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  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Our friends at zero hedge are dark too?

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭

    We should call a National Emergency on this thread. Haha

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16, 2019 7:30AM

    Would this not be the same as a 1909S vdb in a 68 red selling for $100k? Afterall, its replacemnt cost is 1c and there is no guarantee that it would even be accepted as being worth 1c at the grocery store...someone might consider it fake.

    What kind of rigged market is it when a cent sells for 100k? Its not like they dont make more of them. One cent has virtually no utilitarian value. Talk about a blind man wearing rose colored glasses!!

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • morgansforevermorgansforever Posts: 8,465 ✭✭✭✭✭

    22,000,000,000,000 and growing, how much more can the camel bear? How does it continue, when does it end?

    World coins FSHO Hundreds of successful BST transactions U.S. coins FSHO
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16, 2019 11:07AM

    @cohodk said:

    Would this not be the same as a 1909S vdb in a 68 red selling for $100k? Afterall, its replacemnt cost is 1c and there is no guarantee that it would even be accepted as being worth 1c at the grocery store...someone might consider it fake.

    What kind of rigged market is it when a cent sells for 100k? Its not like they dont make more of them. One cent has virtually no utilitarian value. Talk about a blind man wearing rose colored glasses!!

    If I can get the FED to provide me some free money, I might just buy that 100K cent. LOL. Fortunately (for collectors) the FED hasn't set its stimulus sights on the coin market.

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • VanHalenVanHalen Posts: 4,181 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @derryb said:

    @cohodk said:

    Would this not be the same as a 1909S vdb in a 68 red selling for $100k? Afterall, its replacemnt cost is 1c and there is no guarantee that it would even be accepted as being worth 1c at the grocery store...someone might consider it fake.

    What kind of rigged market is it when a cent sells for 100k? Its not like they dont make more of them. One cent has virtually no utilitarian value. Talk about a blind man wearing rose colored glasses!!

    If I can get the FED to provide me some free money, I might just buy that 100K cent. LOL. Fortunately (for collectors) the FED hasn't set its stimulus sights on the coin market.

    I have wondered what might happen if something other than equities were the focus of all the Fed and Federal Gov't pumping/propping/ballooning.

    Every politician in D.C. is a bought off hack for Wall Street.

  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @VanHalen said:

    I have wondered what might happen if something other than equities were the focus of all the Fed and Federal Gov't pumping/propping/ballooning.

    Every politician in D.C. is a bought off hack for Wall Street.

    There would be an Eruption, and they'd be Runnin' with the Devil , and we Ain't Talkin 'bout Love! Might as well Jump

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • VanHalenVanHalen Posts: 4,181 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Baley said:

    @VanHalen said:

    I have wondered what might happen if something other than equities were the focus of all the Fed and Federal Gov't pumping/propping/ballooning.

    Every politician in D.C. is a bought off hack for Wall Street.

    There would be an Eruption, and they'd be Runnin' with the Devil , and we Ain't Talkin 'bout Love! Might as well Jump

    Kind of like The Girls got Rhythm only better.

  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,738 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The Fed would have liked lending back then. No one can make them lend. So the money went into the markers.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16, 2019 6:52PM

    @VanHalen said:

    I have wondered what might happen if something other than equities were the focus of all the Fed and Federal Gov't pumping/propping/ballooning.

    There was a time when the focus was on real estate. Dark money (low interest rates) combined with greed (liar loans and "packaged" over rated loan products) gave us 2008. We saw how that played out.

    But this time it's different.

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • DrBusterDrBuster Posts: 5,427 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16, 2019 8:02PM


  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Baley said:

    @VanHalen said:

    I have wondered what might happen if something other than equities were the focus of all the Fed and Federal Gov't pumping/propping/ballooning.

    Every politician in D.C. is a bought off hack for Wall Street.

    There would be an Eruption, and they'd be Runnin' with the Devil , and we Ain't Talkin 'bout Love! Might as well Jump

    I was thinking more like "Everybody Wants Some"

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'll Wait to retire in Panama until the price of gold is Unchained

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 16, 2019 8:46PM

    @Baley said:
    I'll Wait to retire in Panama until the price of gold is Unchained

    Well, You really got me there.

    Sometimes this forum seems like 5150

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • VanHalenVanHalen Posts: 4,181 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @cohodk said:

    @Baley said:
    I'll Wait to retire in Panama until the price of gold is Unchained

    Well, You really got me there.

    Sometimes this forum seems like 5150

    Seems like 1984 to me.

  • metalmeistermetalmeister Posts: 4,587 ✭✭✭✭✭

    An Architect friend of mine once said" You know, 99% of the things I worry about never happen"

    email: ccacollectibles@yahoo.com

    100% Positive BST transactions
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Well, at least that newsletter is free. :)

    Derryb, do you think the FED is "truly terrified"?

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • VanHalenVanHalen Posts: 4,181 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 25, 2019 5:47PM

    The next Fed rate move will be a cut in 2020.

    Big Banker
    Wall Street
    New York, NY

    You heard it here first. :)

  • BaleyBaley Posts: 22,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 1, 2019 11:15AM

    @VanHalen said:

    @cohodk said:

    @Baley said:
    I'll Wait to retire in Panama until the price of gold is Unchained

    Well, You really got me there.

    Sometimes this forum seems like 5150

    Seems like 1984 to me.

    Where have all the good times gone?

    Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry

  • dpooledpoole Posts: 5,940 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm hot on your heels, Baley.

    Watch yourself. :)

  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Baley said:

    @VanHalen said:

    @cohodk said:

    @Baley said:
    I'll Wait to retire in Panama until the price of gold is Unchained

    Well, You really got me there.

    Sometimes this forum seems like 5150

    Seems like 1984 to me.

    Where have all the good times gone?

    Indeed. I think smoe folk think this is where we are headed.


    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 1, 2019 2:35PM

    US Army Takes 50 Tons of Gold From Syria in Alleged Deal With ISIS

    So, terrorist can buy their freedom with gold? And some here say it is not insurance. LOL

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,131 ✭✭✭✭✭

    "According to reports by Syrian state news agency SANA, U.S. forces struck a deal with ISIS whereby the terrorist group would give up 50 tons of gold across eastern Syria’s Deir el-Zour province in exchange for safe passage."

    I hope you don't believe this b.s. published by Assad.

    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 1, 2019 3:36PM

    @OPA said:
    "According to reports by Syrian state news agency SANA, U.S. forces struck a deal with ISIS whereby the terrorist group would give up 50 tons of gold across eastern Syria’s Deir el-Zour province in exchange for safe passage."

    I hope you don't believe this b.s. published by Assad.

    the initial source is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK based non political organization. But then again all news is b.s. these days, right?

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • OPAOPA Posts: 17,131 ✭✭✭✭✭

    the initial source is the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK based non political organization

    Funny, their website does not mention any of this alleged transfer reported by Assad's newsprint.

    "Bongo drive 1984 Lincoln that looks like old coin dug from ground."
  • MsMorrisineMsMorrisine Posts: 33,738 ✭✭✭✭✭


    Anyone with force would take 50 tonnes of gold from them, not deal for it.

    Current maintainer of Stone's Master List of Favorite Websites // My BST transactions
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @MsMorrisine said:

    Anyone with force would take 50 tonnes of gold from them, not deal for it.

    unless it took a deal to locate it.

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 5, 2019 11:46PM

    Justice Department stalls another class action in gold market rigging, this one against JPM

    ". . . suspended for three months at the request of the U.S. Justice Department, just as the department has arranged suspension of proceedings in the class-action anti-trust lawsuit against Deutsche Bank charging similar market manipulation."

    It's becoming more obvious that the price fixing of PMs in the futures market is done with the blessing of Washington.

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭

    McCain & H. Clinton had a disturbing tactic of seeing that US military weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS. I'd be interested to know how this gold transaction was negotiated, if it happened.

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 18, 2019 3:52AM

    Per Martin Armstrong:

    "China is smart enough that they are trying to keep the yuan from crashing against the dollar, but by selling the dollar they also do not want to buy euros or Japanese yen. With the chaos of BREXIT, the neutral political place is gold."


    Why not to trust what Jim Rickards says, an interesting commentary by Rod Kirby (starting @ 18 min or so):


    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Why not to trust what Jim Rickards says, an interesting commentary by Rod Kirby (starting @ 18 min or so):


    Because your link takes us to some sort of search for prepping for endtimes.

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 18, 2019 5:23AM

    your link takes us to some sort of search for prepping for endtimes

    You didn't listen to the commentary, did you? Of course, Kirby's comments aren't very kind to the big banks either, which is your main concern. Correct?

    oooooooohhhhhhhh……...a "prepper" website...……..boo!

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Monster Box @ Apmex = 17.8% premium over spot. Pretty high now. Anybody know why?

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • RedneckHBRedneckHB Posts: 19,365 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jmski52 said:
    your link takes us to some sort of search for prepping for endtimes

    You didn't listen to the commentary, did you? Of course, Kirby's comments aren't very kind to the big banks either, which is your main concern. Correct?

    oooooooohhhhhhhh……...a "prepper" website...……..boo!

    Your link does not go to a video.

    Excuses are tools of the ignorant

    Knowledge is the enemy of fear

  • HemisphericalHemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @jmski52 said:
    Monster Box @ Apmex = 17.8% premium over spot. Pretty high now. Anybody know why?

    Has the Mint caught up?


  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited April 18, 2019 7:51AM

    Your link does not go to a video.

    Well, you got me there! Let me see what I didn't do.

    Try this: Martin Armstrong blog:


    And this: Rob Kirby, for Jim Rickards commentary @ 18 min, but the whole video is interesting.


    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Has the Mint caught up?

    I don't know if the Mint has caught up, but I was watching a video which suggested that the Mint running out twice before year end (in the past 6 months) may indicate supply issues. Then again, the guy I was watching is pretty well embedded in the silver (sales) industry.

    That's why I asked, to see if anyone has validation one way or the other.....

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
  • bluelobsterbluelobster Posts: 1,220 ✭✭✭

    "Every politician in D.C. is a bought off hack for Wall Street"

    I wish, Tell that to all of the non capitalist "democratic socialist". Of course, die hard gold and silver bugs aren't really capitalist either. lol

  • HemisphericalHemispherical Posts: 9,370 ✭✭✭✭✭

    ASE Mint sales

    2017: 18,065,500

    2018: 15,700,000 (2018 PF and Unc still being sold)

    2019: 8,044,000 (through Mar 19)

    Might be a banner year for 2019 ASEs.

  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    The Big Short Doomsday Machine Is Back

    "Thomson Reuters’ International Financing Review (IFR) reported this past weekend that some of the biggest names on Wall Street have returned to creating and/or trading synthetic collateralized debt obligations (Synthetic CDOs). The products were a major factor in bringing the U.S. financial system to the brink of failure in 2008."

    Selena Gomez explains CDOs

    Margot Robbie explains finance terms

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • The world market is expected to increase the price of gold in 2019. The forecast is based on a noticeable increase in demand for the precious metal. This is facilitated by the unstable situation in the United States, events in North Korea and new sanctions against Iran. Economic instability in the world forces investors to avoid risks in safe assets.

  • derrybderryb Posts: 37,218 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.

  • jmski52jmski52 Posts: 23,032 ✭✭✭✭✭

    re: multiemployer union bailouts - this may be a very harsh observation, but here goes. If and when these bailouts occur, it simply means that MMT is running full bore and will continue to run full bore until reaching saturation.

    What this also means is that no matter what you've set aside, no matter how hard you've worked and how diligent your planning, no matter how smart you've been and how well you've diversified or hedged your savings & retirement assets - it's all transient and subject to revaluation in a big way.

    This kind of crap is what diminishes everything you've worked for, and this is what directly contributes to this unsustainable debt bubble and the inevitable loss of confidence in "the system". When over half the population, the corporations, the states and the feds can't pay the interest on their debt - it really doesn't matter how much "money" gets keystroked into existence. It's all becoming transient, i.e. - a fluid and unpredictable situation.

    MMT has already given the big banks free license to run loose forever with no penalties for the bad debt still on their books. MMT gives gov.com free license to stash $trillions in hidden accounts @DoD and HUD for whatever use they deem necessary without a smidgeon of oversight.

    All this free stuff for the big banks and gov.com with no accountability diminishes everything you've ever done to provide for your own security & future, no matter how well you think you've done. Kinda crazy, isn't it? Seems to justify self-sufficiency and getting completely out of debt, along with mostly hard assets.

    Of course, that's been my conclusion for at least the past 13 years - so what do I know?

    Q: Are You Printing Money? Bernanke: Not Literally

    I knew it would happen.
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