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The OFFICIAL 2009 Topps Heritage Thread



  • OK, back from 10 days on the road, and my case is waiting for me at my local shop. I'm not sure I can go back through the last 20 pages in this post, but hopefully I'll be able to start ripping soon and keep up from here on out...
  • Good to see you are finally back to join the rip Jason. I think you and Mike are the only two that have unopened stuff in hand right now.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    If you pulled a few nice cards like a popular black refractor or a nice auto relics, you could do the set in just a few boxes and take the
    money you make and buy the cards you need. I guess when all is said and done the 2009 heritage set will be one of the rarer
    heritage sets of all time.

    Is it just me or do the super sp's appear to be much rarer than the Santana and Smoltz of last year? I haven't checked ebay, have these showed up in
    mass yet?

  • Two more Smoltz are currently listed, but no Glavine or Ramirez.
  • kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
    Hi Jason,

    Box 4 down for me. Regular chromes (the red hat bunch) and a Verlander Black


  • << <i>If you pulled a few nice cards like a popular black refractor or a nice auto relics, you could do the set in just a few boxes and take the
    money you make and buy the cards you need. I guess when all is said and done the 2009 heritage set will be one of the rarer
    heritage sets of all time.

    Is it just me or do the super sp's appear to be much rarer than the Santana and Smoltz of last year? I haven't checked ebay, have these showed up in
    mass yet?

    Kevin >>

    Good point, Kevin.

    I also got thinking if your not going after the chrome/refractor set, you have those to trade as well, so you could put a master set together in fewer boxes I suppose.
    In addition, you can always fill holes in your SP list through lots on ebay or Craig in Texas Topps site, which ultimately might be cheaper, but might take some of the fun out of it.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    nice verlander! The blacks don't seem that exclusive this year, or maybe we are just lucky. Who is going to pull the cut?

  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭
    How did David Ortiz get #332?

    I thought that was supposed to be the Yankees team card.
    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • Kevin is right, we need to see a cut auto pulled by somebody on this board. Nick got it for us in the A&G thread last year, but we need to see a Heritage pull. As far as putting a set together from boxes, it is not that hard if you trade away your chromes, refractors, and any bigger hits you get. Next week when everybody gets their retail shipments you will see some a lot of trading in this thread. I know even after opening two cases I'm still 3 short prints shy of a master set, fortunately I have a blaster & jumbo case that will be here Monday to rectify that.
  • 86nova86nova Posts: 187 ✭✭
    After opening 5 boxes, I am 10 cards short of the base set, which is not bad. Chromes and SPs
    are running at the same rate as everyone elses. No ink or super SPs. Talked to a dealer today
    who received three cases on Friday. He now has 1 box left. He is supposedly getting blasters
    in on Monday, though I am not certain how many. Personally, I have never had much luck
    with them.
    All Heritage collectors nutz . Craig in Ohio.
  • paleocardspaleocards Posts: 941 ✭✭✭✭
    Finally got my 6 hobby boxes yesterday. I savor opening them so here's the report on Box #1 (I'll probably open one a day).

    Base set: 167 different (1 dupe) - 39.3% complete

    SPs: 8 different - 10.7% complete

    Inserts: 9 different - 20% complete
    FB - 1
    FBN - 3
    NAP - 3
    TN - 2

    Chromes: 4
    Refractors: 2 (Price & Rollins)

    Clubhouse Collection: Clay Buchholz jersey

    Good break, 24 $$ cards in 24 packs, looking forward to box #2 tonight!
  • buy backs. are these a hobby only item or are they also available in retail? what odds? thanks for the help. foot
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭
    hobby only - boxtoppers about every 2nd box
  • matthewbschultz83matthewbschultz83 Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭
    or in my case none in 5 boxes...

    I think I'll have better odds in the blasters...
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • nam812nam812 Posts: 10,586 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>How did David Ortiz get #332?

    I thought that was supposed to be the Yankees team card. >>

    Better yet, how did Javier Vasquez get card #350 (Mantle). They gave #377 (Maris) to Arod.

  • << <i>

    << <i>How did David Ortiz get #332?

    I thought that was supposed to be the Yankees team card. >>

    Better yet, how did Javier Vasquez get card #350 (Mantle). They gave #377 (Maris) to Arod. >>

    Maybe he is a boozing womanizer?
  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Maybe he is a boozing womanizer? >>

    Oh snap!
    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • matthewbschultz83matthewbschultz83 Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Maybe he is a boozing womanizer? >>

    Who Maris or Vazquez?
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • Vazquez but more power to Maris if he was.
  • No retail yet at Meijer.
  • No retail at Target here in the Tampa area.

  • << <i>No retail yet at Meijer. >>

    or Target or Wal Mart. wtf
  • psu92psu92 Posts: 283
    I believe it is a little too early for retail. Doesn't retail usually hit the shelves about 2-3 weeks after hobby is released?
  • parkerjparkerj Posts: 1,098 ✭✭✭
    16 box blaster case results:
    43 sp's
    5 refractors
    14 chrome
    2 relics: pedroia and kurt suzuki
    40 inserts (tn/nap/fb)

    not so hot, but i have 2 8/24 retail cases coming tomorrow, so this was my penance to the heritage gods, so that tomorrow will be a better rip.
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    Kevin's Guide to Retail Heritage

    1) Make a map of as many targets and walmarts that you can get...draw a circle to them so you hit them all in one trip.
    2) Night works the best....walmart is stocked by beckett, so you will see HUGE boxes taped up that have beckett on them, I think they are white. Target
    card boxes are big boxes taped up with yellow tape and red tape. The Yellow boxes are sportscards. These big boxes are usually kept in the last isle
    or close by the cards.
    3) To avoid curious employees have your car key ready. Slice the yellow tap off the boxes and look for retail heritage. Grab as much as you can and then
    close up the box. Do not feel bad if a target employee says something, you are buying merchandise from them! The beckett boxes at walmart will
    come in late at night on the truck, best time to check is from 10-midnight. If your 24 hr walmart is anything like mine here, the cards will be sitting
    undefended at an unused checkout lane.
    4) All boxes come with a list of contents...if this is on top, then you don't have to look through the whole box, believe me, when heritage hits you will know it!
    5) Expect only blister packs and blaster boxes at walmart, they try to avoid loose single packs. Target will most likely get a 24 count box in and some blasters. Targe
    always retocks what they sell well, so if you buy all they have right off the bat, chances are they will get more. Walmart is usually one shot.
    6) If you can't afford all the heritage you have the option of "hiding" it for a future time. There are probably some people here that frown upon this practice
    but I buy ALOT of cards at target and walmart, so I feel I have the right.
    7) The best place to hide cards at target is behind the computer game section on the bottom. Those places almost NEVER get swept. Target usually cleans
    pretty well, so your hiding place HAS to be good. That way, next payday you can go in and remove what you need and pay for it.
    8) Walmart has plenty of hiding place and usually never checks them. I have pulled cards out of hiding place that were 5 years old and very dusty. I would
    imagine that rats might be attracted to the gum after a while, so watch out!

    I hope this helps out as we approach the retail season. If you know WHERE and WHAT to look out for, you will score virgin heritage boxes and packs and be able to
    enjoy the rippage. If you have any questions let me know!

  • brendanb438brendanb438 Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭
    Curious about the buybacks, when Topps does these, do they offer the entire original set as a possible buyback? We should see some Mantles and Maris at some point?
  • ArchStantonArchStanton Posts: 1,182 ✭✭✭
    I think HOFer are pretty rare in the buybacks.

    Here are the rest of the ones I pulled from 15 boxes. I will trade for any Pirates you landed.

    I am very curious to see what the Target inserts are.



    ***edit to add: A 1960 Chuck Tanner is one of the first "old" cards I bought as a kid. I thought it was the best because he was the Pirates manager at the time.
    Collector of 1976 Topps baseball for some stupid reason.
    Collector of Pittsburgh Pirates cards for a slightly less stupid reason.
    My Pirates Collection
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Kevin's Guide to Retail Heritage

    3) To avoid curious employees have your car key ready. Slice the yellow tap off the boxes and look for retail heritage. Grab as much as you can and then
    close up the box. Do not feel bad if a target employee says something, you are buying merchandise from them! The beckett boxes at walmart will
    come in late at night on the truck, best time to check is from 10-midnight. If your 24 hr walmart is anything like mine here, the cards will be sitting
    undefended at an unused checkout lane.

    7) The best place to hide cards at target is behind the computer game section on the bottom. Those places almost NEVER get swept. Target usually cleans
    pretty well, so your hiding place HAS to be good. That way, next payday you can go in and remove what you need and pay for it.

    Kevin >>

  • Hey Kevin!! You forgot rule number nine!!

    9) He who starts the OFFICIAL 2009 Topps Heritage Thread and creates the Guide to Retail Heritage will surely pull this in his first retail box:

    2009 Topps Heritage Flashback Dual Relic


    Craig in Texas

    << <i>Kevin's Guide to Retail Heritage

    8) Walmart has plenty of hiding place and usually never checks them. I have pulled cards out of hiding place that were 5 years old and very dusty. I would
    imagine that rats might be attracted to the gum after a while, so watch out!

    Kevin >>

  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    Man, come on UPS. Yesterday at 5:53 AM my retail cases arrive at the UPS facility in Mesquite, TX. This is a suburb of Dallas which is about 30 miles southeast of me. So does UPS deliver my cases yesterday? No, they ship them out at 7:50 PM to the UPS facility in Denton, TX which is about 30 miles east of me. They could have just delivered my cases yesterday from Mesquite and saved themselves 90 miles of transit! At least I should be ripping tonight.
  • OK guys, I'm back from Ye Olde Countrye and picked my case up last night. Woke up early this morning to sneak a box in before the house woke up, and before I need to go to work. I think I had a pretty standard first box, 8 SPs, 5 Chromes, 1 Refractor, 6 subset cards.

    On the board with ink early this year though, the immortal Carl Mathias blue ink. Since I had absolutely no idea who this guy is/was, I took the time to visit Baseball-Reference.com to get educated. Turns out Mr. Mathias' MLB career consisted of a total of 29 innings pitched and a 7.14 ERA. The 5 homers allowed in those 29 IP is probably the stat that sticks out most, although he did go 1 for 6 at the plate in his career. Hooray for ink!
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭

    << <i>OK guys, I'm back from Ye Olde Countrye and picked my case up last night. Woke up early this morning to sneak a box in before the house woke up, and before I need to go to work. I think I had a pretty standard first box, 8 SPs, 5 Chromes, 1 Refractor, 6 subset cards.

    On the board with ink early this year though, the immortal Carl Mathias blue ink. Since I had absolutely no idea who this guy is/was, I took the time to visit Baseball-Reference.com to get educated. Turns out Mr. Mathias' MLB career consisted of a total of 29 innings pitched and a 7.14 ERA. The 5 homers allowed in those 29 IP is probably the stat that sticks out most, although he did go 1 for 6 at the plate in his career. Hooray for ink! >>

    LOL. If its for trade I know a guy who collects the ink!

  • We need more box breaks! c'mon people!
    Authorized wholesale dealer for BCW, if you need any supplies let me know and I will get you a quote
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    It really sucks that I am sitting here with a wad of cash but no product. Thanks topps!

  • bjbrall4bjbrall4 Posts: 277 ✭✭

    Count your blessings; I'm sitting here with no product and no cash.

  • Still no retail at Walmart or Target in SW Missouri.
  • jimradjimrad Posts: 2,777 ✭✭✭
    I'm sitting here with no product and a little cash...........hmmmmm

    Free Friday at Santa Anita and a pick 6 carry over........hmmmmm

    Well I'll be back later with hopefully USPS delivery of some product & a wad of cash.

    Cross your fingers for Wagels in the 3rd & Cheese Face in the 6th ! !

    Positive transactions with: Bkritz,Bosox1976,Brick,captainthreeputt,cpettimd,craigger,cwazzy,DES1984,Dboneesq,daddymc,Downtown1974,EAsports,EagleEyeKid,fattymacs,gameusedhoop,godblessUSA,goose3,KatsCards,mike22y2k,
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    dogs, horses and lotto are alternatives for heritage, but that is only a short term fix!


  • << <i>
    LOL. If its for trade I know a guy who collects the ink!

    Kevin >>

    You know how it works Kevin, all random player ink gets set aside for you...
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I just made my second target and walmart run today, could I be an addict?
  • DavidPuddyDavidPuddy Posts: 3,487 ✭✭✭
    I hit up Target today. Nothing but 08 Heritage High numbers.
    I bought 1 blaster and pulled a David Ortiz GU. My first Heritage GU ever.
    "The Sipe market is ridiculous right now"
    CDsNuts, 1/9/15
  • zep33zep33 Posts: 6,897 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I just made my second target and walmart run today, could I be an addict? >>

    not yet, 2 more times today and then maybe
  • matthewbschultz83matthewbschultz83 Posts: 1,259 ✭✭✭
    No Heritage retail here in Dallas. Target does have the 2009 Cereal Boxes now though. Still would like to get a Target retro blaster of 2009 Topps, interested to see these cards.
    Matt's Card Page
    What I'm selling

    Building Sets, Collecting Texas Rangers, and Texas Tech Red Raiders
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭

    << <i>

    << <i>I just made my second target and walmart run today, could I be an addict? >>

    not yet, 2 more times today and then maybe >>

    The sad part is I will most likely hit walmart after work tonight!

  • kmnortonkmnorton Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭
  • joestalinjoestalin Posts: 12,473 ✭✭
    I thought this thread was supposed to be a non stop month long orgy of pack ripping and scans?

  • My case finally shipped from pre-order location in CA yesterday. Scheduled to arrive on the 11th, so guess I won't be posting anything until end of next week. Shame he didn't send it USPS, I'd have it tomorrow (hooray for a local GMF!).
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    Just opened my first regular retail box (8/24). Third pack in had six cards. Here are the odds for regular retail:

  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    Probably won't have time to do this for all the boxes, but first retail box =

    9 SP
    7 Inserts
    2 Refractors
    1 CC (JD Drew)

    PS Into box two now and just got my 3rd refractor and no chrome yet.
  • KnopflerKnopfler Posts: 783 ✭✭✭
    Box 2:

    9 SP's
    4 Inserts
    3 Refractors (total of 5 refractors and 0 chromes so far)

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