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  • initialDinitialD Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭
    GEEZ!! Can't a guy late nite slack off at work and not have to hear this baby cry!!

    Don't know what's worse, you complaining about getting your precious gold back

    or me waiting for some friggin paint to dry?!

    The VCP isn't gonna drop on any of those before you get'm back, is this ruining your

    retirement plan for next week?

    THANK YOU CRAIG for EVERYTHING!!! Don't let this squeeky wheel derail the Sub Train
  • Chicken is the only thing we like to eat after it is dead and before it is born.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,949 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Chicken is the only thing we like to eat after it is dead and before it is born. >>

  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    Chicken is the only thing we like to eat after it is dead and before it is born.

    That is deep man. image
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Chicken is the only thing we like to eat after it is dead and before it is born.

    That is deep man. image >>

    That's what she said
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I would like a tracking number as this would be the Fifth time you have told me they are going out tomorrow. >>

    Please stop lying. I told you "tomorrow" TWICE. June 8th & June 12th. I had fully intended to get to the post office to ship them, but just couldn't pull it off. I explained this to you via PM and apologized for failing to come through in BOTH instances.

    I am back from the post office and a scan of the receipt is below.


    Before I left to go to the post office, I hooked up my scanner and scanned mrmint23's 2 Ripken rookies that he accused me of swapping out.


    I am confident that the vast majority here know that I am 100% on the level and would NEVER do such a thing. First of all, I don't own a Ripken rookie and secondly I don't collect them. I collect Jim Gantner, Robin Yount and Paul Molitor cards. I occasionally dabble in getting other stuff graded from group rips or from boxes I buy from BBCE, but have never and would never swap out cards with someone else. I don't appreciate the unfounded allegations that mrmint23 has made.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>. I don't appreciate the unfounded allegations that mrmint23 has made. >>

    I don't either. That was a no class move to say the least.
  • LittletweedLittletweed Posts: 623 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Yes they are centered nicely. But its been 4 months since I saw them. >>



  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭

  • Less squabbles and more Tarzitians. I want the next post to be about whether Riley really put that Reptilian's donnacher in the dirt when he bare knuckle boxed his way off of the mothership back in 1971.

  • He lives in Tuscaloosa. That explains SO SO SO much right there. Say no more...
  • Craig switched my 1983 Donruss Wayne Krenchicki PSA 10 with a Joe Sambito PSA 10.
  • BunchOBullBunchOBull Posts: 6,188 ✭✭✭
    Uh, Craig, I'd like you to go ahead and send my cards to PSA so I can get my grades before everyone else. Thanks.
    Collector of most things Frank Thomas. www.BigHurtHOF.com
  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭
    Thank you for mailing out my cards. If only you would have done that about 2 weeks ago on day 7 or 8. The reason I stated that about the Ripkens was because you answered someone less than 30 seconds after they ask a specific question about specific cards. So either you had my cards in your hands or it appeared you were lying and trying to kill a sale. On another note I told you I was going to contact Carol before I did it and you said go ahead. That was my last resort and Im sorry to all the other members if something happens to the Group Sub but you controlled the situation by not following thru with your promises to mail tomorrow.

    Sincerely sorry to all this effected. All I wanted was for the last sub to be completed before another was started.

  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭
    Those cards were to be insured for 700. Here is the PM to prove it.

    Posted: Feb/24/2009 7:25 AM

    That would be fine! I'll adjust the totals accordingly. Truth be told, I had figured it around $700 to begin with, but worked it down to $500.


    Date Posted: Feb/24/2009 7:23 AM
    I looked at the insurance cost and noticed the price only goes up a little over 2.00 to insure them for more. So is it ok if I up the value to 700.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Thank you for mailing out my cards. If only you would have done that about 2 weeks ago on day 7 or 8. The reason I stated that about the Ripkens was because you answered someone less than 30 seconds after they ask a specific question about specific cards. So either you had my cards in your hands or it appeared you were lying and trying to kill a sale. On another note I told you I was going to contact Carol before I did it and you said go ahead. That was my last resort and Im sorry to all the other members if something happens to the Group Sub but you controlled the situation by not following thru with your promises to mail tomorrow.

    Sincerely sorry to all this effected. All I wanted was for the last sub to be completed before another was started.

    Kirk >>

    You just don't get it, do you? I said go ahead and contact Carol? So that's why you contacted her? Here's what actually happened.


    Date Posted: Jun/23/2009 10:25 PM

    I suggest you mail out my cards tomorrow or Im am going to contact Carol and Joe Orlando about your lack of responsibility. Since this whole group sub is going to make PSA look bad


    Date Posted: Jun/23/2009 10:37 PM
    None of this makes PSA look bad. Nice try. This all makes YOU look bad. It makes you look ungrateful. It makes you look like a whiner. If you want to go to Carol & Joe, feel free. In case you can't tell by the multitude of responses to your comments on the thread, it looks like most people think you're overreacting. Settle down. You will get your cards back. The people from the first 3 parts of the group sub waited a month before their cards were shipped.

    I have kept in continuous communication with you, so it's not like I'm hiding anything. I do this for fun and just about everyone else that participated in the group submission understood that. I'm sorry that your life seems to be fully consumed with getting 18 cards back. Since these 18 cards are so important to you, try to think for just a second about adding 1482 more to those and try to understand what I had on my plate.

    If I could magically make the Post Office be open right now, I'd go mail your cards right now.

    If you want me to use the automated machine and drop your cards in the box at the post office, I will drive there right now and do it.

    Say the word and you'll have a tracking number tonight.

    I don't think it's too much to ask to keep private matters PRIVATE and knock it off on my group submission thread. Your attempts to derail the thread will fail.


    Date Posted: Jun/23/2009 10:39 PM

    Hi my name is Kirk(mrmint23) and I participated in the last group sub on the PSA board. I know you are not the internet police but could you maybe contact this person. Im having trouble getting my cards back from Craig(Gumbyfan). This has been discussed in detail in the groupsub thread on the board. He received my cards back from PSA on June 2 but refuses or continuosly makes excuses for not returning the cards. Yet has has taken on another group sub. Thank you for your time.

    I have put up with your continous personal attacks. Numerous others have contacted me but they are afraid they will be attacked just like I have been.


    So if you look at those timestamps, you're telling me that you only contacted Carol after I said it was okay, yet you were able to contact her and then send me the message you sent her...all in 2 minutes. I have a hard time believing that you're able to create an original thought in 2 minutes, much less type it up and send it...and then copy it to me.

    Nice try. You can make up your lies about this situation and try to post from the cross you're trying to hang yourself on, but I think any reasonable person here can see right through you.

    << <i>All I wanted was for the last sub to be completed before another was started. >>

    Nobody cares what you wanted! Nobody needs your permission to do anything around here, so grow up and move on.
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Forget about him Craig. If he's smart he will stop posting on these forums all together because after this 7th grade crap his worth around here is down to zero. Any future posts he makes in other threads would most likely be ridiculed into derailment. Let him pry open his wallet and pay for a membership so he can submit his own 7s that should have been 10s.
  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭
    So whats your EXCUSE for under insuring my cards. Board members dont let this guy fool you, he has attacked me personally, held my cards for 21 days and then when he does take them to the post office(only after I send a pm to Carol) he under insures them. So what if they get damaged or lost in the mail? This can and will happen to you when Craig is involved!
  • thekid8thekid8 Posts: 1,496 ✭✭✭

    << <i>So whats your EXCUSE for under insuring my cards. Board members dont let this guy fool you, he has attacked me personally, held my cards for 21 days and then when he does take them to the post office(only after I send a pm to Carol) he under insures them. So what if they get damaged or lost in the mail? This can and will happen to you when Craig is involved! >>

    wow buddy --- you need your diapers changed
    Gary Carter Fans check out www.thekid8.com

  • fattymacsfattymacs Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭
    Your cards were shipped, we are all tired of your drama. You can sub in-person at the National (as you have mentioned) best of luck, good day, move along.
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,574 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Now this clown sent me a PM. I wish there was a way to delete PMs because I will never open it, ever.
  • swartz1swartz1 Posts: 4,911 ✭✭✭

    Keep up the great work...

    it definitely is valued by many, including myself...

    I cant thank you enough...

    Looking for 1970 MLB Photostamps
    - uncut

    Positive Transactions - tennesseebanker, Ahmanfan, Donruss, Colebear, CDsNuts, rbdjr1, Downtown1974, yankeeno7, drewsef, mnolan, mrbud60, msassin, RipublicaninMass, AkbarClone, rustywilly, lsutigers1973, julen23 and nam812, plus many others...
  • fattymacsfattymacs Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Now this clown sent me a PM. I wish there was a way to delete PMs because I will never open it, ever. >>

    I've gotten a few as well.
  • mknezmknez Posts: 1,991 ✭✭✭
    Did I win yet? If I can choose, I'll take the 8.5 Ripken. If not, the 8 will be fine.


    stupid print dots

  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,484 ✭✭✭
    Let's get this thread back on track.
    Here's what I sent in.

    Edited to say:
    Sorry I was trying out a new photo hosting site. The link didn't work.
    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • MBMiller25MBMiller25 Posts: 6,057 ✭✭
    MrMint23 (Kirk?) Your WAY out of line on this one. You need to shut your mouth and go away for a little while, The entire world doesn't revolve around you!
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    You sent a red X?
    That's a 1/1

  • << <i>He lives in Tuscaloosa. That explains SO SO SO much right there. Say no more... >>

    Amen--as an Auburn fan, you guys see what we have to put up with 365 days a year--so typical--i busted out laughing
    when i saw Tuscaloosa--totally adds up now---
  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭
    Better yet I'm a University of Alabama graduate.
  • minnesotahuskerminnesotahusker Posts: 642 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Better yet I'm a University of Alabama graduate. >>

    Dude, I wouldn't let many people know that!! I'm just saying.

  • CrimsonTiderCrimsonTider Posts: 1,381 ✭✭✭
    I'm not going to take up for mrmint, I personally believe that it could have been handled a little better, thats all. However to all the Jacka$$ who trashing the Harvard of the South, The winner of the most National Championships in NCAA football, the back-to-back #1 national recruitingm, and the home of the two greatest college football coaches ever, in the immortal words of LSU fans nationwide "GEAUX SUCK AN EGG!!!!!"

    You can leave Bama out of this dispute.
    collecting Dale Murphy and OPC
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,949 ✭✭✭✭
    I'm shocked that 8.5 even made it into a slab! That right edge looks like a moron like mrmint23 cut it with his plastic safety scissors...

    << <i>image >>

  • CrimsonTiderCrimsonTider Posts: 1,381 ✭✭✭
    << Better yet I'm a University of Alabama graduate. >>

    Dude, I wouldn't let many people know that!! I'm just saying.

    I too am a graduate of the Alabama university system, so should I too be ashamed of my two degrees?

    Are they worthless due to the fact that they were not attained from your home state?

    What institute of higher learning did you recieve your degree from and what makes it better than one from the south?

    I'm not one to hold a grudge and by the time my breakfast is digests I will be over this, I just get a little defensive over my home state and my university. Lets just call it Southern Pride
    collecting Dale Murphy and OPC
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,949 ✭✭✭✭
    From mrmint23's facebook page:

  • goyegoye Posts: 454 ✭✭
    Anyone have the Master Lock Co customer service contact #?
    1985-86 O Pee Chee PSA 910 Hockey
  • itzagoneritzagoner Posts: 8,753 ✭✭
    in defense of Alabama, they does has the bestest recruitingm and breakfast digests.
  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I'm shocked that 8.5 even made it into a slab! That right edge looks like a moron like mrmint23 cut it with his plastic safety scissors...

    << <i>image >>


    Sad when all you can do is insult people over PSA's grading.
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    That 8.5 is off centered with a slight tilt as well.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Anyone have the Master Lock Co customer service contact #? >>

    In the US: 800-464-2088
    In Canada: 1-800-227-9599


    Your Full-Service Group Submitter image
  • mrmint23mrmint23 Posts: 2,249 ✭✭✭

    I cant believe you would insult a special needs person but then again its par for the course.
  • jeffcbayjeffcbay Posts: 8,949 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I cant believe you would insult a special needs person but then again its par for the course. >>

    EDIT: It IS an insult to a special needs person. They're generally much more advanced than mrmint23...

    (thanks for the assist) image

  • << <i>Better yet I'm a University of Alabama graduate. >>

    that was a given--lol
  • EagleEyeKidEagleEyeKid Posts: 4,496 ✭✭
    Can we give this whole thing a rest please.
    I believe the matter is now closed.
  • lawnmowermanlawnmowerman Posts: 19,477 ✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Can we give this whole thing a rest please.
    I believe the matter is now closed. >>


    Good morning Bryan
  • csmtampacsmtampa Posts: 1,828
    is there poppage yet?

  • << <i>

    << <i>He lives in Tuscaloosa. That explains SO SO SO much right there. Say no more... >>

    Amen--as an Auburn fan, you guys see what we have to put up with 365 days a year--so typical--i busted out laughing
    when i saw Tuscaloosa--totally adds up now--- >>

    Dude, so did I. Surprised I didn't spit water out when I saw it this morning. Words can't describe how fitting it is.
  • onefasttalononefasttalon Posts: 1,208 ✭✭✭
    The Reds are starting to do "it" again....... : (

    ALWAYS Looking for Chris Sabo cards!

  • Craig should win the extra achievement award at the PSA lunch at the National! I doubt I would submit with another organizer, as that have NO chance at matching his professionalism. Even PSA cannot match his service. No membership fees!

  • << <i>Even PSA cannot match his service. No membership fees! >>

    Yeah, I'm sure the powers that be are thrilled about that.
  • gumbyfangumbyfan Posts: 5,168 ✭✭✭
    Looks like I've got everything in except xbaggypants. If you see this xbaggypants, please let me know if you still plan to participate. I sent you a PM a couple days ago and haven't heard back. You said you were shipping your cards from Canada, so I want to make sure they're not held up at customs or something. Thanks!

    1989FleerBillRipkenCollector (12 cards) RECEIVED
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