I think the copper cents will be fine and won't ding it. That is why I am not using any cupro-nickel coins in the pocket. If I had a couple of old really worn large cents, I would use those. I won't use any nickels either. If I had a couple of silver dimes I would use that instead.
<< <i>Hello Barber lovers, The Barber threads have always been my favorite so it is fitting that my first post be on this thread. At the present time I only have one Barber coin and unfortunately do not have any pictures of it. However many of you may have a picture of it in your library. If you have the Heritage auction catalog of the Hugon sale, my coin is on page 110 (1905 s half, Clapp, Eliasberg).
Thank you for sharing your Barbers and keep posting!
Darrell >>
...and for your only Barber half - you sure picked a beauty :
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Actually, the vast majority of 1897-S quarters have the mintmark far to the right ... the centered mintmark variety is quite scarce. A while ago I posted this thread on mintmark placement. Notice the comment there, that out of thirty listings in the Heritage auction archives for 1897-S quarters, only ONE had the centered mintmark !!! This was in response to Rich Uhrich's post mentioning the rarity of the centered mintmark on the 1897-S.
As far as posting a NEW Barber image, here's a 1900 quarter with the Type II reverse. In 1900, as in 1892, the reverse hub was replaced with a modified design enlarging the eagle's wings. Thus for all three mints, there are two kinds of 1892 quarters, and two kinds of 1900 quarters. The Type II design has the left-facing wingtip just even with the top of the E in UNITED.
The Type III reverse has the same wingtip extending beyond the top of the E, protruding towards the rim. Here's a 1900 quarter with the Type III reverse. You can easily see the protruding left wingtip.
Its alot easier to concentrate on one series at a time, and you gain the sense of accomplishment when you're having to deal with only one series. You end up completing it - in what ever grade you're collecting - alot quicker than if you spread yourself thin amoungst the four Barber series.
I started with the V Nickels before going onto the dimes, etc. etc.
The problem is that when you've finished all the series, what do you do from there ? For me, I concentrated on the Halves again, after having just completed them in AU/MS, but this time in F15/AU50, [ leaning heavier towards VF35/XF45 ]. This second collection of halves is almost where I want it to be, I need to upgrade a few coins, but I'm happy with the end result. I'll be happier once the cross overs to PCGS are back at home in their new graded holders.
My collection is almost complete - save for the 01-S quarter - and I find that I'm adding upgrades to the dime, quarter and half series in AU/MS.
Its a rare occasion that I buy anything else but a Barber coin. [ My fledgling Mercury collection can attest to that.]
It has been a privilege having Sunnywood post his amazing quarters and my only disappointment with he and Dr. Duckor's collections, is that alot of their coins came from Dale Friend's collection - which I was to have viewed in person this upcoming FUN show.
One of these days, Sunnywood, I will venture up to the New York area to take you up on your kind offer to view your collection in person. I greatly appreciate your posting the images of your quarters on your Registry Set; I've viewed it countless times; each time, I find another favorite. At this point your collection could be considered one of our Numismatic National Treasures and should be put on exibit in the Smithsonian for the enjoyment of the general populace.
Maybe you'd loan out the collection to PCGS at a future date, as was the case with the "Big Three" Barber Half Collections of Dr. Steve Duckor, Dale Friend and Dr. Peter Shireman. Of course, one of the major collections which compares favorably with yours is not registered at PCGS, but at NGC, "The Gardner Collection", and regrettably has no images attached to it.
Dr. Duckor, although we have never met, I would also like to mention that we, the Barber Collectors, would throughly enjoy viewing your collection as well. I did not have the pleasure of viewing your collection when it was exibited alongside the Friend and Shireman collections, however both Dale and Peter took advantage of Superior Auction Galleries offer to image their collection. The caliber of your collection should be imaged by PCGS's True-View service. My opinion is that any top tier collection should be photographed gratis by PCGS as an added incentive to acheive that status. What say you Mr. Hall & Mr. Guth ???
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
How about a short Barber story which came to mind when viewing Sunnywood's collection
My first time experience as a child seeing any type of Barber coinage design was when I was roughly about 7 years old. My folks at the time lived in an appartment building as we had just moved into a new state. There where no other kids in this building, but as I was a very likeable kid spent a lot of time with a Three's Company of music teachers 2 females and 1 guy who shared an appartment.
Anyhow the fellow was a collector but more then that had a Silver Checkers which his Father had made for him when he was a child. I remember spending aimless hours of trying to beat him... but more or less was mostly facinated that the set was constructed out of all Circulated Reverse Barber coinage -vs- Circulated Reverse Standing Liberty Type One's.
Now I can't even begin to tell you how much of an impact a tiny little game of checkers made upon me as a child in forming my love for numismatics!
As my Son now exists diapers his Father will be making him a Solid Silver Checker Set also... but the SLQ's will be Type Two's
One project at a time: Enclosed is a pic of a antique 68 Charger pedal car I've restored since my son was 6 mos old which is finally reaching completion. Although I've been called insane for the possibility of letting him terrorize the sidewalks with it, as it may pay for his first year of college one day...
Now what kind of fun would static display be?
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
MFH, my most humble thanks for the kind words. I look forward to the day when we can look through my set together !!
Broadstruck, what a cool story. I think I would have been playing checkers all day long if there had been a cool set like that around !! How about a chess set too, with different denominations to represent the different pieces !! Love the car, but I'm curious what the scale is? How long is it "tip to stern" ?
Love the car, but I'm curious what the scale is? How long is it "tip to stern" ?
Sunnywood, Thanks... when your playing with coins it's hard not to talk about them while you are.
The Car is roughly 44" long , on 3 new 10" Rubber tires, fully frame up restoration, body work, rubbed paint, pin stripes, re-chromed wheels, beige leather seating, it just needs a new windshield. I've had a lot of good friends donate time and services on this to complete it.
I'll remove the pic if anyone has any issues as it's not Barber related?
To Err Is Human.... To Collect Err's Is Just Too Much Darn Tootin Fun!
Broadstruck...I have no objections ... I think that's a great peddal car for your son. If you photoshopped a pair of Barber coins in place of the wheels absolutely noone would object.
Sunnywood: I'll advise you the next time I'm anywhere near your neck of the woods. Spending time with you admiring your collection would certainly be one of the all time highlights of my numismatic experience.
Went to a local coin show this morning with my 90 yr old Dad; met up with a few collectors that I have met thru the Boards accross the street; Gary Lewis, ex-pres. of the ANA, entertained my Dad for awhile as I was on the hunt for a few more Barbers...didn't think I needed any did you, ...
Saw a fantastic 1892 Quarter in NGC 66 Star - with great toning - real sweet. There were a few overprocessed NGC MS halves - all white - most luster gone - you know the type. There were quite a few run of the mill AG/G halves - I mean alot of them , more than usual. Saw dozens of Barber quarters - most cleaned raw but surprisingly in better grades - VF35 to AU 55 . One dealer had a nice selection of Barber Dimes most in NGC holders - nice looking overall - not overprocessed like the halves; I spotted a stunning 1892 dime in an ANACS 58 holder for $109 which was very tempting as it had fantastic toning; also a nice 1910-P dime in anacs 58 for $76 with faint gold toning. Both pretty coins and if they were in a PCGS holder, they would be sitting next to me now.
Anyhow, I picked up a small group of VG10- VF 25 halves for my Whitman Classic Bookshelf Album, all nice and very original: 1904-O in VG 10; 1906-P in VF25; 1908-O also in VF 25. Spent a grand total of $120 for these...which I thought more than fair. This dealer, Bud Kolonda from Michigan, also had a very nice 1909-O quarter that by wear standards was at least an AU 53, could be close to au 55 too; however, it had an old time cleaning, which has retoned over a bit; pleasing coin overall. He wanted $1175 - I passed as I already have a duplcate 1909-O in an ANACS "UNC Details" Net AU 50 - cleaned [ plus my ms64 ].
I also stumbled onto a fantastic - & I mean fantastic - 1906-D half in a new ANACS 61 holder - the coin has medium to light amber rim toning on the obverse, plus the centrals are vibrant light-goldish-white; the reverse has seafoam rims mixing with deep amber and blazing white centrals. I just couldn't pass it up. Its a coin I would call a screamer; I paid what I felt was reasonable money for it - AU 58 money - and that's exactly what I plan on doing with it - submit it to PCGS along with the other four dozen coins going in for cross over - and requesting an AU 58 grade. There is some light chatter on the cheek which could be construed as "rub".
Non Barber related, but also picked up four Mercuries in XF from the 1920's for my Dansco album.
Overall a good day.
Images to follow...
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I'll scan the coin and send you the images. If you like the first Denvers, you'll really like this one.
Our fellow collector, Ken Larson, aka: Eagle Harbor Collection, is, as most of us know, selling his half dollar collection. This evening, his 1907 's are closing on eBay. Please check out his listings, they are all nice coins. I was going to bid very strongly for his 1906-D in PCGS AU 58 being auctioned - starting tomorrow on eBay - but with the new purchase of the ANACS coin, I'm bowing out.
Edited to say: Thank you Broadstruck...received the images while at work - will post same when I get home this evening.
Re-edited: Thank you Casey, although Broadstruck had already resized them - Can you see this coin in an PCGS 58 holder ? I sure can !!
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
I also attended a coin show yesterday, in Allentown, Pa. The weather forcast called for a Nor-easter moving into my area late Saturday into Sunday. I live in Northern New Jersey, so between the weather forcast and the 100 mile drive each way to the coin show, I was a liitle concerned. When I arrived at the show at around 10 AM, I heard that the bad weather was predicted to hit the Allentown area around 2 in the afternoon. The show hosted well over 100 dealers, so I made the rounds ASAP, looking for the usual Barber and Seated material (Barbers being my #1 concern....of course). There was plenty of raw Barber quarters and halves, in the VG-AU grades, but many coins were cleaned and overgraded. Many dealer's were talking about how hot the Barber series were and how they were becoming some of their biggest seller's at shows. After 3 hours of searching, and totally striking out with the Barber's, I settled for a beautiful, original, better date Seated Liberty dollar.
Thanks for the show details. Great fun, huh? Especially with your dad.
I make the same observations as you. Cleaned, over-graded Barbers and many dealers selling them. It's "tough" to find original these days. Are the prices rising too fast? From what I've seen, the answer is "yes". In fact, some prices now are getting out of hand for me.
How can I make the decision to switch series after so long? Yikes! That's gonna be hard.
Thanks for the show details. Great fun, huh? Especially with your dad.
I make the same observations as you. Cleaned, over-graded Barbers and many dealers selling them. It's "tough" to find original these days. Are the prices rising too fast? From what I've seen, the answer is "yes". In fact, some prices now are getting out of hand for me.
How can I make the decision to switch series after so long? Yikes! That's gonna be hard. >>
I don't think the prices are rising too fast. I think that the prices are actually catching up to what they should be, especially for nicer, original examples. The exception here, might be the big 3, key date Barber quarters, the 1896-S, 1901-S and 1913-S and maybe the 1904-S Barber half. When you have the low pops on many of the Barber halves in the VF-AU grades, with all the new Barber collectors coming on board, it was only a matter of time before prices started escalating.
Unfortunately, with the increased demand for Barbers, alot of dealers are pushing tons of raw garbage on unsuspecting collectors in hopes of capitalizing on this new demand.
Our fellow collector, Ken Larson, aka: Eagle Harbor Collection, is, as most of us know, selling his half dollar collection. This evening, his 1907 's are closing on eBay. Please check out his listings, they are all nice coins.
$1275 for that particular 1907-s in AU55 is way overboard IMHO. But in line with this particular dicussion about demand for this series and rising prices across the middle grades for better dates.
We're all born MS70. I'm about a Fine 15 right now.
The buyer was Arnie Heller, a dealer, who "auctions" on eBay at fixed prices. I pegged that coin to sell at $1350.
I'll keep my eyes open and see where it "opens" at on one of Arnie's "auctions" !!
The images are too large to post - so, at your suggestion, I'll just email them to you - expect four images on four seperate emails - { I never got the hang of attaching numerous images on one email }
edit to add: see above re-edit ...
Mike Hayes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
Hope to achieve this progression in all the early date P-O-S series.
Do your best to avoid circular arguments, as it will help you reason better, because better reasoning is often a result of avoiding circular arguments.
Beautiful Don, beautiful. Wish I could do that with just XF45s. Now that would be impossible.
My news is that I received an email from PCGS last night saying my grades were ready on the coins I submitted for Tru-View. No-duh. I already know what the grades are. I sent them an email but haven't heard back yet. I sure hope to post images this weekend.
I'm back to sipping martiinis and saving the world on my X-Box.
I think the copper cents will be fine and won't ding it. That is why I am not using any cupro-nickel coins in the pocket. If I had a couple of old really worn large cents, I would use those. I won't use any nickels either. If I had a couple of silver dimes I would use that instead.
Looking for Denmark 1874 20-Kroner. Please offer.
<< <i>Hello Barber lovers,
The Barber threads have always been my favorite so it is fitting that my first post be on this thread. At the present time I only have one Barber coin and unfortunately do not have any pictures of it. However many of you may have a picture of it in your library. If you have the Heritage auction catalog of the Hugon sale, my coin is on page 110 (1905 s half, Clapp, Eliasberg).
Thank you for sharing your Barbers and keep posting!
Darrell >>
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>You guys are a tough crowd.
Broadstruck---------great clue
MFH---------I my wife would kill YOU if you told me
InYHWHWeTrust-----I do like the 01-0 and the other one
Four Initials:
One's the good pick...and the others arn't too shabby either !!
Any better hints, and I don't want to face your wife - especially before Christmas !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
One's the good pick...and the others arn't too shabby either !!
Any better hints, and I don't want to face your wife - especially before Christmas !!
She's not to bad. After 23 years I've become fond of the old girl
100% Positive BST transactions
Talk about fun!
Here is my attempt at coin photography
100% Positive BST transactions
Welcome to the forums and I'll reiterate what others have said.....your 1905-S is one beautiful Barber half.
Connor Numismatics Website
It only takes one to start and you picked a good one...great looking 05-S! Wish you success in your collecting journey!
Looking for Denmark 1874 20-Kroner. Please offer.
Merry Christmas to all!
They'll be upgrades for my collection...looks like my second tier set is filling in
faster than I expected it to with the same coins in AU 55.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
MFH, Santa's been calling you a LOT lately... hope he has a good minute rate on his cell phone?
<< <i>Call Santa back and tell him the Elves forgot to peen a couple of little S's on those at the workshop.
sorry...no images avail of my 14-S [ ex: ANACS 58 from B&M 11/99; crossed in 1/05 to PCGS 58 ]
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Santa called for a moment this morning and is sending these two beauties:
MFH, Santa's been calling you a LOT lately... hope he has a good minute rate on his cell phone?
Yeah, I heard that "Chad" from All-Tel gave him a great rate.
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
I'm pleased with this one. Bought them all raw at shows, local auctions etc........
I suspected the 14-S wouldn't pass muster. It has XF40/45 details
1 1 12269828 2206 1900 1C US MS64RB
2 1 12269829 6469 1894-O 50C US VF30
3 1 12269830 6474 1896 50C US XF40
4 1 12269831 6482 1898-S 50C US VF25
5 1 12269832 6531 1914-S 50C US Altered Surface
Link to thread on mintmark placement in Barber quarters
Here is my 1897-S quarter's mintmark:
As far as posting a NEW Barber image, here's a 1900 quarter with the Type II reverse. In 1900, as in 1892, the reverse hub was replaced with a modified design enlarging the eagle's wings. Thus for all three mints, there are two kinds of 1892 quarters, and two kinds of 1900 quarters. The Type II design has the left-facing wingtip just even with the top of the E in UNITED.
The Type III reverse has the same wingtip extending beyond the top of the E, protruding towards the rim. Here's a 1900 quarter with the Type III reverse. You can easily see the protruding left wingtip.
Sunnywood's Rainbow-Toned Morgans (Retired)
Sunnywood's Barber Quarters (Retired)
Those quarters are so damn small
BTW-----NICE coins!
Sunnywood's Rainbow-Toned Morgans (Retired)
Sunnywood's Barber Quarters (Retired)
Sunnywood's Rainbow-Toned Morgans (Retired)
Sunnywood's Barber Quarters (Retired)
Its alot easier to concentrate on one series at a time, and you gain the sense of accomplishment when you're having to deal with only one series. You end up completing it - in what ever grade you're collecting - alot quicker than if you spread yourself thin amoungst the four Barber series.
I started with the V Nickels before going onto the dimes, etc. etc.
The problem is that when you've finished all the series, what do you do from there ? For me, I concentrated
on the Halves again, after having just completed them in AU/MS, but this time in F15/AU50, [ leaning heavier towards VF35/XF45 ]. This second collection of halves is almost where I want it to be, I need to upgrade a few coins, but I'm happy with the end result. I'll be happier once the cross overs to PCGS are back at home in their new graded holders.
My collection is almost complete - save for the 01-S quarter - and I find that I'm adding upgrades to the dime, quarter and half series in AU/MS.
Its a rare occasion that I buy anything else but a Barber coin.
[ My fledgling Mercury collection can attest to that.]
It has been a privilege having Sunnywood post his amazing quarters and my only disappointment
with he and Dr. Duckor's collections, is that alot of their coins came from Dale Friend's collection - which
I was to have viewed in person this upcoming FUN show.
One of these days, Sunnywood, I will venture up to the New York area to take you up on your kind offer
to view your collection in person. I greatly appreciate your posting the images of your quarters on your Registry Set; I've viewed it countless times; each time, I find another favorite. At this point your collection could be considered one of our Numismatic National Treasures and should be put on exibit in the Smithsonian for the enjoyment of the general populace.
Maybe you'd loan out the collection to PCGS at a future date, as was the case with the "Big Three" Barber Half Collections of Dr. Steve Duckor, Dale Friend and Dr. Peter Shireman. Of course, one of the major collections which compares favorably with yours is not registered at PCGS, but at NGC, "The Gardner Collection", and regrettably has no images attached to it.
Dr. Duckor, although we have never met, I would also like to mention that we, the Barber Collectors, would
throughly enjoy viewing your collection as well. I did not have the pleasure of viewing your collection when it was exibited alongside the Friend and Shireman collections, however both Dale and Peter took advantage of Superior Auction Galleries offer to image their collection. The caliber of your collection should be imaged by PCGS's True-View service. My opinion is that any top tier collection should be photographed gratis by PCGS as an added incentive to acheive that status. What say you Mr. Hall & Mr. Guth ???
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
My first time experience as a child seeing any type of Barber coinage design was when I was roughly about 7 years old. My folks at the time lived in an appartment building as we had just moved into a new state. There where no other kids in this building, but as I was a very likeable kid spent a lot of time with a Three's Company of music teachers 2 females and 1 guy who shared an appartment.
Anyhow the fellow was a collector but more then that had a Silver Checkers which his Father had made for him when he was a child. I remember spending aimless hours of trying to beat him... but more or less was mostly facinated that the set was constructed out of all Circulated Reverse Barber coinage -vs- Circulated Reverse Standing Liberty Type One's.
Now I can't even begin to tell you how much of an impact a tiny little game of checkers made upon me as a child in forming my love for numismatics!
As my Son now exists diapers his Father will be making him a Solid Silver Checker Set also... but the SLQ's will be Type Two's
One project at a time: Enclosed is a pic of a antique 68 Charger pedal car I've restored since my son was 6 mos old which is finally reaching completion. Although I've been called insane for the possibility of letting him terrorize the sidewalks with it, as it may pay for his first year of college one day...
Now what kind of fun would static display be?
Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
Broadstruck, what a cool story. I think I would have been playing checkers all day long if there had been a cool set like that around !! How about a chess set too, with different denominations to represent the different pieces !! Love the car, but I'm curious what the scale is? How long is it "tip to stern" ?
Sunnywood's Rainbow-Toned Morgans (Retired)
Sunnywood's Barber Quarters (Retired)
Sunnywood, Thanks... when your playing with coins it's hard not to talk about them while you are.
The Car is roughly 44" long , on 3 new 10" Rubber tires, fully frame up restoration, body work, rubbed paint, pin stripes, re-chromed wheels, beige leather seating, it just needs a new windshield. I've had a lot of good friends donate time and services on this to complete it.
I'll remove the pic if anyone has any issues as it's not Barber related?
Sunnywood: I'll advise you the next time I'm anywhere near your neck of the woods. Spending time with
you admiring your collection would certainly be one of the all time highlights of my numismatic experience.
Went to a local coin show this morning with my 90 yr old Dad; met up with a few collectors that I have met thru the Boards accross the street; Gary Lewis, ex-pres. of the ANA, entertained my Dad for awhile as I was on the hunt for a few more Barbers...didn't think I needed any did you,
Saw a fantastic 1892 Quarter in NGC 66 Star - with great toning - real sweet. There were a few overprocessed NGC MS halves - all white - most luster gone - you know the type. There were quite a few run of the mill AG/G halves - I mean alot of them , more than usual. Saw dozens of Barber quarters - most cleaned raw but surprisingly in better grades - VF35 to AU 55 . One dealer had a nice selection of Barber Dimes most in NGC holders - nice looking overall - not overprocessed like the halves; I spotted a stunning 1892 dime in an ANACS 58 holder for $109 which was very tempting as it had fantastic toning; also a nice 1910-P dime in anacs 58 for $76 with faint gold toning. Both pretty coins and if they were in a PCGS holder, they would be sitting next to me now.
Anyhow, I picked up a small group of VG10- VF 25 halves for my Whitman Classic Bookshelf Album, all nice and very original: 1904-O in VG 10; 1906-P in VF25; 1908-O also in VF 25. Spent a grand total of $120 for these...which I thought more than fair. This dealer, Bud Kolonda from Michigan, also had a very nice 1909-O quarter that by wear standards was at least an AU 53, could be close to au 55 too; however, it had an old time cleaning, which has retoned over a bit; pleasing coin overall. He wanted $1175 - I passed as I already have a duplcate 1909-O in an ANACS "UNC Details" Net AU 50 - cleaned [ plus my ms64 ].
I also stumbled onto a fantastic - & I mean fantastic - 1906-D half in a new ANACS 61 holder - the coin has medium to light amber rim toning on the obverse, plus the centrals are vibrant light-goldish-white; the reverse has seafoam rims mixing with deep amber and blazing white centrals. I just couldn't pass it up. Its a coin I would call a screamer; I paid what I felt was reasonable money for it - AU 58 money - and that's exactly what I plan on doing with it - submit it to PCGS along with the other four dozen coins going in for cross over - and requesting an AU 58 grade. There is some light chatter on the cheek which could be construed as "rub".
Non Barber related, but also picked up four Mercuries in XF from the 1920's for my Dansco album.
Overall a good day.
Images to follow...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Also looks like you got your weekly Barber allowance for being a good son?
Love to see some pics of the 1906-D half ANACS 61 as that sounds like a nice coin... even though common I like the first Denvers!
Sorry I'm a bit photoshop challanged, but will work on it...
I'll scan the coin and send you the images. If you like the first Denvers, you'll really like this one.
Our fellow collector, Ken Larson, aka: Eagle Harbor Collection, is, as most of us know, selling
his half dollar collection. This evening, his 1907 's are closing on eBay. Please check out his
listings, they are all nice coins. I was going to bid very strongly for his 1906-D in PCGS AU 58
being auctioned - starting tomorrow on eBay - but with the new purchase of the ANACS coin,
I'm bowing out.
Edited to say: Thank you Broadstruck...received the images while at work - will post same when I get
home this evening.
Re-edited: Thank you Casey, although Broadstruck had already resized them - Can you see this coin in an PCGS 58 holder ? I sure can !!
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
Connor Numismatics Website
Thanks for the show details. Great fun, huh? Especially with your dad.
I make the same observations as you. Cleaned, over-graded Barbers and many dealers selling them. It's "tough" to find original these days. Are the prices rising too fast? From what I've seen, the answer is "yes". In fact, some prices now are getting out of hand for me.
How can I make the decision to switch series after so long? Yikes! That's gonna be hard.
WTB: Barber Quarters XF
<< <i>Mike,
Thanks for the show details. Great fun, huh? Especially with your dad.
I make the same observations as you. Cleaned, over-graded Barbers and many dealers selling them. It's "tough" to find original these days. Are the prices rising too fast? From what I've seen, the answer is "yes". In fact, some prices now are getting out of hand for me.
How can I make the decision to switch series after so long? Yikes! That's gonna be hard. >>
I don't think the prices are rising too fast. I think that the prices are actually catching up to what they should be, especially for nicer, original examples. The exception here, might be the big 3, key date Barber quarters, the 1896-S, 1901-S and 1913-S and maybe the 1904-S Barber half. When you have the low pops on many of the Barber halves in the VF-AU grades, with all the new Barber collectors coming on board, it was only a matter of time before prices started escalating.
Unfortunately, with the increased demand for Barbers, alot of dealers are pushing tons of raw garbage on unsuspecting collectors in hopes of capitalizing on this new demand.
Connor Numismatics Website
<< <i>
Our fellow collector, Ken Larson, aka: Eagle Harbor Collection, is, as most of us know, selling
his half dollar collection. This evening, his 1907 's are closing on eBay. Please check out his
listings, they are all nice coins.
$1275 for that particular 1907-s in AU55 is way overboard IMHO. But in line with this particular dicussion about demand for this series and rising prices across the middle grades for better dates.
The buyer was Arnie Heller, a dealer, who "auctions" on eBay at fixed prices.
I pegged that coin to sell at $1350.
I'll keep my eyes open and see where it "opens" at on one of Arnie's "auctions" !!
The images are too large to post - so, at your suggestion, I'll just email them to you - expect four images
on four seperate emails - { I never got the hang of attaching numerous images on one email
edit to add: see above re-edit ...
Coin collecting is not a hobby, it's an obsession !
New Barber Purchases
<< <i>Dogwood,
The buyer was Arnie Heller, a dealer, who "auctions" on eBay at fixed prices.
I pegged that coin to sell at $1350.
I'll keep my eyes open and see where it "opens" at on one of Arnie's "auctions" !! >>
Not surprising. I've lost count of his snipes. But I have some great things I've beat him on as well. It's fun!
That 06-d is very purdy.
I'd bet your Dad enjoyed the show as well. I also bet he remembers when Barbers circulated. What an era!
That's a sweet 06-D half. ANACS or not, it looks very original. Nice score!
"....the centrals are vibrant light-goldish-white; the reverse has seafoam rims mixing with deep amber and blazing white centrals."
Nice! Can you write my auction descriptions in the future? That had me drooling (which I usually only do when asleep - or so I'm told).
Hope to achieve this progression in all the early date P-O-S series.
My news is that I received an email from PCGS last night saying my grades were ready on the coins I submitted for Tru-View. No-duh. I already know what the grades are. I sent them an email but haven't heard back yet. I sure hope to post images this weekend.
I'm back to sipping martiinis and saving the world on my X-Box.
Looking for Denmark 1874 20-Kroner. Please offer.