Since China controls over 60% of bitcoin makes me wonder who created it. Having said that. Wish I bot those $10 Bitcoins my brother was talking about few years back.
With respect to the title of this thread, I usually think of “target price” as an informed judgment based on fundamental analysis. There are good reasons to believe that Bitcoin may appreciate significantly, and there are good reasons to view it as a highly risky investment with severe downside risk. However, I don’t think that any degree of analysis can lead to development of a target price.
@Higashiyama said:
With respect to the title of this thread, I usually think of “target price” as an informed judgment based on fundamental analysis. There are good reasons to believe that Bitcoin may appreciate significantly, and there are good reasons to view it as a highly risky investment with severe downside risk. However, I don’t think that any degree of analysis can lead to development of a target price.
Of course, you can't value it.
But .......
If you can read a chart, then you can guess the buy and sell opportunities.
I'll move some of my PM back into BTC at 20k and ETH at 800. ETH has a good chance of a higher return than BTC imho. If it doesn't drop that far no big deal for me. BTW, I didn't know this until I ask JM Bullion specifically, but they don't report purchases from them to anyone for any amount up to some insane number.
For the moment the red wave is over and more PM is on its way to my door.
So, something that is becoming more and more mainstream is going to zero? That's fine.
I like diversification so a very small portion of my assets are in crypto. I have 4 times more in crypto than I have gold, sold 50% of my gold at 2K a while back. Any new buys will be crypto.
My statement is not a forecast that it will go to zero-it is simply saying that I personally see no basis to put a value on Bitcoin and therefore would not buy it at any price.
Viewed from a long term perspective, there are plausible scenarios where Bitcoin appreciates far above current levels; there are also plausible scenarios where it drops to a tiny fraction of its current value.
Almost anyone buying Bitcoin as an investment is speculating, not diversifying. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that (in moderation), but people should understand the difference.
@Higashiyama said:
My statement is not a forecast that it will go to zero-it is simply saying that I personally see no basis to put a value on Bitcoin and therefore would not buy it at any price.
Viewed from a long term perspective, there are plausible scenarios where Bitcoin appreciates far above current levels; there are also plausible scenarios where it drops to a tiny fraction of its current value.
Almost anyone buying Bitcoin as an investment is speculating, not diversifying. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that (in moderation), but people should understand the difference.
@Higashiyama said:
If zero means “I would not buy it at any price”, that would be my answer, and it is definitely a well thought out position.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
I'm a digital currency supporter and a relatively early adopter but I just get the feeling this isn't going to end well. The people putting money in are speculators and looking for easy cash. These markets will continue to rise as more people join the bandwagon but will eventually crash bringing the entire stock market and economy with it. It feels like the 1920s v2.0.
Crypto reminds me of the early days of Science and technology stocks around the "world wide web". I remember everyone in the office talking about which internet stock to invest in. People were throwing their retirement into all kinds of stocks without regard to the fundamentals They talked about the web businesses replacing brick and mortar stores. Eventually they were right (mostly) but it took a while and not before a big crash and a lot of internet businesses (and money) disappearing.
@chesterb said:
will eventually crash bringing the entire stock market and economy with it. It feels like the 1920s v2.0.
Why do you feel a crash of cryptos would bring down the stock market and economy? The economy did just fine without cryptos so if they disappeared tomorrow why would that be a problem?
@chesterb said:
will eventually crash bringing the entire stock market and economy with it. It feels like the 1920s v2.0.
Why do you feel a crash of cryptos would bring down the stock market and economy? The economy did just fine without cryptos so if they disappeared tomorrow why would that be a problem?
Because people are moving a significant amount into cryptos. Speculation is high right now and it’s from normal, everyday investors. Even my 85 yo dad said he wants me to put some money into Bitcoin for him. If that speculation trend continues then it just takes a little bump for people to panic sending the whole crypto market down and people could lose a lot of money. I don’t think cryptos are going away but people are now getting into it for the money and aren’t in it for the purpose or belief of the system itself. If some wealth is lost in the process then I can see it impacting other markets.
My main concern going into Sat night was my two friends who called me a couple of days before that show and asked me about investing in Dogecoin. IMO, neither of which should be in the dogecoin market. One actually bought dogecoin and is down over 20%.
It's been a great year. Every one of my positions has done a 15-20x minimum. I knew ETH will go big, and I've been mining it for years. Cardano, Ripple, Litecoin have all done well. Even Binance coin BNB is almost 660. A little story on that one, when I first started trading I didn't know how much BNB it would be per transaction. So I grabbed like a hundred plus at under a dollar each. Pleasantly surprised transactions were about a hundredth of a BNB so I just kept them as a diversification vehicle. Kind of paid off a little.
As far as a crash goes, I'm expecting it and I'm ready.
I think right now people are realizing that some of the alt coins are superior to bitcoin in every way going forward (which is not exactly saying much). Forks LTC, BCH, etc., are beating BTC over the last 12 months, and they would have a lot more catching up to do from a value standpoint. BTC price is where it was nearly 3 months ago. I suggested a while back that ETH (less scarcity, greater utility) would surpass BTC in market cap someday. Might happen sooner than later.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
My main concern going into Sat night was my two friends who called me a couple of days before that show and asked me about investing in Dogecoin. IMO, neither of which should be in the dogecoin market. One actually bought dogecoin and is down over 20%.
I'm amazed DOGE has done what it has. I thought it was just a platform to test mining software, and that's what I did. You could mine many, many a day just with your computer video card.
For the smaller coins, I'm using FGPA miners. An FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is a cross between a video card and a CPU yet they have the speed of an ASIC chip. Many coins are not profitable because they lack an exchange to convert. I'm mining 0xBTC at the moment at $16/day/machine@650watt/hour each. (I only have two) Technical prowess required to get started is just being familiar with installing computer software on a command-line level. Many tutorials on that for each machine made. I run two Blackminer F1's and a BCU-1525 on water (cooling)
@thefinn said:
Not hard to think about. I equated it to its weight. If the power is out it is worth less than 0.
I love this response...
When is the last time the power went out for the entire world so that traditional finance, all the stock markets, PayPal Venmo and now all cryptos as well electronically controlled infrastructure became worthless?
I went 28 days without power after a hurricane but I could drive 50 miles and have access to working society. My dollars in my bank account, although inaccessible to me in my town, were not worth any less in the town over where I could.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
My main concern going into Sat night was my two friends who called me a couple of days before that show and asked me about investing in Dogecoin. IMO, neither of which should be in the dogecoin market. One actually bought dogecoin and is down over 20%.
I hope they HODL'd. To the moon. literally. I cant even keep track of all these coin names but they're all up. BIG!!! lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Loving all the action in cryptos!
It’s driving Buffet and Munger crazy too, you are not alone.
It is a roller coaster 24 hour market that is unpredictable, unexplainable, inexplicable and a kick in the ether pants.
@chesterb said:
will eventually crash bringing the entire stock market and economy with it. It feels like the 1920s v2.0.
Why do you feel a crash of cryptos would bring down the stock market and economy? The economy did just fine without cryptos so if they disappeared tomorrow why would that be a problem?
Because people are moving a significant amount into cryptos. Speculation is high right now and it’s from normal, everyday investors. Even my 85 yo dad said he wants me to put some money into Bitcoin for him. If that speculation trend continues then it just takes a little bump for people to panic sending the whole crypto market down and people could lose a lot of money. I don’t think cryptos are going away but people are now getting into it for the money and aren’t in it for the purpose or belief of the system itself. If some wealth is lost in the process then I can see it impacting other markets.
Thanks for your response. I dont think folk (US citizens) have that much money in cryptos. Yes, a very few have substantial position, and anecdotally in my circle i have one friend with mid-6 figures invested but most others only a few hundred or a grand. At the same time they all have 6 to 7 to 8 figure equity/bond accounts. I think cryptos could all go to zero and the economy wouldnt miss a beat.
This has been a wealth transfer to Russia and Asia and is why "they" havent popped the bubble yet. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
The lowest price possible! I have recently been more comfortable with Ethereum classic.
correction underway. build cash
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Since China controls over 60% of bitcoin makes me wonder who created it. Having said that. Wish I bot those $10 Bitcoins my brother was talking about few years back.
100% Positive BST transactions
$100...eventually...$10,000 is realistic price target for this year if regulators step in
I love how bitcoin trades on weekends.
I will be keeping a close eye on it.
Green day, sticking my toes back in.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
I just bought a small position of bitcoin at 49 ish
And I tried some Cardano as I have no idea what I am doing
There are 6724 different cryptocurrencies.
Edit: now 6727, 6729, 6737...
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
And their "store of value" just declined 5-10% in the last hour.
JP Morgan Launches Bitcoin Fund For Rich Clients After Years Of Bashing Crypto
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
With respect to the title of this thread, I usually think of “target price” as an informed judgment based on fundamental analysis. There are good reasons to believe that Bitcoin may appreciate significantly, and there are good reasons to view it as a highly risky investment with severe downside risk. However, I don’t think that any degree of analysis can lead to development of a target price.
Of course, you can't value it.
But .......
If you can read a chart, then you can guess the buy and sell opportunities.
I am up 8% in less than a day.
OK, but the number of people who can read a chart is a tiny tiny fraction of the people who think they can read a chart.
Let me go back and see if I can read that chart.

I suppose it makes a difference who's chart?
I'll move some of my PM back into BTC at 20k and ETH at 800. ETH has a good chance of a higher return than BTC imho. If it doesn't drop that far no big deal for me. BTW, I didn't know this until I ask JM Bullion specifically, but they don't report purchases from them to anyone for any amount up to some insane number.
For the moment the red wave is over and more PM is on its way to my door.
What insight. You think hard about your response?
If zero means “I would not buy it at any price”, that would be my answer, and it is definitely a well thought out position.
So, something that is becoming more and more mainstream is going to zero? That's fine.
I like diversification so a very small portion of my assets are in crypto. I have 4 times more in crypto than I have gold, sold 50% of my gold at 2K a while back. Any new buys will be crypto.
My statement is not a forecast that it will go to zero-it is simply saying that I personally see no basis to put a value on Bitcoin and therefore would not buy it at any price.
Viewed from a long term perspective, there are plausible scenarios where Bitcoin appreciates far above current levels; there are also plausible scenarios where it drops to a tiny fraction of its current value.
Almost anyone buying Bitcoin as an investment is speculating, not diversifying. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that (in moderation), but people should understand the difference.
IMO, Bitcoin is absolutely Diversification.
Big swings are great for trading

as well.
What odds do you give on Bitcoin going to 0 vs 100,000??
IMO, Odds are 100% on the latter. I play the odds.
@ErrorsOnCoins said:
“ What odds do you give on Bitcoin going to 0 vs 100,000??”
It is not a binary situation.
It will do one or the other in 3 months to two years for sure.
I am 100% sure about it going to 100K at some point in the future.
BTC will be way higher than 100K in five years, IMO. It will way outperform GOLD from here in my view.
Freedom is like inflation: you lose 2-3% every year. Slow enough that you don't even notice.
Looking for a sell target price before Saturday night live on
Going to 100% cash on the crypto trading before Elon
Why? What is your logic?
Buy the rumor, sell the news as always
To be a successful investor (and keep your sanity), it's important to tune out the NOISE!
Doge is lucky to still be over $0.30 after the SNL debacle that was Elon Musk.
I'm a digital currency supporter and a relatively early adopter but I just get the feeling this isn't going to end well. The people putting money in are speculators and looking for easy cash. These markets will continue to rise as more people join the bandwagon but will eventually crash bringing the entire stock market and economy with it. It feels like the 1920s v2.0.
Crypto reminds me of the early days of Science and technology stocks around the "world wide web". I remember everyone in the office talking about which internet stock to invest in. People were throwing their retirement into all kinds of stocks without regard to the fundamentals They talked about the web businesses replacing brick and mortar stores. Eventually they were right (mostly) but it took a while and not before a big crash and a lot of internet businesses (and money) disappearing.
Why do you feel a crash of cryptos would bring down the stock market and economy? The economy did just fine without cryptos so if they disappeared tomorrow why would that be a problem?
I ended up not selling any crypto as I did not get the price action before that I wanted.
It's all good as I did not own doggie coin
Cardano is up big.
Stellar needs some help.
Bitcoin's chart still looks good.
Because people are moving a significant amount into cryptos. Speculation is high right now and it’s from normal, everyday investors. Even my 85 yo dad said he wants me to put some money into Bitcoin for him. If that speculation trend continues then it just takes a little bump for people to panic sending the whole crypto market down and people could lose a lot of money. I don’t think cryptos are going away but people are now getting into it for the money and aren’t in it for the purpose or belief of the system itself. If some wealth is lost in the process then I can see it impacting other markets.
My main concern going into Sat night was my two friends who called me a couple of days before that show and asked me about investing in Dogecoin. IMO, neither of which should be in the dogecoin market. One actually bought dogecoin and is down over 20%.
It's been a great year. Every one of my positions has done a 15-20x minimum. I knew ETH will go big, and I've been mining it for years. Cardano, Ripple, Litecoin have all done well. Even Binance coin BNB is almost 660. A little story on that one, when I first started trading I didn't know how much BNB it would be per transaction. So I grabbed like a hundred plus at under a dollar each. Pleasantly surprised transactions were about a hundredth of a BNB so I just kept them as a diversification vehicle. Kind of paid off a little.
As far as a crash goes, I'm expecting it and I'm ready.
I think right now people are realizing that some of the alt coins are superior to bitcoin in every way going forward (which is not exactly saying much). Forks LTC, BCH, etc., are beating BTC over the last 12 months, and they would have a lot more catching up to do from a value standpoint. BTC price is where it was nearly 3 months ago. I suggested a while back that ETH (less scarcity, greater utility) would surpass BTC in market cap someday. Might happen sooner than later.
I'm amazed DOGE has done what it has. I thought it was just a platform to test mining software, and that's what I did. You could mine many, many a day just with your computer video card.
66Tbird, How does one go about mining the smaller lesser know coins?
Do you have to be a tech guy or just have the equipment needed or both?
For the smaller coins, I'm using FGPA miners. An FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) is a cross between a video card and a CPU yet they have the speed of an ASIC chip. Many coins are not profitable because they lack an exchange to convert. I'm mining 0xBTC at the moment at $16/day/machine@650watt/hour each. (I only have two) Technical prowess required to get started is just being familiar with installing computer software on a command-line level. Many tutorials on that for each machine made. I run two Blackminer F1's and a BCU-1525 on water (cooling)
Not hard to think about. I equated it to its weight. If the power is out it is worth less than 0.
@66Tbird ,
Do you mine any LTC along with your Doge since they're both Scrypt-based?
I only mine ETH and 0xBTC
66Tbird, I thank you for your response.
So technology-wise, I am out
I wish you luck mining and using your knowledge to hopefully pay off big
I love this response...
When is the last time the power went out for the entire world so that traditional finance, all the stock markets, PayPal Venmo and now all cryptos as well electronically controlled infrastructure became worthless?
I went 28 days without power after a hurricane but I could drive 50 miles and have access to working society. My dollars in my bank account, although inaccessible to me in my town, were not worth any less in the town over where I could.
It's all about what the people want...
Not hard to think about. I equated it to its weight. If the power is out it is worth less than 0.
Doesn’t have to go out world-wide. What if you lived in say... Texas in... February...
I hope they HODL'd. To the moon. literally. I cant even keep track of all these coin names but they're all up. BIG!!! lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Loving all the action in cryptos!
It’s driving Buffet and Munger crazy too, you are not alone.
It is a roller coaster 24 hour market that is unpredictable, unexplainable, inexplicable and a kick in the ether pants.
Thanks for your response. I dont think folk (US citizens) have that much money in cryptos. Yes, a very few have substantial position, and anecdotally in my circle i have one friend with mid-6 figures invested but most others only a few hundred or a grand. At the same time they all have 6 to 7 to 8 figure equity/bond accounts. I think cryptos could all go to zero and the economy wouldnt miss a beat.
This has been a wealth transfer to Russia and Asia and is why "they" havent popped the bubble yet. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.
And that was the dip I've been waiting for. Ka-ching! went with ETH this time.