Armour Coin discussion

hello out there,
ArmourPhil here looking for other Armour collectors to discuss the fine points of these plastic coins. I have part of my 55 armour set registered and will be loading more shortly.
A major problem I already see with the set registry for Armour coins is that value in this case is based both on the coin and the color. The set resistry only lets you register one coin of each player and does not take color into consideration. For instance I contend Bud Daley 1960 is NOT the rarest or most valuable armour coin. Every few months EBay is auctioning a nm Daley (red/orange or yellow) which end up selling for $450 to $550. Recently a nm 59 Banks which sells for 15 to 30$ in common colors went for $675 in pale pink.
The "rare colors" commonly auction for 4 - 10 x the common colors.
So what are rare and what are common ? Doug Stultz, guru of Armour coins who wrote the first compilation for SCD in 1987 and I recently compared notes and came up withthe following:
55 common colors: red, orange, aqua, pale green, navy blue
somewhat rare: chalky yellow, yellow, 2 other shades of yellow
rare colors: dark red -translucent, dark red opaque, pale orange, dark green, lime green, black
ultra rare : gold, pale blue, tan, silver, pink
1959 common colors: navy blue (opaque), royal blue (opaque), medium green (translucent) , orange (translucent), red (opaque)
rarer colors: pale red transparent and two shades which look orange red under backlight a translucent one and a more transparent one
rare colors: pale yellow, grey green, pale blue, dark pink, pale pink; transparent medium green; transparent navy blue; dark green - opaque
ultra rare colors : yellow, blue speckled transparent; aqua speckled transparent; dark red,
pink red; cream; burnt orange; opaqe light green
1960 common colors: light blue, royal blue; lime green, dark green; red , red/orange;yellow
rare colors : pale yellow; navy blue; transparent yellow ; transparent green
very rare colors : grey blue; aqua; mustard yellow; salmon
I've attched a low resolution scan of 55 armour colors FYI
Anyone out there collect these coins ??? Your thoughts would be of interest. I'd also like to start a discussion on armour variations if anyone is interested.
ArmourPhil here looking for other Armour collectors to discuss the fine points of these plastic coins. I have part of my 55 armour set registered and will be loading more shortly.
A major problem I already see with the set registry for Armour coins is that value in this case is based both on the coin and the color. The set resistry only lets you register one coin of each player and does not take color into consideration. For instance I contend Bud Daley 1960 is NOT the rarest or most valuable armour coin. Every few months EBay is auctioning a nm Daley (red/orange or yellow) which end up selling for $450 to $550. Recently a nm 59 Banks which sells for 15 to 30$ in common colors went for $675 in pale pink.
The "rare colors" commonly auction for 4 - 10 x the common colors.
So what are rare and what are common ? Doug Stultz, guru of Armour coins who wrote the first compilation for SCD in 1987 and I recently compared notes and came up withthe following:
55 common colors: red, orange, aqua, pale green, navy blue
somewhat rare: chalky yellow, yellow, 2 other shades of yellow
rare colors: dark red -translucent, dark red opaque, pale orange, dark green, lime green, black
ultra rare : gold, pale blue, tan, silver, pink
1959 common colors: navy blue (opaque), royal blue (opaque), medium green (translucent) , orange (translucent), red (opaque)
rarer colors: pale red transparent and two shades which look orange red under backlight a translucent one and a more transparent one
rare colors: pale yellow, grey green, pale blue, dark pink, pale pink; transparent medium green; transparent navy blue; dark green - opaque
ultra rare colors : yellow, blue speckled transparent; aqua speckled transparent; dark red,
pink red; cream; burnt orange; opaqe light green
1960 common colors: light blue, royal blue; lime green, dark green; red , red/orange;yellow
rare colors : pale yellow; navy blue; transparent yellow ; transparent green
very rare colors : grey blue; aqua; mustard yellow; salmon
I've attched a low resolution scan of 55 armour colors FYI
Anyone out there collect these coins ??? Your thoughts would be of interest. I'd also like to start a discussion on armour variations if anyone is interested.
thanks for the well written analisys
Groucho Marx
You seem quite knowledgeable about them, perhaps you can answer a question for me...
I have a 1960 Mickey Mantle, it's a common color, dark blue, but there are a dozen or so flecks of black in the plastic. They are not huge, like swirling, but they can be seen easily upon inspection... in your opinion, would there be any premium associated with something like this?
A word on 60 MAntles - > 95% if not higher have part of the back rim missing. The PSA grader seems to think this is a minor flaw and I have seen coins graded PSA8 with incomplete back rims but I think this makes the coin junk grade. I have never seen a 60 MAntle red or yellow or royal blue or navy blue with a complete rim. The navy coin is the darkest blue and is a rare color. If your is navy and full rim it is very rare.
In terms of swirls I love them. They were formed when colors were changed in the mold but not cleaned out in between casting.
In terms of flecks, 59s are the only coins confirmed with flecks. They are only reported in pale blue and aqua and are completely transparent. I have attached photo of a 59 skinner with flecks. They are like colored confetti in the plastic mix.
Your black flecks are intriguing. The only black "flecks" I have ever seen were burn marks from heating the mold too hot (I presume) Anyway to put a scan up here for me to look at ??
You mentioned that "In terms of flecks, 59s are the only coins confirmed with flecks." A couple of years ago I saw a dark blue 1955 Duke Snider with silver-colored flecks.
Thanks for that explanation. I am well aware of the rim problems and I also think coins with missing or partial rims are garbage. My Mantle is already graded, it's a PSA 9.
The flecks in it are not nearly as obvious as the flecks in the Skinner you put up. I made this scan, the big ones show up, but they look more like surface wear and they aren't actually black, they are more of a dark amber color. They are not surface dirt, marks, wear or defects, they are definitely embedded in the coin itself. I count a total of 8 on the front, including the most obvious one on his cheek, and at least 10 more on the back. Only 3 of them are somewhat large like the ones in your Skinner coin. Do you think it's of any significance or think it's a meaningless detail that someone unfamiliar with them would just mistake as wear. Clearly PSA could tell it wasn't wear or else it would have never graded a 9 with a black mark right smack in the middle of the coin on his cheek and the two bigger ones on the back also.
I respectfully disagree about the colors. To Armour coins the colors are just as important than the white letter 69 variations in Topps or the green tint variations in 73?? get my drift. A black 55 Ford is worth > 5x a pale green Ford and all the true collectors know it.
Im not saying the set registry should have 17 different colors listed to complete the set, but rather that it should have a column for color and when the coins ae slabbed the color should be noted.
For instance my goal is to get a complete 55 set in black. In current system this would have no more weighting than a mixed common color set. This just is not justified. Sets with rare colors should have a higher weighting.
FLECKS - do you recall who had the Snider with flecks?? I'd love to see that coin or a scan of it. What I mean by confirm is that a copy of it has been seen by Bob Lemke who does the Std catalog of BB cards. He won't catalog it utill he has a scan of both sides in his hands which is a good way to go.
nice coin with complete rim. this is the light blue. The specs are obviously NOT burn marks and were incorporated into the plastic when it was molded. This may have been accidental, unlike the Skinner 59 flecks which as ou can see were obviously incorporated intentionally.
I saw the dark blue '55 Snider with silver-color flecks at a convention in late 2003 or early 2004. I don't recall the name of the guy at the booth, but I remember he had a big supply of Armour coins. I believe he appears at several of the big conventions and deals mainly in raw stock (versus graded cards), and if I heard his name I would recognize it. I'll report back here if I come across it. We call them flecks, but I seem to remember that they looked more like imbedded metal shavings.
The name just hit me:
The dealer who had the dark blue '55 Duke Snider with the silver flecks was Bob McAvoy. He used to have tons of Armour coins on his web site too. I just noticed that they're all gone, although the search categories remain. I suppose you could ask him who he sold the Snider to. His web site indicates he has a table at the National Convention which ends tomorrow.
I just noticed that he lists 28 Armour coins at a linked Naxcom web site (but no Snider). He used to list much more than this at his own web site
Well I guess I am not a huge collector but would like to always learn more. I obtained a whole lot of these coins as a kid at a garage sale. I remember paying 25 cents for a hand full. They were all from 1960 and light green and green colors. I have since bought coins on and off to try to complete my 1960 psa registry set.(Thanks A761506 for selling me the Kaline. Its at PSA awaiting grading). It is neat to collect the different colors too(but not sure if I would pay 5-10x for rarer colors). Oh btw, I haven't seen a Daley coin on ebay in ages(except for the one Mike Wheat keeps on trying to sell for $1150). I will be short the Daley and Drysdale condensed after I send in all my coins for grading although I would like to upgrade some of the condition of some of my coins.
oh btw, armourphil u working on the 1960 set? hopefully I won't have to compete with you to get my set completed! Thanks for all the great insight thus far!
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
Welcome to the boards. Thanks for you post. Very informative. I have some of these coins, mosty Aaron, Mays and Mantles as I was just buying these on ebay without much knowlwdge of them.
On your color chart, what color is the first column third down. It is the lightest blue. Is that pale blue? I have a Yogi Berra in that color and was wondering if that was a rare color or not.
thanks, I'll check with McAvoy
in terms of premium for the rare colors I guess my take is that things are worth what someone is wlling to pay for them. EBAY has made clear what the values of these coins are. I have been tracking prices weekly for the past 3-4 years so I can see variation I the pricing. For instance 35 of the '55 blacks have changes hands in the past 3+ years with a low price of $86 for a Simmons an a high of $384 for a Snider. Of the 35 coins 33 have sold for over $100 and 11 for over $200. I think that is is a large enough population to tell you what they are worth.
Anyway, keep putting up with my messages about complete back rims, maybe now you understand what I'm after. I think whoever is grading these does not understand these coins.
I do pick up 60's when I can confirm their condition. My current best coins are a PSA10 Ford in mustard yellow ( the dark yellow coin for the red/orange, yellow group) an ungraded mustard yellow MAys and a ungraded aqua MAntle (complete rim).
sorry I forgot to label the colors.
dark red (trans) dark red red black
pale oj oj chalky yellow deep yellow
aqua pale blue unk blue navy blue
pale green dark green lime green tan
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
Over 20 years ago, I bought over 1000 '59 Armours off of John Broggi when he had his store in central Jersey. It was the players that were available through a mail in offer. 10 of the players were in this offer. The lot had something like 100-175 Blassingames, Cerv's & Sievers, and a little less for the HOFers like F. Robinson & Aaron. The smallest amount was about 10 for the Ashburn. The 4 major colors were equally represented Blue - Orange - Green - Red. I did notice some coins that were a tad lighter then the rest in that color range, so I suppose they could be called variation in colors too! If so, there must be a multitude of different colors available for each player.
When I had my store, I always had some of these in 2 x 2's for sale. Most people thought they were poker chips...jay
I know south florida yank quite well. He is also an expert on the 55 colors. I bought the bulk of his set from him last fall but he just has not removed them from his registry.
interesting story on the large lot of 59s. This is without question the easiest set to finish in common colors and I agree they are red, oj, 2 blues and green. The tough colors are grey/green, dark and light pink, light blue and the speckeled coins. In addition there are many variations of opaque vs translucent vs transparent and shades of colors as you said. What are called navy blue and royal blue are very distinct differences which are as dfferent as red and orange. The toughest coin is probably Banks because he is popular and the coins are tucked away.
My guess is the coins I purchased were of the same mail in type because I didn't come close to having a complete set but I had like 10-20 dups of certain players. My lot included 1960s malzone(both versions), crandall, fox, mantle, aaron(both versions), banks, and triandos. Armourphil, I always wondered what the sfla in sflayank meant. thanx! oh btw, how did u end up starting collecting these coins? just curious.
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
had about a dozen '60s in a cigar from my youth in NYC. In the md 80's I started trading with Doug Stultz and nearly finished the 60 set. In the late 90's with the advent of EBay I became enamoured with the color variations now available weekly through EBAy and started to concentrate on these coins.
here is the MAntle aqua
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
I bought a dark green (rare) 55 Ransom JAckson from SFLAYANK . It was graded PSA9 and when I got it PSA had labeled it Randy Johnson !!! Can you believe that ??? look on the PSA set population report. There is a Randy Johnson listed ! I have sloppy can you get. I think I will try to get them to reslab it for me free.
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
I was wondering how do you store your psa graded coins? in sheets? a nice box? I still have them in that blue psa box that psa sends when you have coins graded from them but I want to find other options that might do a better job. Thanks
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
don't really have a good way to display these. The rare ones I keep in the bank the rest I just have in a drawer. There really is no plastic sheet that they fit well in. I keep the unslabbed coins in a Dansco coin albumns which fit 9 to a page and can be labeled.
I am thinking about buying some but not sure yet. It looks like several black 55s have hit ebay this week eh?
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
thanks for the input. These pages look like they might work. I'll look into it.
Yeah...saw the new 55 listings. Did you catch where the guy says he "dug them up"! They look like they have been hiding in the ground for the last 40+ years.
just looked at the photos of yor 60 set. Nice group of greens. You list the MAntle light green and the others green. Are you inferring that these are different colors ?? The two acknowledged green colors in 1960 are the lighter green (lime green to compare to the 1955 rare color) and the dark green which is really really dark.
Stultz and I agree that there are indeed shades of most of the 60 colors. I will post a few examples. Here is Banks in what I call lime green and as yet unnamed 1960 light green. Hope you can see the difference, it is clear to my eyes but we all have different color perceptions.
when you list "2X light green, green" does that mean the two light greens or the lime green and the dark green ?
I finally had them clear the coins that I bought from SFLAYank a year ago, but now I cannot access my 55 set to load these coins !! They said they are working on it.
I have loaded my graded 60 coins, but a few of them also pop up as being registered by someone else. This deregistering when cards/ coins are sold must be a royal pain in the butt for them.
the colors are :
navy blue (rare)....royal blue....light grey (rare)....aqua (rare) orange....salmon (rare)......transparent salmon (rare)
mustard yellow (rare)...yellow....transparent yellow (rare)....light yellow (rare)
dark (rare)...lime green...transparent green (rare)
sorry I was out of town so I didnt read your message til just now. When I say 2x, that means I have two of the same grade of a particular color but with different colors. Since you can only register one coin of a player, I scanned the color of the one registered but have another of a different color. From looking at the scan of the two greens that you listed, the normal green in my eyes is the banks on the left while the lime green is the one on the right. I should be getting some new coins graded soon and will hopefully get them scanned when I receive them from PSA. Wow those are some nice Daleys! I wonder when will be the next time I see one of those on ebay. I hope to eventually buy a Daley and have it graded so I can finish up my PSA registry set! My guess is that the Daley will be the last coin that I will need. Will see. If I have time later this week I will try to scan both coins of the 2x that I have listed and make the description no so confusing!
Thanks for posting the pic of all the colors of the 60s. I still have trouble with distinguishing some of the yellows and red/orange colors.oh btw, whats the difference between the 2nd and 4th coin on the 2nd row of that pic of all the colors of the 60s? it seems pretty subtle.
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
2 31206433 1959 ARMOUR COINS HANK AARON N/A 9
2 31206434 1959 ARMOUR COINS HANK AARON N/A 9
3 31206435 1960 ARMOUR COINS ED MATHEWS N/A 10
3 31206436 1960 ARMOUR COINS ED MATHEWS N/A 10
4 31206437 1960 ARMOUR COINS WHITEY FORD N/A 10
5 31206438 1960 ARMOUR COINS WILLIE MAYS N/A 10
6 31206439 1960 ARMOUR COINS AL KALINE N/A 10
Date Received: 08/03/2005
Date of Grades Posted: 08/08/2005
Date Shipped: No Date Specified
Bought most of them raw(bought the Kaline from A761506). all of them have full rims. Can't wait to get them in my registry!
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
your question on the red/oranges. coin #2 is the normal red orange and #4 is a transparent color between the redorange and the salmon. If you hold in your hand they are very diferent. Inthis pic, I agree they look nearly the same.
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
just got my grades in and have updated my '55 Armour registry set.
set in 20 coins and got: '55 Armour (7) 10's & (5) 9's; '59 Armour (6) 10's and (2) 9's
will be sending in some more end of the month.
1960 Armour Coins
Greg Maddux Basic
Greg Maddux Master
All Time 49ers
looks like youre making my rare color graded collection into a million bucks
only worth a million bucks if I can sell the set for a million bucks. Anyone out there willing to part with a million bucks for the complete set in rare colors...I think I might be talked into selling it!!
the medium green translucent 59 is the normal color for the 59's. If it is substantially lighter than the normal green it is rare ( I cannot tell from the scan ) and if it is dark green (like the 60 dark green) and opaque it is rare. ( see 1960 color scans in this thread) . I track the EBay prices for these coins in nm. Last 3 Armour medium green Kuenns went for $8, $8 and $20. ope that helps.
sorry the 59 colors were not posted. Here they are. I think your coin is row 4 coin #2. If it is the lighter coin #3 it is worth more.
If you were to dig up a Fortune magazine from the 50's - you would see that Armour was in the top 5 - yes TOP 5 - in their Fortune 500 list. I believe they were #2 in Fortune's first issue. Meat producers were huge companies back then, and there were very few of them. tech companies on the list. Swift was also in the top 5. Feeding the country was where all the money was!!!
Anyway, over the years, all these meat companies got bought up by other companies. I worked for the company that bought both Armour and Swift from 1991-2003....and during this time I never knew about Armour Coins. I have a bunch of cards sets and auto's from when Armour relaunched their hot dog brand in 2000 as "Armour Stars"...tied into Major League Baseball. It was exciting for me because I picked up a lot of auto'd stuff being associated with it....Bonds, A-Rod, Clemens, Mussina, Maddux, Alomar, Kendall and Lieberthal were the lineup they had under contract. Somewhere I have a box of their 8 card sets that were mailed to consumers as a come-back offer. Meeting Bonds, Clemens and Mussina in person was a a thrill. Regards.
do you know any old timers who are still with Armour? I'd give my eye tooth to talk to one of them and get straight what went on back then.
Questions like how many molds were available for each coin?, were there multiple sites around the country making the coins. Were all the colors intentional? Does anyone have a list of all the colors made, ect. ect ect.
In this day and age of the internet, it is amazing to me that there can be this many unanswered questions about what went on only 50 years ago.
Come to think of it I guess this is the 50th aniversary of the 1955 set !