Will you ever say "Goodbye" to us, thinking we really need to know??

If you've been around for awhile you probably knew this was coming.
Will you ever say "Goodbye" to us, thinking we really need to know??
This is a private poll: no-one will see what you voted for.
When I left back around 2006 or 2007 I just faded away as I got into other things. I posted ATS for a while after but it was sparing.
I don’t think very many people asked about me here after I left even though I had over 10k comments at the time. I was even surprised to see there was a reference to me by one person in the “where is xyz member?” thread.
If I leave again, it’ll probably be another fade off.
keets, during the Fratlaw exchange and heated discussions I think you both at one time or another during those contentious threads said "goodbye" to the forumites. You even replaced a bag avatar as your icon for awhile. Ah, good times.
The statute of limitations states this 'crime' is expunged after ten years though, so you're all good.
Where is the option for the Ban Hammer? Where one does not have the option to say goodbye? That is how a lot of members seem to depart
I'll say goodbye to my friends here, just before I die.
Out of sight, out of mind. Not sure my wife would miss me either...
Like @TurtleCat when I left about 7 years ago, I just turned it off one day and never turned it back on. It was mostly the result of a situation that some members knew a fair amount about, but I didn't say goodbye. Of the emails and phone numbers shared, only one of us ever contacted me (shortly after).
Unless I knew I was leaving humanity, kind of like @Bear knew, then no ... if I left, it'd probably be one day I just turned it off again.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
If my latest submission doesn’t come back correctly graded, I’ll likely be banned by next week.
My Saint Set
why would i want to is the question
I think the only reason I'd ever start a "goodbye" thread is if I just snapped for some reason. Rest assured, it would probably be epic...
If I ever stop posting here, you can assume that I've died, I have a serious health issue, or I've been banned.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
I think that’s the “open forum” style.... legendary. Usually only a fleeting glimpse of the bammable offense, seen by only the lucky few that happen to be logged on at the time.
Nope, I love this forum and hope to stay as long as they’ll let me.
Yep I was going to say I'm sure I'll be perma-banned before I ever had the chance, not that I would announce my departure anyway.
I already know nobody would care except my 2 creepy troll stalkers. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
I find it somewhat difficult to predict what my future self will do, but in general it seems a bit overly dramatic for my taste.
Not such a bad idea to say goodbye to the keyboard friends you made here.
The most recent replies to the goodbye thread were different, most notably the epic AT sunset. Usually they are boring and very cliché.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
No. It wouldn't be worthy of a thread.
I'm not going anywhere until I get my 5th star.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein
I'll either get banned or dragged out of here feet first Al.
Latin American Collection
if I do, that means I died
Best answer so far.............
I will write a lengthy Shakespearean-worthy goodbye prose posting that will rock this forum and go viral all over the world. Provided I actually hit the 'Post Comment' button, which I will somehow neglect to do,
My Instagram picturesErik
My registry sets
Almost forgot about the "I'm Leaving" manifestos that used to be a regular thing years ago here and on other types of boards. Many were quite entertaining. They don't seem to be a thing anymore, at least not often from what I have noticed.
When I leave, I will probably never know it is coming.
"To Be Esteemed Be Useful" - 1792 Birch Cent --- "I personally think we developed language because of our deep need to complain." - Lily Tomlin
Im sorry, but I really do not think folks on this forum give a rats shuggies about me , my collection, opinions , etc on this forum. As many years as I have been on this forum, I still feel like a total stranger. So I doubt I would bother with signing off.
I'd prefer people say goodbye so we don't wonder where they went.
I said goodbye on the NGC boards because I was upset at the host. Did not change anything.
Best, SH
There are several types of goodbyes that seem to come up. The most common is a self-immolation goodbye, where someone declares themselves a martyr for some cause, goes out with a scorched earth screed, only to scorch nobody but themselves. These are often entertaining at the departing's expense. The next is the "life changed" goodbye, sometimes health, sometimes finances, sometimes other situations. These are the toughest to read, so I'd prefer to inflict this type of goodbye on the rest of the group if it comes to that. Then there are goodbyes followed by reincarnations as an alt. They don't happen that often, but they have all the subtlety of someone who fakes his own death and then shows up at the funeral to watch.
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One day ill be gone and I don't expect anyone to really notice and that is OK.. I love it here but there is an impermanence to all things...
You also forgot fake goodbyes that are attention seeking in etiology. The poster never leaves or takes a break.
At 2.7K views and 113 posts, the Goodbye thread is one of the most popular ones!
No I would not feel the need.
I don't think it would even enter my mind to do so.
When I leave, notice of same by others (if any there is) will be likely be fleeting at best.
Boy Keets, this thread you started brought up some sad but poignant replies that remind me how much I take this forum and it’s members for granted.
Your vulnerabilities are touching.
I think now, I might miss many of you more.
At least, until you touch a nerve.
I think a good bye thread is nice. Lots of people I follow have just disappeared over the years. There’s even a thread on who you realize is missing.
Have to click on/check it out. Like rubber necking at a car accident.
@WaterSport when you talk cents I listen
No. I don't think anyone would even notice.
I fade in and out. So probably no "announcement".
I did say "Hi" when I returned after a particularly long absence. I like to think maybe one person said, "I remember you"....but I'm not sure that is correct.
No one knows I here, so what's the point.
I plan to do at least a dozen more goodbye postings before it is all over. In fact, I feel that one might be coming on soon!
I'll miss you the most JBK...

I just joined but I will leave one day. It will most likely be with psychotic rage as I've stopped taking meds to feel a "normal" I've been searching for since 9/11. I'd probably make a memorable disappearance for the record books.
I can’t see me leaving on bad terms, so If I knew I was signing off I’d probably write up a “thank you” thread that would fade beyond the 2nd page pretty quickly.
More likely, though, is that I’ll just look up one day and realize it’s been awhile since I was on and shrug.
I would and then i'd start naming off people like I knew them personally for years. Then I'd come back a couple hours later like it never happened.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
This forum has had many people come and go over the years. Doesn't matter who you are. If you leave, you will be forgotten over time. Forum life will go on.
Well, since nobody here sends me a Christmas card I think the question is a moot point.
said "goodbye" to the forumites. You even replaced a bag avatar as your icon for awhile
such is the biased faulty memory. while I have signed out on a couple of occasions to let the noise die down I don't recall ever being so melodramatic as to post an "I'm Leaving" or "Goodbye" thread unless it was in jest.
as for the avatar contention, I have had two, the aforementioned "Bag" which Lordmarcovan helped me upload when I first joined and my current incarnation. so yes, there's a little wishful bias in there.
No goodbyes....Just will not be here....Cheers, RickO