Life is essential! Everyone is and the truckers are doing an excellent job! Am thankful I still have a job as many do not. Lots of people have essential jobs and life goes on where they are at. I am currently at a sit down job where I am not on my feet most of the day. We all have jobs to do, whether at home or at the jobsite.
@Kkathyl said
Everyone is essential each life all the truckers I feel lonely cry and working very hard standing up and helping as I can. Others like you perhaps need a break and a big hug. Essential is in the eye of beholder. My parents consider me essential so I hope this no contact an such ends soon. No interviews no touching has made me push harder longer and it’s more a metal challenge then anything. I am Glad I have not wasted a minute as the shut down comes to an end I will be prepared for the financial impact that will shock manny as they do not know this is a global financial reset that we and others will never forget.
First two hours of the morning are dedicated to school work (nice to do school work in my pajamas). I have spent a lot of time organizing my collection, adding listings to my eBay store, and beginning to make more videos again.
American Numismatic Association Governor 2023 to 2025 - My posts reflect my own thoughts and are not those of the ANA.My Numismatics with Kenny Twitter Page
This is how I've spent my quarantine so far... lol. The old man who lived in our house before us was a WW2 veteran, and had an old WW2 USMC Ka-Bar knife that he weeded his garden with. He left it when he moved, so I've also used it to dig dandelions the last 7 years. The handle was missing, it was rusted out, and the sharp tip was worn completely smooth. I decided to finally try fixing it up. I removed the rust, grinded a new tip, then filed and sanded the blade. I then added a new leather handle, which had to be shaped and sanded as well. Not perfect, but at least it looks like a knife again!
I teach Algebra 1 to 8th graders, so I have been busy doing online teaching, helping the 15-year-old stay focused on HIS online lessons and working on my Master's.
The wife and I are both in the thick of this virus and we have both been called in to log ubber amounts of overtime.
So less spare time than before and I enjoy every second I am home and not wearing an N95.
Been working like normal as I somehow have essential status but weekends have been productive cleaning up around the yard. Things are starting to to look like they should. Too bad it will go back to being a mess once we are free to roam around again.
@jmlanzaf said:
No offense, but this thread started as a subtle Amway (7k metals) pitch and has degenerated into a blatant one.
No offense intended but will most likely be felt anyway, lots of posts here on the forum and many posters in general are pitches or are pitching something of some sort or another. If you're not used to it by now I hope you get used to it.
My wife and I both are working twice as hard and for half the pay and have never felt more grateful. Both of our companies furloughed half of their employees.
Besides my normal job I’m a yoga instructor. So yesterday to try to get to some level of normalcy I taught yoga online to a few friends and family members. Then we went to our favorite food store ( we would normally do this after practicing at our studio). We waited 1 hour on line. It was well worth it to get back to a routine we were familiar with .
It was comforting. We finished shopping at the Farmers Market. Our batteries are recharged.
Live to fight another day
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Justacommeman said:
My wife and I both are working twice as hard and for half the pay and have never felt more grateful. Both of our companies furloughed half of their employees.
Besides my normal job I’m a yoga instructor. So yesterday to try to get to some level of normalcy I taught yoga online to a few friends and family members. Then we went to our favorite food store ( we would normally do this after practicing at our studio). We waited 1 hour on line. It was well worth it to get back to a routine we were familiar
Live to fight another day
I hear you. I'm fortunate to be still working and only mildly inconvenienced (so far) by this. But I have told colleagues that I would gladly take a pay cut to stay employed next academic year.
For many people, the cure is worse than the disease. And those of us lucky enough to have not felt the economic pain should be truly grateful. I know people who might lose their businesses and even their homes if this lasts for a few months longer.
@jmlanzaf said:
No offense, but this thread started as a subtle Amway (7k metals) pitch and has degenerated into a blatant one.
No offense intended but will most likely be felt anyway, lots of posts here on the forum and many posters in general are pitches or are pitching something of some sort or another. If you're not used to it by now I hope you get used to it.
Oh, I'm quite used to it which is why I didn't comment at first. But some of the later pitching on this thread borders on illegal in some states. She was all but offering financial advice.
@jmlanzaf said:
No offense, but this thread started as a subtle Amway (7k metals) pitch and has degenerated into a blatant one.
What! Did I overlook the newly purchased ERRORS?
LOL. Yes, his posts (?) pitches. But some of the later posts offering financial counseling seem a bit beyond the legal limit...
You ought to read more threads around here. All kinds of FRIENDLY advice and opinions being offered. Several of the members seem to know quite a bit about investing. Check out the thread about gold.
@jmlanzaf said:
No offense, but this thread started as a subtle Amway (7k metals) pitch and has degenerated into a blatant one.
What! Did I overlook the newly purchased ERRORS?
LOL. Yes, his posts (?) pitches. But some of the later posts offering financial counseling seem a bit beyond the legal limit...
You ought to read more threads around here. All kinds of FRIENDLY advice and opinions being offered. Several of the members seem to know quite a bit about investing. Check out the thread about gold.
Sharing ideas is different than SELLING ideas. In my ever humble opinion, of course.
I've been setting up and planting raised bed gardens in my back yard. I just got my batch of fruit trees and berries that I ordered last fall. I've got a blueberry bed, a raspberry bed and two vegetable beds started. I have also planted a few fruit trees and have others in pots growing their roots out to be planted later.
Oh and if there are any other Peleton riders I’m goblue023. Would love to do a ride with you
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Yes they are very handy. I am using old boards from around the property as the sides no nailing needed and if I want to change where the raised bed is all I have to do is move the blocks.
Yes they are very handy. I am using old boards from around the property as the sides no nailing needed and if I want to change where the raised bed is all I have to do is move the blocks.
How do you keep the critters out? Over the last two months the skies ate clearer (good) and the critters have become more abundant ( bad) . The don’t bother my citrus trees but they reek havoc on my peach, pomegranate and avocado tree. I was thinking about a raised bed but I’ve always had issues with Raiders wiping out my ripe tomatoes and other veggies. TIA
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
How do you keep the critters out? Over the last two months the skies ate clearer (good) and the critters have become more abundant ( bad) . The don’t bother my citrus trees but they reek havoc on my peach and avocado tree. I was thinking about a raised bed but I’ve always had issues with Raiders wiping out my ripe tomatoes and other veggies. TIA
I'm in northern Alabama. My main issues are Japanese stink beatles(a.k.a. vine beatles) and groundhogs(a.k.a. woodchucks). The only answers for groundhogs are fencing, live traps, and dogs. As for the vine beetles you just have to keep an eye out for them before the become established in the crop and physically get rid of the eggs and young.
@Justacommeman said:
My wife and I both are working twice as hard and for half the pay and have never felt more grateful. Both of our companies furloughed half of their employees.
Besides my normal job I’m a yoga instructor. So yesterday to try to get to some level of normalcy I taught yoga online to a few friends and family members. Then we went to our favorite food store ( we would normally do this after practicing at our studio). We waited 1 hour on line. It was well worth it to get back to a routine we were familiar
Live to fight another day
I hear you. I'm fortunate to be still working and only mildly inconvenienced (so far) by this. But I have told colleagues that I would gladly take a pay cut to stay employed next academic year.
For many people, the cure is worse than the disease. And those of us lucky enough to have not felt the economic pain should be truly grateful. I know people who might lose their businesses and even their homes if this lasts for a few months longer.
I am very grateful indeed.
Be well friends.
One has to remember that while we are all in the same storm we are not all in the same boat. Some of our boats are still afloat and some have run aground and some are sinking. Be kind to one another and help where you can
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
LOL on the Japanese Beatles. Back when I was seriously growing my own food I made deal with my kids. I guess I had an acre growing and was majorly killing the dang bugs. I couldn't be home all the time so I made a deal with my boys. I think I offered them 5c for every one they caught. The problem was I didn't say they had to come from the garden. I got home after I made the deal to be greeted by at least a thousand of the dang things...none of which came out of my garden. Needless to say that deal was terminated!
How do you keep the critters out? Over the last two months the skies ate clearer (good) and the critters have become more abundant ( bad) . The don’t bother my citrus trees but they reek havoc on my peach and avocado tree. I was thinking about a raised bed but I’ve always had issues with Raiders wiping out my ripe tomatoes and other veggies. TIA
I'm in northern Alabama. My main issues are Japanese stink beatles(a.k.a. vine beatles) and groundhogs(a.k.a. woodchucks). The only answers for groundhogs are fencing, live traps, and dogs. As for the vine beetles you just have to keep an eye out for them before the become established in the crop and physically get rid of the eggs and young.
@Pnies20 said:
Working anywhere from 10-40 hours of OT a paycheck since February. Most I’ve ever worked! Maybe not the most productive, though 😝
Once you go over 10 hrs. of OT a week the tax % bite increases and for me it is not worth the extra $ for the time you have to work. Rather have the free time.
Successful transactions:Tookybandit. "Everyone is equal, some are more equal than others".
@Pnies20 said:
Working anywhere from 10-40 hours of OT a paycheck since February. Most I’ve ever worked! Maybe not the most productive, though 😝
Once you go over 10 hrs. of OT a week the tax % bite increases and for me it is not worth the extra $ for the time you have to work. Rather have the free time.
So would I but unfortunately I didn’t have the choice.
I have revised my British coins and kings book. Expanded my Roman coins and emperors book. Written an article about Eisenhower Dollars, and have posted several coin articles on the Internet.
I have busy, but “cabin fever” has set in, at least for my wife. I live Florida and have a pool in the backyard. That has made things more bearable. If I lived in New York City and was cooped up in a tiny apartment, I would be going nuts by now.
Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?
Busier than ever. My job is considered "essential" so all work obligations continue. But, my kid is home from school so that means I have to work from home for what is not really a work-from-home type job. Homeschooling the 1st grader takes a few hours a day too. But I'm one of the lucky ones so I can't complain. Employed and healthy, for now.
AM still open in my store/ slow activity except for Bullion gold and silver. Been able to spend closed time (Sat/Sun) finding items in old lots ,some bought 40 years ago. Great tokens and Medals that were very cheap back then and now are very interesting and trading at much greater prices. Have found some great rarities that were never able to be researched (no internet back then when purchased). Now have over 200 items out at the grading services and 800 + sports cards ready for PSA. Hopefully everyone will stay safe and we can get back to some kind of normal activity.. It' been very tough with no golf and no sports on TV.
Life is essential! Everyone is and the truckers are doing an excellent job! Am thankful I still have a job as many do not. Lots of people have essential jobs and life goes on where they are at. I am currently at a sit down job where I am not on my feet most of the day. We all have jobs to do, whether at home or at the jobsite.
First two hours of the morning are dedicated to school work (nice to do school work in my pajamas). I have spent a lot of time organizing my collection, adding listings to my eBay store, and beginning to make more videos again.
Instagram - numismatistkenny
My Numismatics with Kenny Blog Page Best viewed on a laptop or monitor.
ANA Life Member & Volunteer District Representative
2019 ANA Young Numismatist of the Year
Doing my best to introduce Young Numismatists and Young Adults into the hobby.
This is how I've spent my quarantine so far... lol. The old man who lived in our house before us was a WW2 veteran, and had an old WW2 USMC Ka-Bar knife that he weeded his garden with. He left it when he moved, so I've also used it to dig dandelions the last 7 years. The handle was missing, it was rusted out, and the sharp tip was worn completely smooth. I decided to finally try fixing it up. I removed the rust, grinded a new tip, then filed and sanded the blade. I then added a new leather handle, which had to be shaped and sanded as well. Not perfect, but at least it looks like a knife again!

Getting some foreign together to unload on Great Collections
I have got soooo much work done with the business. The to-do lists and the honey-do lists are close to finished.
Which means once we open up, .....
I can fish all summer and fall multiple times per week

No offense, but this thread started as a subtle Amway (7k metals) pitch and has degenerated into a blatant one.
Oh yeah.
You go with your bad self
Best place to buy !
Bronze Associate member
What is 7K metals????
GOOGLE is your friend.
MLM, like Amway. New to the same game.
What! Did I overlook the newly purchased ERRORS?
I teach Algebra 1 to 8th graders, so I have been busy doing online teaching, helping the 15-year-old stay focused on HIS online lessons and working on my Master's.
@jwitten great job on the knife. I have my uncles from when he was in the Navy.
The wife and I are both in the thick of this virus and we have both been called in to log ubber amounts of overtime.
So less spare time than before and I enjoy every second I am home and not wearing an N95.
been wanting to build a ramp for a few years, finally got her built. a little finishing work to dress her up then done.

Check back with me in about nine months.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Been working like normal as I somehow have essential status but weekends have been productive cleaning up around the yard. Things are starting to to look like they should. Too bad it will go back to being a mess once we are free to roam around again.
Successful BST Transactions With: AUandAG, SurfinxHI, tightbudget, dmarks, jfoot13, jimineez1, PerryHall, rte592, cucamongacoin, Flackthat, robkool, Walkerguy21D, pruebas, KJB, LukeMarshall, 1630Boston, chumley, privatecoin, Histman, SullyFan2, al410, mcarney1173, Coinflip, mbogoman, dm679864, commoncents05, scooter25
No offense intended but will most likely be felt anyway, lots of posts here on the forum and many posters in general are pitches or are pitching something of some sort or another. If you're not used to it by now I hope you get used to it.
My wife and I both are working twice as hard and for half the pay and have never felt more grateful. Both of our companies furloughed half of their employees.
Besides my normal job I’m a yoga instructor. So yesterday to try to get to some level of normalcy I taught yoga online to a few friends and family members. Then we went to our favorite food store ( we would normally do this after practicing at our studio). We waited 1 hour on line. It was well worth it to get back to a routine we were familiar with .
It was comforting. We finished shopping at the Farmers Market. Our batteries are recharged.
Live to fight another day
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
It's an Amway type company that sells silver and gold products. If you click the link in Kathy's signature block it will take you to her "store".
I hear you. I'm fortunate to be still working and only mildly inconvenienced (so far) by this. But I have told colleagues that I would gladly take a pay cut to stay employed next academic year.
For many people, the cure is worse than the disease. And those of us lucky enough to have not felt the economic pain should be truly grateful. I know people who might lose their businesses and even their homes if this lasts for a few months longer.
I am very grateful indeed.
Be well friends.
Oh, I'm quite used to it which is why I didn't comment at first. But some of the later pitching on this thread borders on illegal in some states. She was all but offering financial advice.
Is that when the baby's due?
LOL. Yes, his posts (?) pitches. But some of the later posts offering financial counseling seem a bit beyond the legal limit...
You ought to read more threads around here. All kinds of FRIENDLY advice and opinions being offered. Several of the members seem to know quite a bit about investing. Check out the thread about gold.
Sharing ideas is different than SELLING ideas. In my ever humble opinion, of course.
@jmlanzaf said: "Sharing ideas is different than SELLING ideas."
I don't know, what are you sharing, I may want to buy some.
I've been setting up and planting raised bed gardens in my back yard. I just got my batch of fruit trees and berries that I ordered last fall. I've got a blueberry bed, a raspberry bed and two vegetable beds started. I have also planted a few fruit trees and have others in pots growing their roots out to be planted later.
Oh and if there are any other Peleton riders I’m goblue023. Would love to do a ride with you
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@CollectorBonEZ I love those planter wall retaining blocks.
Yes they are very handy. I am using old boards from around the property as the sides no nailing needed and if I want to change where the raised bed is all I have to do is move the blocks.
How do you keep the critters out? Over the last two months the skies ate clearer (good) and the critters have become more abundant ( bad) . The don’t bother my citrus trees but they reek havoc on my peach, pomegranate and avocado tree. I was thinking about a raised bed but I’ve always had issues with Raiders wiping out my ripe tomatoes and other veggies. TIA
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Justacommeman said:
I'm in northern Alabama. My main issues are Japanese stink beatles(a.k.a. vine beatles) and groundhogs(a.k.a. woodchucks). The only answers for groundhogs are fencing, live traps, and dogs. As for the vine beetles you just have to keep an eye out for them before the become established in the crop and physically get rid of the eggs and young.
One has to remember that while we are all in the same storm we are not all in the same boat. Some of our boats are still afloat and some have run aground and some are sinking. Be kind to one another and help where you can
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
LOL on the Japanese Beatles. Back when I was seriously growing my own food I made deal with my kids. I guess I had an acre growing and was majorly killing the dang bugs. I couldn't be home all the time so I made a deal with my boys. I think I offered them 5c for every one they caught. The problem was I didn't say they had to come from the garden. I got home after I made the deal to be greeted by at least a thousand of the dang things...none of which came out of my garden. Needless to say that deal was terminated!
Working most every day for several weeks now. I hear it's Spring now?
Communicable disease specialist.
Yep. Busy busy. Built this walkway all out of salvaged wood.

Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
Working anywhere from 10-40 hours of OT a paycheck since February. Most I’ve ever worked! Maybe not the most productive, though 😝
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
Once you go over 10 hrs. of OT a week the tax % bite increases and for me it is not worth the extra $ for the time you have to work. Rather have the free time.
I made my own face shield
coinJP, Outhaul ,illini420,MICHAELDIXON, Fade to Black,epcjimi1,19Lyds,SNMAN,JerseyJoe, bigjpst, DMWJR , lordmarcovan, Weiss,Mfriday4962,UtahCoin,Downtown1974,pitboss,RichieURich,Bullsitter,JDsCoins,toyz4geo,jshaulis, mustanggt, SNMAN, MWallace, ms71, lordmarcovan
So would I but unfortunately I didn’t have the choice.
BHNC #248 … 130 and counting.
I have revised my British coins and kings book. Expanded my Roman coins and emperors book. Written an article about Eisenhower Dollars, and have posted several coin articles on the Internet.
I have busy, but “cabin fever” has set in, at least for my wife. I live Florida and have a pool in the backyard. That has made things more bearable. If I lived in New York City and was cooped up in a tiny apartment, I would be going nuts by now.
Busier than ever. My job is considered "essential" so all work obligations continue. But, my kid is home from school so that means I have to work from home for what is not really a work-from-home type job. Homeschooling the 1st grader takes a few hours a day too. But I'm one of the lucky ones so I can't complain. Employed and healthy, for now.
I've been working on some ideas. They're for sale, you know ? (A pitch ).
Buy oil. It can't stay at $12 forever
$10!! Bubbling crude, Texas tea.
AM still open in my store/ slow activity except for Bullion gold and silver. Been able to spend closed time (Sat/Sun) finding items in old lots ,some bought 40 years ago. Great tokens and Medals that were very cheap back then and now are very interesting and trading at much greater prices. Have found some great rarities that were never able to be researched (no internet back then when purchased). Now have over 200 items out at the grading services and 800 + sports cards ready for PSA. Hopefully everyone will stay safe and we can get back to some kind of normal activity.. It' been very tough with no golf and no sports on TV.
Family Feud can be fun to watch ,but not 20 times in a row!