My parents are in town, visiting me from California. I haven't been online much while visiting with them and just noticed this thread.
I don't see any reason to belabor this issue, but will mention a few points.
1. I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. I was hoping the seller would complete the transaction after I refused his request to cancel the sale. I did not leave negative feedback until after he sent me an email the following morning stating that I would definitely not be receiving the coin.
2. The seller never mentioned any attempt to retrieve the coin until after I left negative feedback. Had he done so, I would have given him a reasonable amount of time to reacquire the coin before I left feedback.
3. I do not believe the coin ever left the seller's possession or control; however, I appreciate the seller's new willingness to complete the transaction.
4. I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after.
<< <i>My parents are in town, visiting me from California. I haven't been online much while visiting with them and just noticed this thread.
I don't see any reason to belabor this issue, but will mention a few points.
1. I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. I was hoping the seller would complete the transaction after I refused his request to cancel the sale. I did not leave negative feedback until after he sent me an email the following morning stating that I would definitely not be receiving the coin.
2. The seller never mentioned any attempt to retrieve the coin until after I left negative feedback. Had he done so, I would have given him a reasonable amount of time to reacquire the coin before I left feedback.
3. I do not believe the coin ever left the seller's possession or control; however, I appreciate the seller's new willingness to complete the transaction.
4. I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after. >>
I hope this works out as I said from the beginning this can be a win / win situation for both of you.
I am just sorry that I defended a new member from name calling.
<< <i>I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. >>
Don't know about eager, but you sure were quick. If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep, it was about 5 hours from the end of the auction to when the negative was left. By anyone's measure, that's quick.
<< <i>I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. >>
Don't know about eager, but you sure were quick. If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep, it was about 5 hours from the end of the auction to when the negative was left. By anyone's measure, that's quick. >>
It wasn't 5 hours. It was 13.5 hours. The auction ended at night. I left feedback the next morning, after I received an email from the seller stating that I definitely would not be receiving the coin. At this point I had full information and would have no reason to wait further.
<< <i>It wasn't 5 hours. It was 13.5 hours. The auction ended at night. I left feedback the next morning... >>
Which is pretty much what what I said:
"If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep..."
13.5 - 8.5 = 5 hours.
Because, you know, most people aren't able to deal with online issues when they're sleeping. >>
You feebly attempt to imply that I negged the seller while he slept, and had I merely waited, he would have rectified the situation and completed the sale. That premise is false.
The seller and I communicated the night of the sale and then he sent me an email the next morning stating that I would definitely not receive the coin. Only then did I leave negative feedback. Please articulate why a rational person would wait to leave feedback at this point. The no sale was a fait accompli, and the coin was long gone, according to the seller.
<< <i>You feebly attempt to imply that I negged the seller while he slept, and had I merely waited, he would have rectified the situation and completed the sale. That premise is false. >>
I implied no such thing. If that's what I thought, I would have said it.
<< <i>Please articulate why a rational person would wait to leave feedback at this point. >>
Because, just maybe, things could still be worked out? Please articulate why a rational person would leave negative feedback so quickly if he really was interested in getting the coin.
<< <i>The no sale was a fait accompli, and the coin was long gone... >>
Based on your post this morning, you were mistaken about this, it seems.
Under the circumstances thus presented a neg by the buyer was warranted.
Seller failed to maintain sufficient control over his listing and the results it produced. He failed to honor a sale; that is his mistake, not the buyers.
A seller that is as concerned about his feedback as seller appears to be (and should be) should make better effort to preserve it.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>You feebly attempt to imply that I negged the seller while he slept, and had I merely waited, he would have rectified the situation and completed the sale. That premise is false. >>
I implied no such thing. If that's what I thought, I would have said it.
<< <i>Please articulate why a rational person would wait to leave feedback at this point. >>
Because, just maybe, things could still be worked out? Please articulate why a rational person would leave negative feedback so quickly if he really was interested in getting the coin.
<< <i>The no sale was a fait accompli, and the coin was long gone... >>
Based on your post this morning, you were mistaken about this, it seems. >>
Horse , water , lead .. doesnt work , Bayard , wasting your breath brother
We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject.
<< <i>Under the circumstances thus presented a neg by the buyer was warranted.
Seller failed to maintain sufficient control over his listing and the results it produced. He failed to honor a sale; that is his mistake, not the buyers.
A seller that is as concerned about his feedback as seller appears to be (and should be) should make better effort to preserve it. >>
I feel it was unwarranted for this gentleman to get hate mail from other ebayers that had nothing to do with this transaction who only heard one side. The truth is almost always in the middle somewhere. While people are free to jump him here, they should have never contacted him on ebay. Sorry, JMO.
<< <i>Is there a cliffs notes version of this thread? >>
Might be this and I haven't read it all of it either.
Buyer A bought coin from seller B and then B thought coin didn't sell because he use a cell phone and not a computer. He did a trade with his buddy C then sees the coin really did sell and tell A that he ain't getting it and then has a bad feeling about doing that. B goes to C and has to buy him lunch to undo the trade then gets on his phone and sees where A has left negative feedback. P O d he then double whammys his self and makes sure A knows he double dog sure ain't gettin the coin. Well A came to the CU board first and told his side and then B had top learn how to get on the board and he tells his side. SOOOOOOO both threads are just getting bigger & bigger and some where down the line all this will go away, maybe, hopefully. Aw heck let all the stuff keep flowing down hill. The real short version is that A got tattooed and B got neged and C don't give a rat's behind cause he got a nice coin and a free lunch and brothers there ain't much better than a free lunch!
I just wish people would settle down before they start foaming at the beak and spitting fires. All this waste of discussion over a coin sale that initially didn't get completed. It sounds like the seller made a simple mistake, the buyer foamed up and fumed here on the forum about not getting the coin. Then he fired off a negative without exhausting all resolution means. Gees folks, it is just a coin, it is not some lifesaving medication or something.
Tir nam beann, nan gleann, s'nan gaisgeach ~ Saorstat Albanaich a nis!
I chose not to text, have a smart phone or be caught up in the latest tech wave but i can still list an item, hopefully sell it and shp it that day or the next at the latest. I have shipped the wrong coin once, have a couple get ripped in transit, failed to see i recieved a couple of payments for a day or 2, forgot to ship it all, overcharged and undercharged for shipping.I have blocked a total of 2 ebays, have sold well over 100 items to ebayers with zero or just a few feedbacks. Out of 5k in sales i have had a few buyers that were out to shaft me, recieved 2 negs over 8 years, left one neg.
I have bought 100's of items off of ebay and have had a few issues, but most were fixed with a little time. Some sellers i would not buy from again.
To me i think buyers are over demanding or worried they are going to get ripped on every sale. Ebay buyers seem to expect same day delivery on the items they win. When i call and order parts or goods from companies i never expect the tracking info asap. Sometimes it takes 10 days or more to recieve the item. Same goes when buying at heritage, i pay today, i do not demand the item tommorow but ebayers seem to want more when they go thru ebay.
On this coin in question i think both sides made mistakes but believe it would have worked itself out had the buyer assumed less.
Now that i am approaching 50 years i have relaxed my standards a bit, i used to demand that everything be perfect from the work i did to the goods or services i bought and paid for. While i strive for perfection in my work, i no longer expect it in return. The little things used to send me over the top. I have learned that placing unrealistic expectations others was causing me stress, since i changed that one aspect life is a lot more enjoyable for me and the others around me.
9 negs seems excessive to me, if i had left 9 negs i would start to think i need to re evaluate what i was doing and adjust.
Mark NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!! working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!
<< <i>Now lets get to the salacious details that many of you have enjoyed hammering me on.
I had two auctions ending on Wednesday evening at about 10:00pm eastern. I was visiting at the home of a coin-collecting colleague and was watching my auctions using the e-bay app on my android phone. It was showing the countdown in real time, both minutes and seconds. As the time was counting down, including at the end, it showed zero bids at conclusion. I would later find out that even though the time is counting down, you need to refresh to see bids/amounts. Believing that neither coin sold, i traded the 3c Nickel for an ngc pr indian cent >>
Zero bids?
The bid history shows that a bid was place about 59 minutes "before" the listing ended.
For the Cliff note version, this screenshot wasn't brought up. Lee has shown there was at least ONE bid one full hour 'before the clock was ticking down', as seller B stated. I have stayed out of this, but must say, buyer A was right in leaving the neg. He left the neg AFTER being told he WASN'T getting the coin. Also, the seller has been a seller for 10 years, and has a whopping 267 feedback? I've sold for less than 3 years and am about 50 short of 267. He's a VERY casual seller, with numbers like that (and are they ALL for selling?). Hell, ebay just let you list up to 250 free listings last week alone. Lets do the math........10 years, 267 FB.......26.7 items a year.....2.27 items a month??? The seller states " I would hope to get the benefit of the doubt about how seriously i take the responsibility of internet commerce by having had that record. Those of you who have similar records know what it takes to do that."
I don't see selling 2.27 items a month as taking it seriously, I'm sorry. It's not like Jeremy, Kryptonitecomics, and the many others who list numerous items weekly...THOSE guys take it seriously.
Once the seller notified the buyer he wasn't getting the coin (he traded it away inside of a few minutes after the listing ended???), who's fault is it, really, that a neg was tossed, and SHOULD it be a surprise?
Bottm line....buyer A, who won the coin, will not be getting said coin from seller B, and seller B should have gotten a neg (and I don't like tossing negs around either, but if it were me, and I received the message I wouldn't be getting it AFTER winning it, I'd have negged him that fast myself). Just my 2 cents worth (OK, 3 cents worth)
<< <i>Bottm line....buyer A, who won the coin, will not be getting said coin from seller B... >>
Seller B posted:
"as a follow up note, i had told myself that i would not complete this transaction without an apology from the buyer but have decided to invoice him and agree to complete the transaction without any apology or commitment to modify feedback."
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
Ebay does not permit "bad sellers" and "bad buyers" to be pointed out and discussed on THEIR OWN FORUMS. Why should we have to put up with it here?
Frank Provasek - PCGS Authorized Dealer, Life Member ANA, Member TNA.
I consider it to be a public service to warn fellow forum members when an eBay buyer or seller is discovered to be a crook.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
Ebay does not permit "bad sellers" and "bad buyers" to be pointed out and discussed on THEIR OWN FORUMS. Why should we have to put up with it here? >>
Perhaps it is because we are not bound by eBay forum rules on this forum?
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
Ebay does not permit "bad sellers" and "bad buyers" to be pointed out and discussed on THEIR OWN FORUMS. Why should we have to put up with it here? >>
Perhaps it is because we are not bound by eBay forum rules on this forum? >>
Also, eBay only cares about making money and scaring away buyers and sellers hurts their bottom line.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Second, sounds like an honest mistake by the OP, and the buyer had it in his head he was getting screwed because he had already done a lot of research on the coin.
Neither person handled it ideally at first, but hopefully you both worked it out in the end.
"as a follow up note, i had told myself that i would not complete this transaction without an apology from the buyer but have decided to invoice him and agree to complete the transaction without any apology or commitment to modify feedback."
That was only posted after the neg was left and people from the board wrote to the seller saying that ha was being dragged through the mud. We have no way of knowing but I for one think is as disingenuous as a a little kid saying sorry only after the spanking. I agree with the poster who said that without the neg the forum member probably wouldn't have ever seen the coin. A good us of a neg if you ask me.
The OP should go back to the dealer he traded the trime and make the trade again. He got the neg and the eBay fees and closed his account - he can now leave eBay behind him and move on. He will do more business with the guy he traded with than the eBay buyer. He has gone through life just fine without the scorn or adulation of the members here and will do just fine going forward.
seller was in the wrong. A mistake for sure and I understand his error but the buyer did nothing wrong at all. I am pretty sure that neg could be reversed.
<< <i>Bottm line....buyer A, who won the coin, will not be getting said coin from seller B... >>
Seller B posted:
"as a follow up note, i had told myself that i would not complete this transaction without an apology from the buyer but have decided to invoice him and agree to complete the transaction without any apology or commitment to modify feedback."
In the interest of accuracy, and all... >>
This is why I wanted to stay out of it!! lol Too much going on. Thank you for setting me straight, mrpotatoheadd (not joking, because there's too much in the way of 'facts' to keep it straight). This is one messy situation....though, I think the bottom line, and a real lesson is: Don't use your cell phone to 'check' if something is time sensitive...wait and check your home computer...even if the buyer pays immediately, the item won't ship for 24 hours, and you'll know for sure whats going on. Technology.....perhaps manufacturers are in so much of a hurry for the 'next big thing' that things are happening too fast. We are all aware there were glitches in the Blackberry world...perhaps there were issues with other providers/phones.
I still have an issue with the seller stating there were no bids when it was 'counting down' (as evidenced, there was a bid one hour prior to item's ending), but this COULD be the truth and a drawback to using a non-computer to access the 'net (my cell phone is 'just a phone'....calls and texting, that's apps, connectivity...hell, I still have an external extendable antenna). I still believe the buyer won't be getting the coin, due to too much 'bad blood' having been spilled. I CAN understand the actions of the seller, thinking it went unsold and trading it....and I CAN understand the buyer getting ticked (and venting, and negging the seller) after flat out being told he wouldn't be getting the coin he rightfully won.
Regardless, I feel for both the buyer and seller (the seller was big enough to come here to defend/explain himself...props for that). It's a mess I certainly am glad I'm not involved in...but I still have a gut feeling the buyer won't be seeing the coin.
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
the coin is shipping to the buyer today via fedex as he and i have traded shipping/payment e-mails.
The app on the droid phone really did cause me to make a mistake (the trade) that was easily undone. I commicated very poorly to the buyer because when i asked for the recission i believed he wouldn't care as much as he did. the coin was listed for 5 days and got two bidders so i didnt think it was a big deal, but it was to him and thats cool. I let my anger get the better of me and so did he but in the end one of us had to man up and try to make things right. that should have been (and was) me because i made the first mistake.
as for someone who earlier suggested that my feedback of 267 indicated casuality in my e-baying>>>>so what. I have used e-bay to collect and sell coins that get replaced. I do not do this daily but in 10 years i cared enough to make all those transactions work. e-bay has made me wait 30 days to close the account and by then i wont be mad about anything anymore. I will come out of this wiser than when i went in (maybe even an upgrade from the turd and liar that i was referred to in the original post).
and after all of this, now i know about this forum. can anyone tell me where i can find a proof cam two cent piece?
Spendabuckeye - you are forgiven and welcome to continue visiting here. Now just remember it can be a rough crowd around here and you have to have the flame proof armour on at times, but stick around and ignore the fools.
Tir nam beann, nan gleann, s'nan gaisgeach ~ Saorstat Albanaich a nis!
<< <i>Spendabuckeye - you are forgiven and welcome to continue visiting here. Now just remember it can be a rough crowd around here and you have to have the flame proof armour on at times, but stick around and ignore the fools. >>
I agree.The price of membership here is a little steep but it is generally worth it. Thin-skinned members don't survive.
You seem like a good guy and are more than welcome here. Lance.
By my calculation, that's about 13 1/2 hours. Maybe taking a bit of time to figure things out would have been more productive? >>
I agree. In my experience, doing things and saying things when you are angry is counter productive. Its too bad that it ended this way. I assume if the transaction is made good, the negative can be retracted?
Hotel Buyers set the price.
Ebay sellers set the price.
I know that you are very disappointed that this coin is not in your collection
I don't see any reason to belabor this issue, but will mention a few points.
1. I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. I was hoping the seller would complete the transaction after I refused his request to cancel the sale. I did not leave negative feedback until after he sent me an email the following morning stating that I would definitely not be receiving the coin.
2. The seller never mentioned any attempt to retrieve the coin until after I left negative feedback. Had he done so, I would have given him a reasonable amount of time to reacquire the coin before I left feedback.
3. I do not believe the coin ever left the seller's possession or control; however, I appreciate the seller's new willingness to complete the transaction.
4. I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after.
<< <i>Hotel Buyer, give me a break.
Hotel Buyers set the price.
Ebay sellers set the price.
I know that you are very disappointed that this coin is not in your collection
I will do my best to get over the disappointment.
Is that Ike thing real? Would people really pay $40k for it?
<< <i>My parents are in town, visiting me from California. I haven't been online much while visiting with them and just noticed this thread.
I don't see any reason to belabor this issue, but will mention a few points.
1. I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. I was hoping the seller would complete the transaction after I refused his request to cancel the sale. I did not leave negative feedback until after he sent me an email the following morning stating that I would definitely not be receiving the coin.
2. The seller never mentioned any attempt to retrieve the coin until after I left negative feedback. Had he done so, I would have given him a reasonable amount of time to reacquire the coin before I left feedback.
3. I do not believe the coin ever left the seller's possession or control; however, I appreciate the seller's new willingness to complete the transaction.
4. I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after. >>
I hope this works out as I said from the beginning this can be a win / win situation for both of you.
I am just sorry that I defended a new member from name calling.
I love a happy ending.
<< <i>I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. >>
Don't know about eager, but you sure were quick. If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep, it was about 5 hours from the end of the auction to when the negative was left. By anyone's measure, that's quick.
<< <i>
<< <i>I was not eager or quick to leave negative feedback. >>
Don't know about eager, but you sure were quick. If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep, it was about 5 hours from the end of the auction to when the negative was left. By anyone's measure, that's quick. >>
It wasn't 5 hours. It was 13.5 hours. The auction ended at night. I left feedback the next morning, after I received an email from the seller stating that I definitely would not be receiving the coin. At this point I had full information and would have no reason to wait further.
<< <i> I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after.
I love a happy ending.
Me too.
<< <i>It wasn't 5 hours. It was 13.5 hours. The auction ended at night. I left feedback the next morning... >>
Which is pretty much what what I said:
"If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep..."
13.5 - 8.5 = 5 hours.
Because, you know, most people aren't able to deal with online issues when they're sleeping.
<< <i>4. I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after. >>
<< <i>Hotel Buyer, give me a break.
Hotel Buyers set the price.
Ebay sellers set the price.
I know that you are very disappointed that this coin is not in your collection
Thats not what disappoints me.
The name is LEE!
<< <i>
<< <i>It wasn't 5 hours. It was 13.5 hours. The auction ended at night. I left feedback the next morning... >>
Which is pretty much what what I said:
"If you ignore the time that people are generally asleep..."
13.5 - 8.5 = 5 hours.
Because, you know, most people aren't able to deal with online issues when they're sleeping. >>
You feebly attempt to imply that I negged the seller while he slept, and had I merely waited, he would have rectified the situation and completed the sale. That premise is false.
The seller and I communicated the night of the sale and then he sent me an email the next morning stating that I would definitely not receive the coin. Only then did I leave negative feedback. Please articulate why a rational person would wait to leave feedback at this point. The no sale was a fait accompli, and the coin was long gone, according to the seller.
<< <i>You feebly attempt to imply that I negged the seller while he slept, and had I merely waited, he would have rectified the situation and completed the sale. That premise is false. >>
I implied no such thing. If that's what I thought, I would have said it.
<< <i>Please articulate why a rational person would wait to leave feedback at this point. >>
Because, just maybe, things could still be worked out? Please articulate why a rational person would leave negative feedback so quickly if he really was interested in getting the coin.
<< <i>The no sale was a fait accompli, and the coin was long gone... >>
Based on your post this morning, you were mistaken about this, it seems.
Seller failed to maintain sufficient control over his listing and the results it produced. He failed to honor a sale; that is his mistake, not the buyers.
A seller that is as concerned about his feedback as seller appears to be (and should be) should make better effort to preserve it.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
<< <i>
<< <i>You feebly attempt to imply that I negged the seller while he slept, and had I merely waited, he would have rectified the situation and completed the sale. That premise is false. >>
I implied no such thing. If that's what I thought, I would have said it.
<< <i>Please articulate why a rational person would wait to leave feedback at this point. >>
Because, just maybe, things could still be worked out? Please articulate why a rational person would leave negative feedback so quickly if he really was interested in getting the coin.
<< <i>The no sale was a fait accompli, and the coin was long gone... >>
Based on your post this morning, you were mistaken about this, it seems. >>
Horse , water , lead .. doesnt work , Bayard , wasting your breath brother
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject.
<< <i>Under the circumstances thus presented a neg by the buyer was warranted.
Seller failed to maintain sufficient control over his listing and the results it produced. He failed to honor a sale; that is his mistake, not the buyers.
A seller that is as concerned about his feedback as seller appears to be (and should be) should make better effort to preserve it. >>
EXACTLY. I couldn't have put it better myself
<< <i>
<< <i>4. I will pay the seller and hopefully everyone will live happily ever after. >>
Excellent! >>
don't forget to modify/remove the feedback
Positive BST Transactions (buyers and sellers): wondercoin, blu62vette, BAJJERFAN, privatecoin, blu62vette, AlanLastufka, privatecoin
#1 1951 Bowman Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#2 1980 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
#8 (and climbing) 1972 Topps Los Angeles Rams Team Set
NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!
<< <i>Is there a cliffs notes version of this thread? >>
Might be this and I haven't read it all of it either.
Buyer A bought coin from seller B and then B thought coin didn't sell because he use a cell phone and not a computer.
He did a trade with his buddy C then sees the coin really did sell and tell A that he ain't getting it and then has a bad feeling
about doing that. B goes to C and has to buy him lunch to undo the trade then gets on his phone and sees where A has left
negative feedback. P O d he then double whammys his self and makes sure A knows he double dog sure ain't gettin the coin.
Well A came to the CU board first and told his side and then B had top learn how to get on the board and he tells his side.
SOOOOOOO both threads are just getting bigger & bigger and some where down the line all this will go away, maybe, hopefully.
Aw heck let all the stuff keep flowing down hill.
The real short version is that A got tattooed and B got neged and C don't give a rat's behind cause he got a nice coin and a free lunch
and brothers there ain't much better than a free lunch!
<< <i>How many negs have you left for others on ebay Bayard1908? >>
Very few, I'm reluctant to do it because I'm a seller myself and know that it's not fun to receive a negative.
I have bought 100's of items off of ebay and have had a few issues, but most were fixed with a little time. Some sellers i would not buy from again.
To me i think buyers are over demanding or worried they are going to get ripped on every sale. Ebay buyers seem to expect same day delivery on the items they win. When i call and order parts or goods from companies i never expect the tracking info asap. Sometimes it takes 10 days or more to recieve the item. Same goes when buying at heritage, i pay today, i do not demand the item tommorow but ebayers seem to want more when they go thru ebay.
On this coin in question i think both sides made mistakes but believe it would have worked itself out had the buyer assumed less.
Now that i am approaching 50 years i have relaxed my standards a bit, i used to demand that everything be perfect from the work i did to the goods or services i bought and paid for. While i strive for perfection in my work, i no longer expect it in return. The little things used to send me over the top. I have learned that placing unrealistic expectations others was causing me stress, since i changed that one aspect life is a lot more enjoyable for me and the others around me.
9 negs seems excessive to me, if i had left 9 negs i would start to think i need to re evaluate what i was doing and adjust.
NGC registry V-Nickel proof #6!!!!
working on proof shield nickels # 8 with a bullet!!!!
<< <i>
<< <i>Now lets get to the salacious details that many of you have enjoyed hammering me on.
I had two auctions ending on Wednesday evening at about 10:00pm eastern. I was visiting at the home of a coin-collecting colleague and was watching my auctions using the e-bay app on my android phone. It was showing the countdown in real time, both minutes and seconds. As the time was counting down, including at the end, it showed zero bids at conclusion. I would later find out that even though the time is counting down, you need to refresh to see bids/amounts. Believing that neither coin sold, i traded the 3c Nickel for an ngc pr indian cent >>
Zero bids?
The bid history shows that a bid was place about 59 minutes "before" the listing ended.
For the Cliff note version, this screenshot wasn't brought up. Lee has shown there was at least ONE bid one full hour 'before the clock was ticking down', as seller B stated. I have stayed out of this, but must say, buyer A was right in leaving the neg. He left the neg AFTER being told he WASN'T getting the coin. Also, the seller has been a seller for 10 years, and has a whopping 267 feedback? I've sold for less than 3 years and am about 50 short of 267. He's a VERY casual seller, with numbers like that (and are they ALL for selling?). Hell, ebay just let you list up to 250 free listings last week alone. Lets do the math........10 years, 267 FB.......26.7 items a year.....2.27 items a month??? The seller states " I would hope to get the benefit of the doubt about how seriously i take the responsibility of internet commerce by having had that record. Those of you who have similar records know what it takes to do that."
I don't see selling 2.27 items a month as taking it seriously, I'm sorry. It's not like Jeremy, Kryptonitecomics, and the many others who list numerous items weekly...THOSE guys take it seriously.
Once the seller notified the buyer he wasn't getting the coin (he traded it away inside of a few minutes after the listing ended???), who's fault is it, really, that a neg was tossed, and SHOULD it be a surprise?
Bottm line....buyer A, who won the coin, will not be getting said coin from seller B, and seller B should have gotten a neg (and I don't like tossing negs around either, but if it were me, and I received the message I wouldn't be getting it AFTER winning it, I'd have negged him that fast myself). Just my 2 cents worth (OK, 3 cents worth)
<< <i>Bottm line....buyer A, who won the coin, will not be getting said coin from seller B... >>
Seller B posted:
"as a follow up note, i had told myself that i would not complete this transaction without an apology from the buyer but have decided to invoice him and agree to complete the transaction without any apology or commitment to modify feedback."
In the interest of accuracy, and all...
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
Ebay does not permit "bad sellers" and "bad buyers" to be pointed out and discussed on THEIR OWN FORUMS. Why should we have to put up with it here?
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
<< <i>
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
Ebay does not permit "bad sellers" and "bad buyers" to be pointed out and discussed on THEIR OWN FORUMS. Why should we have to put up with it here? >>
Perhaps it is because we are not bound by eBay forum rules on this forum?
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
Ebay does not permit "bad sellers" and "bad buyers" to be pointed out and discussed on THEIR OWN FORUMS. Why should we have to put up with it here? >>
Perhaps it is because we are not bound by eBay forum rules on this forum? >>
Also, eBay only cares about making money and scaring away buyers and sellers hurts their bottom line.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
Second, sounds like an honest mistake by the OP, and the buyer had it in his head he was getting screwed because he had already done a lot of research on the coin.
Neither person handled it ideally at first, but hopefully you both worked it out in the end.
That is all. Have a great week!
<< <i>
"as a follow up note, i had told myself that i would not complete this transaction without an apology from the buyer but have decided to invoice him and agree to complete the transaction without any apology or commitment to modify feedback."
That was only posted after the neg was left and people from the board wrote to the seller saying that ha was being dragged through the mud. We have no way of knowing but I for one think is as disingenuous as a a little kid saying sorry only after the spanking. I agree with the poster who said that without the neg the forum member probably wouldn't have ever seen the coin. A good us of a neg if you ask me.
<< <i>I'm confused... who are we attacking in this thread? >>
Now that you are here, YOU!
<< <i>
<< <i>Bottm line....buyer A, who won the coin, will not be getting said coin from seller B... >>
Seller B posted:
"as a follow up note, i had told myself that i would not complete this transaction without an apology from the buyer but have decided to invoice him and agree to complete the transaction without any apology or commitment to modify feedback."
In the interest of accuracy, and all... >>
This is why I wanted to stay out of it!! lol Too much going on. Thank you for setting me straight, mrpotatoheadd (not joking, because there's too much in the way of 'facts' to keep it straight). This is one messy situation....though, I think the bottom line, and a real lesson is: Don't use your cell phone to 'check' if something is time sensitive...wait and check your home computer...even if the buyer pays immediately, the item won't ship for 24 hours, and you'll know for sure whats going on. Technology.....perhaps manufacturers are in so much of a hurry for the 'next big thing' that things are happening too fast. We are all aware there were glitches in the Blackberry world...perhaps there were issues with other providers/phones.
I still have an issue with the seller stating there were no bids when it was 'counting down' (as evidenced, there was a bid one hour prior to item's ending), but this COULD be the truth and a drawback to using a non-computer to access the 'net (my cell phone is 'just a phone'....calls and texting, that's apps, connectivity...hell, I still have an external extendable antenna). I still believe the buyer won't be getting the coin, due to too much 'bad blood' having been spilled. I CAN understand the actions of the seller, thinking it went unsold and trading it....and I CAN understand the buyer getting ticked (and venting, and negging the seller) after flat out being told he wouldn't be getting the coin he rightfully won.
Regardless, I feel for both the buyer and seller (the seller was big enough to come here to defend/explain himself...props for that). It's a mess I certainly am glad I'm not involved in...but I still have a gut feeling the buyer won't be seeing the coin.
<< <i>We seriously need to STOP posting the "Dont Buy From" or "Bad Ebay Seller" posts that i see constantly on this forum. They are "bad" only in YOUR OPINION and are highly subjective and slanderous. PCGS should do the right thing and ban any posts about ebay and suspend the account of anyone who continues to do this malicious practice.
PS I do NOT have an ebay account and never have. I am just tired of seeing the negativity on this forum about the ebay subject. >>
I sure want to know!!!
the coin is shipping to the buyer today via fedex as he and i have traded shipping/payment e-mails.
The app on the droid phone really did cause me to make a mistake (the trade) that was easily undone. I commicated very poorly to the buyer because when i asked for the recission i believed he wouldn't care as much as he did. the coin was listed for 5 days and got two bidders so i didnt think it was a big deal, but it was to him and thats cool. I let my anger get the better of me and so did he but in the end one of us had to man up and try to make things right. that should have been (and was) me because i made the first mistake.
as for someone who earlier suggested that my feedback of 267 indicated casuality in my e-baying>>>>so what. I have used e-bay to collect and sell coins that get replaced. I do not do this daily but in 10 years i cared enough to make all those transactions work. e-bay has made me wait 30 days to close the account and by then i wont be mad about anything anymore. I will come out of this wiser than when i went in (maybe even an upgrade from the turd and liar that i was referred to in the original post).
and after all of this, now i know about this forum. can anyone tell me where i can find a proof cam two cent piece?
<< <i>and after all of this, now i know about this forum. can anyone tell me where i can find a proof cam two cent piece? >>
On eBay of course...
<< <i>Spendabuckeye - you are forgiven and welcome to continue visiting here. Now just remember it can be a rough crowd around here and you have to have the flame proof armour on at times, but stick around and ignore the fools. >>
I agree.The price of membership here is a little steep but it is generally worth it. Thin-skinned members don't survive.
You seem like a good guy and are more than welcome here.
<< <i>I consider it to be a public service to warn fellow forum members when an eBay buyer or seller is discovered to be a crook. >>
<< <i>With threads like this, who needs Jerry Springer?
Even without threads like this, who needs Jerry Springer?
<< <i>Auction ended: Oct-19-11 19:24
Neg left: Oct-20-11 08:59
By my calculation, that's about 13 1/2 hours. Maybe taking a bit of time to figure things out would have been more productive? >>
I agree. In my experience, doing things and saying things when you are angry is counter productive. Its too bad that it ended this way. I assume if the transaction is made good, the negative can be retracted?