How About a Wallpaper Thread ????

lost all my pics in a pc crash.

👍BST's erickso1,cone10,MICHAELDIXON,TennesseeDave,p8nt,jmdm1194,RWW,robkool,Ahrensdad,Timbuk3,Downtown1974,bigjpst,mustanggt,Yorkshireman,idratherbgardening,SurfinxHI,derryb,masscrew,Walkerguy21D,MJ1927,sniocsu,Coll3tor,doubleeagle07,luciobar1980,PerryHall,SNMAM,mbcoin,liefgold,keyman64,maprince230,TorinoCobra71,RB1026,Weiss,LukeMarshall,Wingsrule,Silveryfire, pointfivezero,IKE1964,AL410, Tdec1000, AnkurJ,guitarwes,Type2,Bp777,jfoot113,JWP,mattniss,dantheman984,jclovescoins,Collectorcoins,Weather11am,Namvet69,kansasman,Bruce7789,ADG,Larrob37,Waverly
There is my contribution, not sure if they will make good wallpaper, but they are coin pics!
The name is LEE!
Now a top pop
Here is my 4th of July collage.
–John Adams, 1826
But thanks for the thread as I picked up a few nice ones myself.
OOPS! HOW'D THAT HAPPEN! Better not leave it there so the thread don't poof, sorry
–John Adams, 1826
–John Adams, 1826
If you want some dancing girls
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
I had this as wall paper for a while a few years ago.
Gold Mining town of Bannack, Montana. Jailhouse.
edit to post the actual wallpaper.
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
What can you tell me about the presidential medals you have there? I have a complete set of those handed down from my grandfather and I know nothing about them. What can you tell me or can you point me to some info?
<< <i>coinsarefun,
What can you tell me about the presidential medals you have there? I have a complete set of those handed down from my grandfather and I know nothing about them. What can you tell me or can you point me to some info?
Brian >>
I really didn't know anything about them when I bought them. I did do a Google search and found some information on them.
I think that they are the "Un-official"Presidential Art Medals
"Presidents Series" Link for Kennedy
Make sure that they are these and not the Official medals.
I think these are in the price range of $20 for brass and $35 for silver.
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Felt like seeing some more wallpapers.
At the very top is a 1936 US Commemorative featuring Cleveland’s namesake Centennial, followed by the original 1921 Cleveland Medal in the middle. Just below that is Western Reserve Numismatic Club 50th from Heraldic Art Medals, who also lived in Cleveland. Bottom left is the die trial for the 75th anniversary counter-stamps. Bottom middle is a gold piece counter-stamped for 75th anniversary. Bottom right is the 100th anniversary.
By golly can you tell I’m proud to be from Cleveland?!

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I wanted to participate, but than I found this : > @JJM said:
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter

One of the best wallpaper threads we had going…… bad most images are missing.

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
IG: jb_rarities
Sort of a wallpaper🌞

This is cool!!!!
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
everyone seemed to have liked this one on instagram
It came from this one that I condensed down and jumbled them up.

CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Nice wallpaper one and all.
I am still trying to do a circle crop. lol
Kennedys are my quest...
It’s so relaxing making these. Each one can be used as an iPhone wallpaper so I think they fit in this thread🌚

I've shared these before, but here are a few I like:
Well, it did start out that way but, ended up being some fun wallpapers.


CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
Mr. Spud has a bunch of nice coins!!

What about non US wallpapers ?