Coinfacts not loading for anyone else?

Is it just me, or has Coinfacts been painfully slow to load any information for the past week or two? Ive tried on the mobile app and safari on my laptop, same issue. Often times, it ends up timing out and give me a "could not connect to the server" message.
At first, I figured it might be a maintenance thing so I gave it some time, but it's becoming awfully inconvenient now that I find myself having to use heritage archives to find a similar grade and pull the data from there. Curious if others are having the same experience?
I was going to ask the same thing, it's been very slow or not working the past few weeks.
Successful BST transactions- Bfjohnson, Collectorcoins, 1peter223, Shrub68, Byers, Greencopper, Coinlieutenant, Coinhunter4, SurfinxHI
No issues here on my desk top
My Indians
Danco Set
its been very slow for me, at home where I have top speed, its faster// at shop slow
The population report, auction results information and the retail price block is now hit and miss. Sometimes it comes up; sometimes it doesn’t. I have had this happen on both my desktop and my iPad. I am glad to hear that I am not the only one.
It’s been intermittently slow for me for the last few months.
The last week has been worse than previous with access to the information.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
As others have noted spotty but for the most part okay. No problems with price guide and pop pages. But per the OP the coinfacts primary page (with the plate coins and recent auction and price guide / pop numbers) will sometimes not load the auction/price/pop information. It will look like one of the two below - either it is not there or has the grey block with the spinning circle. Sometimes a page reload will work (with or without delete cookies). Other times can go out to another coin and it works and go back to the one that didn't and it will work (again maybe with or without cookies delete).
. - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
It seems about 50/50 whether it will load for me any time I give it a try.
You should be spending your time preparing new grading submissions utilizing the new Online Submission Center rather than using Coinfacts or the Registry.
Please direct your focus towards revenue generating activities only.
@PeakRarities On the phone App have you tried switching between WiFi and the phone mobile mobile data? Not sure but this might go through a different route (cloudfare...) and see if any difference. - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
In 2025, CoinFacts loads at the same speed as AOL did on dial-up Internet in 1998.
On desktop, some days/times it works better than others. Always when I just need to glance at the prices real quick it seems.
It's amazing how they've allowed their website to just degrade to this point. At this rate the website will be unusable in a few months. To add insult to injury, they focus on redoing the one page that worked just fine.
I don't know anything about the PCGS IT infrastructure of course but I know enough about website platforms and development that restoring all of the functionality that doesn't work should not be a huge endeavor taking weeks and months and tens of thousands of dollars to fix. We don't want new user interfaces, we just want what used to work to work reliably. It shouldn't be that hard.
Takes a bit longer to load for me but it's a minor inconvenience Android/pc. I'm glad it loads!
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
Kind of what I normally see (laptop and safari). Just tried the phone App and it is working very fast right now (both WiFi or mobile data). Including loading the other images, almost as quickly as I slide down to them. Then tried the laptop and while a little slower it was working well. If I find the laptop running a little slow or not loading an auction/price/pop table, then will try to check App and see if anything is different / better there. - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Dodgy, glacial, churning.
Same experience, it works fine until you click on a specific date/mint and then forever stuck loading.
A few seconds ago…

Nothing is as expensive as free money.
How fast is your internet? What is your download speed?
Judging by the amount of comments with similar experience, I think it’s safe to say that the problem is not the connection on my end. I have very fast internet service.
Founder- Peak Rarities
I understand that this may only only a minor inconvenience for a casual hobbyist or collector. However, when the primary aspect of a being a dealer is pricing coins all day, and you can no longer do that efficiently, it’s not so minor any more…
Founder- Peak Rarities
It's slow at times and I have to reload the page to get all the info other times. So it's still running but has not been at full speed recently.
dang internets!
At times I think smoke signals would be faster than my internet, that aside it usually loads it just fine so it's not an internet speed problem.
Geez Dan, send some bandwidth this way!

Successful BST transactions- Bfjohnson, Collectorcoins, 1peter223, Shrub68, Byers, Greencopper, Coinlieutenant, Coinhunter4, SurfinxHI
For me Coinfacts page actually loads pretty quick, it's the pricing grid (and sometimes the pictures) that gets hung (for me), This data probably comes from a separate database hosted on a different server, so there is a problem with that server or the query.
Yep, same problem here. Sometimes the pricing data won't load, sometimes it will. Same goes with cert verification. I would gladly pay a monthly subscription fee if they can get it working on a consistent basis.
I don't know if this is helpful, but I tried the following page and it loaded quickly. The loading of the images was somewhat slow. I use Edge on W11. Can you give a link for your slow page?
If you can give a detailed example, this might help the programmers. Apologies if this is not helpful.
Best Regards
The problem is that it’s completely intermittent, and the given coin that won’t load is random. For instance there was a peace dollar issue that wouldn’t load, but when I would check on a different coin, it would pull right up. Today, that coin loads just fine but then a different coin will be the one that won’t load. It’s one of those pesky issues that by the time someone would check on an example I provide, that one would be working again.
Founder- Peak Rarities
There are many issues with PCGS registry. Activity and cert should be in set links have been generating errors for weeks. It seems PCGS management is destroying their gold goose.
Yes that’s what I’m referring to, I’m not talking about just the home page that shows all the different series. Pricing and population grids, “more pictures”, and very often cert verification pages….you know, all of the pertinent information that’s necessary if one were trying to ascertain value.
Founder- Peak Rarities
Thanks for more detail. Intermittent problems are difficult. It would definitely be helpful if there was a place to report website issues that would be responsive.
Best Regards
" Pricing and population grids, “more pictures”, and very often cert verification pages….you know, all of the pertinent information that’s necessary if one were trying to ascertain value."
I've had some luck with a page refresh to clean that up.

I certainly can Not say anything to the 'responsive' part but this is where PCGS has been pointing people recently.
. - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Refreshing doesn't help. Please trust @PeakRarities and I. The problem is not on our end. There's no way they don't know about these issues. It's all along the same lines of the "Oops Errors Happen" error page you intermittently get when you finalize a submission or add coins to your registry inventory or make updates to your sets. Or the way the digital album doesn't completely populate or populate properly. Some of these problems have been going on for years. And yet they're big concern and celebration is that they added a pop-up dialog to enter coins for a submission.
The support form is worthless. I have submitted it a number of times the past few weeks and nothing is fixed. They must have hired someone to make changes to the website that caused a number of issues that nobody is able to fix or nobdy cares.
Same issues as others have already said.
Successful transactions with forum members commoncents05, dmarks, Coinscratch, Bullsitter, DCW, TwoSides2aCoin, Namvet69 (facilitated for 3rd party), Tetromibi, ProfLizMay, MASSU2, MWallace, Bruce7789, Twobitcollector, 78saen, U1chicago, Rob41281
I take your point
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso
That is VERY fast.
I have 'periodically' gotten the turning circle in the middle of the page without everything but the important part in the middle with grades, values and populations. The top of the page says it is done and I reload and sometimes it gets there. I wonder if part of the issue is all the advertisements and our computers getting checked for ketstrokes and pages viewed?
Coinfacts has been horribly slow for me as well in the last month. Previous to that it was fine!! What happened?
Coin Facts has been very slow for me today, the first day I've noticed any problems with speed.
Sporadic access at best these days, I guess I am going to instead mostly rely on CACG retail guide.
Not working with my firefox web browser but working with Microsoft Edge (or what ever they call it now)
OMG ... My Mother was Right about Everything!
I wake up with a Good Attitude Every Day. Then … Idiots Happen!
This is good info. CF works much better on my Edge. Thanks, retirednow.