On the other hand I also have an Economy that entered their system on June 6th. The posted turn-around time is now at 37 days; tomorrow is my 37th Business Day for this order. I can't wait to see my grades tomorrow- it's a lock, right?
I have 2 economy orders posted June 1st still growing moss. I pray for yours only after mine are done!
On the other hand I also have an Economy that entered their system on June 6th. The posted turn-around time is now at 37 days; tomorrow is my 37th Business Day for this order. I can't wait to see my grades tomorrow- it's a lock, right?
I have 2 economy orders posted June 1st still growing moss. I pray for yours only after mine are done!
Mine has a May handle. Maybe I should have put my kid's name on the return shipping, in case I am dead when they get graded.
Sometimes do you wonder if your coins are thinking about you too?
Last week PCGS had updated one of my submissions. I think it was just to toy with my emotions. They added the varieties S/S 42/1, that sort of thing. I figured that the grades would post shortly after. Its been a week since that update.
Our turnaround times have reached unusually high levels. We are aware of this.
Many of you who have responded to this thread range from merely dissatisfied all the way to extremely upset and frustrated.
We sincerely apologize for this. We recognize your anger and frustration.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses, combined with a number of events in June - back to back weeks of Long Beach, Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and capped off by a Members Only Show in Las Vegas, combined with normal summer family vacations, all of which has seriously impacted our output of graded coins. The backlog consists of orders across all service levels, from Collectors Club members and dealers alike.
It is important to remember that our turnaround times are estimated - not guaranteed. Regardless, they're way beyond what we want them to be, and we're aware that you feel that way too.
Know that we are grading as many coins as we can, as quickly as we can responsibly do so, and still deliver products that meet our standards. We think it is better that we take our time and do the best job we can instead of hurry up the process and sacrifice quality.
We are taking steps to get ahead of this, and you should soon see progress on our published turnaround times page.
Finally, we remain extremely grateful for your support of PCGS, and we look forward to getting our turnaround times back to normal in the near future.
Oversubscribed.....seems so. Poor service...now for sure. Seems all the shows, family vacations etc should have been seen as a recurring issue....as has been mentioned by Bachi. Excuses, do something proactive please.
Successful trades/buys/sells with gdavis70, adriana, wondercoin, Weiss, nibanny, IrishMike, commoncents05, pf70collector, kyleknap, barefootjuan, coindeuce, WhiteTornado, Nefprollc, ajw, JamesM, PCcoins, slinc, coindudeonebay,beernuts, and many more
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses,
Strong growth = need for more graders.
=more people=less profits. That's what they say at my work.
Even quicker way to less profits in a 2-way race is to lose customers and reputation. Once a customer is lost to a competitor, that customer has to find a reason to come back that includes dissatisfaction with the competitor. I'm reminded of the Intuit TurboTax 2014 debacle. How many new permanent H&R Block tax software customers were created that year?
Sounds like our host are thin on personnel back at the home base. My part time job slims down to two counter people past 6:00 pm, and that is normally when the customers come in after work/dinner wanting service. We have the usual grumblings from folks who want to get their stuff and get home. I tell the customers that they will receive the same one-on-one service when their turn comes. Needless to say that we lose a customer or four who go (pardon the pun)...across the street. I will wait my turn.
oih82w8 = Oh I Hate To Wait _defectus patientia_aka...Dr. Defecto - Curator of RMO's
Our turnaround times have reached unusually high levels. We are aware of this.
Many of you who have responded to this thread range from merely dissatisfied all the way to extremely upset and frustrated.
We sincerely apologize for this. We recognize your anger and frustration.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses, combined with a number of events in June - back to back weeks of Long Beach,
Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and capped off by a Members Only Show in Las Vegas, combined with normal summer family vacations, all of which has
seriously impacted our output of graded coins. The backlog consists of orders across all service levels, from Collectors Club members and dealers alike.
It is important to remember that our turnaround times are estimated - not guaranteed. Regardless, they're way beyond what we want them to be,
and we're aware that you feel that way too.
Know that we are grading as many coins as we can, as quickly as we can responsibly do so, and still deliver products that meet our standards.
We think it is better that we take our time and do the best job we can instead of hurry up the process and sacrifice quality.
We are taking steps to get ahead of this, and you should soon see progress on our published turnaround times page.
Finally, we remain extremely grateful for your support of PCGS, and we look forward to getting our turnaround times back to normal in the near future.
HI Mark,
I do appreciate you speaking on behalf of PCGS. Thank you for taking the time to repond to our concerns. Some of us are trying to run small businesses and having PCGS extend the wait times WAY beyond what were average wait times at the time of our submissions is very problematic. These extended wait times are hurting our businesses so we are all going to be making business decisions going forward based on PCGS service. And the service is very unacceptable at these wait times. We don't like complaining but service is what we are all about.
Mark, thank you for offering some input. It is appreciated that someone with the organization has weighed in.
I'd observe, growth in the core business normally isn't a temporary result. Accordingly, steps should be taken now to ensure that business isn't lost to competitors or to disappointment by those new folks also trying to get their coins graded. NOW is the time to add additional staff so this never happens again. If exceptionally quick turn around times occasionally result, that's not a bad thing. You have to spend money to make money.
Changing the estimated time frames for grading to guaranteed time frames (in arguably the most critical element of your business) proves PCGS is the leader the industry. This experience has caused many to question that claim. After all, when collectors pay a premium for faster grading and then the speed is not delivered, that's just not good business.
I look forward to the day permanent changes are announced in this area of the hobby.
If you do what you always did, you get what you always got.
Originally posted by: MarkStephenson Our turnaround times have reached unusually high levels. We are aware of this.
Many of you who have responded to this thread range from merely dissatisfied all the way to extremely upset and frustrated.
We sincerely apologize for this. We recognize your anger and frustration.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses, combined with a number of events in June - back to back weeks of Long Beach, Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and capped off by a Members Only Show in Las Vegas, combined with normal summer family vacations, all of which has seriously impacted our output of graded coins. The backlog consists of orders across all service levels, from Collectors Club members and dealers alike.
It is important to remember that our turnaround times are estimated - not guaranteed. Regardless, they're way beyond what we want them to be, and we're aware that you feel that way too.
Know that we are grading as many coins as we can, as quickly as we can responsibly do so, and still deliver products that meet our standards. We think it is better that we take our time and do the best job we can instead of hurry up the process and sacrifice quality.
We are taking steps to get ahead of this, and you should soon see progress on our published turnaround times page.
Finally, we remain extremely grateful for your support of PCGS, and we look forward to getting our turnaround times back to normal in the near future.
Hi Mark,
Your response is very much appreciated! Are there some other bottlenecks in the process now that need addressed? The reason I ask is that one of my pending submissions is a 5-coin reholder submission, for coins already graded by PCGS and already in PCGS holders. These five coins do not need to be run through the grading room, they just need new labels as the result of labeling (mechanical) errors. These were submitted at the Las Vegas members show, and so now are on business day 17, which, by itself, is not an incredibly long time, but it is more than triple PCGS' target turnaround estimate of 5 days for reholders. (By comparison, U.S. Express service is also targeted at 5 days, and has only been pushed out to less than double that (8 days) at this point.) Clearly, PCGS' reholder service is more of an accommodation than a driver of revenues, but PCGS' original grading fees for these 5 coins totaled over $1,600, which certainly aided PCGS' revenue mix.
Is it that with the backlog in grading coins, reholdering and other services are sent to the back of the line to focus all resources to getting out newly graded coins? And, if so, does that mean my reholder order will be delayed until turnaround times for coin grading get back to their intended targets?
I think the key for us submitters isn't just tied to how many days a submission takes, but the more important issue is that the submitter has a reliable expectation of when the submission gets returned.
NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post theybreak it down by steps' letting you see that an attribuition has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
The information certainly doesn't speed up the process, but it makes me as a customer feel better knowing a little of what's going on.
What I don't understand is NGC grades as many coins as PCGS; why don't they seem to have the slow turn around times? Is it simply that Floridians are more industrious and hard working?
NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post they break it down by steps' letting you see that an attribution has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
Great comment/idea Jeff!
I suggested showing "where" the coin was in the PCGS house, instead of "in process" in the customer feedback thread a couple weeks back.
oih82w8 = Oh I Hate To Wait _defectus patientia_aka...Dr. Defecto - Curator of RMO's
Originally posted by: JeffMTampa NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post they break it down by steps' letting you see that an attribution has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
Great comment/idea Jeff!
I suggested showing "where" the coin was in the PCGS house, instead of "in process" in the customer feedback thread a couple weeks back.
I entered the same suggestion in that survey as well!
Originally posted by: JeffMTampa NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post theybreak it down by steps' letting you see that an attribuition has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
The information certainly doesn't speed up the process, but it makes me as a customer feel better knowing a little of what's going on.
What I don't understand is NGC grades as many coins as PCGS; why don't they seem to have the slow turn around times? Is it simply that Floridians are more industrious and hard working?
That may be true for NGC's U.S and World division, but for Ancients NGC has gotten very long. My "Standard" Ancients submission turnaround estimate at NGC is 37 days, the same as PCGS's Economy U.S. turnaround. NGC's Ancients Economy turnaround estimate is 49 days. My guess is that NGC's Ancients side, as nearly the only game in town, is busier than its U.S. and World division.
When I dropped off my NGC submission at Baltimore I asked the NGC desk about their turnaround times. They simply said "forever." I also submitted many many coins to PCGS at Baltimore knowing it was bad, but not this bad.
My thinking is that both of these services are doing the best they can to make money while still maintaining their standards. People are flocking to the grading services so business is better than anticipated, and it may not be a long term thing. So sit back and enjoy and if you believe it is a long term thing, buy some stock in either company.
And yet, I still check them every day thinking maybe I'll get lucky!
NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
Originally posted by: JeffMTampa NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
I guess I didn't know that the two companies graded a comparable number of coins. PCGS graded 190k coins in the last 30 days and 2.5M in the last year. That is over 6k coins a day, and over 8.5k per day if you exclude weekends.
Is it possible that NGC does the same? Total number of coins slabbed is about the same so you may be right. Are the numbers publicly available? If so, then it would seem that NGC is more on top of things, from a scheduling standpoint. I don't intend to alter my submissions, however.
Originally posted by: JeffMTampa NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
I guess I didn't know that the two companies graded a comparable number of coins. PCGS graded 190k coins in the last 30 days and 2.5M in the last year. That is over 6k coins a day, and over 8.5k per day if you exclude weekends.
Is it possible that NGC does the same? Total number of coins slabbed is about the same so you may be right. Are the numbers publicly available? If so, then it would seem that NGC is more on top of things, from a scheduling standpoint. I don't intend to alter my submissions, however.
While the volume numbers may say NGC is on top of things, they were way behind PCGS until NGC decided to award the grade of 70 to modern coins. Since then, troves of modern mint coins have flowed to NGC for the easy 70. Why do I say an "easy" 70? Because the NGC pop in grade 70 is far higher than PCGS', and I've seen NGC graded Proof 70 Ultra Cameo silver proofs showing black carbon spots readily visible to the naked eye in prime focal areas of the coin!
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
Is it a standard order? Vams, images, anything special about it? If not, something is wrong with that specific order.
In looking at the Shared Orders page I noticed that Economy Orders from May 27 and June 1st went out yesterday. I've often wondered why some orders get pushed ahead of orders that arrived earlier. It certainly doesn't fair; is PCGS that disorganized that they just "grab from the pile" no matter when the order was received? The June 1 suibmissions graded were logged in 2 weeks after yours; do you have something odd in your submission that could present a challenge? Was it crossover (that seems to take more time)?
In looking at the Shared Orders page I noticed that Economy Orders from May 27 and June 1st went out yesterday. I've often wondered why some orders get pushed ahead of orders that arrived earlier. It certainly doesn't fair; is PCGS that disorganized that they just "grab from the pile" no matter when the order was received? The June 1 suibmissions graded were logged in 2 weeks after yours; do you have something odd in your submission that could present a challenge? Was it crossover (that seems to take more time)?
Simple attributions on 4 coins. Nothing new or challenging. My order was obviously shoved back to do other business. I know I'm not the only one..........
In looking at the Shared Orders page I noticed that Economy Orders from May 27 and June 1st went out yesterday. I've often wondered why some orders get pushed ahead of orders that arrived earlier. It certainly doesn't fair; is PCGS that disorganized that they just "grab from the pile" no matter when the order was received? The June 1 suibmissions graded were logged in 2 weeks after yours; do you have something odd in your submission that could present a challenge? Was it crossover (that seems to take more time)?
Simple attributions on 4 coins. Nothing new or challenging. My order was obviously shoved back to do other business. I know I'm not the only one..........
That is obviously slowing it down. One of my 6/1 orders is now done.
I had my two economies of common US pre-34 coins back in a little under two months recently. No true view or anything like that. My two NGC orders arriving afterwards; one was done, returned last week, the other is due in a day or two, for a week or more over a month. I heard they had a group of graders in Asia for a while which slowed them down, probably Baltimore too. From what I have seen recently from another dealer, standards are a little lax with the slow times; I saw a 1921 HR Peace in MS65 PCGS today which seemed more like a 64 but that can be a tough coin to nail down. 30 or so graders at NGC, probably the same at PCGS, so vacations and backlogs can hinder turnarounds.
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
just so you know
they go by business day not calendar day
as they don't grade on weekends or holidays
you're no where close to business day 71 yet
i've got an econ that entered on may 24th...today 7-28 puts it on business day 45
everything in life is but merely on loan to us by our appreciation....lose your appreciation and see
Originally posted by: JeffMTampa NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
I guess I didn't know that the two companies graded a comparable number of coins. PCGS graded 190k coins in the last 30 days and 2.5M in the last year. That is over 6k coins a day, and over 8.5k per day if you exclude weekends.
Is it possible that NGC does the same? Total number of coins slabbed is about the same so you may be right. Are the numbers publicly available? If so, then it would seem that NGC is more on top of things, from a scheduling standpoint. I don't intend to alter my submissions, however.
While the volume numbers may say NGC is on top of things, they were way behind PCGS until NGC decided to award the grade of 70 to modern coins. Since then, troves of modern mint coins have flowed to NGC for the easy 70. Why do I say an "easy" 70? Because the NGC pop in grade 70 is far higher than PCGS', and I've seen NGC graded Proof 70 Ultra Cameo silver proofs showing black carbon spots readily visible to the naked eye in prime focal areas of the coin!
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
just so you know
they go by business day not calendar day
as they don't grade on weekends or holidays
you're no where close to business day 71 yet
i've got an econ that entered on may 24th...today 7-28 puts it on business day 45
I am well aware of that!! 71 days puts it into the true perspective of human being time not some fantasy business day measurement we are being sold at this point. Your 45 days is well beyond the stated times on this website, which I am sure you well aware of. Hopefully you get your coins back soon.
The PCGS Website advertises 37 Business Day turn-around for Economy Orders; yesterday was the 37th Business day for my June 6th Economy submission. I don't remember what was in the submission. "This will be like Christmas in July" I thought, being able to get up the next morning and see my bright shiney grades posted! I went to bed last night with visions of Sugar Plums dancing in my head.
I woke up early this morning to run downstairs and turn on the computer. Slowly Windows opened and the internet connection came alive! I was holding my breath; the moment had arrived. I clicked on the PCGS website, clicked on my account icon, and was transported to the page where my Orders are listed.
Of course my order hadn't been shipped- that should be today. I just need to click on my submission number to feel the joy..........
BAM!!! I was hit in the head with "In Process" for my grades. Santa left a lump of coal in my stocking. My heart sank. After wiping away the tears I began to self reflect; I must have been a VERY bad person for Santa PCGS to do this to me. Perhaps there are other naughty members that this happened to as well.
Today will be a day filled with shame and sorrow, wondering what I can do to become the person Santa feels worthy of having his coins grade. I will reflect and repent, trying to do good deeds over the weekend. There will be no Christmas Morning in July for me this year, but perhaps if I find a way to become a much better person there will be a Christmas in August.
I'll make it an even 200! So, when does the "silly season" end as far as getting back on track to the Estimated turnaround times? I will send in my next batch regardless and "hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever comes my way"...I am sure that I am plagiarizing someone.
oih82w8 = Oh I Hate To Wait _defectus patientia_aka...Dr. Defecto - Curator of RMO's
I'll make it an even 200! So, when does the "silly season" end as far as getting back on track to the Estimated turnaround times? I will send in my next batch regardless and "hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever comes my way"...I am sure that I am plagiarizing someone.
Who knows when it gets back to the usual times.....whatever that is.
I'll make it an even 200! So, when does the "silly season" end as far as getting back on track to the Estimated turnaround times? I will send in my next batch regardless and "hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever comes my way"...I am sure that I am plagiarizing someone.
Who knows when it gets back to the usual times.....whatever that is.
Many places I have worked, when confronted with busy times or when operations fell behind, there would be Voluntary or even mandatory overtime requested....Perhaps now is the time for management at PCGS to call a quick meeting to address the huge backlog and offer or require a couple of weekend overtime shifts.
Many places I have worked, when confronted with busy times or when operations fell behind, there would be Voluntary or even mandatory overtime requested....Perhaps now is the time for management at PCGS to call a quick meeting to address the huge backlog and offer or require a couple of weekend overtime shifts.
Been there...doing that...right now...overtime on a Saturday...cha-ching!
oih82w8 = Oh I Hate To Wait _defectus patientia_aka...Dr. Defecto - Curator of RMO's
On the other hand I also have an Economy that entered their system on June 6th. The posted turn-around time is now at 37 days; tomorrow is my 37th Business Day for this order. I can't wait to see my grades tomorrow- it's a lock, right?
I have 2 economy orders posted June 1st still growing moss. I pray for yours only after mine are done!
I'll quit holding my breath.....
On the other hand I also have an Economy that entered their system on June 6th. The posted turn-around time is now at 37 days; tomorrow is my 37th Business Day for this order. I can't wait to see my grades tomorrow- it's a lock, right?
I have 2 economy orders posted June 1st still growing moss. I pray for yours only after mine are done!
Mine has a May handle. Maybe I should have put my kid's name on the return shipping, in case I am dead when they get graded.
Mine has a May handle. Maybe I should have put my kid's name on the return shipping, in case I am dead when they get graded.
Last week PCGS had updated one of my submissions.
I think it was just to toy with my emotions.
They added the varieties S/S 42/1, that sort of thing.
I figured that the grades would post shortly after.
Its been a week since that update.
Many of you who have responded to this thread range from merely dissatisfied all the way to extremely upset and frustrated.
We sincerely apologize for this. We recognize your anger and frustration.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses, combined with a number of events in June - back to back weeks of Long Beach,
Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and capped off by a Members Only Show in Las Vegas, combined with normal summer family vacations, all of which has
seriously impacted our output of graded coins. The backlog consists of orders across all service levels, from Collectors Club members and dealers alike.
It is important to remember that our turnaround times are estimated - not guaranteed. Regardless, they're way beyond what we want them to be,
and we're aware that you feel that way too.
Know that we are grading as many coins as we can, as quickly as we can responsibly do so, and still deliver products that meet our standards.
We think it is better that we take our time and do the best job we can instead of hurry up the process and sacrifice quality.
We are taking steps to get ahead of this, and you should soon see progress on our published turnaround times page.
Finally, we remain extremely grateful for your support of PCGS, and we look forward to getting our turnaround times back to normal in the near future.
Thanks for the reply and information. It's meaningful, showing PCGS does care about the situation.
Holidays and shows....a lot of them.
I've been told I tolerate fools poorly...that may explain things if I have a problem with you. Current ebay items - Nothing at the moment
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses,
Strong growth = need for more graders.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses,
Strong growth = need for more graders.
EAC 6024
Poor service...now for sure.
Seems all the shows, family vacations etc should have been seen as a recurring issue....as has been mentioned by Bachi.
Excuses, do something proactive please.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses,
Strong growth = need for more graders.
Even quicker way to less profits in a 2-way race is to lose customers and reputation. Once a customer is lost to a competitor, that customer has to find a reason to come back that includes dissatisfaction with the competitor. I'm reminded of the Intuit TurboTax 2014 debacle. How many new permanent H&R Block tax software customers were created that year?
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Sounds like there is too much travel for the graders.
Only one grader gone at any one time.
Add more graders temporarily during peak summertime periods.
Just a couple quick thoughts.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
Our turnaround times have reached unusually high levels. We are aware of this.
Many of you who have responded to this thread range from merely dissatisfied all the way to extremely upset and frustrated.
We sincerely apologize for this. We recognize your anger and frustration.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses, combined with a number of events in June - back to back weeks of Long Beach,
Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and capped off by a Members Only Show in Las Vegas, combined with normal summer family vacations, all of which has
seriously impacted our output of graded coins. The backlog consists of orders across all service levels, from Collectors Club members and dealers alike.
It is important to remember that our turnaround times are estimated - not guaranteed. Regardless, they're way beyond what we want them to be,
and we're aware that you feel that way too.
Know that we are grading as many coins as we can, as quickly as we can responsibly do so, and still deliver products that meet our standards.
We think it is better that we take our time and do the best job we can instead of hurry up the process and sacrifice quality.
We are taking steps to get ahead of this, and you should soon see progress on our published turnaround times page.
Finally, we remain extremely grateful for your support of PCGS, and we look forward to getting our turnaround times back to normal in the near future.
HI Mark,
I do appreciate you speaking on behalf of PCGS. Thank you for taking the time to repond to our concerns. Some of us are trying to run small businesses and having PCGS extend the wait times WAY beyond what were average wait times at the time of our submissions is very problematic. These extended wait times are hurting our businesses so we are all going to be making business decisions going forward based on PCGS service. And the service is very unacceptable at these wait times. We don't like complaining but service is what we are all about.
I'd observe, growth in the core business normally isn't a temporary result. Accordingly, steps should be taken now to ensure that business isn't lost to competitors or to disappointment by those new folks also trying to get their coins graded. NOW is the time to add additional staff so this never happens again. If exceptionally quick turn around times occasionally result, that's not a bad thing. You have to spend money to make money.
Changing the estimated time frames for grading to guaranteed time frames (in arguably the most critical element of your business) proves PCGS is the leader the industry. This experience has caused many to question that claim. After all, when collectors pay a premium for faster grading and then the speed is not delivered, that's just not good business.
I look forward to the day permanent changes are announced in this area of the hobby.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Our turnaround times have reached unusually high levels. We are aware of this.
Many of you who have responded to this thread range from merely dissatisfied all the way to extremely upset and frustrated.
We sincerely apologize for this. We recognize your anger and frustration.
The backlog results from strong growth of our core businesses, combined with a number of events in June - back to back weeks of Long Beach,
Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and capped off by a Members Only Show in Las Vegas, combined with normal summer family vacations, all of which has
seriously impacted our output of graded coins. The backlog consists of orders across all service levels, from Collectors Club members and dealers alike.
It is important to remember that our turnaround times are estimated - not guaranteed. Regardless, they're way beyond what we want them to be,
and we're aware that you feel that way too.
Know that we are grading as many coins as we can, as quickly as we can responsibly do so, and still deliver products that meet our standards.
We think it is better that we take our time and do the best job we can instead of hurry up the process and sacrifice quality.
We are taking steps to get ahead of this, and you should soon see progress on our published turnaround times page.
Finally, we remain extremely grateful for your support of PCGS, and we look forward to getting our turnaround times back to normal in the near future.
Hi Mark,
Your response is very much appreciated! Are there some other bottlenecks in the process now that need addressed? The reason I ask is that one of my pending submissions is a 5-coin reholder submission, for coins already graded by PCGS and already in PCGS holders. These five coins do not need to be run through the grading room, they just need new labels as the result of labeling (mechanical) errors. These were submitted at the Las Vegas members show, and so now are on business day 17, which, by itself, is not an incredibly long time, but it is more than triple PCGS' target turnaround estimate of 5 days for reholders. (By comparison, U.S. Express service is also targeted at 5 days, and has only been pushed out to less than double that (8 days) at this point.) Clearly, PCGS' reholder service is more of an accommodation than a driver of revenues, but PCGS' original grading fees for these 5 coins totaled over $1,600, which certainly aided PCGS' revenue mix.
Is it that with the backlog in grading coins, reholdering and other services are sent to the back of the line to focus all resources to getting out newly graded coins? And, if so, does that mean my reholder order will be delayed until turnaround times for coin grading get back to their intended targets?
I think the key for us submitters isn't just tied to how many days a submission takes, but the more important issue is that the submitter has a reliable expectation of when the submission gets returned.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post theybreak it down by steps' letting you see that an attribuition has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
The information certainly doesn't speed up the process, but it makes me as a customer feel better knowing a little of what's going on.
What I don't understand is NGC grades as many coins as PCGS; why don't they seem to have the slow turn around times? Is it simply that Floridians are more industrious and hard working?
NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post they break it down by steps' letting you see that an attribution has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
Great comment/idea Jeff!
I suggested showing "where" the coin was in the PCGS house, instead of "in process" in the customer feedback thread a couple weeks back.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post they break it down by steps' letting you see that an attribution has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
Great comment/idea Jeff!
I suggested showing "where" the coin was in the PCGS house, instead of "in process" in the customer feedback thread a couple weeks back.
I entered the same suggestion in that survey as well!
NGC does something that I belive helps the customer understand where their coins fall into the process.
Instead of just listing "In Process" from the time the coins are logged in until the Cert. numbers post theybreak it down by steps' letting you see that an attribuition has been assigned, the coins in grading, the coins being finalized, etc.
The information certainly doesn't speed up the process, but it makes me as a customer feel better knowing a little of what's going on.
What I don't understand is NGC grades as many coins as PCGS; why don't they seem to have the slow turn around times? Is it simply that Floridians are more industrious and hard working?
That may be true for NGC's U.S and World division, but for Ancients NGC has gotten very long. My "Standard" Ancients submission turnaround estimate at NGC is 37 days, the same as PCGS's Economy U.S. turnaround. NGC's Ancients Economy turnaround estimate is 49 days. My guess is that NGC's Ancients side, as nearly the only game in town, is busier than its U.S. and World division.
When I dropped off my NGC submission at Baltimore I asked the NGC desk about their turnaround times. They simply said "forever." I also submitted many many coins to PCGS at Baltimore knowing it was bad, but not this bad.
My thinking is that both of these services are doing the best they can to make money while still maintaining their standards. People are flocking to the grading services so business is better than anticipated, and it may not be a long term thing. So sit back and enjoy and if you believe it is a long term thing, buy some stock in either company.
And yet, I still check them every day thinking maybe I'll get lucky!
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
I guess I didn't know that the two companies graded a comparable number of coins. PCGS graded 190k coins in the last 30 days and 2.5M in the last year. That is over 6k coins a day, and over 8.5k per day if you exclude weekends.
Is it possible that NGC does the same? Total number of coins slabbed is about the same so you may be right. Are the numbers publicly available? If so, then it would seem that NGC is more on top of things, from a scheduling standpoint. I don't intend to alter my submissions, however.
NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
I guess I didn't know that the two companies graded a comparable number of coins. PCGS graded 190k coins in the last 30 days and 2.5M in the last year. That is over 6k coins a day, and over 8.5k per day if you exclude weekends.
Is it possible that NGC does the same? Total number of coins slabbed is about the same so you may be right. Are the numbers publicly available? If so, then it would seem that NGC is more on top of things, from a scheduling standpoint. I don't intend to alter my submissions, however.
While the volume numbers may say NGC is on top of things, they were way behind PCGS until NGC decided to award the grade of 70 to modern coins. Since then, troves of modern mint coins have flowed to NGC for the easy 70. Why do I say an "easy" 70? Because the NGC pop in grade 70 is far higher than PCGS', and I've seen NGC graded Proof 70 Ultra Cameo silver proofs showing black carbon spots readily visible to the naked eye in prime focal areas of the coin!
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
Is it a standard order? Vams, images, anything special about it? If not, something is wrong with that specific order.
In looking at the Shared Orders page I noticed that Economy Orders from May 27 and June 1st went out yesterday. I've often wondered why some orders get pushed ahead of orders that arrived earlier. It certainly doesn't fair; is PCGS that disorganized that they just "grab from the pile" no matter when the order was received? The June 1 suibmissions graded were logged in 2 weeks after yours; do you have something odd in your submission that could present a challenge? Was it crossover (that seems to take more time)?
Simple attributions on 4 coins. Nothing new or challenging. My order was obviously shoved back to do other business. I know I'm not the only one..........
In looking at the Shared Orders page I noticed that Economy Orders from May 27 and June 1st went out yesterday. I've often wondered why some orders get pushed ahead of orders that arrived earlier. It certainly doesn't fair; is PCGS that disorganized that they just "grab from the pile" no matter when the order was received? The June 1 suibmissions graded were logged in 2 weeks after yours; do you have something odd in your submission that could present a challenge? Was it crossover (that seems to take more time)?
Simple attributions on 4 coins. Nothing new or challenging. My order was obviously shoved back to do other business. I know I'm not the only one..........
That is obviously slowing it down. One of my 6/1 orders is now done.
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
just so you know
they go by business day not calendar day
as they don't grade on weekends or holidays
you're no where close to business day 71 yet
i've got an econ that entered on may 24th...today 7-28 puts it on business day 45
NGC basically has 1 guy doing the ancients; he's always swamped. They're trying to find help, but it's a challenging area to find the right person. I use NGC for all my ancirent coins as well; perhaps we all do.
Other than Ancients, however, NGC has always seemed to be able to keep up with the workload. They must have something figured out.
I guess I didn't know that the two companies graded a comparable number of coins. PCGS graded 190k coins in the last 30 days and 2.5M in the last year. That is over 6k coins a day, and over 8.5k per day if you exclude weekends.
Is it possible that NGC does the same? Total number of coins slabbed is about the same so you may be right. Are the numbers publicly available? If so, then it would seem that NGC is more on top of things, from a scheduling standpoint. I don't intend to alter my submissions, however.
While the volume numbers may say NGC is on top of things, they were way behind PCGS until NGC decided to award the grade of 70 to modern coins. Since then, troves of modern mint coins have flowed to NGC for the easy 70. Why do I say an "easy" 70? Because the NGC pop in grade 70 is far higher than PCGS', and I've seen NGC graded Proof 70 Ultra Cameo silver proofs showing black carbon spots readily visible to the naked eye in prime focal areas of the coin!
This is kind of what I figured.
Today is day 71 for my Economy order. Rec'd May 17th, entered in May 19th. Based on the turnaround time estimates posted at that time I should have had my order back in a month. That month is being stretched into 3 it appears.
just so you know
they go by business day not calendar day
as they don't grade on weekends or holidays
you're no where close to business day 71 yet
i've got an econ that entered on may 24th...today 7-28 puts it on business day 45
I am well aware of that!! 71 days puts it into the true perspective of human being time not some fantasy business day measurement we are being sold at this point. Your 45 days is well beyond the stated times on this website, which I am sure you well aware of. Hopefully you get your coins back soon.
The PCGS Website advertises 37 Business Day turn-around for Economy Orders; yesterday was the 37th Business day for my June 6th Economy submission. I don't remember what was in the submission. "This will be like Christmas in July" I thought, being able to get up the next morning and see my bright shiney grades posted! I went to bed last night with visions of Sugar Plums dancing in my head.
I woke up early this morning to run downstairs and turn on the computer. Slowly Windows opened and the internet connection came alive! I was holding my breath; the moment had arrived. I clicked on the PCGS website, clicked on my account icon, and was transported to the page where my Orders are listed.
Of course my order hadn't been shipped- that should be today. I just need to click on my submission number to feel the joy..........
I was hit in the head with "In Process" for my grades. Santa left a lump of coal in my stocking. My heart sank. After wiping away the tears I began to self reflect; I must have been a VERY bad person for Santa PCGS to do this to me. Perhaps there are other naughty members that this happened to as well.
Today will be a day filled with shame and sorrow, wondering what I can do to become the person Santa feels worthy of having his coins grade. I will reflect and repent, trying to do good deeds over the weekend. There will be no Christmas Morning in July for me this year, but perhaps if I find a way to become a much better person there will be a Christmas in August.
Off to sulk.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
I'll make it an even 200! So, when does the "silly season" end as far as getting back on track to the Estimated turnaround times? I will send in my next batch regardless and "hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever comes my way"...I am sure that I am plagiarizing someone.
Who knows when it gets back to the usual times.....whatever that is.
I'll make it an even 200! So, when does the "silly season" end as far as getting back on track to the Estimated turnaround times? I will send in my next batch regardless and "hope for the best and prepare for the worst and take whatever comes my way"...I am sure that I am plagiarizing someone.
Who knows when it gets back to the usual times.....whatever that is.
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
Got my grades late last night, like, 12am eastern late.
Congrats! When was the order rec'd?
6/1 order grades posted today.
6/1 order grades posted today.
Still waiting on 5/19 order. My hopes are fading away again for my coins today!
Many places I have worked, when confronted with busy times or when operations fell behind, there would be Voluntary or even mandatory overtime requested....Perhaps now is the time for management at PCGS to call a quick meeting to address the huge backlog and offer or require a couple of weekend overtime shifts.
Been there...doing that...right now...overtime on a Saturday...cha-ching!
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...