Day. They graded my 5/13...
Done at last, done at last, thank god almighty, done at last.
I wonder why the estimated times have stayed at 43? I have a lot of coins which don't merit express or even regular for that matter but will wait on submitting until the dust settles.
Edit for below reply: My point was why didn't it go up from 43 to 50...
The turnaround times stated above are the previous week’s average for each service level indicated. These times are estimated, as turnaround times always vary. Certain tokens and medals may require additional research, and turnaround times can fluctuate based on the amount of research required. Times listed are in business days. Turnaround times may fluctuate based on many factors.
My Ebay Store
Is there a coin show this weekend where PCGS has on site grading?
One of the big ones is coming up...
PNG/ANA Numismatic Trade Show (Formerly The ANA/PNG PreShow) 08/06/2016
08/08/2016 Anaheim Convention Center Hall D Anaheim CA
2016 WORLD'S FAIR OF MONEY Anaheim, Ca. Thursday, Aug 11, 2016 to Saturday, Aug 13, 2016.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
Is there a coin show this weekend where PCGS has on site grading?
One of the big ones is coming up...2016 WORLD'S FAIR OF MONEY Anaheim, Ca. Thursday, Aug 11, 2016 to Saturday, Aug 13, 2016.
That's next week. Do the graders need that much time off to make it to Anaheim from Long Beach? I'm curious why the production went WAY down on Wednesday and Thursday?
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
I've started referring to sending ECO Lots as "planting next years crop"
Lafayette Grading Set
Anyone know the half-life of silver? I'm trying to determine if my coins will completely deteriorate before they reach the grading room.......
Ag107 is a stable element with no half you can basically wait forever. Good luck.
Latin American Collection
Anyone know the half-life of silver? I'm trying to determine if my coins will completely deteriorate before they reach the grading room.......
Ag107 is a stable element with no half you can basically wait forever. Good luck.
The fact that you know this is impressive! It also just slowed grades down by another week!
Estimated Turnaround Times
Standard & Secure
Express 6 12
Regular 18 30
Economy 43 38
Modern 22 32
The turnaround times stated above are the previous week’s average for each service level indicated. These times are estimated, as turnaround times always vary. Certain tokens and medals may require additional research, and turnaround times can fluctuate based on the amount of research required. Times listed are in business days. Turnaround times may fluctuate based on many factors.
Where's the Kool Aid man icon?
Ask and you shall receive.