@goldbuffalo said:
For the Gold, under the 'specs' it states
Privy Mark - NONE
For Gold
I wonder if all the dealers will be updating their pictures when we get the Mints Images.
The mint says Proof, I'd assume there will be shiny fields.
Otherwise they'd be mis representing the product
It says the same for the silver medal under 'specs'
Privy Mark - NONE
Really? Then what's this, right there in the description?:
"In addition, 1,794 of the medals will contain a “230” privy mark, and 230 of those privy- marked medals will include a certificate of authenticity signed by United States Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson."
Does the gold product page include that language? If not, we just might have solved the riddle.
All you are pointing to is the fact that 73,206 of the medals will not have a privy mark. Which is 100% true. Has nothing to do with the 1794 that will.
Or with the gold, a separate product that will not have any with privy marks. Because privy marks are not in the specifications, or in the description. It's REALLY not complicated.
Does the gold product page include that language? If not, we just might have solved the riddle.
It doesnt say it..........YET.
Not implying it will, but, it could by mid Nov.
Sure it could. But it won't. Advance Release and bulk purchase orders have already been placed.
As far as I recall, no description at all was posted for the silver until they posted the one referencing the privy. The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
I'm also not implying anything. I'm flat out saying it's not happening. But, hope springs eternal. Good luck with your gold privys.
Interesting that images of GOLD with PRIVY have shown up elsewhere (Not my image)
Maybe USM decided to not do PRIVY on GOLD, or, have we yet to hear that they will do it on GOLD as well?
@coiner said:
Interesting that images of GOLD with PRIVY have shown up elsewhere (Not my image)
Maybe USM decided to not do PRIVY on GOLD, or, have we yet to hear that they will do it on GOLD as well?
Not interesting at all. It's just a colorized version of the Mint's silver image. How do I know? Because it's not even a proof image.
It's garbage. No rando on the internet has access to a Mint image that the Mint has not posted on its own website. If it makes you hold your breath waiting for a GOLD privy, more power to you.
They haven’t released a proof image. That’s no evidence at all.
Well I guess we will see soon enough what is garbage and what is not.
Don’t be surprised to see Privy’s showing up on the gold. Im sure the forum members will accept that you were incorrect.
@coiner said:
They haven’t released a proof image. That’s no evidence at all.
Well I guess we will see soon enough what is garbage and what is not.
Don’t be surprised to see Privy’s showing up on the gold. Im sure the forum members will accept that you were incorrect.
Actually, it is evidence. It's evidence that the image did not come from the Mint, since the coin is, was and always has been a proof. It's evidence that the image is crap someone just whipped up on speculation, and posted to the interweb. To get people like you all worked up. Mission accomplished.
I won't merely be surprised. I'll be utterly shocked, and will be the first to admit if I am wrong. Hopefully you'll honor me with a shout out when I turn out to be right.
@coiner said:
The Silver Privy details were not there when the first details hit the mint site.
Someone would be able to pinpoint the exact date those details were added - but, it cant be more than 2-3 weeks old.
True. But I don't remember seeing any details at all, other than it was coming, with a HHL of 1, before they posted the details we see now. At one point, they didn't even have a mintage listed. And, they showed pictures with the privy, and folks on this forum were freaking out, hating it because it took away from the originality of the design.
In any event, that was then, this is now. The gold has details the silver did not have a month ago.
The privy has been announced for the silver. No reason to hide it for the gold if it was coming. Either from us, or from the dealers who have already clearly placed Advance Release and bulk purchase orders.
It's not coming. You won't believe it until 11/14, but it's not coming. The picture you posted is pure fiction. The fact that dealers are offering silver privys for pre-release sale, and not gold, really should tell you all you need to know.
The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
How long have you been looking at their site?
Many years. Have you noticed anything different?
Yes. The mint does whatever it wants. Always has and always will. It doesn't give you all the information on first listing. They change whatever they want whenever they want.
The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
How long have you been looking at their site?
Many years. Have you noticed anything different?
Yes. The mint does whatever it wants. Always has and always will. It doesn't give you all the information on first listing. They change whatever they want whenever they want.
Do you have any examples of things they changed, other than HHLs, after publishing details on their website?
Clearly they have placeholders for upcoming issues, but those have no details. And then later details are added.
But I have never seen details changed, as you are speculating might happen now with the gold coin. Do you have a single example? Or are you just saying they can, therefore they must have, although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
How long have you been looking at their site?
Many years. Have you noticed anything different?
Yes. The mint does whatever it wants. Always has and always will. It doesn't give you all the information on first listing. They change whatever they want whenever they want.
Do you have any examples of things they changed, other than HHLs, after publishing details on their website?
Clearly they have placeholders for upcoming issues, but those have no details. And then later details are added.
But I have never seen details changed, as you are speculating might happen now with the gold coin. Do you have a single example? Or are you just saying they can, therefore they must have, although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
How long have you been looking at their site?
Many years. Have you noticed anything different?
Yes. The mint does whatever it wants. Always has and always will. It doesn't give you all the information on first listing. They change whatever they want whenever they want.
Do you have any examples of things they changed, other than HHLs, after publishing details on their website?
Clearly they have placeholders for upcoming issues, but those have no details. And then later details are added.
But I have never seen details changed, as you are speculating might happen now with the gold coin. Do you have a single example? Or are you just saying they can, therefore they must have, although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
How about the 2014 $1 coin and currency set
When it was first listed it, it didn't say it was enhanced uncirculated.
although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
Wow, you sounded so sure of yourself!
Yup. You got me. 10 years ago they snuck an unexpected finish past us. Get your orders for the gold in now, because a surprise privy just might be in the box. Because 2014 Coin and Currency. 🤣
By the way, did they ever change the description on the website? Pretty sure they did not. The coins just ended up having an unexpected finish, as I recall.
Here, they explicitly said what they are doing with the medals, specifically to goose sales. Good luck with a 2014 Coin and Currency unexpected surprise with the gold, for no particular reason.
although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
Wow, you sounded so sure of yourself!
Yup. You got me. 10 years ago they snuck an unexpected finish past us. Get your orders for the gold in now, because a surprise privy just might be in the box. Because 2014 Coin and Currency. 🤣
By the way, did they ever change the description on the website? Pretty sure they did not. The coins just ended up having an unexpected finish, as I recall.
Here, they explicitly said what they are doing with the medals, specifically to goose sales. Good luck with a 2014 Coin and Currency unexpected surprise with the gold, for no particular reason.
My only point is you know everything? I really don't care what they do. Because the mint is gonna do what the mint is gonna do. But along comes NJCoin that knows everything. You and your " Do you have a single example?" Wow! Why can't the "All knowing NJCoin" just let people have their fun. Even after you got a single specific example you still act like that. WOW what a buzz kill.
If they add some verbage when they put the pictures up you will probably say something like "it wasn't officially listed until the picture is up." There is something wrong with you.
Yup. You got me. 10 years ago they snuck an unexpected finish past us. Get your orders for the gold in now, because a surprise privy just might be in the box. Because 2014 Coin and Currency. 🤣
It appears the privy marks were a last second addition to the silver medals, and they might be for the gold as well. That is all anyone is saying. Nobody, not even you knows for sure what will happen. You can huff and puff but the mint will decide what happens, not us.
This medal is of the original U.S. Mint design for our first silver dollar "coin".
It IS different in that regard. I have never been interested in medals from the U.S. Mint or anywhere else.
I am very interested in this release.
Agreed. Just the amount of commentary in this thread is an indicator of the interest that the 230 has generated. This is even more manipulative than Phillip Diehl's 95-W Proof Silver Eagle.
Yeah, there's absolutely more than 230 collectors/investors/speculators who will bid this thing up.
Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally
although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
Wow, you sounded so sure of yourself!
Yup. You got me. 10 years ago they snuck an unexpected finish past us. Get your orders for the gold in now, because a surprise privy just might be in the box. Because 2014 Coin and Currency. 🤣
By the way, did they ever change the description on the website? Pretty sure they did not. The coins just ended up having an unexpected finish, as I recall.
Here, they explicitly said what they are doing with the medals, specifically to goose sales. Good luck with a 2014 Coin and Currency unexpected surprise with the gold, for no particular reason.
My only point is you know everything? I really don't care what they do. Because the mint is gonna do what the mint is gonna do. But along comes NJCoin that knows everything. You and your " Do you have a single example?" Wow! Why can't the "All knowing NJCoin" just let people have their fun. Even after you got a single specific example you still act like that. WOW what a buzz kill.
Sorry for being a buzzkill. Knock yourself out and have your fun.
Yup. You got me. 10 years ago they snuck an unexpected finish past us. Get your orders for the gold in now, because a surprise privy just might be in the box. Because 2014 Coin and Currency. 🤣
It appears the privy marks were a last second addition to the silver medals, and they might be for the gold as well. That is all anyone is saying. Nobody, not even you knows for sure what will happen. You can huff and puff but the mint will decide what happens, not us.
Yes. "It appears." Except it wasn't. They had pictures up with the privy weeks they let us know they would only be on 1794 medals. Nothing similar with the gold, other than people not knowing how to view anything other than wash, rinse, repeat. So they are looking for things that simply are not there.
Yes, I happen to know for sure what will happen. There is not going to be a privy on the gold coin. Take it to the bank. or continue to argue with me. And then, when I turn out to be right, argue that I am nothing more than a blind squirrel who found an acorn. It's all good.
If you are really in this for the silver privy; your only real chance is to order quantities once the limit comes off (usually 24 hours)—I would say you would have to have a opening large order of 100 pieces to have a fighting chance of possibly getting 1 or 2 if they are placed in packaged boxes as produced on a percentage basis. The real question is IF the USM did place these in production shipment boxes to the tune of 2% or so.
The problem is the USM will be getting huge quantities in returns. They person who buys 100 for the search will return almost all of them.
@coiner said:
If you are really in this for the silver privy; your only real chance is to order quantities once the limit comes off (usually 24 hours)—I would say you would have to have a opening large order of 100 pieces to have a fighting chance...............
Who's to say there will be any available once the HHL is lifted?
@coiner said:
If you are really in this for the silver privy; your only real chance is to order quantities once the limit comes off (usually 24 hours)—I would say you would have to have a opening large order of 100 pieces to have a fighting chance...............
Who's to say there will be any available once the HHL is lifted?
Maybe none available tomorrow? Who knows. But with a HHL of 1; I would think some would be available after HHL is lifted.
PCGS has already graded 786 of these medals, and 34 (4.3%) are with the privy mark.
With only 1794 (2.4%) privy marks of the 75k being minted, I believe our chances have worsened.
PCGS has already graded 786 of these medals, and 34 (4.3%) are with the privy mark.
With only 1794 (2.4%) privy marks of the 75k being minted, I believe our chances have worsened.
Really? Then what's this, right there in the description?:
"In addition, 1,794 of the medals will contain a “230” privy mark, and 230 of those privy- marked medals will include a certificate of authenticity signed by United States Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson."
Does the gold product page include that language? If not, we just might have solved the riddle.
All you are pointing to is the fact that 73,206 of the medals will not have a privy mark. Which is 100% true. Has nothing to do with the 1794 that will.
Or with the gold, a separate product that will not have any with privy marks. Because privy marks are not in the specifications, or in the description. It's REALLY not complicated.
It doesnt say it..........YET.
Not implying it will, but, it could by mid Nov.
Sure it could. But it won't. Advance Release and bulk purchase orders have already been placed.
As far as I recall, no description at all was posted for the silver until they posted the one referencing the privy. The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
I'm also not implying anything. I'm flat out saying it's not happening. But, hope springs eternal. Good luck with your gold privys.
Thats a label play - Baltimore Show Release. Only available for coins bought and submitted at the show.
Interesting that images of GOLD with PRIVY have shown up elsewhere (Not my image)

Maybe USM decided to not do PRIVY on GOLD, or, have we yet to hear that they will do it on GOLD as well?
Not interesting at all. It's just a colorized version of the Mint's silver image. How do I know? Because it's not even a proof image.
It's garbage. No rando on the internet has access to a Mint image that the Mint has not posted on its own website. If it makes you hold your breath waiting for a GOLD privy, more power to you.
They haven’t released a proof image. That’s no evidence at all.
Well I guess we will see soon enough what is garbage and what is not.
Don’t be surprised to see Privy’s showing up on the gold. Im sure the forum members will accept that you were incorrect.
Actually, it is evidence. It's evidence that the image did not come from the Mint, since the coin is, was and always has been a proof. It's evidence that the image is crap someone just whipped up on speculation, and posted to the interweb. To get people like you all worked up. Mission accomplished.
I won't merely be surprised. I'll be utterly shocked, and will be the first to admit if I am wrong. Hopefully you'll honor me with a shout out when I turn out to be right.
The only things I have ever seen them change, once posted, have been HHLs.
How long have you been looking at their site?
The Silver Privy details were not there when the first details hit the mint site.
Someone would be able to pinpoint the exact date those details were added - but, it cant be more than 2-3 weeks old.
Many years. Have you noticed anything different?
True. But I don't remember seeing any details at all, other than it was coming, with a HHL of 1, before they posted the details we see now. At one point, they didn't even have a mintage listed. And, they showed pictures with the privy, and folks on this forum were freaking out, hating it because it took away from the originality of the design.
In any event, that was then, this is now. The gold has details the silver did not have a month ago.
The privy has been announced for the silver. No reason to hide it for the gold if it was coming. Either from us, or from the dealers who have already clearly placed Advance Release and bulk purchase orders.
It's not coming. You won't believe it until 11/14, but it's not coming. The picture you posted is pure fiction. The fact that dealers are offering silver privys for pre-release sale, and not gold, really should tell you all you need to know.
Yes. The mint does whatever it wants. Always has and always will. It doesn't give you all the information on first listing. They change whatever they want whenever they want.
Do you have any examples of things they changed, other than HHLs, after publishing details on their website?
Clearly they have placeholders for upcoming issues, but those have no details. And then later details are added.
But I have never seen details changed, as you are speculating might happen now with the gold coin. Do you have a single example? Or are you just saying they can, therefore they must have, although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
How about the 2014 $1 coin and currency set
When it was first listed it, it didn't say it was enhanced uncirculated.
although you don't have a single specific example to point to?
Wow, you sounded so sure of yourself!
Yup. You got me. 10 years ago they snuck an unexpected finish past us. Get your orders for the gold in now, because a surprise privy just might be in the box. Because 2014 Coin and Currency. 🤣
By the way, did they ever change the description on the website? Pretty sure they did not. The coins just ended up having an unexpected finish, as I recall.
Here, they explicitly said what they are doing with the medals, specifically to goose sales. Good luck with a 2014 Coin and Currency unexpected surprise with the gold, for no particular reason.
My only point is you know everything? I really don't care what they do. Because the mint is gonna do what the mint is gonna do. But along comes NJCoin that knows everything. You and your " Do you have a single example?" Wow! Why can't the "All knowing NJCoin" just let people have their fun. Even after you got a single specific example you still act like that. WOW what a buzz kill.
If they add some verbage when they put the pictures up you will probably say something like "it wasn't officially listed until the picture is up." There is something wrong with you.
Throw a coin enough times, and suppose one day it lands on its edge.
It appears the privy marks were a last second addition to the silver medals, and they might be for the gold as well. That is all anyone is saying. Nobody, not even you knows for sure what will happen. You can huff and puff but the mint will decide what happens, not us.
LOL. The Holy Grail is the silver privy with one of the 230 signed certificates.
Still, in the long run, these are only worth what someone else will pay for them.
Wishing you all good luck today with your single household order limit.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
This medal is of the original U.S. Mint design for our first silver dollar "coin".
It IS different in that regard. I have never been interested in medals from the U.S. Mint or anywhere else.
I am very interested in this release.
Agreed. Just the amount of commentary in this thread is an indicator of the interest that the 230 has generated. This is even more manipulative than Phillip Diehl's 95-W Proof Silver Eagle.
Yeah, there's absolutely more than 230 collectors/investors/speculators who will bid this thing up.
I knew it would happen.
Sorry for being a buzzkill. Knock yourself out and have your fun.
Yes. "It appears." Except it wasn't. They had pictures up with the privy weeks they let us know they would only be on 1794 medals. Nothing similar with the gold, other than people not knowing how to view anything other than wash, rinse, repeat. So they are looking for things that simply are not there.
Yes, I happen to know for sure what will happen. There is not going to be a privy on the gold coin. Take it to the bank. or continue to argue with me. And then, when I turn out to be right, argue that I am nothing more than a blind squirrel who found an acorn. It's all good.
If you are really in this for the silver privy; your only real chance is to order quantities once the limit comes off (usually 24 hours)—I would say you would have to have a opening large order of 100 pieces to have a fighting chance of possibly getting 1 or 2 if they are placed in packaged boxes as produced on a percentage basis. The real question is IF the USM did place these in production shipment boxes to the tune of 2% or so.
The problem is the USM will be getting huge quantities in returns. They person who buys 100 for the search will return almost all of them.
Who's to say there will be any available once the HHL is lifted?
These will sell out today.
They just raised the HHL to 5.......................................................
Maybe none available tomorrow? Who knows. But with a HHL of 1; I would think some would be available after HHL is lifted.
Thank you for your patience.
Due to extraordinary high traffic, we are using a virtual waiting room.
Estimated Wait Time: 1 minute
PCGS has already graded 786 of these medals, and 34 (4.3%) are with the privy mark.
With only 1794 (2.4%) privy marks of the 75k being minted, I believe our chances have worsened.
Without a doubt. I guess 4 hours tops. Maybe 2 or 3.
Anyone else?
Do they just let you hang out in the waiting room until ordering?
I knew it would happen.
I logged in but don't see the waiting room - what am I missing?
mine says 9 minutes. LOL
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
These medals are already in dealers' hands???
Looking around for you, Comrade.
Silerplatform thank you for that I am in the wait room trying not to refresh!
But its hard! 
Looking around for you, Comrade.
Kinda crowded in here!
I knew it would happen.
Thank you for your patience
Due to extraordinary high traffic, we are using a virtual waiting room.
The product will release in 3 minutes...
12 minute wait for me.
Well it said 12 minutes.............more like 11 seconds.
Order Placed: Oct 15, 2024
Order Number: USM14839xxx
Got 1 USM1484XXXX
Plus Order Acknowledgment
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
Already got my order confirm - lucky I guess.
I was able to get one fairly easy.