Possibly fake 1921 Peace Dollar?

Another one posted in my group. Another person me that has me stumped. It looks to have pitting on the surfaces and looks to be too low relief to be real. I’m thinking this is a high quality fake… if it is real, it has been polished to oblivion. Opinions?
i'm gonna lean towards fake partly because it is unlikely someone will just have what is probably valued these days at several thousand dollars just you know, layin' around?
looks really off from the pics imo.
It does. I will wait for more opinions as you don’t seem entirely sure either
Her mouth, the hair behind her neck, and the tail feathers on the rev looks off to me... Hard to tell for sure by the photos tho.
The pics aren’t great but it looks okay to me, it’s just been circulated or maybe cleaned… many 1921 peace were cleaned. This one is a poor strike - but that’s common for the 21.
Here’s a few of mine:
I’ve had several raw 1921 peace dollar coins that I thought for sure would straight grade but came back cleaned:
Here are two recent examples: sold them for about half what I paid - sigh
It looks real, it looks circulated and it looks cleaned.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I have four 21's and this looks nothing like them. The strike is very weak (common) but the pitting is especially concerning on the date numerals. It is either real and worthless or fake. Might sell for more as a certified counterfeit.
Lol - I think it’s probably real but you’re right it’s not worth much. Maybe 40 to 60 dollars for one in that condition??
It looks like a fake to me, can't say I recall ever seeing a 1921 Peace with a weak pitted date. The side shot of the rims also show a shallow relief.
You’re right about the side shot - strange …
Man… it’s half and half lol. I’ll have the member weigh the coin, would that help any?
I vote fake.
Fake imho.
Weight can help but isn't the tell-all. Sometimes they increase the diameter or thickness to compensate and make it weigh within tolerances.
"It's like God, Family, Country, except Sticker, Plastic, Coin."
I think it’s fake. The luster is odd, the rays above the forehead are pitted, and the letters in GOD (and elsewhere) are lumpy. On the reverse, the flat area across the eagle’s back does not look like a weak strike on a genuine 1921.
I don’t understand where you got your “several thousand dollars” figure. The coin looks AU and cleaned. That aside, my guess is that it’s genuine and worth roughly $150.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
Looks harshly cleaned
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I vote real but harshly cleaned which makes comments about using the surfaces as authentication tool speculative. These pieces are almost always weak in the centers, and a small amount of wear makes that worse.
Looking closely, and comparing to certified Peace dollars, I think it is authentic, but cleaned and maybe polished.... Not one I would buy. Cheers, RickO
Looks real and cleaned. Recent eBay results suggest it’s worth about $120- $160.
I think it’s authentic. Just weakly struck, beat up a bit and harshly cleaned.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
there are a lot of times the fakes have a high unc look and i'm leaning towards that in this case (and if so, hence my comment), granted the pics and lighting used are not making sense to my eyes so i can't tell for sure.
edited to add: i sure am glad there are groups/discords/tweeters groups that tag-team this stuff and not us. i couldn't do it all day from random quality images. my head would explode. in-hand isn't so bad cuz you could just whiz through most of em.
I believe it is a harshly cleaned, albeit genuine, example.
Coin Photographer.
I think its real but scrubbed clean. Whomever cleaned it thought it was real as they were trying to improve the coin to make it more valuable. But as we all know this ruins the coin and makes it less valuable..
if you would ask. if it comes back too far off, that is that. if not, back to square one.
i blew up the images and put em beside some of the examples posted in this thread and i'm really leaning towards fake now as there are disconnected devices, beveling (in my eyes) and i'm going with the, "where there is smoke, there is fire."
the overall strike seems too weak, even for a weakly struck authentic example. again, the lighting isn't helping but the signs are there imo.
What does the coin weigh?
I think it's genuine, with the typical (but more extreme) strike weakness. Definite cleaning, to the extent that the coin looks like it was given to a shoe shine boy and buffed to infinity.
I don't think that is a US Mint product.
Probably of recent Chinese origin and silver plated.
The uneven surface texture on the date digits is one tell.
The forehead outline has the wrong curvature where it meets the hair.
I think it's fake.
Weak date, tiara rays fat and mushy.
Collector, occasional seller
Run forest run! https://media.tenor.com/yKsXJik8JpoAAAAM/run-forest-gump.gif
Authentic, weak strike and cleaned a few times is my bet.
Yeah... that curve on the forehead.... and the date.... and low overall relief.... says fake to me. At least not one that I would want to purchase.
I’m changing my vote to fake after a more careful review and consideration of recent evidence presented by our very astute friend @dcarr. Thank you.
Happy, humble, honored and proud recipient of the “You Suck” award 10/22/2014
It looks like the date was worn/altered?
Just reading all the comments now and I see the difference on the forehead curvature. Etc. And even the mouth. It looks fake
thanks for the stock tip! i've got a market order for gamestop stock now
I don't know if it's genuine but as noted above it's really not worth much even if it is genuine. AU detail at best and Improperly Cleaned.