Your package is on time with a scheduled delivery date of 03/02/2009.
Tracking Number: 1Z E19 88X 01 1160 xxx x Type: Package Status: In Transit - On Time Your shipment is moving within the UPS network and should be delivered on the Scheduled Delivery Date. A shipment can remain in this status until it is delivered. Other than time-definite air deliveries, shipments are generally delivered anytime between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. to residences, and by close of business for commercial addresses. UPS cannot schedule a specific delivery time within that window.
What should I do if I'm expecting a delivery? This is the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment. For residential deliveries that require a signature, you can leave instructions for the driver if no one will be home. For example, you can ask that it be delivered to a neighbor who will be home. Shipments that don't require a signature can be left in a safe place at the driver's discretion.
In Transit - On Time Scheduled Delivery: 03/02/2009 Shipped To: DOVER, DE, US Shipped/Billed On: 02/27/2009 Service: NEXT DAY AIR Weight: 2.60 Lbs
Finally! Hey thanks to all who pointed out that the 3rd tracking number was the one to use for UPS.
Now if I could just figure out how to sign up for PCGS in time to get that FIRST STRIKE designation. Do I need to call them? I'm sure that if I sign up online, my membership materials will be really slow in arriving.
my $1200 pending charge has dissappered from my card I think I am gonna cry a little now. I just hope next week I get an email, My Lincolns are getting lonely
Folks, here's another article from, it's about the FIFO/LIFO issue. Also, go to the blog and complete the survey:
Posted by: Michael | Posted in: Ultra High Relief , US Mint
There have been more reports of customers receiving their 2009 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Coins. However, the collectors receiving coins are not necessarily the ones who placed their orders the earliest.
According to the US Mint's email notification sent out earlier this week, orders should be shipping on a "first-come, first-served basis." This means that customers who ordered their coins first, should be receiving their coins first. (i.e. "First in-First out" or FIFO)
Based on reports from Mint News Blog readers, and comments on other coin sites and forums, this is clearly not happening. Some customers who ordered on the second or third day are reporting that they have received their coins. Other customers who ordered within the first hour still have not received their coins. I placed my order at 12:17 PM ET on the first day of sales and have still not received my coin or any notification of shipping.
In an attempt to quantify what is happening. Please take a moment to answer a survey. The survey asks what date you ordered the Ultra High Relief Double Eagle, whether you have received it, and if you have, the date you received it. Results are tracked separately based on order date. You can respond to the survey more than once if you have ordered more than one coin. All responses are kept anonymous. Results will be posted on Mint News Blog next week. Please ask anyone else you know who ordered the UHR to complete the survey.
Click to launch survey
Some US Mint customers are justifiably upset with their experience ordering the Ultra High Relief Double Eagle. Problems have plagued nearly every aspect of the offering. This included initial difficulties obtaining sufficient blanks to manufacture coins, a series of miscommunications to customers on shipping dates, website security issues, shipping security issues, production problems with the companion book, and the latest non-FIFO shipping.
The US Mint began building enthusiasm for the Ultra High Relief Double Eagle as early as March 2008 calling it the recreation of the "nation's most beautiful coin." Later, US Mint Director Edmund Moy made even loftier statements about the coin. He said "One hundred years from now, I hope that people will reflect on this coin and say this was the beginning of the next renaissance of American coinage." He has even called it "arguably one of the best coins ever made in the world throughout all of history."
Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
Sorry to hear! I'm not sure if the customer service folks know what is going on because nobody can give us any answers about anything. So I sit here wondering what's next, an announcement from the Mint that they have no more?
<< <i>I didn't get no stinkin' email, either. I think the mint has been watching this thread and has figured out who the biggest rabble-rousers are and is holding back our orders just to torture us a little more. My order #30836xxx at 1:08 on 1/22 (it should have beenmuch earlier as I had the cart loaded at 12:04, but it took over an hour to get through checkout because of multiple page faults - but that's another can of worms). All I'm hoping for is a 69 or better, which may be asking for a lot based on some of the latest feedback... >>
if they were delaying all orders from us, I wouldn't have my 20 Lincoln proofs.
there are enough of us first hour orderers left that hopefully we can tell if fifo is being restored next week. Unfortunately, it's a long week and only so many orders can go out in a day. Hopefully signs will be clear earlier in the week. (i.e. few or no (ha!) orders shipped from the 2nd day on)
post it if you get it..
post some photos too!
pure whining is unamerican. suck it up... bu there is the "do something about it" that is american. sure I complain here, but I and others also contact higher ups with info and complaints that processes are "broken"
There will be no way to know if we've had an effect, and anyway, it is ultimately the decision of those in charge to change.... so who did what here? Still, getting the message out there that X is broken and needs looking into is, to me, quite american. Or, perhaps we'd all be happy not having a tea party and still be under british control.
it's not like I'm whining here and doing nothing. I'm outlining the issues to these people, too. big difference. "either do something about it or shut up" sounds more like the advice I would give. I also did something about it.
there are enough of us first hour orderers left that hopefully we can tell if fifo is being restored next week. Unfortunately, it's a long week and only so many orders can go out in a day. Hopefully signs will be clear earlier in the week. (i.e. few or no (ha!) orders shipped from the 2nd day on)
<< I didn't get no stinkin' email, either. I think the mint has been watching this thread and has figured out who the biggest rabble-rousers are and is holding back our orders just to torture us a little more. >>
You must have missed my tongue - it was firmly planted in my cheek!
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
This is simply not true. As I stated earlier (page 100and page 110), shipment of the initial UHR orders will accelerate into this upcoming week.
More than likely, you will receive the shipment notification from the Mint by email prior to shipment of your UHR.
However, a second or existing credit card pre-authorization for initial UHR orders is NOT necessary for the shipment of your UHR provided that a successful pre-authorization existed at least once since the inception of your order.
Again, as a caveat, I recommend you call the Mint to ensure your order continues to exist in their system. Now, stop getting your panties in an uproar.
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
Assuming the service rep was correctly informed and accurate in reporting (obviously a big assumption), it would be of interest to know whether you had ever received a tracking status confirmation (before the tracking feature disappeared) that your coin had been reserved. Also of interest would be at what time your coin was ordered and/or your order number. Obviously if only 29,000 coins are available for distribution and there were that many orders the first day, unless coins were in fact set aside and reserved for those who ordered early, then many who ordered on the first day are going to have to wait until new coins are minted since clearly many have already gone out to persons who ordered after the first day. Of course that begs the question of whether those who placed their order in the first hour and got notifications that their coins were reserved have coins that will still go out since that would account for approximately 10,000 coins ordered in the first hour.
Furthermore, Pitney will NOT be shipping the initial UHR orders on a FIFO basis. FIFO shipping ceased after the order to suspend all UHR shipments. The UHR orders in process at the time of the suspension are the population of the initial UHR orders and will be shipped randomly any which way they can. The UHR orders NOT in process at the time of the suspension WILL be shipped on a FIFO basis as usual. Got it? Good.
<< <i>Furthermore, Pitney will NOT be shipping the initial UHR orders on a FIFO basis. FIFO shipping ceased after the order to suspend all UHR shipments. The UHR orders in process at the time of the suspension are the population of the initial UHR orders and will be shipped randomly any which way they can. The UHR orders NOT in process at the time of the suspension WILL be shipped on a FIFO basis as usual. Got it? Good. >>
Not sure to whom you are responding , but no I for one certainly don't get it. Unless you have some well sourced contacts at Pitney which you may well have, how do you know of what you speak? Feel free to disclose your sources and apologies if you already have and I missed it. By the way - great avatar.
I just got off the phone with a PBGS rep to check on the "they are out of stock" statement above. According to Elijah, my UHR is reserved, has been picked and is waiting for a shipping number. For what it's worth, that's exactly where it was last Monday and all through last week. I'm still holding out hope that the rest of the first 10,000 orders will be fulfilled next week. If not, I'm catching a flight to DC and going to egg Moy's house!!!
<< <i>Ok, then add 12.95, cause somebody clicked expedited (even though it's a free upgrade) =1206.90.... Oh ya, 12:07 order, got nuthin.... >>
Is the difference between you and Cryptoguy (with almost an identical order time) that yours is coming to a PO Box requiring registered mail paper work which is slowing things down? Curious if anybody with a P.O. Box delivery address has even received an email that their UHR has shipped? >>
Mines not going to a PO box, don't know about cryptoguy...
I'm replying to everybody who thinks that FIFO shipping will be completely restored. The order to suspend UHR shipments created a cutoff of UHR orders pre-suspension and post suspension. The 'post' UHR orders are not a problem and will be shipped in a FIFO order as usual. The 'pre' UHR orders were partially processed and represent those orders that are being shipped randomly. This information is based on my conversations with Pitney and Mint employees.
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
Assuming the service rep was correctly informed and accurate in reporting (obviously a big assumption), it would be of interest to know whether you had ever received a tracking status confirmation (before the tracking feature disappeared) that your coin had been reserved. Also of interest would be at what time your coin was ordered and/or your order number. Obviously if only 29,000 coins are available for distribution and there were that many orders the first day, unless coins were in fact set aside and reserved for those who ordered early, then many who ordered on the first day are going to have to wait until new coins are minted since clearly many have already gone out to persons who ordered after the first day. Of course that begs the question of whether those who placed their order in the first hour and got notifications that their coins were reserved have coins that will still go out since that would account for approximately 10,000 coins ordered in the first hour. >>
somewhere in this thread is a picture of an order number higher than mine that showed "in stock and reserved." this dates back to some time much earlier in the month, and is a good point to bring up.
Even if they go into "RIRO" the mint needs to know that a commitment was made to persons before the stoppage. That commitment needs to be honored.
that will be a good topic for another mailing/fax should it appear that fifo hasn't resumed.
OMG so many false rumours. The Mint has not run out of UHRs to ship. You will see massive quantities of UHRs shipped next week just like you saw a spike of UHR shipments yesterday. Also, if at any time during your UHR order you had (or still have) a credit card pre-authorization, your UHR order will ship. This is for everybody who just pm me.
Grrr....pre-authorizations for CREDIT cards (or debit cards) automatically expire after a prescribed number of days of inactivity in accordance with banking regulations. Typically, it takes 7 calendar days for a pre-authorization to expire (three days for a debit card). The US Mint is not the only vendor that does this. EVERYBODY that takes credit cards does this in order to protect their merchant account.
<< <i>Ok, then add 12.95, cause somebody clicked expedited (even though it's a free upgrade) =1206.90.... Oh ya, 12:07 order, got nuthin.... >>
Is the difference between you and Cryptoguy (with almost an identical order time) that yours is coming to a PO Box requiring registered mail paper work which is slowing things down? Curious if anybody with a P.O. Box delivery address has even received an email that their UHR has shipped? >>
Mine is a PO Box, ordered at 12:26 on the 22nd. I have not received a shipped email
The situation with Order #30851 is one of the reasons they took down the "Track Order" module from the Mint's website. I had a confirmed UHR order by 12:26 and at various stages of processing my status showed "In stock and Reserved" and "Backordered" with ship dates as early as 01/28/09 and as late as 02/20/09 and with and without cancel boxes and with and without the companion booklet. There were other incidents where customers received an order number from the Mint's website only to receive an email with a different order number. These are just a few of the problems with Mint's website. It's unlikely we will ever know what really happened with the "Track Order" module, but suffice it to say it was corrupted and did not work.
And of course there is the rumour that people hacked into it and cancelled customer orders.
This is the last email I've rec'd regarding my order. Ordered 12:35pm on 1/22/09. Still have not heard a word about this order:
Backorder - Order #3083XXXX From: Sent: Tue 2/10/09 4:31 AM To: ME
- Order #: 3083XXXX - 1 Sold To : Me Ship To : Me Item: UH1 Qty: 1 Exp Ship: 2/20/09 2009 ULTRA HIGH RELIEF GOLD COIN Item: UH3 Qty: 1 Exp Ship: 2/20/09 2009 ULTRA HIGH RELIEF GOLD COIN BOOK This is a system generated e-mail. Please do not reply. If you have questions, please visit the Help page at or call us at 1-800-USA-MINT.
I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed.
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
Worst yet Carolyn, not only do they have a record, but they have an entire recording of your entire conversation! Oh yes they do. But be not afraid, you are not blacklisted. You will get your UHR and this past month will be nothing more than a memory and a good story told to friends and family that begins...."honey, remember buying that damn UHR....."
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
Worst yet Carolyn, not only do they have a record, but they have an entire recording of your entire conversation! Oh yes they do. But be not afraid, you are not blacklisted. You will get your UHR and this past month will be nothing more than a memory and a good story told to friends and family that begins...."honey, remember buying that damn UHR....." >>
Good point imron. I work in the customer service industry, and have for the past 30 years. We record our calls as well as the agents screens that she(he) accesses. Talk about big brother! But we do this because we want to stand out from the rest and we are making progress. So the mint should be using this technology to improve their customers experience. Not!!!!!!!!
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
from what pbgs rep convos I have had, they don't seem to read those that much. Until yesterday evening, it's as if each were the first call about my UHR. (I'm now getting reps that I've called before. Last night, another one recognized my story, but this one remember it was me.)
Not only are the conversations recorded for customer service purposes (if you can believe that) but for security purposes as well. That Pitney facility in Indiana is Mint approved for high security. If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door.
I've had one say they'll have a super listen to my call about how mgmt needs to get involved. If one department can't or won't interface with another... and both are needed for customer fulfillment... duh... just taking calls and hanging up is insufficient. Tired of answer the same calls with the same lies? Get upper mgmt. involved.
where is your coin....
as previously stated, hopefully we find out early next week with more posting from the first hour people and fewer or no (I know it's dreaming jbw) orders from 2nd day and beyond.
we shall see.
there are business contacts for the mint director's office in this thread, as well as some equally non-replying pitney bowes people.
<< <i>Not only are the conversations recorded for customer service purposes (if you can believe that) but for security purposes as well. That Pitney facility in Indiana is Mint approved for high security. If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for. At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
nah.... from what pbgs rep convos I have had, they don't seem to read those that much. Until yesterday evening, it's as if each were the first call about my UHR. >>
No, that's not how it works. Those conversation with Pitney reps are digitally recorded and said recordings are randomly listened to as well. Furthermore, while you are speaking with a Pitney Rep, at any time during your conversation, another Pitney or Mint rep can be listening to the conversation.
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
LOL >>
redsox you're funny but you are not allowed to laff at your own jokes on text string
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
LOL >>
redsox you're funny but you are not allowed to laff at your own jokes on text string >>
Well maybe the string gods can get my coin shipped!
Hey Barrrrrrrcat(that's how Bostonian's pronounce that) thanks!
Well, since joining this thread I have met a lot of interesting people who are down to earth but pissed about this situation, which I belong to the group at this point!
Hey Barrrrrrrcat(that's how Bostonian's pronounce that) thanks!
Well, since joining this thread I have met a lot of interesting people who are down to earth but pissed about this situation, which I belong to the group at this point! >>
Last night...
...except I am confused. I paid for 'expedited shipping' and the email gave me a Tracking ID, but it did not tell me how it was shipped - does anyone know the answer to this?
Your package is on time with a scheduled delivery date of 03/02/2009.
Tracking Number: 1Z E19 88X 01 1160 xxx x
Type: Package
Status: In Transit - On Time
Your shipment is moving within the UPS network and should be delivered on the Scheduled Delivery Date. A shipment can remain in this status until it is delivered. Other than time-definite air deliveries, shipments are generally delivered anytime between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. to residences, and by close of business for commercial addresses. UPS cannot schedule a specific delivery time within that window.
What should I do if I'm expecting a delivery?
This is the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment. For residential deliveries that require a signature, you can leave instructions for the driver if no one will be home. For example, you can ask that it be delivered to a neighbor who will be home. Shipments that don't require a signature can be left in a safe place at the driver's discretion.
In Transit - On Time
Scheduled Delivery: 03/02/2009
Shipped To: DOVER, DE, US
Shipped/Billed On: 02/27/2009
Weight: 2.60 Lbs
Finally! Hey thanks to all who pointed out that the 3rd tracking number was the one to use for UPS.
Now if I could just figure out how to sign up for PCGS in time to get that FIRST STRIKE designation. Do I need to call them? I'm sure that if I sign up online, my membership materials will be really slow in arriving.
cc has a charge of 1193 though
Posted by: Michael | Posted in: Ultra High Relief , US Mint
There have been more reports of customers receiving their 2009 Ultra High Relief Double Eagle Coins. However, the collectors receiving coins are not necessarily the ones who placed their orders the earliest.
According to the US Mint's email notification sent out earlier this week, orders should be shipping on a "first-come, first-served basis." This means that customers who ordered their coins first, should be receiving their coins first. (i.e. "First in-First out" or FIFO)
Based on reports from Mint News Blog readers, and comments on other coin sites and forums, this is clearly not happening. Some customers who ordered on the second or third day are reporting that they have received their coins. Other customers who ordered within the first hour still have not received their coins. I placed my order at 12:17 PM ET on the first day of sales and have still not received my coin or any notification of shipping.
In an attempt to quantify what is happening. Please take a moment to answer a survey. The survey asks what date you ordered the Ultra High Relief Double Eagle, whether you have received it, and if you have, the date you received it. Results are tracked separately based on order date. You can respond to the survey more than once if you have ordered more than one coin. All responses are kept anonymous. Results will be posted on Mint News Blog next week. Please ask anyone else you know who ordered the UHR to complete the survey.
Click to launch survey
Some US Mint customers are justifiably upset with their experience ordering the Ultra High Relief Double Eagle. Problems have plagued nearly every aspect of the offering. This included initial difficulties obtaining sufficient blanks to manufacture coins, a series of miscommunications to customers on shipping dates, website security issues, shipping security issues, production problems with the companion book, and the latest non-FIFO shipping.
The US Mint began building enthusiasm for the Ultra High Relief Double Eagle as early as March 2008 calling it the recreation of the "nation's most beautiful coin." Later, US Mint Director Edmund Moy made even loftier statements about the coin. He said "One hundred years from now, I hope that people will reflect on this coin and say this was the beginning of the next renaissance of American coinage." He has even called it "arguably one of the best coins ever made in the world throughout all of history."
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
Sorry to hear! I'm not sure if the customer service folks know what is going on because nobody can give us any answers about anything.
So I sit here wondering what's next, an announcement from the Mint that they have no more?
<< <i>I didn't get no stinkin' email, either. I think the mint has been watching this thread and has figured out who the biggest rabble-rousers are and is holding back our orders just to torture us a little more. My order #30836xxx at 1:08 on 1/22 (it should have beenmuch earlier as I had the cart loaded at 12:04, but it took over an hour to get through checkout because of multiple page faults - but that's another can of worms). All I'm hoping for is a 69 or better, which may be asking for a lot based on some of the latest feedback...
if they were delaying all orders from us, I wouldn't have my 20 Lincoln proofs.
post it if you get it..
post some photos too!
pure whining is unamerican. suck it up... bu there is the "do something about it" that is american. sure I complain here, but I and others also contact higher ups with info and complaints that processes are "broken"
There will be no way to know if we've had an effect, and anyway, it is ultimately the decision of those in charge to change.... so who did what here?
Still, getting the message out there that X is broken and needs looking into is, to me, quite american. Or, perhaps we'd all be happy not having a tea party and still be under british control.
it's not like I'm whining here and doing nothing. I'm outlining the issues to these people, too. big difference. "either do something about it or shut up" sounds more like the advice I would give. I also did something about it.
there are enough of us first hour orderers left that hopefully we can tell if fifo is being restored next week. Unfortunately, it's a long week and only so many orders can go out in a day. Hopefully signs will be clear earlier in the week. (i.e. few or no (ha!) orders shipped from the 2nd day on)
post it if you get it..
post some photos too!
You must have missed my tongue - it was firmly planted in my cheek!
mbogoman Lutho
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
This is simply not true. As I stated earlier (page 100and page 110), shipment of the initial UHR orders will accelerate into this upcoming week.
More than likely, you will receive the shipment notification from the Mint by email prior to shipment of your UHR.
However, a second or existing credit card pre-authorization for initial UHR orders is NOT necessary for the shipment of your UHR provided that a successful pre-authorization existed at least once since the inception of your order.
Again, as a caveat, I recommend you call the Mint to ensure your order continues to exist in their system. Now, stop getting your panties in an uproar.
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
Assuming the service rep was correctly informed and accurate in reporting (obviously a big assumption), it would be of interest to know whether you had ever received a tracking status confirmation (before the tracking feature disappeared) that your coin had been reserved. Also of interest would be at what time your coin was ordered and/or your order number. Obviously if only 29,000 coins are available for distribution and there were that many orders the first day, unless coins were in fact set aside and reserved for those who ordered early, then many who ordered on the first day are going to have to wait until new coins are minted since clearly many have already gone out to persons who ordered after the first day. Of course that begs the question of whether those who placed their order in the first hour and got notifications that their coins were reserved have coins that will still go out since that would account for approximately 10,000 coins ordered in the first hour.
Furthermore, Pitney will NOT be shipping the initial UHR orders on a FIFO basis. FIFO shipping ceased after the order to suspend all UHR shipments. The UHR orders in process at the time of the suspension are the population of the initial UHR orders and will be shipped randomly any which way they can. The UHR orders NOT in process at the time of the suspension WILL be shipped on a FIFO basis as usual. Got it? Good.
<< <i>Furthermore, Pitney will NOT be shipping the initial UHR orders on a FIFO basis. FIFO shipping ceased after the order to suspend all UHR shipments. The UHR orders in process at the time of the suspension are the population of the initial UHR orders and will be shipped randomly any which way they can. The UHR orders NOT in process at the time of the suspension WILL be shipped on a FIFO basis as usual. Got it? Good. >>
Not sure to whom you are responding , but no I for one certainly don't get it. Unless you have some well sourced contacts at Pitney which you may well have, how do you know of what you speak? Feel free to disclose your sources and apologies if you already have and I missed it. By the way - great avatar.
mbogoman Lutho
Mint CS told me to use sites to track shipment.
<< <i>
<< <i>Ok, then add 12.95, cause somebody clicked expedited (even though it's a free upgrade) =1206.90....
Is the difference between you and Cryptoguy (with almost an identical order time) that yours is coming to a PO Box requiring registered mail paper work which is slowing things down? Curious if anybody with a P.O. Box delivery address has even received an email that their UHR has shipped? >>
Mines not going to a PO box, don't know about cryptoguy...
I'm replying to everybody who thinks that FIFO shipping will be completely restored. The order to suspend UHR shipments created a cutoff of UHR orders pre-suspension and post suspension. The 'post' UHR orders are not a problem and will be shipped in a FIFO order as usual. The 'pre' UHR orders were partially processed and represent those orders that are being shipped randomly. This information is based on my conversations with Pitney and Mint employees.
<< <i>
<< <i>Just talked to someone at the mint agian, and they said(you will Love this one) that the charge was taken off my card because they are out of stock. And as soon as they recieve more they will resume shipping. AAAAAARRRRRRRRRR. this sucks weener >>
Assuming the service rep was correctly informed and accurate in reporting (obviously a big assumption), it would be of interest to know whether you had ever received a tracking status confirmation (before the tracking feature disappeared) that your coin had been reserved. Also of interest would be at what time your coin was ordered and/or your order number. Obviously if only 29,000 coins are available for distribution and there were that many orders the first day, unless coins were in fact set aside and reserved for those who ordered early, then many who ordered on the first day are going to have to wait until new coins are minted since clearly many have already gone out to persons who ordered after the first day. Of course that begs the question of whether those who placed their order in the first hour and got notifications that their coins were reserved have coins that will still go out since that would account for approximately 10,000 coins ordered in the first hour. >>
somewhere in this thread is a picture of an order number higher than mine that showed "in stock and reserved." this dates back to some time much earlier in the month, and is a good point to bring up.
Even if they go into "RIRO" the mint needs to know that a commitment was made to persons before the stoppage. That commitment needs to be honored.
that will be a good topic for another mailing/fax should it appear that fifo hasn't resumed.
OMG so many false rumours. The Mint has not run out of UHRs to ship. You will see massive quantities of UHRs shipped next week just like you saw a spike of UHR shipments yesterday. Also, if at any time during your UHR order you had (or still have) a credit card pre-authorization, your UHR order will ship. This is for everybody who just pm me.
<< <i>Order #30851xxx at 2:57pm
once showed "in stock and reserved" .... so it baffles me that they don't want to commit to the whole "enough for the first hour people" idea. >>
found this reminder..... it's out there somewhere
Grrr....pre-authorizations for CREDIT cards (or debit cards) automatically expire after a prescribed number of days of inactivity in accordance with banking regulations. Typically, it takes 7 calendar days for a pre-authorization to expire (three days for a debit card). The US Mint is not the only vendor that does this. EVERYBODY that takes credit cards does this in order to protect their merchant account.
<< <i>Order #30851xxx at 2:57pm(How high is that for cancel boxes gone??)
Sorry rgCoinGuy
I know I posted "In stock and reserved" with "cancel boxes gone"
edit: Fax made regarding this and is ready to send... hopefully I don't have to pull the trigger next week.
<< <i>
<< <i>Ok, then add 12.95, cause somebody clicked expedited (even though it's a free upgrade) =1206.90....
Is the difference between you and Cryptoguy (with almost an identical order time) that yours is coming to a PO Box requiring registered mail paper work which is slowing things down? Curious if anybody with a P.O. Box delivery address has even received an email that their UHR has shipped? >>
Mine is a PO Box, ordered at 12:26 on the 22nd. I have not received a shipped email
And of course there is the rumour that people hacked into it and cancelled customer orders.
Backorder - Order #3083XXXX
Sent: Tue 2/10/09 4:31 AM
To: ME
- Order #: 3083XXXX - 1 Sold To : Me Ship To : Me Item: UH1 Qty: 1 Exp Ship: 2/20/09 2009 ULTRA HIGH RELIEF GOLD COIN Item: UH3 Qty: 1 Exp Ship: 2/20/09 2009 ULTRA HIGH RELIEF GOLD COIN BOOK This is a system generated e-mail. Please do not reply. If you have questions, please visit the Help page at or call us at 1-800-USA-MINT.
hey redsox, pass me that martini if you're not gonna drink it !
hey batman, we have the exact same time of order. What is your order #?
<< <i>hey redsox, pass me that martini if you're not gonna drink it ! >>
here you go imron! And guess what? We will be passing drinks back and forth for next 6-9months because I think the US Mint lost our orders!
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed.
<< <i>
<< <i>hey redsox, pass me that martini if you're not gonna drink it ! >>
here you go imron! And guess what? We will be passing drinks back and forth for next 6-9months because I think the US Mint lost our orders!
Excellent! Let's pub crawl to the Mint and to Pitney. Hell, 9 months! We can make it! Drunk and stupid, but we can make it!
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>hey redsox, pass me that martini if you're not gonna drink it ! >>
here you go imron! And guess what? We will be passing drinks back and forth for next 6-9months because I think the US Mint lost our orders!
Excellent! Let's pub crawl to the Mint and to Pitney. Hell, 9 months! We can make it! Drunk and stupid, but we can make it! >>
Perfect! Let's start in DC! And then onto Indiana! And then we will have jobs at the US Mint and fix there issues
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
Worst yet Carolyn, not only do they have a record, but they have an entire recording of your entire conversation! Oh yes they do. But be not afraid, you are not blacklisted. You will get your UHR and this past month will be nothing more than a memory and a good story told to friends and family that begins...."honey, remember buying that damn UHR....."
<< <i>
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
Worst yet Carolyn, not only do they have a record, but they have an entire recording of your entire conversation! Oh yes they do. But be not afraid, you are not blacklisted. You will get your UHR and this past month will be nothing more than a memory and a good story told to friends and family that begins...."honey, remember buying that damn UHR....." >>
Good point imron. I work in the customer service industry, and have for the past 30 years. We record our calls as well as the agents screens that she(he) accesses. Talk about big brother! But we do this because we want to stand out from the rest and we are making progress. So the mint should be using this technology to improve their customers experience. Not!!!!!!!!
With that said, where the heck is my coin!
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
from what pbgs rep convos I have had, they don't seem to read those that much.
Not only are the conversations recorded for customer service purposes (if you can believe that) but for security purposes as well. That Pitney facility in Indiana is Mint approved for high security. If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door.
<< <i>
With that said, where the heck is my coin!
I've had one say they'll have a super listen to my call about how mgmt needs to get involved. If one department can't or won't interface with another... and both are needed for customer fulfillment... duh... just taking calls and hanging up is insufficient. Tired of answer the same calls with the same lies? Get upper mgmt. involved.
where is your coin....
as previously stated, hopefully we find out early next week with more posting from the first hour people and fewer or no (I know it's dreaming jbw) orders from 2nd day and beyond.
we shall see.
there are business contacts for the mint director's office in this thread, as well as some equally non-replying pitney bowes people.
use em next week if stuff is still wrong.
<< <i>Not only are the conversations recorded for customer service purposes (if you can believe that) but for security purposes as well. That Pitney facility in Indiana is Mint approved for high security. If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
<< <i>
<< <i>I was talking to a rep today and i stated, do you know how many times i have called and gotten nothing but a run-a-round? He said YES we have a record in the computer for every time a person calls and what they call for.
At that point i figured i will never get the coin because i have probably been black-listed. >>
from what pbgs rep convos I have had, they don't seem to read those that much.
No, that's not how it works. Those conversation with Pitney reps are digitally recorded and said recordings are randomly listened to as well. Furthermore, while you are speaking with a Pitney Rep, at any time during your conversation, another Pitney or Mint rep can be listening to the conversation.
<< <i>
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
LOL >>
redsox you're funny but you are not allowed to laff at your own jokes on text string
Got an email from the Mint: coin shipped 2/27!!
Does not look like my card was hit -
>>>My Collection
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>
<< <i>If you make threats of any kind on a phone call to Pitney Indiana, you won't finish your last breath before the Feds are knocking DOWN your door. >>
Hmmmmm..... I wonder if they can bring my coin with them
LOL >>
redsox you're funny but you are not allowed to laff at your own jokes on text string
Well maybe the string gods can get my coin shipped!
<< <i>RedSoxinNYC THAT WAS FUNNY >>
Hey Barrrrrrrcat(that's how Bostonian's pronounce that) thanks!
Well, since joining this thread I have met a lot of interesting people who are down to earth but pissed about this situation, which I belong to the group at this point!
<< <i>30830XXX
Got an email from the Mint: coin shipped 2/27!!
Does not look like my card was hit -
Did you get that email last night or today?
and his card will get charged on monday
edit: card will get charged by monday if not already yesterday
what is your order # and time of order
<< <i>Well, according to Artist # only eight thousand nine hundred to go till mine gets shipped. bummer >>
According to Artist #, mine was shipped two weeks ago! I'm stoked dude!
<< <i>
<< <i>RedSoxinNYC THAT WAS FUNNY >>
Hey Barrrrrrrcat(that's how Bostonian's pronounce that) thanks!
Well, since joining this thread I have met a lot of interesting people who are down to earth but pissed about this situation, which I belong to the group at this point! >>
Last night...
...except I am confused. I paid for 'expedited shipping' and the email gave me a Tracking ID, but it did not tell me how it was shipped - does anyone know the answer to this?
>>>My Collection