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Let's see your "ideal" XF coins in your favorite series...

VarlisVarlis Posts: 505 ✭✭✭

I've been collecting mainly bust quarters for a number of years now, but I've decided to start a Dansco 7070 as a way to enrich my collection. I've been having a lot of fun searching for XF coins that will be strong representative examples. I've realized that while I know what I'm looking for in bust quarters, I don't always have a great sense of what an "ideal" XF coins looks like in other series. For bust quarters, I know it when I see it. Beyond technical wear patterns, it's challenging to find early quarters with pleasing (original) color and clean fields with a minimum amount of marks. Traces of luster should be there when you rotate under the light. A strong strike is always a bonus. Here's a couple I like:

I've started my 7070 with a few coins that caught my eye, but I'm still learning what to look for in different series. So far I'm sticking to TPG graded coins and saving the labels; here are two:

Let's see your "ideal" XF coins in your favorite series, and explain what makes them "ideal" to you.



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