Vern, missed yet another local coin show due to health, but I always have some nice pics here to look at. I guess I'll have to satisfy my urge to add to the collection with an EBAY acquisition, have to really work on getting in better shape for the F.U.N this coming year. Mike, that is a great looking dime, I guess I would have been better off starting with the dimes, the halves seem to be hard to find and quite a bit more expensive. I guess I'll learn as I go, sure look forward to seeing some of you guys in Florida this coming year.
My latest pickup at a recent Heritage auction- a 1903 S PCGS AU 55:
This replaced the 45 in my set. Although this shouldn't be a tough coin to find in a nice AU I looked for quite a while and had to pay up. This is the look for me in a Barber!
Jeff - Nice pick-up, tough date in halves as well IMO.
Mike - A DK special, nice grab.
To me the best thing about the onset of fall is the start of the hockey season. My youngest son and I went to the Blackhawks/RedWings preseason opener last night. Nothing like it even if it's only the preseason.
And it looks like my photobucket is back in order, so pics for this AM will be my 03-S half, PC45:
Vern l It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
I need to dig up old images of my old 1898-S in PCGS AU 58 which I kept out of my August, 2011 sale and compare<*> these two 98-S's in 58. I sold my old one privately to a certain ex: Barber Collector, whose set was recently sold as well.
<*> My old 98-S in 58 had a strange mint mark punch, Looked like an S over an O mint mark. It's not quite an RPM, it looks closer to S/O.
The new 98-S should be in hand next week. Look at the MM area on this new coin... so, what do you think ?
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I've been helping out a friend with his sets. I took a few and submitted a few to PCGS Express for Regrade... Both Halves ... Both Green CAC 'd... One upgrade ... Value went up from $5500 to $9000 on Trends. I really shouldn't give the details out, but I knew this coin had all the looks needed to jump a full grade. I'm sending it back to CAC as soon as I get it back. The second coin that was not upgraded, also was Green CAC'd, will also get Re-beaned as well, and it's off to its next owner.
I also had a few MS Quarters sent to CAC, and all but one got Green Beaned. Once I get these back, they are scheduled to go to auction. These coins are as deeply toned in plums and greens as I have seen - with lots of silvery luster ... I will make note of their availability once I have them in hand. Three CAC'd are MS 64 Quarters, however, I may not be posting images prior to their consignment ... Sorry.
My same friend also had me consign some misc. Barbers on G.C. So this isn't total spam, I'll not tell which lots ... A few Quarters in PC 64 + CAC - tougher dates, too. Three lower end Halves, but three key dates - All in PCGS holders. This auction consignment has one Dime, the Key Date - but in an genuine holder. Nice coin ... Only a solid G6... small cut on cheek.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Barber Folks- first let me say that this post was started on my iPhone and then it became too big so they might be some typos please excuse them There's a very nice article this month in the journal about 1899-S quarters in VF/XF.... Makes me Wish I had my 1899-S homemade 35 back (I don't think I've ever wished I had a coin back that I sold until just recently this one and some of the other beauties from the same group.. Steve, Justin and a couple others have or had some of these... If anyone knows the whereabouts of this coin, the 1899-S VF35 below, I'll pay 3x what I sold it for to get it back- that's about $400 for this exact 35.. The only images I could find were from the "movie" I shot in 2012 of some of the coins from this group (all pix at bottom of post).. this 1899-S, along with the 1900-S was purchased in Decmber 2011 from Jim Dimmick for about $100. So perfect.
Back to the article - I do believe this date is scarce to rare in VF (esp prob free); much less scarce in XF and borderline common (relative to the series) in AU. I do think it's scarce in true MS though .. The article is very nice, very well done and thought out. I do believe the data to be inconclusive as slabbing coins at this grade level has not been en vogue long enough to do an experiment like this. But overall the content and the data I find to be reasonably accurate and an enjoyable read nice job Tim if you're reading!!
The aforementioned 1899-S qtr., that I submitted which graded 35 came back with six other quarters. This was in early 2011. I will list the date of the coin, what it graded, the population at PCGS at the time and the pop today:
1892-S/35 - 3/4 1893-S/35 - 3/6 1894-35 - 6/8 1898-S/30 - 4/6 1899-S/35 - 1/1 - AMAZING 1900-S/35 - 2/2 1907-S/30 - 1/9 - amazing this was Pop 1 just 2+ years ago. This alone reinforces the point I was making above.
Since we had been talking about 1898-S quarters, please allow me to post this anecdote of personal experience. (Thx Barber keys for posting my MS64 last week- that's in my top 3 for favorite BQ).. Anyway, I bought my 1898-S qtr AU-58 some 6-7 months ago. Id considered to selling it after acquiring the 64; but decided it is too hard to find a nice one. Although it's clearly (re)toned, The Luster is intense the strike is razor sharp and the eye appeal is very strong. What kills me is this coin cost me around $1000 in a heritage auction, back in the spring I think March..but if you trace it back a few months earlier, you'll find it sold at Stacks for $380.. I wish I saw it back then! I don't know if Stacks did the FUN auction last winter but that's about when it sold
My collection today has evolved into many duplicated dates rather than just a run of each coin and mint mark - I'm still missing all of the 3 biggies but do have the registry sets, Everyman and standard. I've also been building a Dansco album which I started right after selling all the nice very fines. I've tried to remain very picky and fussy about the coins that go into this collection. It's maybe 45-50 coins complete right now (there's 4 or 5 I want to replace).. Mainly VF/XF - there's a couple of darkish AU and the 1897-S is a 12 and a 97-O was cracked out of a PC-15 holder).
Speaking of duplicates courtesy of another boardmember, I just added my 5th 1897-S quarter to my collection (in grades ranging from 12 thru 64). They include a raw Fine, PCGS VF-35/x-NGC 40 with the CMM, a PC-55; the PC-64 from last week and thanks to Dave, a beautiful sweet small white ANACS-30-Big thank you Dave what a Beauty!! The other date that I also got today was my 4th 1901-0 quartEr: Small white ANACS-40-another absolute gem thank you Dave!!!, a Cass hoard 45, the Dansco coin - a raw 40-I posted this coin from my Dansko a few months back and everyone seemed to agree it's a sweet coin. And last but not least is the wonderful originally toned 63 purchased in Baltimore earlier this year...
I do not have the 1898-S, in my Dansco yet. I sold a beautiful 55 a few months ago to a forum member who so happens to be so kind as to take so many coin images for me Big thank you Vern! I'd love to see that 55 again if you want to post it sometime .. By the way Vern at 1903 half-dollar is perfect in every way exactly how I would want every Barber half-dollar or any Barber coun to look
JT - I meant to tell you before I absolutely love the look of the 1903-S and 1898-S quarters you posted.. I particularly love the look of your 1903-S qtr.. That's one gorgeous, perfect XF... Those would both look perfect in my Dansco. .. I would crack them out in a heartbeat if you ever decide to sell either...
Lousy images - they are all old when I was even worse at it plus they are snap shots off a monitor as the only pictures I found of them were from a wmv file and I dont know how to convert to tif or jpeg :
Scott - Good points, and that was a good article in the BCCS journal. Your video of the VF's showed how choice they were. Hope your 99-S returns home. Here are the pics of the 98-S in 55, you referenced:
Looked up my 99-S from my raw set, bought in 2003 from a local dealer who had just bought a collection. Was lucky on the timimg.
Vern l It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Mike - Found my pics of your previous 98-S, when it was in Walt's possession, PC58: Never did think that was an S over O mintmark, but it was interesting. Your new one from DK looks like there's something going on at the MM as well.
Vern l It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
I liked the writeup on the 1899-S quarter in the quarterly journal as well. I knew a little of that information, but it was a well thought out analysis. I remember your VF35 99-S well from when it was listed on the BST. It's a terrific coin that wouldn't be a stretch to reside in a XF45 holder. I wish I had grabbed it. My 99-S VF30 in my set was landed from an online auction if I remember right. I do still have your old 98-S in VF30. It's in a box of mine of tougher midgrade Barbers that don't fit my set, but are not for sale. I think the price guides don't price a lot of this stuff very well. I still buy VF Barber quarters of dates I like whenever I like the look and there anywhere near the retail price guides. I dislike eBay; and dealers for the most part grab for that gray sheet thing, so I just keep them. Congrats on landing Daves 97-S, the patina on it is perfect...will you be keeping it in the little white Anacs holder?
Here is my picture of the 99-S of Scott's. I am trying to track it down. I thought I sold to a guy on the cointalk forums, but I found out that I didn't. I think I know where it went though.
Steve - yes they will both stay in the little white ANACS holders.. as much as I want a choice VF in my album, so far I have retained the self control to have not cracked out the PC-35 CMM and hopefully can do the same with the newp
Justin - thank you for posting that image ... Great looking pix - I just didnt have a jpeg or tif file to post and had to take a pix of the paused video off my monitor (the limit of my tech savviness LOL )
Vern - Great raw 99-S - I grade F-15 .. maybe VF20? And thanks for reposting that 98-S/55
Mike- If I failed to say congrats before - congrats are in order! I think a good percentage of the 98-S Quarters have something going on with the MM .. So does Tom Smith as everyone he sells has one of the 26 letters of the alphabet over/under/beside the "S"
Finding three micro O halves in one smaller show is nothing short of amazing. Previous populations reported by Barber Collector's Society may not include any of these three. I am especially intrigued by an EF/AU piece. If it were me, I'd get the two raw coins certified. They are just too valuable, if genuine, to be not certified. Someone at a Michigan State Numismatic Society Show in Dearborn a few years back told me of a VF coin with problems. Not sure if that might be the same coin now in the ANACS holder.
Thanks for reporting about those. I love the micro O 1892-O halves and had six at one time years ago. I only have my gem coin in my registry set now.
That's a great coin, Mike. That date rarely comes with a full reverse in that grade. And such an honest look too. It makes a great addition to your VG set.
CoinMike, congrats on your purchase! It's very exciting when you approach completion of a set. Good luck on the last three. Care to share with us the missing three?
Your set has come a long way since you were in our Barber class last year, and I know you have been a great help to Glenn at shows, so, your coin exposure has grown allowing you to see more coins you need.
Down to three coins needed, huh ? That's great ! Your Newp, 92-O, is a solid coin and should fit in really well with your other Halves.
Glad to see you posting here. My best to you and please say hello to your Mom, she is a great asset of yours. I won't be in Baltimore, but I am sure you will be. Have fun !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Vern, The 1913-Phila issue is so tough. I like your VF (30?) very much.
I was able to pick up (sight unseen at the moment ) an upgrade for the Quarter set. 1897-S in PCGS 58. I should have the images on Monday. The coin by next weekend. I traded in my AU 55 for it.
My Express submission arrived today. Two weeks round trip with grading. Considering it's a week to get it to CALIF... and back is another week, I am very pleased with the Express service. Of course getting a whole point MS upgrade doesn't hurt either !!
Will add PCGS's Secure Plus images to this post soon.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
<< <i>Vern, The 1913-Phila issue is so tough. I like your VF (30?) very much.
I was able to pick up (sight unseen at the moment ) an upgrade for the Quarter set. 1897-S in PCGS 58. I should have the images on Monday. The coin by next weekend. I traded in my AU 55 for it.
My Express submission arrived today. Two weeks round trip with grading. Considering it's a week to get it to CALIF... and back is another week, I am very pleased with the Express service. Of course getting a whole point MS upgrade doesn't hurt either !!
Will add PCGS's Secure Plus images to this post soon. >>
Did you buy the JJTeaparty listing? I hope it's nice, they didn't have an image uploaded this afternoon yet.
I agree, the 13P quarter is tough and maybe under rated, in this series that is loaded with scarce and rare issues. Saw one at the show today that would have been an upgrade for my F15, but upon examination, it had 'issues'.
Mike - looking forward to seeing a 97S quarter in AU58 - I can't even find this coin in a wholesome F/VF!
Congrats Mike - let's see it if Liz sends u the image
WG - 97-S have been around lately for me anyway - I was fortunate enough to add the gorgeous 64 2 weeks ago for $3300; the ANACS 30 from Dave's ebay auction last Sunday to go with my AU55 and PC-35 CMM and Tyler sold me a wholesome Fine that's in my album . I may go 3 years now without seeing one though ...
CoinMike-Real nice 92-O congrats on a real great find.
Vern- nice Quarter but I'm sure you have quite a few more to display, we have the Silver Dollar Show coming up here in St. Louis this month hope to find something nice there.
My first set's AU 58 - that I mentioned earlier. Vern showed off his images of my old coin. I'm attempting to locate my own images ... I think I need a computer Photobucket Secretary - Admin. Assistant.
What Dave Lawrence had to say about this coin...
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
LOL, Vern with his raw board. Dang nice coin, Vern. WOW! Although, I do love Scott's CMM. And I would take that coin over any 97-S. It just has the look I like the most.
LOL, I have trouble remembering what is in my set, let alone whose got the nicer CMM on their 1897-S Quarters !!
Nice coin, Doug.
Anyone notice how low the 1897-S Eliasberg Quarter sold for last night on Great Collections. The consignor lost about $1000 off of what it sold for at Heritage last auction.
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Vern also has a PCGS AU55 center MM position 97-S quarter, his is nicer than mine. My coin was purchased raw a few years back from Andrew Reiber, one of my favorite dealers. Andrew has an affinity for 97-S quarters.
Yes - it is sticking again - its a system problem... not a Thread Problem.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mike - Nice newp.
Pics for this AM, a coin formerly in the Brier Creek collection, PC58:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Mike, that is a great looking dime, I guess I would have been better off starting with the dimes, the halves seem to be hard to find and quite a bit more expensive. I guess I'll learn as I go, sure look forward to seeing some of you guys in Florida this coming year.
Flipped thru some old images - This was a great looking set - if I do say so myself...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mike - Agree, that's a real nice looking set.
Pics for this AM, a little barber exonumia. Don't think I've posted for a while:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
1896-S PCGS F12
1897-S PCGS VG08
Will post pics when I get them back...which may be awhile
Mike - Great looking 1894 set. Very cool!
Vern - Awesome pics as always. And thanks for the kind words.
Here's one I don't recall sharing here before. Probably my favorite XF Barber quarter. PC/CAC 45
Always looking for tougher PSA 10's of Nolan Arenado, Alex Bregman, Mookie Betts, Francisco Lindor, and Mike Trout.
JT - Another very good looking tough date.
No pics this AM, something seems to be wrong with Photobucket.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
My latest pickup at a recent Heritage auction- a 1903 S PCGS AU 55:
This replaced the 45 in my set. Although this shouldn't be a tough coin to find in a nice AU I looked for quite a while and had to pay up. This is the look for me in a Barber!
Very nice 03-S Half, Jeff.
I just upgraded the same date { again...sigh } I have a 53 ( on Great Collections now )
and an AU 55 ... just never see an AU 58 until this evening:
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Mike - A DK special, nice grab.
To me the best thing about the onset of fall is the start of the hockey season. My youngest son and I went to the Blackhawks/RedWings preseason opener last night.
Nothing like it even if it's only the preseason.
And it looks like my photobucket is back in order, so pics for this AM will be my 03-S half, PC45:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Mike, So hard to find a 98-S in 58. Congrats!
<< <i>
Mike, So hard to find a 98-S in 58. Congrats! >>
I need to dig up old images of my old 1898-S in PCGS AU 58
which I kept out of my August, 2011 sale and compare<*> these
two 98-S's in 58. I sold my old one privately to a certain ex:
Barber Collector, whose set was recently sold as well.
<*> My old 98-S in 58 had a strange mint mark punch,
Looked like an S over an O mint mark. It's not quite an RPM,
it looks closer to S/O.
The new 98-S should be in hand next week. Look at the MM area
on this new coin... so, what do you think ?
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I've been helping out a friend with his sets. I took a few and submitted
a few to PCGS Express for Regrade... Both Halves ... Both Green CAC 'd...
One upgrade ... Value went up from $5500 to $9000 on Trends. I really
shouldn't give the details out, but I knew this coin had all the looks needed
to jump a full grade. I'm sending it back to CAC as soon as I get it back.
The second coin that was not upgraded, also was Green CAC'd, will also get
Re-beaned as well, and it's off to its next owner.
I also had a few MS Quarters sent to CAC, and all but one got Green Beaned.
Once I get these back, they are scheduled to go to auction. These coins are
as deeply toned in plums and greens as I have seen - with lots of silvery
luster ... I will make note of their availability once I have them in hand.
Three CAC'd are MS 64 Quarters, however, I may not be posting images
prior to their consignment ... Sorry.
My same friend also had me consign some misc. Barbers on G.C. So this isn't
total spam, I'll not tell which lots ... A few Quarters in PC 64 + CAC - tougher
dates, too. Three lower end Halves, but three key dates - All in PCGS holders.
This auction consignment has one Dime, the Key Date - but in an genuine holder.
Nice coin ... Only a solid G6... small cut on cheek.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
There's a very nice article this month in the journal about 1899-S quarters in VF/XF.... Makes me Wish I had my 1899-S homemade 35 back (I don't think I've ever wished I had a coin back that I sold until just recently this one and some of the other beauties from the same group.. Steve, Justin and a couple others have or had some of these... If anyone knows the whereabouts of this coin, the 1899-S VF35 below, I'll pay 3x what I sold it for to get it back- that's about $400 for this exact 35.. The only images I could find were from the "movie" I shot in 2012 of some of the coins from this group (all pix at bottom of post).. this 1899-S, along with the 1900-S was purchased in Decmber 2011 from Jim Dimmick for about $100. So perfect.
Back to the article - I do believe this date is scarce to rare in VF (esp prob free); much less scarce in XF and borderline common (relative to the series) in AU. I do think it's scarce in true MS though .. The article is very nice, very well done and thought out. I do believe the data to be inconclusive as slabbing coins at this grade level has not been en vogue long enough to do an experiment like this. But overall the content and the data I find to be reasonably accurate and an enjoyable read nice job Tim if you're reading!!
The aforementioned 1899-S qtr., that I submitted which graded 35 came back with six other quarters. This was in early 2011. I will list the date of the coin, what it graded, the population at PCGS at the time and the pop today:
1892-S/35 - 3/4
1893-S/35 - 3/6
1894-35 - 6/8
1898-S/30 - 4/6
1899-S/35 - 1/1 - AMAZING
1900-S/35 - 2/2
1907-S/30 - 1/9 - amazing this was Pop 1 just 2+ years ago. This alone reinforces the point I was making above.
Since we had been talking about 1898-S quarters, please allow me to post this anecdote of personal experience. (Thx Barber keys for posting my MS64 last week- that's in my top 3 for favorite BQ).. Anyway, I bought my 1898-S qtr AU-58 some 6-7 months ago. Id considered to selling it after acquiring the 64; but decided it is too hard to find a nice one. Although it's clearly (re)toned, The Luster is intense the strike is razor sharp and the eye appeal is very strong. What kills me is this coin cost me around $1000 in a heritage auction, back in the spring I think March..but if you trace it back a few months earlier, you'll find it sold at Stacks for $380.. I wish I saw it back then! I don't know if Stacks did the FUN auction last winter but that's about when it sold
My collection today has evolved into many duplicated dates rather than just a run of each coin and mint mark - I'm still missing all of the 3 biggies but do have the registry sets, Everyman and standard. I've also been building a Dansco album which I started right after selling all the nice very fines. I've tried to remain very picky and fussy about the coins that go into this collection. It's maybe 45-50 coins complete right now (there's 4 or 5 I want to replace).. Mainly VF/XF - there's a couple of darkish AU and the 1897-S is a 12 and a 97-O was cracked out of a PC-15 holder).
Speaking of duplicates courtesy of another boardmember, I just added my 5th 1897-S quarter to my collection (in grades ranging from 12 thru 64). They include a raw Fine, PCGS VF-35/x-NGC 40 with the CMM, a PC-55; the PC-64 from last week and thanks to Dave, a beautiful sweet small white ANACS-30-Big thank you Dave what a Beauty!!
The other date that I also got today was my 4th 1901-0 quartEr: Small white ANACS-40-another absolute gem thank you Dave!!!, a Cass hoard 45, the Dansco coin - a raw 40-I posted this coin from my Dansko a few months back and everyone seemed to agree it's a sweet coin. And last but not least is the wonderful originally toned 63 purchased in Baltimore earlier this year...
I do not have the 1898-S, in my Dansco yet. I sold a beautiful 55 a few months ago to a forum member who so happens to be so kind as to take so many coin images for me
JT - I meant to tell you before I absolutely love the look of the 1903-S and 1898-S quarters you posted.. I particularly love the look of your 1903-S qtr.. That's one gorgeous, perfect XF... Those would both look perfect in my Dansco.
I would crack them out in a heartbeat if you ever decide to sell either...
Lousy images - they are all old when I was even worse at it plus they are snap shots off a monitor as the only pictures I found of them were from a wmv file and I dont know how to convert to tif or jpeg
1898-S 25c PCGS-58
1899-S 25c PCGS-VF35 (sold Aug 2012)
1898-S 25c PCGS VF30
Here are the pics of the 98-S in 55, you referenced:
Looked up my 99-S from my raw set, bought in 2003 from a local dealer who had just bought a collection. Was lucky on the timimg.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Never did think that was an S over O mintmark, but it was interesting. Your new one from DK looks like there's something going on at the MM as well.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
I liked the writeup on the 1899-S quarter in the quarterly journal as well. I knew a little of that information, but it was a well thought out analysis. I remember your VF35 99-S well from when it was listed on the BST. It's a terrific coin that wouldn't be a stretch to reside in a XF45 holder. I wish I had grabbed it. My 99-S VF30 in my set was landed from an online auction if I remember right. I do still have your old 98-S in VF30. It's in a box of mine of tougher midgrade Barbers that don't fit my set, but are not for sale. I think the price guides don't price a lot of this stuff very well. I still buy VF Barber quarters of dates I like whenever I like the look and there anywhere near the retail price guides. I dislike eBay; and dealers for the most part grab for that gray sheet thing, so I just keep them. Congrats on landing Daves 97-S, the patina on it is perfect...will you be keeping it in the little white Anacs holder?
Justin - thank you for posting that image ... Great looking pix - I just didnt have a jpeg or tif file to post and had to take a pix of the paused video off my monitor (the limit of my tech savviness LOL )
Vern - Great raw 99-S - I grade F-15 .. maybe VF20? And thanks for reposting that 98-S/55
Mike- If I failed to say congrats before - congrats are in order! I think a good percentage of the 98-S Quarters have something going on with the MM .. So does Tom Smith as everyone he sells has one of the 26 letters of the alphabet over/under/beside the "S"
Finding three micro O halves in one smaller show is nothing short of amazing. Previous populations reported by Barber Collector's Society may not include any of these three. I am especially intrigued by an EF/AU piece. If it were me, I'd get the two raw coins certified. They are just too valuable, if genuine, to be not certified. Someone at a Michigan State Numismatic Society Show in Dearborn a few years back told me of a VF coin with problems. Not sure if that might be the same coin now in the ANACS holder.
Thanks for reporting about those. I love the micro O 1892-O halves and had six at one time years ago. I only have my gem coin in my registry set now.
As of today I need 3 more barbers until my set is complete.
Your set has come a long way since you were in our Barber class last year,
and I know you have been a great help to Glenn at shows, so, your coin
exposure has grown allowing you to see more coins you need.
Down to three coins needed, huh ? That's great ! Your Newp, 92-O, is a solid
coin and should fit in really well with your other Halves.
Glad to see you posting here. My best to you and please say hello to your Mom,
she is a great asset of yours. I won't be in Baltimore, but I am sure you will be.
Have fun !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Pics for this AM, from my raw set, don't remember if I've posted it on the forum before:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Vern, The 1913-Phila issue is so tough. I like your VF (30?) very much.
I was able to pick up (sight unseen at the moment ) an upgrade for the Quarter set.
1897-S in PCGS 58. I should have the images on Monday. The coin by next weekend.
I traded in my AU 55 for it.
My Express submission arrived today. Two weeks round trip with grading. Considering
it's a week to get it to CALIF... and back is another week, I am very pleased with the
Express service. Of course getting a whole point MS upgrade doesn't hurt either !!
Will add PCGS's Secure Plus images to this post soon.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Vern, The 1913-Phila issue is so tough. I like your VF (30?) very much.
I was able to pick up (sight unseen at the moment ) an upgrade for the Quarter set.
1897-S in PCGS 58. I should have the images on Monday. The coin by next weekend.
I traded in my AU 55 for it.
My Express submission arrived today. Two weeks round trip with grading. Considering
it's a week to get it to CALIF... and back is another week, I am very pleased with the
Express service. Of course getting a whole point MS upgrade doesn't hurt either !!
Will add PCGS's Secure Plus images to this post soon. >>
Did you buy the JJTeaparty listing? I hope it's nice, they didn't have an image uploaded this afternoon yet.
today that would have been an upgrade for my F15, but upon examination, it had 'issues'.
Mike - looking forward to seeing a 97S quarter in AU58 - I can't even find this coin in a wholesome F/VF!
WG - 97-S have been around lately for me anyway - I was fortunate enough to add the gorgeous 64 2 weeks ago for $3300; the ANACS 30 from Dave's ebay auction last Sunday to go with my AU55 and PC-35 CMM and Tyler sold me a wholesome Fine that's in my album . I may go 3 years now without seeing one though ...
They are on the iPad... Need to
transfer them to the lap top.
Boy, am I looking forward to the two upgrades !!
Here is the 1897-S from my 1st set of Barber Quarters... AU 55....
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Vern- nice Quarter but I'm sure you have quite a few more to display, we have the Silver Dollar Show coming up here in St. Louis this month hope to find something nice there.
Mike- I replied to you PM.
<< <i> Newest 1898-S in 58
My first set's AU 58 - that I mentioned earlier. Vern showed off his images of my old coin.
I'm attempting to locate my own images ... I think I need a computer Photobucket Secretary -
Admin. Assistant.
What Dave Lawrence had to say about this coin...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Scott - Nice hoard.
Dave - Good luck at the Silver Dollar show.
Pics for this AM, still my favorite 97-S, now in my raw board:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Nice to see the date (1907-S) and the grade (assuming a 58)
of a coin I am searching for. Nice one, Scott !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
Pics for this AM, Doug's 97-S, PC55:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
LOL, I have trouble remembering what is in my set,
let alone whose got the nicer CMM on their 1897-S Quarters !!
Nice coin, Doug.
Anyone notice how low the 1897-S Eliasberg Quarter sold for
last night on Great Collections. The consignor lost about $1000
off of what it sold for at Heritage last auction.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Vern also has a PCGS AU55 center MM position 97-S quarter, his is nicer than mine. My coin was purchased raw a few years back from Andrew Reiber, one of my favorite dealers.
Andrew has an affinity for 97-S quarters.
Paesan - Here is my 97-S, PC55:
Also, here is Scott's CMM, NGC40:
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.
<< <i>Mike - I'm surprised the Eliasberg 97-S wasn't protected. Perhaps it didn't actually sell in the GC auction.
Paesan - Here is my 97-S, PC55:
Also, here is Scott's CMM, NGC40:
wonderful tough coins, with the added bonus of centered MM
BHNC #203
BST transactions: dbldie55, jayPem, 78saen, UltraHighRelief, nibanny, liefgold, FallGuy, lkeigwin, mbogoman, Sandman70gt, keets, joeykoins, ianrussell (@GC), EagleEye, ThePennyLady, GRANDAM, Ilikecolor, Gluggo, okiedude, Voyageur, LJenkins11, fastfreddie, ms70, pursuitofliberty, ZoidMeister,Coin Finder, GotTheBug, edwardjulio, Coinnmore, Nickpatton, Namvet69,...
It's not having what you want, it's wanting what you've got.