<< <i>This will be interesting. If APMEX takes and sell the first 3000, like hot cakes I might add, then on the 20th they might be able to pick up the other 30,000. If they do this they might be listed for a while and I wonder if they would all sell out with the limitations. That said, I would expect that there be a clause that states that if they are not all sold within a given time, say 90 days, then they can lift the per household limit.
I will be interested to see if other APs will even mess with the overhead of trying to make a profit on small volume and household limit when they have never done so before. >>
Oh, that is interesting. Don't they have to be sold by the end of this year. They would need to sell 30,000 sets between Dec 20 and Dec 31. If they don't, they get melted, making the mintages even lower. I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time.
<< <i>Oh, that is interesting. Don't they have to be sold by the end of this year. They would need to sell 30,000 sets between Dec 20 and Dec 31. If they don't, they get melted, making the mintages even lower. I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time. >>
And that is MOST interesting!!!!
Edit: on second thought, I think the requirement to have them sold by the end of the year only applies to the mint. Once they are in the APs hands, they can offer them for sale, under the new rules, for as long as they want (or until their supply runs out)
I keep expecting to get an email from apmex but Scott may be spittin nails still...he probably looks like Clark Griswold in Christmas vacation when he found out he got the jelly of the month club
Great BST experiences: abitofthisabitofthat, silvercoinsdude, gerard, coinfame, mikescoins, wondercoin
<< <i>Oh, that is interesting. Don't they have to be sold by the end of this year. They would need to sell 30,000 sets between Dec 20 and Dec 31. If they don't, they get melted, making the mintages even lower. I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time. >>
And that is MOST interesting!!!!
Edit: on second thought, I think the requirement to have them sold by the end of the year only applies to the mint. Once they are in the APs hands, they can offer them for sale, under the new rules, for as long as they want (or until their supply runs out) >>
I'm still confused by the wording in the legislation on this one. There's been some disagreement on whether the mint must sell the coins to the distributors by the 31st or all of the coins must must be sold to the public by this date.
APMEX will win here. They are one of the few distributors set up nicely online to do a sale like this. I expect them to move most of the 165,000.....they'll still make good money on a 10% markup.
Which brings up another observation. In theory, if 11 APs bought and sold the coins, I'd think this would essentially bring the household limit to 11. It'd be too complicated to communicate with each other.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
<< <i>I keep expecting to get an email from apmex but Scott may be spittin nails still...he probably looks like Clark Griswold in Christmas vacation when he found out he got the jelly of the month club >>
I hope cuzin Eddy doesn't kidnap Ed Moy.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
Fantastic, now the US MInt is setting the price and telling the consumer how much BULLION they can own. Am I the only person here who is fearing a new set of rules for buying bullion? A lot of people got screwed on this deal because a few people wanted something valuable on the cheap and used the small print to get it. We now have a US Mint that believes it has the power to subject ording limits on a bullion product if they determine that the public demand will be great. I can't get a USPS money order for 3K without filling out paper work. At the bank anything over 5K raises eyebrows and might require that I start filling out paperwork and now, apparently, I might have to start worrying that I can't buy more than one piece, or set of bullion, if the US Mint decides that the public demand might be too great.
<< <i>I keep expecting to get an email from apmex but Scott may be spittin nails still...he probably looks like Clark Griswold in Christmas vacation when he found out he got the jelly of the month club >>
It is going to be quite a mess on Ebay with buyers trying to cancel the sets they overpaid for, and the flippers who sold ten sets trying to fill the orders for people that overpaid and still expect their coins.
This was one rare and unique situation in which a series of circumstances led to the mint only being able to produce very few coins. Though the original intention was for these to be bullion coins, their relative rarity has made them collectable pieces at the get go. Yet, by law, they must be for sale as bullion coins.
They made the right call after the mess ensued all though as someone has mentioned before, a blind man could have seen the problem coming.
I wouldn't expect these limits to be imposed in the future, well....unless another CF happens.
Successful transactions with keepdachange, tizofthe, adriana, wondercoin
<< <i>The mint has NOT released these to the major outlets yet.
I talk with them the other day and no priceing on these have been set. >>
I stress, upfront, that this is a rumor I have heard.
All coins will be shipped to the normal top level distributors. All orders they have previously taken are void and cannot be offered on a "first in" basis to those same people. They are going to be required to start all over in terms of taking orders.
The maximum cost per set will be "set" by the Mint for the distributors at cost plus 10 percent, max and only one set will be allowed to be sold per address etc. Cross referencing will be encouraged (credit card, phone number via called id, etc.).
That's the DC rumor anyway, take it for what you want.
This was one rare and unique situation in which a series of circumstances led to the mint only being able to produce very few coins. Though the original intention was for these to be bullion coins, their relative rarity has made them collectable pieces at the get go. Yet, by law, they must be for sale as bullion coins.
They made the right call after the mess ensued all though as someone has mentioned before, a blind man could have seen the problem coming.
I wouldn't expect these limits to be imposed in the future, well....unless another CF happens. >>
I agree, most everyone who was following these coins knew they would be rare as did the US Mint. Those people who took the chance and bought in at 1395 should not be responsible for supplying coins to those who didn't "take the plunge" The Fact that the US Mint has now decided to in essence to take these coins back , limit the amount of coins these people can own, and redistribute them to the public is a very dangerous presedent to set.
Those people who took the chance and bought in at 1395 should not be responsible for supplying coins to those who didn't "take the plunge"
For all the grief that you are dishing out, I would expect that you would also be willing to discount those people that you are "supplying" about $500 or so, since you'll be saving at least that much.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
Here's a subject area that does not seem to have been discussed since the undigested organic material hit the rotary air circulating device this afternoon: . How are these pieces going to be packed for shipping by APMEX and whomever else decides to buy them from the Mint to sell in sets of five? These coins are already packaged in ten-coin tubes solid by design. Somebody at each AP is going to have to take one coin each out of five different tubes and wrap them in something to ship.
NOBODY EXCEPT APMEX ANTICIPATED HAVING TO DO THIS! The other AP's probably do not have 15,000 3-1/2 inch unplasticized flips sitting around in their shipping areas to put them in. I don't even know what APMEX plans to ship their in. I was going to buy one set from them, and then decided to get two because they said that they would ship ten coins in an original mint tube, and I wanted the protection of the tube.
I hope to get one of the sets I ordered from APMEX, and can't wait to see how they are packaged. Maybe I will get one of the original mint tubes, half full with the five different coins, with some wadded-up kleenex-type tissues in the top of the tube.
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
How are these pieces going to be packed for shipping by APMEX and whomever else decides to buy them from the Mint to sell in sets of five? These coins are already packaged in ten-coin tubes solid by design. Somebody at each AP is going to have to take one coin each out of five different tubes and wrap them in something to ship.
Very good point...
Positive transactions with Cladiator, Meltdown, ajbauman, LeeG, route66,DennisH,Hmann,FilamCoins,mgoodm3,terburn88,MrOrganic, weg,dcarr,guitarwes,Zubie,Barndog,wondercoin,braddick,etc...
<< <i>I wonder how long APMEX will take to return the money that I paid for one set so that I can buy another from them? >>
APMEX management has a interesting decision to make in next day or so....they have already taken funds, not just credit card holds...and have gone on record saying....
"Since you have placed an order with APMEX for these coins, we will honor our orders providing the US Mint makes these coins available to us. Should the mint change their method of distribution (Not selling to Authorized Purchasers) and do not provide coins to us, we will have no choice but to cancel the order and provide a full refund."
No matter what they decide their next step is...they better start communicating sooner than later....
And, not that it matters all that much, I wonder what spot price the Mint is using for the do-over? Monday's London P.M.? Today"s London P.M.? Tomorrow's??????
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
<< <i>Fantastic, now the US MInt is setting the price and telling the consumer how much BULLION they can own. Am I the only person here who is fearing a new set of rules for buying bullion? A lot of people got screwed on this deal because a few people wanted something valuable on the cheap and used the small print to get it. We now have a US Mint that believes it has the power to subject ording limits on a bullion product if they determine that the public demand will be great. I can't get a USPS money order for 3K without filling out paper work. At the bank anything over 5K raises eyebrows and might require that I start filling out paperwork and now, apparently, I might have to start worrying that I can't buy more than one piece, or set of bullion, if the US Mint decides that the public demand might be too great.
People are happy about this? >>
Ummm..... the bullion is the MINTS' product. They can CERTAINLY specify how they want their product to be sold. The Mint is not telling you how much bullion you can own.... how are you coming up with that?? If the limit ends up being one of each issue, and you feel you need more.... that is what the secondary market is for. Buy or sell as many as you want.
<< <i>Those people who took the chance and bought in at 1395 should not be responsible for supplying coins to those who didn't "take the plunge"
For all the grief that you are dishing out, I would expect that you would also be willing to discount those people that you are "supplying" about $500 or so, since you'll be saving at least that much. >>
My first post is on page 19, go read it if you like.
APMEX is as silent as the sphinx so far. One can imagine the coffee being consumed and the ties being loosened in the late-night staff rooms over there...
APMEX will definitely sell their allocation again, just depends on HOW MUCH TIME the Mint will allow the other AP's to decide on how many they want, so APMEX can get more. The others might not want to be retailers, or will have to get their coins and become one sooner or later.-------BigE
I agree... Apmex can still make out very well with this. If the others distributors do not want to sell the public.... Apmex may get to handle the majority of the issue and even at 10% markup would still amount to a pretty chunk of change. Not to mention getting lots of customers, both new and old back into the fold.
Remember the lines of people outside of Gargantuamart at 5 AM on Black Friday??????
Can't you just see the same thing outside Mocatta Metals????
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
Damn near got sucked into committing to order since the price has been set at a realistic level but...............
Nah.................still not interested!
I can sense the wheels turning through out the foum communities!
All the flippers wringing their hands and scoping out methods of getting cousins and uncles and siblings to order a set at the appointed hour. By God there are folks out there willing to pay $2700 a set for these and we've got the friggin market cornered! BWUAHAHAHAH!
Let the flippers squabble over them as they sell to the uninformed masses who'll eventually be left holding the bag.
Ain't greed GRAND!
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
Before the Mint's intervention, the coins were supposed to be in only a few strong players. Now, the coins will be in the hands of by many many weak players. I think they are the 2007 first spouse.
and there is hope that these will start going for just above melt in a few years and/or they actually don't sell out at the APs and the Mint relaxes their 1 per HH limit.
<< <i>Fantastic, now the US MInt is setting the price and telling the consumer how much BULLION they can own. Am I the only person here who is fearing a new set of rules for buying bullion? A lot of people got screwed on this deal because a few people wanted something valuable on the cheap and used the small print to get it. We now have a US Mint that believes it has the power to subject ording limits on a bullion product if they determine that the public demand will be great. I can't get a USPS money order for 3K without filling out paper work. At the bank anything over 5K raises eyebrows and might require that I start filling out paperwork and now, apparently, I might have to start worrying that I can't buy more than one piece, or set of bullion, if the US Mint decides that the public demand might be too great.
People are happy about this? >>
On this one, this time.....YES!!!!!!
This is a short set with many people, more people than can have their orders filled, wanting *just one set*. They aren't flippers and they aren't buying two in order to profit and pay for one.
This time, given how things have gone, I'm pleased as punch to see the Mint step in and make the rules as strong as TITANIUM. Personally, I'd like to see not just one per household but a cross-reference system involving phone numbers, credit card addresses, you name it.
<< <i>and there is hope that these will start going for just above melt in a few years and/or they actually don't sell out at the APs and the Mint relaxes their 1 per HH limit. >>
Careful now, yer getting pretty close to the truth!
I decided to change calling the bathroom the John and renamed it the Jim. I feel so much better saying I went to the Jim this morning.
If people think that they should be able to keep their orders @ $1,395.00, that should be okay as long as the Mint can keep making these until everybody has as many as they want. That would be fine. Hey, if you can ignore the law for one group, you can ignore it for everyone.
Keeping the mintages at 33,000 and 27,000 only creates an artificial shortage. This whole fiasco is so unnecessary. They could petition for a variance due to circumstances and fulfill the intent of the law instead of allowing the law to become the problem. Sheez.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
from what I can tell almost all that wanted any were not going to flip.
I am in a heap o' trouble around here, so there is 1 less flipper in the market. No way am I working the APs to get more than 1. That'd be the height of hipocracy. Everyone is a hypocrit, but not at that level. I'm not going there either.
<< <i>and there is hope that these will start going for just above melt in a few years and/or they actually don't sell out at the APs and the Mint relaxes their 1 per HH limit. >>
Careful now, yer getting pretty close to the truth! >>
I don't deny I want more. I'm on the record already saying I wanted 5, then 6.
If I can get more than 1 through the right channels, I will.
I dont want to be considered a flippophile in front of my peers
Now that I can buy 3 sets for the price of 2, I cant help myself
How long do I have to keep them to be in the clear?
Please help!-------------------BigE >>
I think if you keep them until the Lord calls you up and then if your wife, kids, or other sells them in a garage sale as a shiney coaster for a buck-fifty each then you will not be a flipper and you can hold your head up high.
Gold and silver are valuable but wisdom is priceless.
Okay regarding PCGS slabbing these monsters. What's the status? Anyone have a price estimate for slabbing?
I know this has already been asked but please enlighten me.
<< <i>This will be interesting. If APMEX takes and sell the first 3000, like hot cakes I might add, then on the 20th they might be able to pick up the other 30,000. If they do this they might be listed for a while and I wonder if they would all sell out with the limitations. That said, I would expect that there be a clause that states that if they are not all sold within a given time, say 90 days, then they can lift the per household limit.
I will be interested to see if other APs will even mess with the overhead of trying to make a profit on small volume and household limit when they have never done so before. >>
Oh, that is interesting. Don't they have to be sold by the end of this year. They would need to sell 30,000 sets between Dec 20 and Dec 31. If they don't, they get melted, making the mintages even lower. I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time.
<< <i>I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time. >>
I don't think Wikileaks would be interested....
<< <i>Oh, that is interesting. Don't they have to be sold by the end of this year. They would need to sell 30,000 sets between Dec 20 and Dec 31. If they don't, they get melted, making the mintages even lower. I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time. >>
And that is MOST interesting!!!!
Edit: on second thought, I think the requirement to have them sold by the end of the year only applies to the mint. Once they are in the APs hands, they can offer them for sale, under the new rules, for as long as they want (or until their supply runs out)
https://pcgs.com/setregistry/collectors-showcase/classic-issues-colonials-through-1964/zambezi-collection-trade-dollars/7345Asesabi Lutho
<< <i>The slab box for these will be very large.... >>
Yes it would! I imagine the box would "only" hold 10 slabs and even then it would be the size of a shoe box for Men's size 14 hiking boots!
Looks like APMEX pulled the $1200 buy price off their web site.
<< <i>
<< <i>Oh, that is interesting. Don't they have to be sold by the end of this year. They would need to sell 30,000 sets between Dec 20 and Dec 31. If they don't, they get melted, making the mintages even lower. I could imagine someone staging an attack on the APMEX servers during that time. >>
And that is MOST interesting!!!!
Edit: on second thought, I think the requirement to have them sold by the end of the year only applies to the mint. Once they are in the APs hands, they can offer them for sale, under the new rules, for as long as they want (or until their supply runs out) >>
I'm still confused by the wording in the legislation on this one. There's been some disagreement on whether the mint must sell the coins to the distributors by the 31st or all of the coins must must be sold to the public by this date.
APMEX will win here. They are one of the few distributors set up nicely online to do a sale like this. I expect them to move most of the 165,000.....they'll still make good money on a 10% markup.
Which brings up another observation. In theory, if 11 APs bought and sold the coins, I'd think this would essentially bring the household limit to 11. It'd be too complicated to communicate with each other.
<< <i>I keep expecting to get an email from apmex but Scott may be spittin nails still...he probably looks like Clark Griswold in Christmas vacation when he found out he got the jelly of the month club >>
I hope cuzin Eddy doesn't kidnap Ed Moy.
Am I the only person here who is fearing a new set of rules for buying bullion? A lot of people got screwed on this deal because a few people wanted something valuable on the cheap and used the small print to get it. We now have a US Mint that believes it has the power to subject ording limits on a bullion product if they determine that the public demand will be great.
I can't get a USPS money order for 3K without filling out paper work. At the bank anything over 5K raises eyebrows and might require that I start filling out paperwork and now, apparently, I might have to start worrying that I can't buy more than one piece, or set of bullion, if the US Mint decides that the public demand might be too great.
People are happy about this?
Loves me some shiny!
<< <i>I keep expecting to get an email from apmex but Scott may be spittin nails still...he probably looks like Clark Griswold in Christmas vacation when he found out he got the jelly of the month club >>
It is going to be quite a mess on Ebay with buyers trying to cancel the sets they overpaid for, and the flippers who sold ten sets trying to fill the orders for people that overpaid and still expect their coins.
NWT Mint
<< <i>
People are happy about this? >>
This was one rare and unique situation in which a series of circumstances led to the mint only being able to produce very few coins. Though the original intention was for these to be bullion coins, their relative rarity has made them collectable pieces at the get go. Yet, by law, they must be for sale as bullion coins.
They made the right call after the mess ensued all though as someone has mentioned before, a blind man could have seen the problem coming.
I wouldn't expect these limits to be imposed in the future, well....unless another CF happens.
<< <i>The mint has NOT released these to the major outlets yet.
I talk with them the other day and no priceing on these have been set. >>
I stress, upfront, that this is a rumor I have heard.
All coins will be shipped to the normal top level distributors. All orders they have previously taken are void and cannot be offered on a "first in" basis to those same people. They are going to be required to start all over in terms of taking orders.
The maximum cost per set will be "set" by the Mint for the distributors at cost plus 10 percent, max and only one set will be allowed to be sold per address etc. Cross referencing will be encouraged (credit card, phone number via called id, etc.).
That's the DC rumor anyway, take it for what you want.
Explain the nature of your damages.
I knew it would happen.
<< <i>So This is How Liberty Dies…With Thunderous Applause >>
you want a free market.
let's just eliminate all laws.
I've got some gold bullion to sell you. I promise it's real.
<< <i>
<< <i>
People are happy about this? >>
This was one rare and unique situation in which a series of circumstances led to the mint only being able to produce very few coins. Though the original intention was for these to be bullion coins, their relative rarity has made them collectable pieces at the get go. Yet, by law, they must be for sale as bullion coins.
They made the right call after the mess ensued all though as someone has mentioned before, a blind man could have seen the problem coming.
I wouldn't expect these limits to be imposed in the future, well....unless another CF happens. >>
I agree, most everyone who was following these coins knew they would be rare as did the US Mint.
Those people who took the chance and bought in at 1395 should not be responsible for supplying coins to those who didn't "take the plunge"
The Fact that the US Mint has now decided to in essence to take these coins back , limit the amount of coins these people can own, and redistribute them to the public is a very dangerous presedent to set.
<< <i>Northwest Territorial Mint will have them on their website next week.
NWT Mint >>
Nothing to see here folks move along lol this is one of the two i have been talking too one more too go? woooohoooo
I used to be famous now I just collect coins.
Link to My Registry Set.
Varieties Are The Spice Of LIFE and Thanks to Those who teach us what to search For.
For all the grief that you are dishing out, I would expect that you would also be willing to discount those people that you are "supplying" about $500 or so, since you'll be saving at least that much.
I knew it would happen.
How are these pieces going to be packed for shipping by APMEX and whomever else decides to buy them from the Mint to sell in sets of five? These coins are already packaged in ten-coin tubes solid by design. Somebody at each AP is going to have to take one coin each out of five different tubes and wrap them in something to ship.
NOBODY EXCEPT APMEX ANTICIPATED HAVING TO DO THIS! The other AP's probably do not have 15,000 3-1/2 inch unplasticized flips sitting around in their shipping areas to put them in. I don't even know what APMEX plans to ship their in. I was going to buy one set from them, and then decided to get two because they said that they would ship ten coins in an original mint tube, and I wanted the protection of the tube.
I hope to get one of the sets I ordered from APMEX, and can't wait to see how they are packaged. Maybe I will get one of the original mint tubes, half full with the five different coins, with some wadded-up kleenex-type tissues in the top of the tube.
Very good point...
<< <i>I wonder how long APMEX will take to return the money that I paid for one set so that I can buy another from them? >>
APMEX management has a interesting decision to make in next day or so....they have already taken funds, not just credit card holds...and have gone on record saying....
"Since you have placed an order with APMEX for these coins, we will honor our orders providing the US Mint makes these coins available to us. Should the mint change their method of distribution (Not selling to Authorized Purchasers) and do not provide coins to us, we will have no choice but to cancel the order and provide a full refund."
No matter what they decide their next step is...they better start communicating sooner than later....
<< <i>Fantastic, now the US MInt is setting the price and telling the consumer how much BULLION they can own.
Am I the only person here who is fearing a new set of rules for buying bullion? A lot of people got screwed on this deal because a few people wanted something valuable on the cheap and used the small print to get it. We now have a US Mint that believes it has the power to subject ording limits on a bullion product if they determine that the public demand will be great.
I can't get a USPS money order for 3K without filling out paper work. At the bank anything over 5K raises eyebrows and might require that I start filling out paperwork and now, apparently, I might have to start worrying that I can't buy more than one piece, or set of bullion, if the US Mint decides that the public demand might be too great.
People are happy about this? >>
Ummm..... the bullion is the MINTS' product. They can CERTAINLY specify how they want their product to be sold. The Mint is not telling you how much bullion you can own.... how are you coming up with that?? If the limit ends up being one of each issue, and you feel you need more.... that is what the secondary market is for. Buy or sell as many as you want.
<< <i>Those people who took the chance and bought in at 1395 should not be responsible for supplying coins to those who didn't "take the plunge"
For all the grief that you are dishing out, I would expect that you would also be willing to discount those people that you are "supplying" about $500 or so, since you'll be saving at least that much. >>
My first post is on page 19, go read it if you like.
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Can't you just see the same thing outside Mocatta Metals????
Damn near got sucked into committing to order since the price has been set at a realistic level but...............
Nah.................still not interested!
I can sense the wheels turning through out the foum communities!
All the flippers wringing their hands and scoping out methods of getting cousins and uncles and siblings to order a set at the appointed hour. By God there are folks out there willing to pay $2700 a set for these and we've got the friggin market cornered! BWUAHAHAHAH!
Let the flippers squabble over them as they sell to the uninformed masses who'll eventually be left holding the bag.
Ain't greed GRAND!
The name is LEE!
<< <i>Remember the lines of people outside of Gargantuamart at 5 AM on Black Friday??????
Can't you just see the same thing outside Mocatta Metals????
Coin nerds trample easy too
And I still caution flippers that there will be many others with the idea and ability to score multiples.
This will probably turn into something like the Buchanan Liberty's where the eBay sales are going at and below cost due to a large number of sellers.
<< <i>the market is far from cornered. >>
What makes you think so?
The name is LEE!
Now, the coins will be in the hands of by many many weak players. I think they are the 2007 first spouse.
I dont want to be considered a flippophile in front of my peers
Now that I can buy 3 sets for the price of 2, I cant help myself
How long do I have to keep them to be in the clear?
Please help!-------------------BigE
a group of flippers competing with each other is not cornered.
I will state clearly, I am going to get 1 set and the rest will have to come from the secondary market.
I'm thinking that isn't going to be so expensive because there will be lots of flippers trying this.
<< <i>A lot of people around here have flippophobia
I dont want to be considered a flippophile in front of my peers
Now that I can buy 3 sets for the price of 2, I cant help myself
How long do I have to keep them to be in the clear?
Please help!-------------------BigE >>
now that the SHTF, you'll have to leave them in the will and seek forgiveness for out maneuvering the 1 household limit.
they actually don't sell out at the APs and the Mint relaxes their 1 per HH limit.
<< <i>Fantastic, now the US MInt is setting the price and telling the consumer how much BULLION they can own.
Am I the only person here who is fearing a new set of rules for buying bullion? A lot of people got screwed on this deal because a few people wanted something valuable on the cheap and used the small print to get it. We now have a US Mint that believes it has the power to subject ording limits on a bullion product if they determine that the public demand will be great.
I can't get a USPS money order for 3K without filling out paper work. At the bank anything over 5K raises eyebrows and might require that I start filling out paperwork and now, apparently, I might have to start worrying that I can't buy more than one piece, or set of bullion, if the US Mint decides that the public demand might be too great.
People are happy about this? >>
On this one, this time.....YES!!!!!!
This is a short set with many people, more people than can have their orders filled, wanting *just one set*. They aren't flippers and they aren't buying two in order to profit and pay for one.
This time, given how things have gone, I'm pleased as punch to see the Mint step in and make the rules as strong as TITANIUM. Personally, I'd like to see not just one per household but a cross-reference system involving phone numbers, credit card addresses, you name it.
<< <i>and there is hope that these will start going for just above melt in a few years
they actually don't sell out at the APs and the Mint relaxes their 1 per HH limit. >>
Careful now, yer getting pretty close to the truth!
The name is LEE!
Keeping the mintages at 33,000 and 27,000 only creates an artificial shortage. This whole fiasco is so unnecessary. They could petition for a variance due to circumstances and fulfill the intent of the law instead of allowing the law to become the problem. Sheez.
I knew it would happen.
from what I can tell almost all that wanted any were not going to flip.
I am in a heap o' trouble around here, so there is 1 less flipper in the market. No way am I working the APs to get more than 1. That'd be the height of hipocracy. Everyone is a hypocrit, but not at that level. I'm not going there either.
<< <i>
<< <i>and there is hope that these will start going for just above melt in a few years
they actually don't sell out at the APs and the Mint relaxes their 1 per HH limit. >>
Careful now, yer getting pretty close to the truth! >>
I don't deny I want more. I'm on the record already saying I wanted 5, then 6.
If I can get more than 1 through the right channels, I will.
there is nothing wrong with that.
Now that I can buy 3 sets for the price of 2, I cant help myself
How long do I have to keep them to be in the clear?
Please help!-------------------BigE >>
I think if you keep them until the Lord calls you up and then if your wife, kids, or other sells them in a garage sale as a shiney coaster for a buck-fifty each then you will not be a flipper and you can hold your head up high.