@derryb said:
derryb not happy until COMEX has no control over physical price. Let the buyers and sellers of physical metal determine the price.
Mm, that's an interesting thought, what would happen to the price of a commodity w/o speculators. I suppose the old adage of supply and demand would be applicable. But then you need to ask yourself, how much gold or silver is in the supply chain compared to the need of physical demand?
Recent increase in spread of spot vs. physical provides the answer to your question.
Lol....the physical market cant even determine price now when it has a benchmark (futures).
Ive seen 100oz bars rot on the BST until futures actual went to the sellers asking price. And that was only an $1850 trade.
Physical market never has a problem determining prices. Buyers and sellers do it every day. Like automobiles or any other real product, inventory sits until buyer and seller agree on price. Paper future price only convinces a buyer the physical price should be lower (exactly how the paper market players want it to work). Maybe autos would also be cheaper if potential buyers had a "paper benchmark" to influence their pricing method. LOL
The seller will never be able to unload even a small trade like this without a global pricing mechanism.
yet all other markets work just fine without your "global pricing mechanism." All these other markets are protected from seller collusion to fix prices. Globalism is dying, did you not get the memo?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@derryb said:
derryb not happy until COMEX has no control over physical price. Let the buyers and sellers of physical metal determine the price.
Mm, that's an interesting thought, what would happen to the price of a commodity w/o speculators. I suppose the old adage of supply and demand would be applicable. But then you need to ask yourself, how much gold or silver is in the supply chain compared to the need of physical demand?
Recent increase in spread of spot vs. physical provides the answer to your question.
Lol....the physical market cant even determine price now when it has a benchmark (futures).
Ive seen 100oz bars rot on the BST until futures actual went to the sellers asking price. And that was only an $1850 trade. The seller will never be able to unload even a small trade like this without a global pricing mechanism.
hey... that was me.
spot's almost where I need it :P
also, I got nervous about selling that much bullion on the bst.
plus I am thinking there are fewer market participants on the bst, and many may be looking to sell as I am. plus I didn't have proof of life pictures. all this could lead to it sitting.
I'm going to wait for dealer buy prices to catch up to my sell price. maybe 25 more cents is all I need.
@derryb said:
derryb not happy until COMEX has no control over physical price. Let the buyers and sellers of physical metal determine the price.
Mm, that's an interesting thought, what would happen to the price of a commodity w/o speculators. I suppose the old adage of supply and demand would be applicable. But then you need to ask yourself, how much gold or silver is in the supply chain compared to the need of physical demand?
Recent increase in spread of spot vs. physical provides the answer to your question.
Lol....the physical market cant even determine price now when it has a benchmark (futures).
Ive seen 100oz bars rot on the BST until futures actual went to the sellers asking price. And that was only an $1850 trade. The seller will never be able to unload even a small trade like this without a global pricing mechanism.
hey... that was me.
spot's almost where I need it :P
also, I got nervous about selling that much bullion on the bst.
plus I am thinking there are fewer market participants on the bst, and many may be looking to sell as I am. plus I didn't have proof of life pictures. all this could lead to it sitting.
I'm going to wait for dealer buy prices to catch up to my sell price. maybe 25 more cents is all I need.
It's about time you see the light. I've been dumping $10 FACE..90% "Junk" silver on eBay for the last 2 1/2 month for an average of 15 1/2 to 16 x face. Levels are slowly coming down to a more reasonable lever of 14.5 to 15.25 times now. Don't know how much longer these multiples will last. But you need to take advantage while the going is hot. Also, it was not uncommon for 10 oz silver RCM bars selling up to 50% over spot....I don't follow or invest in bars over 10 oz.
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
@blitzdude said:
I made a $8M profit when I sold my first batch of 27 AGE monster boxes. Would of been north of $10M had I traded GLD instead of high premium physical.
@derryb said:
derryb not happy until COMEX has no control over physical price. Let the buyers and sellers of physical metal determine the price.
Mm, that's an interesting thought, what would happen to the price of a commodity w/o speculators. I suppose the old adage of supply and demand would be applicable. But then you need to ask yourself, how much gold or silver is in the supply chain compared to the need of physical demand?
Recent increase in spread of spot vs. physical provides the answer to your question.
Lol....the physical market cant even determine price now when it has a benchmark (futures).
Ive seen 100oz bars rot on the BST until futures actual went to the sellers asking price. And that was only an $1850 trade. The seller will never be able to unload even a small trade like this without a global pricing mechanism.
hey... that was me.
spot's almost where I need it :P
also, I got nervous about selling that much bullion on the bst.
plus I am thinking there are fewer market participants on the bst, and many may be looking to sell as I am. plus I didn't have proof of life pictures. all this could lead to it sitting.
I'm going to wait for dealer buy prices to catch up to my sell price. maybe 25 more cents is all I need.
sold them! a bit over break even for me. this was a catch and release gone wrong...
apmex offered melt and MCM offered 50 cents over! so those 100oz are horribly illiquid at times, I did get fortunate to find a good buy premium in this market of extremely high sell premiums.
I think I'll take forum advice and not trade 100oz'ers again.
@cohodk said:
Seems kinda crazy that a tiny $1900 trade is illiquid.
Says a lot about the market too. One thing is that the bog boys value silver off the paper futures price while the little guy values silver off emotion.
@cohodk said:
Seems kinda crazy that a tiny $1900 trade is illiquid.
Says a lot about the market too. One thing is that the bog boys value silver off the paper futures price while the little guy values silver off emotion.
yep, that slowly dying fiat dollar emotion.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
it wasn't emotion. it was whimsy. and I place no value on buys due to whimsy. they are strictly catch and release.
(I am net up on my catch and releases.)
@MsMorrisine said:
it wasn't emotion. it was whimsy. and I place no value on buys due to whimsy. they are strictly catch and release.
(I am net up on my catch and releases.)
Im not saying your trade was emotional. Im saying all the little guys buying an ounce or two here and there are making buys based on emotion and willing to pay prices way over the prices the big boys are willing to pay.
Stock market is down, but the Nasdaq is on FIRE.
Doubled down on Apple and Microsoft stock. The Amazon stock I bought at $1,834 per share is up $800 Per share in just 3 MONTHS!! AMZN will hit $2700 per share before weeks end. My APPL and MSFT is way, way up.
To the Moon I tell ya! Jump in the water feels great.
AMZN, APPL and MSFT, Buy these 3 stocks and thank me later.
Oddly enough today was reported on Fox Business news that savings is at an all time high with the citizen's of America. Also reported that we will have a HUGE spending boom by the everyday citizens this summer.
can't keep a great country down. just hide and watch, it will happen.
@derryb said:
Many people remain in lock down, so does their money. Yes, they will spend when they get out of jail.
Even better, they will borrow even more money. LOL
For those listening, gold is telling them the economy is not so great and that equities are likely a trap. TVIX to the on-deck circle.
Time will tell. This summer in my humble opinion there will be a MAJOR spending boom. Pent up demand. People will risk health and good decisions to party like it was 1999 at the beach, park , bowling alley, ect.
Time will tell soon enough on my MSFT, APPL and AMZN investments also. So far I am killin it with these 3 stocks.
So for the record cohodk thinks the stock market is over bought and could crash...WOW!
Wrongo, not only that, but APPL, AMZN and MSFT will make lots more $$$$ but if I am wrong.
Got gold?:)
Economy 101....Diversification, Diversification
Time will tell cohodk. If I am right the silence will be golden.
derryb be has already said he would applogize if I am right maybe you could admit I was right. I will do the same for both of you.
Your 100% correct. LOTS of companies with no money on the balance sheets will crash, crash, crash. As they were meant to do. Keep your house in order or fail. American families will learn the same leason.
Culling out the weak companies will make the stock market much stronger.
Lots of investors buying "bargin sure fire bet" stocks are going to lose Bigly.
I doubled down on Microsoft and Apple.
More fed stimulus inbound.
0 treasury rates for DECADES. Where does the rich money go?
Study the history of the 2008 crash and treasury rates.
@fivecents said:
Stock market is down, but the Nasdaq is on FIRE.
Doubled down on Apple and Microsoft stock. The Amazon stock I bought at $1,834 per share is up $800 Per share in just 3 MONTHS!! AMZN will hit $2700 per share before weeks end. My APPL and MSFT is way, way up.
To the Moon I tell ya! Jump in the water feels great.
AMZN, APPL and MSFT, Buy these 3 stocks and thank me later.
I was right Amazon hit $2722 yesterday. My New prediction
Now I predict Amazon will be $3,000 in JUNE...this month.
5 cents. All high flyers will eventually face reality & come back down to earth, and that includes the ones you've been bragging about. AMZN needs to get back to $2700 before it reaches your prediction. Just keeps in mind, as the sayings go: "Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed." "You can't go broke taking a profit."
"Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
@blitzdude said:
I made a $8M profit when I sold my first batch of 27 AGE monster boxes. Would of been north of $10M had I traded GLD instead of high premium physical.
And in doing so you had zero risk of being involved in a potential GLD fund blow up. Didn't "paper" oil futures just go through this very thing last month?
And for that additional 25% you didn't make by being in paper-ized GLD, you reduced your risk from "substantial" to "zero." That might be a good trade off at a 4-1 ratio. Even Warren Buffet decided from 1996-2006 that holding physical silver bullion was a FAR better means (though much bulkier) vs. holding silver futures contracts. I'm sure it cost old Warren a pretty penny to house all that silver in a vault. The Hunt Brothers learned that lesson the hard way to in 1979. They were too late to figure out that they couldn't unload all their paper contracts in time.
After an 80% crash retrace in the Dow, and more in the S&P, 5c could have indeed called the bounce back top. What do they say about selling in May? Looked like a pretty viable top imo. Many wickets were reached. And if Trump doesn't get re-elected this fall, which seems like a 50-50 shot right now, and/or the Senate flips Dem, the SM will experience quite the unraveling following November 2020. Be careful what you wish for.....you just might get it.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
@OPA said:
5 cents. All high flyers will eventually face reality & come back down to earth, and that includes the ones you've been bragging about. AMZN needs to get back to $2700 before it reaches your prediction. Just keeps in mind, as the sayings go: "Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed." "You can't go broke taking a profit."
Nope. I bought these to hold for 10 years. I never care about the crashes and dips. Just trying to buy a certain block of these three stocks. I am done buying all but MSFT. Adding as I can. Hopefully will buy more end of week.
I LOVE AU and AG so much my stocks have been and still are very light in my Metals to stock portfolio.
This forum needs a little pro stock outlook, I feel like a unicorn on the PCGS precious metal forum. Yeah call it bragging. When it seems every forum, member is dead nuts againist stocks doing anything but crashing. Yeah... I do feel I need to show these forum members "Exibit A". How great (My) stocks have done. Never once have I po pooed on metals, buit dang do I get wore out just for liking the future of stocks. So far I have been right. No one ever acknowledges that.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
No No.
Buying to hold for 10 years Holmes.
Did you like my prediction....Nailed it>.
@OPA said:
5 cents. All high flyers will eventually face reality & come back down to earth, and that includes the ones you've been bragging about. AMZN needs to get back to $2700 before it reaches your prediction. Just keeps in mind, as the sayings go: "Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed." "You can't go broke taking a profit."
Keep in your mind this is my investing philosophical quote I TRY to follow:
Warren Buffett — 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'
Guess which one I am doing now OPA? The answer is the later (the end) of the Buffet quote.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
No No.
Buying to hold for 10 years Holmes.
Did you like my prediction....Nailed it>.
If those stocks appreciate at 10% per year....just a little above the historical 9% overall stock market average, then they will have market capitalizations of $3 to $4 trillion each. That would be compared to a GDP of approx $27 trillion (assuming a 3% growth rate). So those 3 companies would be equal to about 40% of the US GDP vs the approx 20% now.
By comparison, at the 2000 peak the top 3 stocks were worth about 14% of the US GDP.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
No No.
Buying to hold for 10 years Holmes.
Did you like my prediction....Nailed it>.
If those stocks appreciate at 10% per year....just a little above the historical 9% overall stock market average, then they will have market capitalizations of $3 to $4 trillion each. That would be compared to a GDP of approx $27 trillion (assuming a 3% growth rate). So those 3 companies would be equal to about 40% of the US GDP vs the approx 20% now.
By comparison, at the 2000 peak the top 3 stocks were worth about 14% of the US GDP.
I see that as unlikely.
Well maybe your right, maybe your all right. I think I'll stop buying stocks and put it into buying Gold and Silver on the PCGS BST. This thread has me thinking. Y'all are smart guys. No one agrees with me. I'm dead nuts serious here.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
No No.
Buying to hold for 10 years Holmes.
Did you like my prediction....Nailed it>.
If those stocks appreciate at 10% per year....just a little above the historical 9% overall stock market average, then they will have market capitalizations of $3 to $4 trillion each. That would be compared to a GDP of approx $27 trillion (assuming a 3% growth rate). So those 3 companies would be equal to about 40% of the US GDP vs the approx 20% now.
By comparison, at the 2000 peak the top 3 stocks were worth about 14% of the US GDP.
I see that as unlikely.
But, but 1 of my stocks increased way, way over 10% in 3 days this week.
Even pro stock cohodk thinks my investing is a stupid a## plan. Going to rethink this may just go all in metals.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
No No.
Buying to hold for 10 years Holmes.
Did you like my prediction....Nailed it>.
Appears you "nailed" the art of loosing $$$. Whatever floats your boat. If that's what you wanted Congrats! You are the big winner. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Warren Buffett — 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'
Guess which one I am doing now OPA? The answer is the later (the end) of the Buffet quote.
Nickel Buffett
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@fivecents said:
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
You've been vindicated. CNBC is blaming the carnage on "worries of a second coronavirus wave." Turns out the market is not simply overinflated. lol
Good chance of a rebound on Friday.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Physical market never has a problem determining prices. Buyers and sellers do it every day. Like automobiles or any other real product, inventory sits until buyer and seller agree on price. Paper future price only convinces a buyer the physical price should be lower (exactly how the paper market players want it to work). Maybe autos would also be cheaper if potential buyers had a "paper benchmark" to influence their pricing method. LOL
yet all other markets work just fine without your "global pricing mechanism." All these other markets are protected from seller collusion to fix prices. Globalism is dying, did you not get the memo?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
hey... that was me.
spot's almost where I need it :P
also, I got nervous about selling that much bullion on the bst.
plus I am thinking there are fewer market participants on the bst, and many may be looking to sell as I am. plus I didn't have proof of life pictures. all this could lead to it sitting.
I'm going to wait for dealer buy prices to catch up to my sell price. maybe 25 more cents is all I need.
Global markets breathe gold dust. Remember the golden rule. He who owns the gold makes the rule.
It's about time you see the light. I've been dumping $10 FACE..90% "Junk" silver on eBay for the last 2 1/2 month for an average of 15 1/2 to 16 x face. Levels are slowly coming down to a more reasonable lever of 14.5 to 15.25 times now. Don't know how much longer these multiples will last. But you need to take advantage while the going is hot. Also, it was not uncommon for 10 oz silver RCM bars selling up to 50% over spot....I don't follow or invest in bars over 10 oz.
Gee, the two highest premium silver products: RCM 10 oz. bars and US Mint silver eagles.
If only someone here had advised me to focus on them. LOL.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
I made a $8M profit when I sold my first batch of 27 AGE monster boxes. Would of been north of $10M had I traded GLD instead of high premium physical.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Keep trying son...youll catch up to derryb soon.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
sold them! a bit over break even for me. this was a catch and release gone wrong...
apmex offered melt and MCM offered 50 cents over! so those 100oz are horribly illiquid at times, I did get fortunate to find a good buy premium in this market of extremely high sell premiums.
I think I'll take forum advice and not trade 100oz'ers again.
Seems kinda crazy that a tiny $1900 trade is illiquid.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Says a lot about the market too. One thing is that the bog boys value silver off the paper futures price while the little guy values silver off emotion.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
yep, that slowly dying fiat dollar emotion.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
it wasn't emotion. it was whimsy. and I place no value on buys due to whimsy. they are strictly catch and release.
(I am net up on my catch and releases.)
even a $1 trade can be illiquid.
don't you know about counter-party risk? I guess your focus must be elsewhere.
You had some difficulty finding a suitable match, didnt you?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Im not saying your trade was emotional. Im saying all the little guys buying an ounce or two here and there are making buys based on emotion and willing to pay prices way over the prices the big boys are willing to pay.
The true price is the lowest price.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
The true price is the LAST price.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Stock market is down, but the Nasdaq is on FIRE.
Jump in the water feels great.
Doubled down on Apple and Microsoft stock. The Amazon stock I bought at $1,834 per share is up $800 Per share in just 3 MONTHS!! AMZN will hit $2700 per share before weeks end. My APPL and MSFT is way, way up.
To the Moon I tell ya!
AMZN, APPL and MSFT, Buy these 3 stocks and thank me later.
Oddly enough today was reported on Fox Business news that savings is at an all time high with the citizen's of America. Also reported that we will have a HUGE spending boom by the everyday citizens this summer.
can't keep a great country down. just hide and watch, it will happen.
Many people remain in lock down, so does their money. Yes, they will spend when they get out of jail.
Even better, they will borrow even more money. LOL
For those listening, gold is telling them the economy is not so great and that equities are likely a trap. TVIX to the on-deck circle.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Time will tell. This summer in my humble opinion there will be a MAJOR spending boom. Pent up demand. People will risk health and good decisions to party like it was 1999 at the beach, park , bowling alley, ect.
Time will tell soon enough on my MSFT, APPL and AMZN investments also. So far I am killin it with these 3 stocks.
Oh boy. Did 5c just call a top?
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
So for the record cohodk thinks the stock market is over bought and could crash...WOW!
Wrongo, not only that, but APPL, AMZN and MSFT will make lots more $$$$ but if I am wrong.
Got gold?:)
Economy 101....Diversification, Diversification
Time will tell cohodk. If I am right the silence will be golden.
derryb be has already said he would applogize if I am right maybe you could admit I was right. I will do the same for both of you.
We all 3 could wanger 1 1/10 ounce gold eagle if you have one, to make it fun.
Something BAD is brewing in the financial system. And it’s going to catch 99% of investors by surprise.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Your 100% correct. LOTS of companies with no money on the balance sheets will crash, crash, crash. As they were meant to do. Keep your house in order or fail. American families will learn the same leason.
Culling out the weak companies will make the stock market much stronger.
Lots of investors buying "bargin sure fire bet" stocks are going to lose Bigly.
I doubled down on Microsoft and Apple.
More fed stimulus inbound.
0 treasury rates for DECADES. Where does the rich money go?
Study the history of the 2008 crash and treasury rates.
I was right Amazon hit $2722 yesterday.
My New prediction
Now I predict Amazon will be $3,000 in JUNE...this month.
5 cents. All high flyers will eventually face reality & come back down to earth, and that includes the ones you've been bragging about. AMZN needs to get back to $2700 before it reaches your prediction. Just keeps in mind, as the sayings go: "Three great forces rule the world: stupidity, fear and greed." "You can't go broke taking a profit."
And in doing so you had zero risk of being involved in a potential GLD fund blow up. Didn't "paper" oil futures just go through this very thing last month?
And for that additional 25% you didn't make by being in paper-ized GLD, you reduced your risk from "substantial" to "zero." That might be a good trade off at a 4-1 ratio. Even Warren Buffet decided from 1996-2006 that holding physical silver bullion was a FAR better means (though much bulkier) vs. holding silver futures contracts. I'm sure it cost old Warren a pretty penny to house all that silver in a vault. The Hunt Brothers learned that lesson the hard way to in 1979. They were too late to figure out that they couldn't unload all their paper contracts in time.
After an 80% crash retrace in the Dow, and more in the S&P, 5c could have indeed called the bounce back top. What do they say about selling in May? Looked like a pretty viable top imo. Many wickets were reached. And if Trump doesn't get re-elected this fall, which seems like a 50-50 shot right now, and/or the Senate flips Dem, the SM will experience quite the unraveling following November 2020. Be careful what you wish for.....you just might get it.
Oil futures pop was unique. Storage issue for those facing delivery.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
"Batter up!"
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Bad news: Huge loses to my APPL , MSFT AND AMZN.
Good news: the huge down day only took back my profits from yesterday only.
Mon Tues wed I made massive profits. Stil way up from monday.
Now I can buy even more on the dip.
Remember, buy high sell low! Regards!!
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
You gotta say this for fivecents. He puts it out there!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
Like taking candy from a baby. Sometimes its so easy its embarrassing.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
A little cheer me up for those caught with their pants down today:
Blind Faith
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Nope. I bought these to hold for 10 years. I never care about the crashes and dips. Just trying to buy a certain block of these three stocks. I am done buying all but MSFT. Adding as I can. Hopefully will buy more end of week.
I LOVE AU and AG so much my stocks have been and still are very light in my Metals to stock portfolio.
This forum needs a little pro stock outlook, I feel like a unicorn on the PCGS precious metal forum. Yeah call it bragging. When it seems every forum, member is dead nuts againist stocks doing anything but crashing. Yeah... I do feel I need to show these forum members "Exibit A". How great (My) stocks have done. Never once have I po pooed on metals, buit dang do I get wore out just for liking the future of stocks. So far I have been right. No one ever acknowledges that.
No No.
Buying to hold for 10 years Holmes.
Did you like my prediction....Nailed it>.
Keep in your mind this is my investing philosophical quote I TRY to follow:
Warren Buffett — 'Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful'

Guess which one I am doing now OPA? The answer is the later (the end) of the Buffet quote.
If those stocks appreciate at 10% per year....just a little above the historical 9% overall stock market average, then they will have market capitalizations of $3 to $4 trillion each. That would be compared to a GDP of approx $27 trillion (assuming a 3% growth rate). So those 3 companies would be equal to about 40% of the US GDP vs the approx 20% now.
By comparison, at the 2000 peak the top 3 stocks were worth about 14% of the US GDP.
I see that as unlikely.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
With gold or silver?
Well maybe your right, maybe your all right. I think I'll stop buying stocks and put it into buying Gold and Silver on the PCGS BST. This thread has me thinking. Y'all are smart guys. No one agrees with me. I'm dead nuts serious here.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
But, but 1 of my stocks increased way, way over 10% in 3 days this week.
Even pro stock cohodk thinks my investing is a stupid a## plan. Going to rethink this may just go all in metals.
I don't believe he said that at all.
Knowledge is the enemy of fear
Appears you "nailed" the art of loosing $$$. Whatever floats your boat. If that's what you wanted Congrats! You are the big winner. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Nickel Buffett
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Looking for ideas?
Hertz Plans To Sell Up To $1 Billion In New Bankrupt Stock
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
You've been vindicated. CNBC is blaming the carnage on "worries of a second coronavirus wave." Turns out the market is not simply overinflated. lol
Good chance of a rebound on Friday.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.