Are you doing anything with the Lincoln cent, now that production will stop? *APRIL FOOLS*

Hi, am Joe,, and I am a Lincoholic (Hi Joe...),
I was just wondering, now that the Mint has announced that it will stop production of the Lincoln cent, has that changed the way you collect, or does it have you looking at new collecting ventures?
- Start a new penny collection? Wheaties?
- Collect the copper pennies?
- Buy some boxes to keep and pass on?
- Buy some boxes and sell roll?
- Buy boxes and search?
- Other?
- No interest? Who cares Joes, get some help...
Share what you may be thinking if anything, if you don't care or where the opportunities may lie..
Thanks for looking, sorry if this is already a topic, I have not seen,
Soon, finding a penny on the sidewalk will be about as likely as getting struck by lightning twice. The U.S. Mint announced in early April that it will stop producing pennies beginning in 2022 and will make its last batch on April 1, 2023. Don't worry—it's not a Volkswagen-level April Fool's joke. This is the real deal. And it's arguably the biggest coin news since 1857 when Congress discontinued the half cent, which believe it or not, people weren't thrilled about at the time.
Please show a credible link besides the April 1st announcement.
That announcement was a spoof.
Do you really think they are going to auction the last batch to help repay the National Debt?
The final batch of pennies will be released in proof sets which will be auctioned off to coin collectors with the proceeds going toward our national debt.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
I'm renting dumpsters to store my hoard!
No interest, don't care.
Fake news.
My Collection of Old Holders
Never a slave to one plastic brand will I ever be.
They've been applying pennies to the nation debt about five cents at a time for decades now.
Why stop when you're only 30 trillion behind?
We got some stashed I believe ms.m has information on legality
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Is it fake news?
Ms.M mentioned something about the congress and laws. It’s ordered that they make them. I think we would hear much more if real. Not buying it right now but I’m open to change
🎶 shout shout, let it all out 🎶
Did you read the article? To the very end? The author indicates that's an April Fool's joke.
Interesting because they also mentioned it on (AVC) coin show and it wasn't April first... Guess I fell for it!
This was hashed out on another coin forum a couple of months ago.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
I'm at the LCS for more cardboard flips, then to Office Max for more
staples. Couple hundred of each should do it.
So the mint is stopping the production of the Cent AGAIN????????
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
LOL! - Those are some amazingly strong trash cans - no distortion whatsoever!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Perhaps sell my Lincoln set from 1909-2009 in the Dansco album and move forward
On one of the forums I'm on, I mentioned the same observation. I figure each can would
hold 35-40 bags of wheaties. That's 175,000 -200,000 wheaties. I know those cans are
tough, but I thought the same about the distortion. I asked if any of the engineers on
the forum had any thoughts/explanations. Still waiting for a reply. Can anyone here
shed some light on this question?
My guess is that the containers are strong enough to not burst down the side, and all the weight/pressure is distributed throughout, so all sides are equally pressured, so the shape holds.
If you could fill half the can from bottom to top with coins, and the other half with packing peanuts, we'd have issues.
This is a good question... If we assume cents poured into a large container act and exert force on the walls like a liquid would this should be calculable. That might be an absurd assumption, but surely there is a way.
Those cans aren't branded "BRUTE" for no reason.
Collector, occasional seller
I can't find how much weight the can can hold but that would make one heck of a commercial for Rubbermaid.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
We'll have Lincoln Cents as long as politicians lack the courage to stand up to the 47 people who would think it's all a conspiracy to round their grocery bills up to the next nickel. In other words, forever.
Rant over.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
So Brute trash barrow spec's states 20 gallon capacity, 1 gallon = 8.34 pounds, 20 x 8.34 = 166.80 pounds
145 copper pennies per pound = 145 * 166.8 = 12,468 Lincoln cents
What did I miss this time?
Those cans are available up to 55 gallons. I would guess these ones are either 44 or 55 gal models.
Collector, occasional seller
I wish this was true. Continuing production of the cent is such a waster.
And this is why I didn't try to figure out the weight - not knowing the gallon size is your first hurdle. If these are 55 gallon cans the weight would be amazing.
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Only really cost 2 cents to make a cent. Check out a nickel - doesn't it cost around 8 cents to make one? So cheaper for the Government to lose our tax money on a cent than a nickel?? LOL! Just trying to figure it out.............
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
1 gallon = 8.34 pounds is for water.
bronze/zincoln is going to be a lot heavier. and using 1 gallon is 231 cubic inches doesn't allow for air space that round cents would have.
Start buying large cents
I think you have assumed that pennies have the same density as water
The guy who owns these is a member here. When he first posted a pic, there was a sweet Ferrari along side them. IIRC, he bought them by the USPS flat rate box at a time.
I think a factor may be that since the coins are disc shaped and all laying flat they're exerting far more force vertically than horizontally.
Imagine if you had a paper coin wrapper that could hold a million cents and you stood it vertically on a glass table. As long as the paper wrapper remained vertical as you filled it, the wrapper would survive the weight exerted on it unlike the glass table top.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Gosh darn camera angle making 10 gallon cans look like 55 gallon cans - That would still be alot but not as much as the "Coin Vault" guys try to peddle -
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
So do you know if these are only Copper or mix?
Wheaties IIRC. If I remember, he's a physician in Florida. Very long thread several years ago. We were speaking German to each other on the thread. I cannot remember his PCGS handle.
Are you German? I work for a German company, but don't speak...
They are wheats
There were many people calling bs on the pictures to the point he quit posting
Not a way to go
@compromonedas is the name
Seems to not have been on for a little while (well, 7 months)
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
Here is one of the threads regarding this hoard/insanity.
That is probably a decent approximation. The pressure would increase with depth as density * gravity * depth.
If you figure that bulk pennies weigh about 90% of pure copper, and this is a 55 gal bucket which is 33 inch tall, and figure 30 inches deep of pennies, I get an extra pressure at the bottom of about 0.6 atm or 8.75 psi. I have no idea how strong the bucket is though.
And for 55 gallons of pennies like this, I get 3700 pounds per bucket total weight.

Que the dragon.
Too many twists with the April fools post.
Kennedys are my quest...
"This little guy in the middle says he can move your cent buckets all by himself!"
From left to right - Wilt Chamberlain, Arnold, Andre the Giant
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
The thread listed above, I don't believe, was the original thread that surprised a lot of people. IIRC it was 10-20 pages long.
It's just the first thread I came upon when I did a search.
I wish it were 47. Recent history indicates it's more like 47 million...
That thread I linked is very long and many will enjoy it. If you have time, Keith has a sweet red Spyder. IIRC his wife was in one of the pics and was edited out later. He has a terrific $20 collection.
The thread has almost 10,000 views. Possibly the largest ever on this forum.
Wheh, after reading that I need a cigarette! Calm down!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
ha, that is fun. never seen it before. took a second to make sure it wasn't an altered image but i know those two holding him up could probably even make terry (hulk) h. or lou (hulk) f. look that small.
The OP topic... cessation of cents - was debunked months ago.... Cents will continue for the foreseeable future.... Cheers, RickO