My second regular submission posted after 42 working days but has not shipped yet. Received the first one back two days ago and will
send it back to our host for the correct variety attributions. All I have to do is follow the directions which they e-mailed to me. Never a dull moment.
Yep. I let my membership lapse after 14 years of submissions. Not worth the hassle anymore. There are other choices. Truly sad to see how service has fallen.
Yep. I let my membership lapse after 14 years of submissions. Not worth the hassle anymore. There are other choices. Truly sad to see how service has fallen.
That is a shame. I don't blame you.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Reporting that yesterday (9/20/16), I received grades on a 6 coin Regular submission that was logged in on 8/23/16. By my unofficial count, that was Day 19.
The interesting thing might be when I receive grades on the OTHER submission logged in the same day. We know they don't necessarily take them in order, so the difference might be telling about what kind of variability exists.
Apparently, my second submission is 21.
But, they are waiting for my go ahead on some Overton's I had written on labels on the old slabs, and neglected to remove. Their valid question was, "do you want the variety attribution?"
Guess there are probably those special kind of idiots who would expect that....(as opposed to normal idiots who just forget to remove the labels).
Not so fast....
Last Thursday, my little confusion was cleared up via email. And 3 working days later, (plus apparently some Saturday work??), it still hasn't posted.
What that tells me: Hope and pray that your submission doesn't get removed from the "normal flow"! Once that happens, who knows how long it will take to get back on track!!
I know...only 3 days. But that's still 5 days behind its companion submission, and who knows how much longer.
I can imagine a difficult variety designation, or reject by the finalizer, or paperwork miscue, or who knows what might be the cause for some of the "outliers" that post weeks after the posted time frames....
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Regular is now 79 days. Tomorrow is 6 weeks on a re-holder/variety regular order (the variety portion used to be done in a few days).
It's bad but regular is not 79 days! Listed at 24 and has been coming in around that time frame for me.
Date Received: 7/8/2016
Date Shipped: 9/26/2016
Order Status: Shipped
Maybe my math is incorrect.
This was 'Regular" service, not economy right? If so, something went terrible wrong of course. I have a regular order that was received there on 7/6 and shipped on 8/11. The next was received 7/19 and shipped 8/25.
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Almost seems like they need a lead "expediter" whose sole job is to seek out the longest existing submissions, and push them through the system.
I think most understand a week, (or two?), delay....but every once-in-awhile, someone reports a time in house that just seems like a job order that has been lost/forgotten/misplaced/ignored! At the very least, they could then communicate with the submitter to tell them what the delay is....
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
"All good things come to those who wait". When the story gets back to normal I sure there will be good things in store for those who didn't allow their patience to get exhausted.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Is this a joke? If anyone cares, type in "DBTUNR" in any search engine. You will then find the exact definition of emotional and irrational behavior in public forums.
I also just went and looked at the Yahoo CLCT forum. He literally deleted almost every post from the last 30 days. The ones where he was acting even worse than he does around here.
Finally, if you want to take a peek at his stock picks, well, just go look and laugh. WHO IS DBTUNR?
"All good things come to those who wait". When the story gets back to normal I sure there will be good things in store for those who didn't allow their patience to get exhausted.
The wait times will work themselves out. The grading quality has my attention.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Is this a joke? If anyone cares, type in "DBTUNR" in any search engine. You will then find the exact definition of emotional and irrational behavior in public forums.
I also just went and looked at the Yahoo CLCT forum. He literally deleted almost every post from the last 30 days. The ones where he was acting even worse than he does around here.
Finally, if you want to take a peek at his stock picks, well, just go look and laugh. WHO IS DBTUNR?
FYI - the guy you are linking to on yahoo who has a beef with me is a known pedophile. I googled him years ago and he was looking for little boys on a NAMBLA web site. I pointed that out to the yahoo board and that is why he has a beef with me. He has literally stalked me for 10 years. Figures you would side with him as you have now taken to stalking me on yahoo as well.
I posted my returns from my Fidelity account for all to see. 24%+ annually over 14 years. If you know of someone with a better return please let me know.
Still waiting for your lawyer. You really have issues.
For someone to be so concerned about their image that they post made up financial statements.................hilarious. You do know that members here are not destitute like the flunkies you debate with elsewhere right? You might even be posting this for the guy who runs Fidelity. HAHAHAHA!
One could also ask, if your track record was so good, why you have to constantly delete posts everywhere you go? 24% average over 14 years? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You could have at least made it slightly believable.
Updated to add: Here are the best funds over that last 20 years. Your "average return", (laugh) is significantly higher than every single one, by miles! What are you doing arguing with teenagers over on the Yahoo boards all day? You should be a guest on CNBC everyday with everyone calling you SIR! BEST FUNDS LAST 20 YEARS:
Any bets on how long before he deletes that financial return (coloring book) he posted?
For someone to be so concerned about their image that they post made up statements.................hilarious. You do know that members here are not destitute like the flunkies you debate with elsewhere right? You might even be posting this for the guy who runs Fidelity. HAHAHAHA!
One could also ask, if your track record was so good, why you have to constantly delete posts everywhere you go? 24% average over 14 years? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You could have at least made it slightly believable.
sorry you don't believe it. It is unbelievable...but true. That's a double every 3 years for 14 years. My historical picks are still out there on yahoo if you want to dig. I don't know what you are talking about deleting posts. If I reply to someone and they delete their post, my post gets deleted too. I can't control that.
I was into SLW soon after it went public and got in at $4, sold in the high teens. It then tanked and I bought I back at $4 and again sold in high teens where it went up to low $40's so I missed a big gain. I also bought many gold coins back then when gold was low $400's and sold at $1800, some to members here on the BST.
I had a big chunk of my 401K money in my company stock and the company got bought out at an 80% premium. I was lucky.
I was into CLCT when it tanked and was at $2, $3, $4. My posts are still here. Sold at $18, bought again at $10 and sold at $25. I played that one almost perfect. I bought this last round under $15 and have now 90% exited a little above $18. Not a great gain and disappointing to me.
Those were all my big winners. I am now in boring stocks like AWK, JNJ, VZ, CVX, ADP, JPM, MO, SBUX, HSY, AAPL and half in cash/CD's and my old companies 401K "guaranteed" fund which pays 2%. 2% for no risk and no hand cuffs isn't bad. Collecting dividends from solid companies is also low stress. CLCT is my only "exciting" stock and it is mostly a boring stock.
show us your trades and/or coin gains.
responding to your update: Mutual funds have billions of dollars and thousands of stocks. Much harder to get that return. It is much easier to sell 1000 shares of Apple or 2000 shares of Altria then 50,000,000 shares.
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
I'd say he has more of a right to be here than you do. He at least collects coins and submits them for grading, where as you only buy the stock and collect the dividends. You have no real interest in PCGS, your only TRUE interest is in how it can fatten your wallet.
Are you really this ignorant to the fact that you are contributing absolutely nothing of value to this thread other than to poke sticks at the hornets nest? Why don't you go back to trolling Dora The Explorer and let the True Collector's vent a bit.
...many many years ago when I used to make best clients were the ones who always touted how good they were...just about every week they had an envelope for me
"All good things come to those who wait". When the story gets back to normal I sure there will be good things in store for those who didn't allow their patience to get exhausted.
The wait times will work themselves out. The grading quality has my attention.
Certainly not happy with the VERY CONSERVATIVE grading of late...I am almost always dead on with my expected grades...Sent in 4 certain MS Morgans...all 4 came back AU58...Now...I can see if I had over-expectations on one...but for ALL 4 Morgans to come back AU58...It goes with out saying...I am NOT very happy!
The good news. One of My 8/15 regular submissions popped on Friday and shipped on Monday.
The bad news. They shipped it to the wrong address. Scrambling to make alt arrangements.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It seems that the other major service is also tightening up from anecdotal evidence anyway; a big local dealer told me he sent 87 Morgans on the NGC bulk submission program and coins hit a significantly lower grade level than usual. Soft market = tight grading?
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
what dribble
Unfortunately, it is all dribble. He's just a clown that needs attention like a 16 year old high school girl. I've been around forums long enough to know there's that one guy every time and this is him. Hides behind his computer taunting people with his words. Pay him no mind and he'll go away on his own.
Originally posted by: RMLTM79 After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
what dribble
Unfortunately, it is all dribble. He's just a clown that needs attention like a 16 year old high school girl. I've been around forums long enough to know there's that one guy every time and this is him. Hides behind his computer taunting people with his words. Pay him no mind and he'll go away on his own.
I know your kind as well. an unhappy, miserable, guy who just likes to complain...about everything.
buh bye...again
FYI - it's drivel, not dribble. you dribble a basketball Einstein.
I gave you my name, now you want to retract your stupid accusation?
You don't get to show up here and call people out as "alts", in addition to all your other ridiculous antics, unless you're willing to stick your foot in your mouth.
So you deny being a 16 year old living in mamma's basement?
I take that as your admission to internet stalking me like a troll. I love it how your are getting heckled there. Careful, someone might put 2 and 2 together with you and neg you on eBay
Getting back on topic here, and since it seems a few have brought up their submission here then had grades posted I am hoping that luck will rub off on mine. My regular submission with TV received 8/25 is "In Process" as of 9/29. Not really late yet but figured I'd post for informational purpose.
Getting back on topic here, and since it seems a few have brought up their submission here then had grades posted I am hoping that luck will rub off on mine. My regular submission with TV received 8/25 is "In Process" as of 9/29. Not really late yet but figured I'd post for informational purpose.
I had two Regular's received on 8/23, (2 days before yours). One had grades posted on 9/20.....the other is still "In Process" as of today. So, I guess you just never know.....
17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
Originally posted by: dbtunr 17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
What dribble .!!. obviously you didn't have kids.. ..LOL.. 17,000 coins graded 1 day ? loads of Moderns
17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
What dribble .!!. obviously you didn't have kids.. ..LOL.. 17,000 coins graded 1 day ? loads of Moderns
The genius also seems to forget there is show grading right now. His overuse of the Gretzky cliche is also tiresome.
So you deny being a 16 year old living in mamma's basement?
I take that as your admission to internet stalking me like a troll. I love it how your are getting heckled there. Careful, someone might put 2 and 2 together with you and neg you on eBay
Now you threaten me? You should be banned period.
If you take that as a threat, that is your issue. Stop stalking me.
17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
What dribble .!!. obviously you didn't have kids.. ..LOL.. 17,000 coins graded 1 day ? loads of Moderns
The genius also seems to forget there is show grading right now. His overuse of the Gretzky cliche is also tiresome.
OK Einstein. There have been numerous shows all year and this quarter. the 17,000 coins graded yesterday was still the highest of the quarter including the other show days. If you don't understand end of quarters and making numbers, I'm sorry.
where they all Moderns as bestday claims? There where 90 other days this quarter where Moderns could have been graded but as I said, still the highest day of the quarter.
Why can't you just let facts lay instead of coming out with negative spins? Why are you guys so miserable?
Because you are talking to real customers here, with orders stacked up for months. You are not talking to the 14 year olds you normally do on the other boards, who pretend to have skin in the game.
Because you are talking to real customers here, with orders stacked up for months. You are not talking to the 14 year olds you normally do on the other boards, who pretend to have skin in the game.
Well 14 yr old kids would do what is happening here and make their private issues a public issue. Adults would call customer service and handle it that way. Adults would act calmly and rationally and not get all emotional. If you are in fact an adult, act like one for the first time in your life. I've had issues with companies. I don't get all postal on their public forums. I call them, speak calmly, explain the issue, ask for compensation, and 98% of the time I get satisfaction. wow, what a concept.
Why is every comment you make so negative? enjoy life man.
Adults would act calmly and rationally and not get all emotional. If you are in fact an adult, act like one for the first time in your life. I've had issues with companies. I don't get all postal on their public forums. I call them,
You sure talk out of both sides of your mouth. I just went and looked on the Yahoo CLCT board, and someone there copied your post before you deleted it.
You said:
After numerous attempts at email and calling the company with no one getting back to me, I have sold 90% of my holdings.
I welcome debates and opinions, but I do draw the line at Liars.
send it back to our host for the correct variety attributions. All I have to do is follow the directions which they e-mailed to me. Never a dull moment.
What a difference a year makes.
Yep. I let my membership lapse after 14 years of submissions. Not worth the hassle anymore. There are other choices. Truly sad to see how service has fallen.
What a difference a year makes.
Yep. I let my membership lapse after 14 years of submissions. Not worth the hassle anymore. There are other choices. Truly sad to see how service has fallen.
That is a shame. I don't blame you.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Regular is now 79 days. Tomorrow is 6 weeks on a re-holder/variety regular order (the variety portion used to be done in a few days).
It's bad but regular is not 79 days! Listed at 24 and has been coming in around that time frame for me.
To get back on topic(?):
Reporting that yesterday (9/20/16), I received grades on a 6 coin Regular submission that was logged in on 8/23/16. By my unofficial count, that was Day 19.
Related thread: Link
The interesting thing might be when I receive grades on the OTHER submission logged in the same day. We know they don't necessarily take them in order, so the difference might be telling about what kind of variability exists.
Apparently, my second submission is 21.
But, they are waiting for my go ahead on some Overton's I had written on labels on the old slabs, and neglected to remove. Their valid question was, "do you want the variety attribution?"
Guess there are probably those special kind of idiots who would expect that....(as opposed to normal idiots who just forget to remove the labels).
Not so fast....
Last Thursday, my little confusion was cleared up via email. And 3 working days later, (plus apparently some Saturday work??), it still hasn't posted.
What that tells me: Hope and pray that your submission doesn't get removed from the "normal flow"! Once that happens, who knows how long it will take to get back on track!!
I know...only 3 days. But that's still 5 days behind its companion submission, and who knows how much longer.
I can imagine a difficult variety designation, or reject by the finalizer, or paperwork miscue, or who knows what might be the cause for some of the "outliers" that post weeks after the posted time frames....
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Regular is now 79 days. Tomorrow is 6 weeks on a re-holder/variety regular order (the variety portion used to be done in a few days).
It's bad but regular is not 79 days! Listed at 24 and has been coming in around that time frame for me.
Date Received: 7/8/2016
Date Shipped: 9/26/2016
Order Status: Shipped
Maybe my math is incorrect.
I count it as 57 business days, so more than 2x Wabbits reported time frame.
hmm. I count 56 business when accounting for the Labor Day Holiday. This guy is counting all days, not business days.
We also don't know if TruViews are involved (add 3-5 BUSINESS days) or if anything else was added which also adds another 3-5 business days
Regular is now 79 days. Tomorrow is 6 weeks on a re-holder/variety regular order (the variety portion used to be done in a few days).
It's bad but regular is not 79 days! Listed at 24 and has been coming in around that time frame for me.
Date Received: 7/8/2016
Date Shipped: 9/26/2016
Order Status: Shipped
Maybe my math is incorrect.
This was 'Regular" service, not economy right? If so, something went terrible wrong of course. I have a regular order that was received there on 7/6 and shipped on 8/11. The next was received 7/19 and shipped 8/25.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
PCGS needs to do something quickly , before defections from PCGS begin to snowball...
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
8 Reales Madness Collection
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
I think most understand a week, (or two?), delay....but every once-in-awhile, someone reports a time in house that just seems like a job order that has been lost/forgotten/misplaced/ignored! At the very least, they could then communicate with the submitter to tell them what the delay is....
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Ummm, I'd sell if I were you.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Is this a joke? If anyone cares, type in "DBTUNR" in any search engine. You will then find the exact definition of emotional and irrational behavior in public forums.
I also just went and looked at the Yahoo CLCT forum. He literally deleted almost every post from the last 30 days. The ones where he was acting even worse than he does around here.
Finally, if you want to take a peek at his stock picks, well, just go look and laugh. WHO IS DBTUNR?
"All good things come to those who wait". When the story gets back to normal I sure there will be good things in store for those who didn't allow their patience to get exhausted.
The wait times will work themselves out. The grading quality has my attention.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
Is this a joke? If anyone cares, type in "DBTUNR" in any search engine. You will then find the exact definition of emotional and irrational behavior in public forums.
I also just went and looked at the Yahoo CLCT forum. He literally deleted almost every post from the last 30 days. The ones where he was acting even worse than he does around here.
Finally, if you want to take a peek at his stock picks, well, just go look and laugh. WHO IS DBTUNR?
FYI - the guy you are linking to on yahoo who has a beef with me is a known pedophile. I googled him years ago and he was looking for little boys on a NAMBLA web site. I pointed that out to the yahoo board and that is why he has a beef with me. He has literally stalked me for 10 years. Figures you would side with him as you have now taken to stalking me on yahoo as well.
I posted my returns from my Fidelity account for all to see. 24%+ annually over 14 years. If you know of someone with a better return please let me know.
Still waiting for your lawyer. You really have issues.
One could also ask, if your track record was so good, why you have to constantly delete posts everywhere you go? 24% average over 14 years? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You could have at least made it slightly believable.
Updated to add: Here are the best funds over that last 20 years. Your "average return", (laugh) is significantly higher than every single one, by miles! What are you doing arguing with teenagers over on the Yahoo boards all day? You should be a guest on CNBC everyday with everyone calling you SIR! BEST FUNDS LAST 20 YEARS:
Any bets on how long before he deletes that financial return (coloring book) he posted?
For someone to be so concerned about their image that they post made up statements.................hilarious. You do know that members here are not destitute like the flunkies you debate with elsewhere right? You might even be posting this for the guy who runs Fidelity. HAHAHAHA!
One could also ask, if your track record was so good, why you have to constantly delete posts everywhere you go? 24% average over 14 years? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! You could have at least made it slightly believable.
sorry you don't believe it. It is unbelievable...but true. That's a double every 3 years for 14 years. My historical picks are still out there on yahoo if you want to dig. I don't know what you are talking about deleting posts. If I reply to someone and they delete their post, my post gets deleted too. I can't control that.
I was into SLW soon after it went public and got in at $4, sold in the high teens. It then tanked and I bought I back at $4 and again sold in high teens where it went up to low $40's so I missed a big gain. I also bought many gold coins back then when gold was low $400's and sold at $1800, some to members here on the BST.
I had a big chunk of my 401K money in my company stock and the company got bought out at an 80% premium. I was lucky.
I was into CLCT when it tanked and was at $2, $3, $4. My posts are still here. Sold at $18, bought again at $10 and sold at $25. I played that one almost perfect. I bought this last round under $15 and have now 90% exited a little above $18. Not a great gain and disappointing to me.
Those were all my big winners. I am now in boring stocks like AWK, JNJ, VZ, CVX, ADP, JPM, MO, SBUX, HSY, AAPL and half in cash/CD's and my old companies 401K "guaranteed" fund which pays 2%. 2% for no risk and no hand cuffs isn't bad. Collecting dividends from solid companies is also low stress. CLCT is my only "exciting" stock and it is mostly a boring stock.
show us your trades and/or coin gains.
responding to your update: Mutual funds have billions of dollars and thousands of stocks. Much harder to get that return. It is much easier to sell 1000 shares of Apple or 2000 shares of Altria then 50,000,000 shares.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
I'd say he has more of a right to be here than you do. He at least collects coins and submits them for grading, where as you only buy the stock and collect the dividends. You have no real interest in PCGS, your only TRUE interest is in how it can fatten your wallet.
Are you really this ignorant to the fact that you are contributing absolutely nothing of value to this thread other than to poke sticks at the hornets nest? Why don't you go back to trolling Dora The Explorer and let the True Collector's vent a bit.
"All good things come to those who wait". When the story gets back to normal I sure there will be good things in store for those who didn't allow their patience to get exhausted.
The wait times will work themselves out. The grading quality has my attention.
Certainly not happy with the VERY CONSERVATIVE grading of late...I am almost always dead on with my expected grades...Sent in 4 certain MS Morgans...all 4 came back AU58...Now...I can see if I had over-expectations on one...but for ALL 4 Morgans to come back AU58...It goes with out saying...I am NOT very happy!
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
The bad news. They shipped it to the wrong address. Scrambling to make alt arrangements.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
They won't get Morgans from me anymore due to this.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
what dribble
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
what dribble
Unfortunately, it is all dribble. He's just a clown that needs attention like a 16 year old high school girl. I've been around forums long enough to know there's that one guy every time and this is him. Hides behind his computer taunting people with his words. Pay him no mind and he'll go away on his own.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
After 2 months with my 2 coins for just a reholder, I asked to cancel my membership, refund my membership fee and send me my coins back. So today, they returned my coins uncorrected and no work done. I now have a MS70 graded Lunar proof Tiger. Debating on cracking it out and selling it raw. Sayonara PCGS. I won't be missing you.
buh bye.
Go sit at the kiddy table, adults are trying to talk.
Adults don't act emotionally and irrationally as you did and air their private issues in a public forum. Besides, you have no business here now as you are no longer a member. I'm still a shareholder.
what dribble
Unfortunately, it is all dribble. He's just a clown that needs attention like a 16 year old high school girl. I've been around forums long enough to know there's that one guy every time and this is him. Hides behind his computer taunting people with his words. Pay him no mind and he'll go away on his own.
I know your kind as well. an unhappy, miserable, guy who just likes to complain...about everything.
buh bye...again
FYI - it's drivel, not dribble. you dribble a basketball Einstein.
Still waiting for your big reveal.
I gave you my name, now you want to retract your stupid accusation?
You don't get to show up here and call people out as "alts", in addition to all your other ridiculous antics, unless you're willing to stick your foot in your mouth.
So you deny stalking me on yahoo?
So you deny being a 16 year old living in mamma's basement?
I take that as your admission to internet stalking me like a troll. I love it how your are getting heckled there. Careful, someone might put 2 and 2 together with you and neg you on eBay
Collector, occasional seller
Getting back on topic here, and since it seems a few have brought up their submission here then had grades posted I am hoping that luck will rub off on mine. My regular submission with TV received 8/25 is "In Process" as of 9/29. Not really late yet but figured I'd post for informational purpose.
I had two Regular's received on 8/23, (2 days before yours). One had grades posted on 9/20.....the other is still "In Process" as of today. So, I guess you just never know.....
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
What dribble .!!. obviously you didn't have kids.. ..LOL.. 17,000 coins graded 1 day ? loads of Moderns
17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
What dribble .!!. obviously you didn't have kids.. ..LOL.. 17,000 coins graded 1 day ? loads of Moderns
The genius also seems to forget there is show grading right now. His overuse of the Gretzky cliche is also tiresome.
So you deny being a 16 year old living in mamma's basement?
I take that as your admission to internet stalking me like a troll. I love it how your are getting heckled there. Careful, someone might put 2 and 2 together with you and neg you on eBay
Now you threaten me? You should be banned period.
If you take that as a threat, that is your issue. Stop stalking me.
17,000 coins processed yesterday, highest daily total of this current quarter and about 2X the daily average. End of quarter meeting the numbers and all. Skate to where the puck will be folks.
As far as all the complaining goes, this quarter will either be the 3rd highest coin total of all time or 4th highest. #1 and #2 were the two preceding quarters.
What dribble .!!. obviously you didn't have kids.. ..LOL.. 17,000 coins graded 1 day ? loads of Moderns
The genius also seems to forget there is show grading right now. His overuse of the Gretzky cliche is also tiresome.
OK Einstein. There have been numerous shows all year and this quarter. the 17,000 coins graded yesterday was still the highest of the quarter including the other show days. If you don't understand end of quarters and making numbers, I'm sorry.
where they all Moderns as bestday claims? There where 90 other days this quarter where Moderns could have been graded but as I said, still the highest day of the quarter.
Why can't you just let facts lay instead of coming out with negative spins? Why are you guys so miserable?
Because you are talking to real customers here, with orders stacked up for months. You are not talking to the 14 year olds you normally do on the other boards, who pretend to have skin in the game.
Because you are talking to real customers here, with orders stacked up for months. You are not talking to the 14 year olds you normally do on the other boards, who pretend to have skin in the game.
Well 14 yr old kids would do what is happening here and make their private issues a public issue. Adults would call customer service and handle it that way. Adults would act calmly and rationally and not get all emotional. If you are in fact an adult, act like one for the first time in your life. I've had issues with companies. I don't get all postal on their public forums. I call them, speak calmly, explain the issue, ask for compensation, and 98% of the time I get satisfaction. wow, what a concept.
Why is every comment you make so negative? enjoy life man.
Adults would act calmly and rationally and not get all emotional. If you are in fact an adult, act like one for the first time in your life. I've had issues with companies. I don't get all postal on their public forums. I call them,
You sure talk out of both sides of your mouth. I just went and looked on the Yahoo CLCT board, and someone there copied your post before you deleted it.
You said:
I welcome debates and opinions, but I do draw the line at Liars.