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Finished my Peace Dollar date set


Started ~2 years ago after I picked up the 1923 example for my type set that I really liked (all four of my side sets started this way). It's only a 10 coin set without the branch mints, so it's very approachable.

I'm a toner guy in almost every other series, but I love these big dollars bright and lustrous. That and a clean cheek were my main criteria. I thought about doing a CAC only set, but decided against it. I upgraded 3—the 1921, 1922 and 1927.

My favorite coin is the 1928, which I bought in a 64 holder and got it bumped to a 64+ on a Reconsideration submission. If I decide to sell the set, I'd probably keep that one even though it's not the highest grade.

Nothing is as expensive as free money.



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