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Please post your Seated Liberty images.



  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,016 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 5, 2023 9:09PM

    @yosclimber , I loved his hand writing.

  • BarberianBarberian Posts: 3,464 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Beautiful half dimes. For such a rare date, I'm surprised it's priced so reasonably in MS grades. Does this reflect a large percentage of higher-grade coins saved or the relative lack of interest in half dimes from collectors in general?

    Looking back, I'm surprised that I didn't start a half dime collection when I had young eyes. I picked up an 1868 in G4 because of its low mintage 35 years ago, and added a colorful MS62 1858 and an arrows coin for the Type set, but I never collected them by date/mm.

    3 rim nicks away from Good
  • CatbertCatbert Posts: 6,990 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 8, 2023 6:41AM

    Really pretty @Cladiator ! Would love to own that one.

    Edit to add: - I looked at the 2019 Stacks auction pics - which is more accurate to the in-hand view, the TV or the auction house?

    "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
  • CladiatorCladiator Posts: 18,016 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Catbert said:
    Really pretty @Cladiator ! Would love to own that one.

    Edit to add: - I looked at the 2019 Stacks auction pics - which is more accurate to the in-hand view, the TV or the auction house?

    As usual, neither, or both...? lol The Stacks pics are similar to the in hand look when you view the coin straight on with normal lighting. The TV pics are similar to how it looks in hand from a slight angle in the same lighting. When you put the coin under a lamp, like at a coin show, it really comes alive. Rotating it around really shows off the luster it still has and slightly reflective fields, which neither set of photos really captures well.

  • BarberianBarberian Posts: 3,464 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 18, 2023 11:01PM

    That 1883 is sweet!

    My 1883 (raw). I'm concerned there may be a filed rim on the reverse at 8 o'clock. Not sure.

    3 rim nicks away from Good
  • No HeadlightsNo Headlights Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Barberian said:
    @No Headlights I have an 1881 with a similar toning pattern as your 1883. I wonder if it was from the same collection at one time. Edited to add that the cert. numbers are 198 digits apart from each other.

    Could be. I believe (not sure, been in my collection a while) it came from Liz Coggan.

  • seduloussedulous Posts: 3,199 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Sweet Coin @paesan Lenny.

    A Barber Quartet is made up of Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, and Halves.

  • BarberianBarberian Posts: 3,464 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @No Headlights said:

    Another of my Circulated 1880 halves. If anyone knows of an 1884 or 1887 for sale, (must be CAC) please let me know.

    Good luck on both. Some SLH folks in the Gobrecht Journal believed that circulated 1887s (AG - EF) are the rarest circulated coins in the low-mintage series (1879-1890). However, an LSCC survey suggests the 1884 and the 1886 may be a little tougher. I've seen a few circulated 1887s with CAC.

    (And guess who just received the four-volume set of the Gobrecht Journal?)

    I like your 1885.

    3 rim nicks away from Good
  • No HeadlightsNo Headlights Posts: 2,051 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Barberian said:

    @No Headlights said:

    Another of my Circulated 1880 halves. If anyone knows of an 1884 or 1887 for sale, (must be CAC) please let me know.

    Good luck on both. Some SLH folks in the Gobrecht Journal believed that circulated 1887s (AG - EF) are the rarest circulated coins in the low-mintage series (1879-1890). However, an LSCC survey suggests the 1884 and the 1886 may be a little tougher. I've seen a few circulated 1887s with CAC.

    (And guess who just received the four-volume set of the Gobrecht Journal?)

    I like your 1885.

    Yes, I agree. Both are tough. I have the quarters, all CAC. But the last two halves are making me work!

  • ARCOARCO Posts: 4,387 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @No Headlights said:

    1840 dollar


    I love it! Sold. Where do I send my payment? :)

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