Will this coin CAC? 1924 Peace $1 (ANA Coin #3) **RESULT POSTED 3/17/25**

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Should have results within the next week. Here are the Coin #1 and Coin #2 threads, if you missed them.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Will this coin CAC? 1924 Peace $1 (ANA Coin #3) **RESULT POSTED 3/17/25**
This is a public poll: others will see what you voted for.
Hard to tell. Once we get to the 66 and higher level, it really is about how the coin looks in hand.
Best of luck with the outcome and meeting expectations
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I'll take a stab and say yes, green CAC. While I agree with coinkat that for these it's best to see them in hand, JA will not sticker them at this level bc of friction, contact marks, or muted luster (what I believe he looks for in a GEM Peace, someone correct me if I'm wrong). The cheek on Lady Liberty and the feathers on the eagle seem frosty, surfaces look good and I'm not seeing any marks that make me think this is a 65.
Collector of Capped Bust Halves, SLQ's, Commems, and random cool stuff! @davidv_numismatics on Instagram
if it does way cool
i dont care for some of the detail, jmo & fwiw
I love it at MS66, and so did PCGS, and believe CAC will too.
Totally, solid 66, like!
I think that one will green bean at 66.
I think you have a winner, Eric! Nice example @ 66!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
I don't know the series well and the pictures, particularly the in-holder, are difficult for me to interpret.
There aren't many abrasions but the strike looks really weak, particularly the reverse. Add in some minor slide marks, also on the reverse, and I think it just doesn't quite make it as a 66.
Looks to have frost & luster with minimal distracting marks… green CAC most likely!
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
I voted yes green sticker but do not know how other poster posted the red square .
It is a very pretty coin with great luster and minimal marks.
Edited: i see that the PCGS website did all the hard work!
That’s what a 66 Peace should look like! Great luster, a scant few marks, and wonderful eye appeal. Yes green.
Strong luster, few marks. The mark in the left obverse field is mint caused and should not matter.
Really nice lustrous coins. I love they way they look when they are in this state uncirculated. So fresh and well preserved. If they don't get at least a green I will be shocked. A gold wouldn't surprise me.
Student of numismatics and collector of Morgan dollars
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It’s a real PQ blazer!
Lot of die erosion happening on the reverse. Can't say how cac feels about that as it is pretty common for this year. The cheek isn't pristine. I'm going to say no cac but I've seen plenty of Peace dollars with the cac blessing that I would never pay a premium for.
I'm on the fence. This one looks to have been dipped a lot. If CAC deems there to be sufficient luster, then it has a chance, as there are few marks or abrasions. Strike is middle of the road.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
The final forum tally:

Result: ❌ Did not pass
Reason: Reverse abrasions & obverse stains
Wow, with the forum consensus overwhelmingly (87%) in favor of a green sticker, the contrary result is an interesting opportunity for further discussion. I always learn the most when I'm proven wrong.
I acquired this coin because of the above average eye appeal, strong luster, clean cheek, blast white color, and clean fields. I collect Philly Peace dollars and while I don't claim to be an expert, I've looked at plenty of them.
Re: "reverse abrasions"—they are fairly harsh on the eagle's leg feathers, which I totally missed. The wing is more marked up than at first glance, and JA hates any kind of high point slide friction, especially on gem+ examples.
Re: "obverse stains", I'm not sure what JA is referring to, and after looking at the coin again under multiple light sources, I'm still not seeing it. I guess there's a very slight coffee-colored tinge on the TrueViews, but that's barely visible in-hand (and it's slightly more evident on the reverse, white the sticker cited "obv stains").
The reverse has some droplet residue (on and below the "U" in UNITED and below "ONE", so it'd make more sense if it were "rev stains". Not a single thread comment mentioned staining as even a low probability reason, and even having the coin in-hand and comparing it to other CAC Peace dollars, I'm unsure of the takeaway.
All follow up comments are welcome and thanks all for participating.

Check out the other coins in this submission here:
1874-S Trade $1 (ANA Coin #1) RESULT POSTED
1870 Seated $1 (ANA Coin #2) RESULT POSTED
1875 20c (ANA Coin #4)
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Looks like @lermish called it correctly. Good job!
I'm going to have to go home & look at my CAC'd Peace dollars to understand why yours did not pass. I do see a few spots near the "U" of United on the reverse, but obverse stains? I see something by the "I" in Liberty. Is that a stain?
I've seen worse 66's.
My question to you is, now that it isn't CAC'd, are you going to keep it to enjoy, keep it as an exemplar for future purchases at the 66 and over level, or does knowing it did not CAC now sully your enjoyment of the coin, necessitating selling it off?
"Bongo hurtles along the rain soaked highway of life on underinflated bald retread tires."
Three observations:
Grading has a subjective component;
Grading an image is not the same as having the coin in hand; and
A grade opinion is merely that… an opinion. And that opinion can change over time. There is a difference between being proven wrong and someone not sharing the same opinion.
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Yes, @lermish did call it, a great contrarian call.
The area around the "I" in LIBERTY was one of the first things I looked at—under a loupe, it appears to be some surface disturbance (flattening) of the metal flow lines, nothing to do with staining.
I agree, even with the reverse abrasions, I've seen worse 66s and even worse 66+ examples. I wouldn't say my enjoyment of the coin is sullied—eye appeal is my top criteria and I still think this one is above average.
I may keep it as reference until I finish upgrading my Peace set, or I may sell it as it was a duplicate when I bought it. My current '24 is a 66CAC, and my '23 and '25 are 66+ CAC.
Ironically, my current '24 66CAC has "abrasions" on the eagle's wing that some may consider worse than the OP coin, although I'd describe them as hits rather than slide marks or slide friction. The strike is better on this one.

Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Perhaps the rationale is that it isn't a 66 for the reasons mentioned by JA vs a details assumption.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
I have no reason to believe it's a details coin at CAC, based on JA's comments and/or my own in-hand assessment. I don't think anyone thought otherwise, but I'm open to all opinions.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Well now that you know it's a C coin, I'll take that dog off your hands at 75% of GS bid. That will save you from having to blow it out on the 'bay.
Collector, occasional seller
Sorry, I already cracked it out and spent it on my afternoon coffee 🙃
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Most don't use a 10x loupe to grade a silver dollar. Those are very minor abrasions and, when factoring in luster and eye appeal, it's a still a solid 66 imo. At least in these images it is.
The reasons described by CAC would be the reasons why this coin isn't an MS67.
At the MS66 level the 'complaints' are not valid.
Calling that coin stained is laughable
It does have what I would call "grease like stains" on the hair and cheek area. I figured that would be an issue in the ms66 grade.

I have seen much worse with cac in lower grades.
I’m seeing this thread late and am not going to vote since the results have been revealed. However, my gut reaction was that any MS66 Peace dollar purchased from a dealer has likely already visited CAC and that if it doesn’t already have a sticker then it failed previously. Also, I don’t know from whom you purchased it, but the images remind me of DLRC with the blown-out overexposure and, if this is the case, then I really think it already failed.
I didn’t notice the abrasions, but the area around the I in LIBERTY really caught my attention the immediately.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I'm just curious how long is cac now taking to review coins.
My latest group in Feb was about 2 weeks……….. I think they are simply doing so well that they have slowed down a tad……….. Should get your results soon. The biggest pain was waiting for the Registered Mail package.
Best, DM
Those ‘stains’ are a by-product of too many dips and possibly improper rinsing.
The Coin is a luster bomb and just because John doesn’t like it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it for what it is. JMHO.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
That is so cool that they gave the reason. I had an MS63 $10 Indian that is just fantastic and I still can't for the life of me figure out why it did not CAC. I will say JA has an awesome job, he gets to see all the top coins which I would consider fun as heck. Getting well paid to do what you love is the dream.
Thank you for sharing your results.

That's quite a hit going down from a CAC Price Guide $650 MS66 coin to possibly a $255 MS65 coin!
Could the stain be the area around the I in Liberty?
It is still an MS66, not getting a green from what I understand means that it is not an "A" or "B" coin for the grade. It can still be the grade just not the top end for the grade. So I don't see it getting a 65 price on the market. There are still plenty of coins that have not gone to CAC.
That sounds like a big over reaction. If the coin looks anything like the images, it would easily bring 66 money, even if not a CAC price.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
@logger7 turnaround time was two weeks, which is consistent with almost every CAC submission I’ve ever done.
@DisneyFan well, the grade on the slab didn’t change. I mentioned in an earlier comment that the area you pointed out appears to be a disturbance in the metal flow lines, not a stain. It was the first area I looked at as well.
@Clackamas1 on your submission form, if you politely request a “JA note” for coins that fail, he will affix these stickers with the failure reason as a courtesy. I assume it may be dependent on their workload.
@Walkerfan can you point out the obverse staining you’re referring to? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.
@TomB is your assertion that any moderately valued coins being sold by DLRC have already been sent to CAC? If so, I have to disagree as I have purchased multiple 4 figure coins from them that subsequently beaned.
Thanks all for the thoughtful comments
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
That's impressive!
Were you able to inspect these coins in hand before purchasing? How recent were these purchases?
One was less than a year ago, two others were less than two years ago. One of them was a gem Peace dollar. No, I did not inspect any of them in hand.
Edit to add: and actually, those three are the only (non-CAC’d) 4 figure coins I’ve ever bought from DLRC, so I have a 100% success rate of them subsequently beaning.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
@PocketChange Across the top rim in between the letters in the word Liberty. You’ll likely be able to see it better if you tilt the coin at an angle.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Thanks for clarifying. I've examined that area (around the "I" in LIBERTY) extensively under a 10x at all angles, and I can say definitively that it is not a stain—it is a disturbance/flattening of the metal flow lines, although I'm unsure what caused it.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
@P0CKETCHANGE no, my assertion is not that any moderately priced coin sold by DLRC has been to CAC. Specifically, it has been my observation that a relatively large percentage of the MS66 Peace dollars that I knew were submitted to CAC failed the evaluation process. Therefore, my gut feel for such coins defaults to “likely fail” unless I have the coin in-hand to determine otherwise.
That’s all.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Poor form IMO to put the red yard sale stickers on your slab.
I specifically requested them. JA will do this as a courtesy if requested, which I appreciate greatly.
Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Nearly 55,000 Peace dollars have been graded with PCGS at the MS65 level.
Nearly 10,000 at MS66.
I suspect CAC has not seen: "any MS66 Peace dollar purchased from a dealer has likely already visited CAC and that if it doesn’t already have a sticker then it failed previously."
I think the majority of MS66 Peace dollars purchased from a dealer have yet to visit CAC.
Abrasions huh???? Wanna see abraisons, not to mention heavy distracting die striations....
Your hobby is supposed to be your therapy, not the reason you need it.
Those are called ‘roller marks’, and were made during the production process. They are fairly common on Morgans and are acceptable on mint state coins.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
Of course that is true, but it doesn’t mean my knee-jerk reaction can’t be otherwise.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
The distinction @TomB made was "purchased from a dealer" (or an auction house) as opposed to residing in collections.
From my point of view if 10,000 MS66 Peace dollars have been graded at PCGS (plus the X amount graded at NGC) and 3500 have received CACs, I'd hold out for a MS66 Peace dollar with a CAC.