<< <i>maybe the bullion price has set this set up to be a winner if no more sold due to due to the bullion pricing >>
How I see it....
This had potential as a real winner like the ASEs and AGEs.... Then the max mintage was set too high... Leading to slow sales..... Which could have boosted later value.... Until bullion rose, decreasing the "box" cost.... Then sales increased.... Lowering the collector premium to essentially zero over bullion...... So if bullion drops... Watch Out!
I'm sure you've all seen this by now, but with Platinum at almost $2000/oz, the Mint yanked the 10nd Anniversary two-coin set off sale apparently today.. and its sales page says "product not available" followed by this:
"Due to the increasing market value of platinum, the American Eagle 10th Anniversary Platinum Coin Sets are temporarily unavailable while pricing for this option can be adjusted; therefore, no orders can be taken at this time."
wonder what price they'll bring them back at.. if they bring them back at all.. the original selling price of $1954.95 or whatever it was is now under MELT!..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>I must be the only one in the world that likes the reverse proof. I did get a 70 along with everyone else. I'm keeping it althought I might sell the regular proof if I can get melt. Agree????????????? >>
Where are all the naysayers..about the 10th annniv Plat set being overpriced vs melt ?
<< <i>I must be the only one in the world that likes the reverse proof. I did get a 70 along with everyone else. I'm keeping it althought I might sell the regular proof if I can get melt. Agree????????????? >>
Where are all the naysayers..about the 10th annniv Plat set being overpriced vs melt ? >>
well where was Platinum at when this set first went on sale?.. it was priced about $400 to $500 ABOVE spot Platinum, wasn't it?.. i'd have to look at the charts, this is all getting befuddled in my mind.. but i think Platinum was hovering around $1500 to $1600/oz back in December.. so now the Platinum skyrocketed over $75.00 just today and is kissing right up against $2000.00/oz, so the Mint yanks it off sale.. the question i wonder about is will they put it back ON sale, and if so, at what price? $2200? $2400? more?.. or will they just say that's it folks, no more.. and the original 30,000 scheduled to be sold will be just an unpleasant memory, and however many they sold before they yanked it will be IT..
mine are going to the Long Beach show in their sealed box to get slabbed by PCGS for the holy "First Strike" labels.. which for some unknown reason, they don't / can't / won't print AT the show.. so i may pay $50 per coin for five day service.. i really don't want these valuable things floating around "somewhere" for a month.. and if i get a pair of 70s, i'll .. if i get only one 70, i'll half .. if i get a pair of 69s.. well let's not think about that yet.. Hell, i don't even know what's IN that box.. it could be some Mint guy's sandwich for all i know..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Who the hell posted this? Split my gut! Now after I get off the floor I want to know what the hell is in that dang box. GB, you are in for a little 3rd degree! Ham and cheese, Reuben, roast beef and provolone? We have ways to make you talk so you'd be better off to cooperate.
For the same 2k I can get: 6 Bald Eagle Golds or 50 Bald Eagle Silver dollars
and the fun of sifting through them for potential 70's! >>
Yea but if you needed 1 oz of Platinum to have the final piece to your rocket ship in 2099 when the earth starts to explode, do you think all of your extra silver coins and gold coins will get you to space safely? No, I telling you guys the Japs are buying up all of the Platinum so they can invade us in the coming years.
went to the Long Beach show today for the sole purpose of plunking myself down at one of the PCGS tables and making them (and hopefully me if i get the holy 70s back).. a little richer.. i joined the PCGS club at the Platinum level (seemed appropriate) and got to see my 10nd anniversary two-coin Platinum set's coins for the first time since i got the box back in December.. as a very sweet and helpful rep, Sonya, sliced the box open and let me briefly admire them before they went into flips in their capsules.. (i was NOT gonna open those capsules and touch those two $1000.00 coins.. i remember past in-person submissions where a rep insisted i take the coins out of their Mint capsules and put them in the flips, but she said it wasn't necessary..)..
i paid the extra ten bucks per coin for "First Strike" labels and decided to also pay the fee for five-day service on those only.. (they don't make First Stike labels at shows for some unknown reason, otherwise i might have been tempted to pay twice as much for same-day service.. but i can wait a week or so..) .. then used four of my other "free" submissions to cross-over four slabs at their existing (or better, hopefully) grades.. two ANACS, one NGCs, and a SEGS.. and used the free quarterly special submission for my raw Jamestown $5.00 Gold Unc.. will post the details on what coins i submitted and the results.. after i get the grades..
the cross-overs nd the Jamestown went in under regular service, and i have four "free" submissions left on my one-year membership.. she handed me back a bulging folder with the PCGS magazine i'll get each month.. (cover price $9.95!?).. my submission invoices, PCGS coin numbering booklet.. and my club membership form.. so i wrote a check and walked away $385.00 lighter and now i wait for the results.. i took my Unc. Jefferson First Spouse with me with the intention of submitting it too, but at the last minute, i decided not to, and will just keep it in its original box.. as-is.. since i have a year to use the other four "free" submissions, i figured i'd hold those in reserve in case i acquire anything worth using them for.. or want to gamble and cross-over some of my other stuff..
didn't spend much time at the show, since it's a short drive away.. i knew if i waltzed up and down the aisles, i'd unload even more money, so it was a fairly quick in and out..
eight bucks to park, four bucks to get in as an ANA member.. and a real fun drive home, through the Hell of Pacific Coast Highway at rush hour through a lovely part of town.. NOT.. attendance for this first day of the three day show looked pretty light..
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
i got my grades today from my Long Beach show submission of the sealed 10nd Anniversary Platinum set..
2000-W $50.00 Proof: PR69 (of course!).. DCAM First Strike.. 2000-W $50.00 Reverse Proof: PR70 First Strike ..
should i laugh or cry?..
this is THE first self-submitted PCGS 70-anything i have ever gotten out of them.. i own a couple other PCGS 70s, but they were purchased already slabbed..
i can't find the Reverse Proof in either the PCGS price guide or the pop reports.. am i missing something or have they not listed it yet in either place for some specific reason?.. anyone know the pops for the Reverse Proofs?.. how many submitted, how many 69s, how many 70s.. any LOWER than PR69?..
my order page says they were mailed to me today.. i don't know if that means they threw them in an outgoing mail bin or if the USPS actually picked them up.. i'm an hour's drive away from PCGS so if they actually went out today, there's an outside chance the mailman could bring them tomorrow..
any input on any of the above from anyone who have already been down this road would be appreciated..
i submitted other stuff on two other forms for regular service.. they're entered into the system but no grades yet and i don't know how slow they're running - they said they got a bajillion submissions at the Long Beach show..
i'm still kicking myself for not buying the $2610.00 Anniversary Gold Eagle set last year.. the prices on those sets, even raw, are insane, and a PR70 Reverse Proof 1oz Eagle is going for well over five grand.. sigh..
Thanks Harv
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Congrats on the 70. Much better getting one yourself then paying someone else, isn't it. You're hooked now.
As a pcgs member you can check the populations on the main website, pcgs.com, on the left side you can click on PCGS POPULATION REPORT.
If you can't find the coins you are look for, which is ususally the case with 'new' coins, you have to enter the PCGS coin number in the box "Lookup by PCGS No:" which is also on the PCGS POP... page.
The reverse Pr is # 393056: 469 - 69; 686 - 70; 1,157 total the regular Pr is # 393054: 700 - 69; 394 - 70; 1,095 total
these are First strike numbers, the non first strike will have a different number.
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
my slabbed First Strike 10nd Anniversary Platinums came in today's mail from PCGS (told ya they were one mail day away from me).. i can see ONE tiniest of tiny tiny pinpoint frost breaks.. just one.. on one edge of one bar of the shield on the Reverse of the regular Proof, hence, PR69 DCAM.. on the PR70 Reverse Proof, i can't see any flaw of any kind whatsoever.. so i'm hanging on to them for the time being, waiting to see what The Mint does with regards to either putting the set back on sale at a much higher price, or yanking it off sale completely, forever (which would be my preference).. the last figures i saw were something like a little more than 16,000 sets sold..
PCGS return postage was umm.. how can i put this politely.. INFLATED!.. i paid for five-day turnaround, submitted the coins on 13 February, 2008 at the Long Beach show, and got them back in the mail ten days later.. the Postage charge on my submission form was $28.75 (i declared the coins at $1000.00 value each).. the Postage meter label on the hard mailer they came back in (First class Registered) says "Postage and fees paid $13.85.. less than HALF of what they charged me for return Postage and Insurance.. is this common practice for them to more than double what they charge club members for return Postage and Insurance?..
anyway, no point in posting pictures, they look like all the others.. they also returned my capsules in a small, self-sealing foam baggie.. i put them back in the wood box.. now waiting for however many weeks it'll take to get grades on my other submissions - quarterly special raw Jamestown Gold Unc.. looked 70 to me.. plus another form with four cross-over slabs.. there is one particular coin there that if it gets ugraded ONE point, will jump from a price guide value of $175.00 to $5000.00.. fat freakin' chance.. but i ahd to try.. i specified cross at same or higher grades on all four of those.. i seriously doubt PCGS will upgrade an NGC MS67 Roosevelt Dime (with a gorgeous crescent rainbow on the obverse).. to an MS68.. but like i said.. i had to try because of the insane leap in value if it does..
what are folks' experiences here, genrally speaking, with cross-overs.. have any of you ever had PCGS actually UPgrade another slabber's slab?..
Thanks Harv
"I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on.. I don't do these things to other people.. I require the same of them.." - John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
hrlaser: yes, good luck finding a pristine 2006 Gold Anniversray Set. I see APMEX is out of them and one went for over $6000 last night on ebay. Darn shame some of those GOLD reverse proofs, along with the Platinum version, will be melted...oh well, the price to be paid for accelerating PM prices. So much accelerating, even at the moment, that Tulving has given up posting prices for their metals, rather an above the spot price percentage that just doesn't have the same visual appeal.
Darn shame some of those GOLD reverse proofs, along with the Platinum version, will be melted...oh well, the price to be paid for accelerating PM prices.
I think bullion prices would have to be a lot higher before the gold (or silver) reverse proofs would be melted. Even raw or 69, the gold reverse proof is over $3,000 and the silver reverse proof is over $200.
Overdate: The mintages for the silver and gold are a lot more reasonable in comparison to people who 1)want to collect these and 2)can actually afford them. At over $1000 melt value per half-ounce coin, it's an expensive set to collect. And, I just don't know of many platinum collectors out there at any price.
If you want my platimum 1st Strike regular proof PF69, you can have it for bullion + $50 (oops! this ain't the BST!) (but, shoot me a pm )
==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades
Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye
<< <i>Bear should be happy to see his thread carry on!!!!!!!!!!!
What happend to BEAR di Elmer Fud shoot him?
<< <i>maybe the bullion price has set this set up to be a winner
if no more sold due to due to the bullion pricing >>
How I see it....
This had potential as a real winner like the ASEs and AGEs....
Then the max mintage was set too high...
Leading to slow sales.....
Which could have boosted later value....
Until bullion rose, decreasing the "box" cost....
Then sales increased....
Lowering the collector premium to essentially zero over bullion......
So if bullion drops...
Watch Out!
For the same 2k I can get:
6 Bald Eagle Golds or
50 Bald Eagle Silver dollars
and the fun of sifting through them for potential 70's!
"Due to the increasing market value of platinum, the American Eagle 10th Anniversary Platinum Coin Sets are temporarily unavailable while pricing for this option can be adjusted; therefore, no orders can be taken at this time."
wonder what price they'll bring them back at.. if they bring them back at all.. the original selling price of $1954.95 or whatever it was is now under MELT!..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>I must be the only one in the world that likes the reverse proof. I did get a 70 along with everyone else. I'm keeping it althought I might sell the regular proof if I can get melt. Agree????????????? >>
Where are all the naysayers..about the 10th annniv Plat set being overpriced vs melt ?
<< <i>
<< <i>I must be the only one in the world that likes the reverse proof. I did get a 70 along with everyone else. I'm keeping it althought I might sell the regular proof if I can get melt. Agree????????????? >>
Where are all the naysayers..about the 10th annniv Plat set being overpriced vs melt ? >>
well where was Platinum at when this set first went on sale?.. it was priced about $400 to $500 ABOVE spot Platinum, wasn't it?.. i'd have to look at the charts, this is all getting befuddled in my mind.. but i think Platinum was hovering around $1500 to $1600/oz back in December.. so now the Platinum skyrocketed over $75.00 just today and is kissing right up against $2000.00/oz, so the Mint yanks it off sale.. the question i wonder about is will they put it back ON sale, and if so, at what price? $2200? $2400? more?.. or will they just say that's it folks, no more.. and the original 30,000 scheduled to be sold will be just an unpleasant memory, and however many they sold before they yanked it will be IT..
mine are going to the Long Beach show in their sealed box to get slabbed by PCGS for the holy "First Strike" labels.. which for some unknown reason, they don't / can't / won't print AT the show.. so i may pay $50 per coin for five day service.. i really don't want these valuable things floating around "somewhere" for a month.. and if i get a pair of 70s, i'll
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>Hell, i don't even know what's IN that box.. it could be some Mint guy's sandwich for all i know..
Who the hell posted this? Split my gut! Now after I get off the floor I want to know what the hell is in that dang box. GB, you are in for a little 3rd degree! Ham and cheese, Reuben, roast beef and provolone? We have ways to make you talk so you'd be better off to cooperate.
<< <i>Let's see: I get 2 coins for $2k.
For the same 2k I can get:
6 Bald Eagle Golds or
50 Bald Eagle Silver dollars
and the fun of sifting through them for potential 70's! >>
Yea but if you needed 1 oz of Platinum to have the final piece to your rocket ship in 2099 when the earth starts to explode, do you think all of your extra silver coins and gold coins will get you to space safely? No, I telling you guys the Japs are buying up all of the Platinum so they can invade us in the coming years.
i paid the extra ten bucks per coin for "First Strike" labels and decided to also pay the fee for five-day service on those only.. (they don't make First Stike labels at shows for some unknown reason, otherwise i might have been tempted to pay twice as much for same-day service.. but i can wait a week or so..) .. then used four of my other "free" submissions to cross-over four slabs at their existing (or better, hopefully) grades.. two ANACS, one NGCs, and a SEGS.. and used the free quarterly special submission for my raw Jamestown $5.00 Gold Unc.. will post the details on what coins i submitted and the results.. after i get the grades..
the cross-overs nd the Jamestown went in under regular service, and i have four "free" submissions left on my one-year membership.. she handed me back a bulging folder with the PCGS magazine i'll get each month.. (cover price $9.95!?).. my submission invoices, PCGS coin numbering booklet.. and my club membership form.. so i wrote a check and walked away $385.00 lighter and now i wait for the results.. i took my Unc. Jefferson First Spouse with me with the intention of submitting it too, but at the last minute, i decided not to, and will just keep it in its original box.. as-is.. since i have a year to use the other four "free" submissions, i figured i'd hold those in reserve in case i acquire anything worth using them for.. or want to gamble and cross-over some of my other stuff..
didn't spend much time at the show, since it's a short drive away.. i knew if i waltzed up and down the aisles, i'd unload even more money, so it was a fairly quick in and out..
eight bucks to park, four bucks to get in as an ANA member.. and a real fun drive home, through the Hell of Pacific Coast Highway at rush hour through a lovely part of town.. NOT.. attendance for this first day of the three day show looked pretty light..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
i got my grades today from my Long Beach show submission of the sealed 10nd Anniversary Platinum set..
2000-W $50.00 Proof: PR69 (of course!).. DCAM First Strike..
2000-W $50.00 Reverse Proof: PR70 First Strike
should i laugh or cry?..
this is THE first self-submitted PCGS 70-anything i have ever gotten out of them.. i own a couple other PCGS 70s, but they were purchased already slabbed..
i can't find the Reverse Proof in either the PCGS price guide or the pop reports.. am i missing something or have they not listed it yet in either place for some specific reason?..
anyone know the pops for the Reverse Proofs?.. how many submitted, how many 69s, how many 70s.. any LOWER than PR69?..
my order page says they were mailed to me today.. i don't know if that means they threw them in an outgoing mail bin or if the USPS actually picked them up.. i'm an hour's drive away from PCGS so if they actually went out today, there's an outside chance the mailman could bring them tomorrow..
any input on any of the above from anyone who have already been down this road would be appreciated..
i submitted other stuff on two other forms for regular service.. they're entered into the system but no grades yet and i don't know how slow they're running - they said they got a bajillion submissions at the Long Beach show..
i'm still kicking myself for not buying the $2610.00 Anniversary Gold Eagle set last year.. the prices on those sets, even raw, are insane, and a PR70 Reverse Proof 1oz Eagle is going for well over five grand.. sigh..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
Congrats on the 70. Much better getting one yourself then paying someone else, isn't it. You're hooked now.
As a pcgs member you can check the populations on the main website, pcgs.com, on the left side you can click on PCGS POPULATION REPORT.
If you can't find the coins you are look for, which is ususally the case with 'new' coins, you have to enter the PCGS coin number in the box "Lookup by PCGS No:"
which is also on the PCGS POP... page.
The reverse Pr is # 393056: 469 - 69; 686 - 70; 1,157 total
the regular Pr is # 393054: 700 - 69; 394 - 70; 1,095 total
these are First strike numbers, the non first strike will have a different number.
thanks much.. i appreciate it..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
<< <i>Hi..
thanks much.. i appreciate it..
Harv >>
I gotta 69/69 set.....congrats to you!!!!!!!!!
PCGS return postage was umm.. how can i put this politely.. INFLATED!.. i paid for five-day turnaround, submitted the coins on 13 February, 2008 at the Long Beach show, and got them back in the mail ten days later.. the Postage charge on my submission form was $28.75 (i declared the coins at $1000.00 value each).. the Postage meter label on the hard mailer they came back in (First class Registered) says "Postage and fees paid $13.85.. less than HALF of what they charged me for return Postage and Insurance.. is this common practice for them to more than double what they charge club members for return Postage and Insurance?..
anyway, no point in posting pictures, they look like all the others.. they also returned my capsules in a small, self-sealing foam baggie.. i put them back in the wood box..
now waiting for however many weeks it'll take to get grades on my other submissions - quarterly special raw Jamestown Gold Unc.. looked 70 to me.. plus another form with four cross-over slabs.. there is one particular coin there that if it gets ugraded ONE point, will jump from a price guide value of $175.00 to $5000.00.. fat freakin' chance.. but i ahd to try.. i specified cross at same or higher grades on all four of those.. i seriously doubt PCGS will upgrade an NGC MS67 Roosevelt Dime (with a gorgeous crescent rainbow on the obverse).. to an MS68.. but like i said.. i had to try because of the insane leap in value if it does..
what are folks' experiences here, genrally speaking, with cross-overs.. have any of you ever had PCGS actually UPgrade another slabber's slab?..
- John Wayne, "The Shootist" (1976.. his final film)..
1 1 12384875 393054 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty, 10th Anniversary set US PR70DC
2 1 12384876 393054 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty, 10th Anniversary set US PR70DC
3 1 12384877 393056 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Anniversary set, Reverse Proof US PR70
4 1 12384878 393056 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Anniversary set, Reverse Proof US PR69
5 1 12384879 393056 2007-W $50 Statue of Liberty 10th Anniversary set, Reverse Proof US PR70
Darn shame some of those GOLD reverse proofs, along with the Platinum version, will be melted...oh well, the price to be paid for accelerating PM prices.
So much accelerating, even at the moment, that Tulving has given up posting prices for their metals, rather an above the spot price percentage that just doesn't have the same visual appeal.
Reverse Proof 70, Regular Proof 69.
What are the 70 coins going for retail/wholesale? I assume that the 69's are pretty much melt bucket material.....
==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades
Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye
Darn shame some of those GOLD reverse proofs, along with the Platinum version, will be melted...oh well, the price to be paid for accelerating PM prices.
I think bullion prices would have to be a lot higher before the gold (or silver) reverse proofs would be melted. Even raw or 69, the gold reverse proof is over $3,000 and the silver reverse proof is over $200.
My Adolph A. Weinman signature

If you want my platimum 1st Strike regular proof PF69, you can have it for bullion + $50 (oops! this ain't the BST!) (but, shoot me a pm
==Looking for pre WW2 Commems in PCGS Rattler holders, 1851-O Three Cent Silvers in all grades
Successful, problem free and pleasant transactions with: illini420, coinguy1, weather11am,wayneherndon,wondercoin,Topdollarpaid,Julian, bishdigg,seateddime, peicesofme,ajia,CoinRaritiesOnline,savoyspecial,Boom, TorinoCobra71, ModernCoinMart, WTCG, slinc, Patches, Gerard, pocketpiececommems, BigJohnD, RickMilauskas, mirabella, Smittys, LeeG, TomB, DeusExMachina, tydye