What is Your Opinion About this 1796 Small Eagle Dollar

I'll post it without further comments - it has been in my collection for over 32 years and shows a bit darker in-hand.
Ex Bowers&Merena.
Thank you!
I'll post it without further comments - it has been in my collection for over 32 years and shows a bit darker in-hand.
Ex Bowers&Merena.
Thank you!
I like it. A nice vf
Looks very nice
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Looks nice and around vf25 with no significant marks and dingless rims.
Great coin... and my comment is "I wish it were mine."
Cheers, RickO
Lightly cleaned sometime in its past.
I like it a lot!!
Like all of them!
VF-25 sharpness, lightly cleaned but market acceptable in my opinion. The coin is attractive for the grade.
It was also worn in a necklace by the wife of the Mayor of Schenectady on 7/15/1883. It was a Sunday night grand ball everyone who was anyone attended.
We can sure tell a lot from a picture. I see no signs of cleaning other than a bright picture we were told is darker in hand. The main reason to call it cleaned is that most have been one time or another over 200+ years. I can’t tell from a picture and I don’t know if the Mayors wife wore it to a ball. 7/15/1883 was a Sunday.
It is a very presentable 1796 in spite of having been burnished. Many, many collectors would like to have it just as is.
I guess the relatively heavy crud around the devices and light centers indicates, at least to me, that it was likely lightly cleaned at some point. Still a very nice coin at that grade level and would be proud to own it.
If we can’t tell anything from photos and can’t reasonably conjecture our thoughts, why even have these threads? Or perhaps those who feel that way should avoid them….
It has pezizas.
Kennedys are my quest...
We can be sure that if the wife wore such a necklace, that it would feel like a millstone to her causing her head to droop and fellow attendees would whisper in the ears of the other dilettantes "what a strange women"!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Is that a partial lamination at the "I" in America or just a hit pattern? The schmutz is unsightly and it looks like acetone would take some of it off, otherwise looks like a typical piece from the era with no real damage or hairlines, smooth surfaces. Unless the photos are hiding something I think it would probably straight grade at 20-25.
But they're properly draped and appropriate for all ages.
It appears to be a large date, small letters coin and it has absolutely been lightened up over the years, but I imagine it would make it into a problem-free holder.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Well, I like small eagle coins even when they are bent, scratched, holed, and on fire.
This one is decent. A few hits, nothing nasty, nice enough dentils and rims, Detail is nice. There's some appropriate gunk around the devices. I agree that it's been gussied-up a bit. I'm guessing straight-grade but likely not a coin CAC would sticker. For the record, my expertise in this area is pretty limited.
It might straight grade as a 25 but I don't think it will sticker.
Thank you very much, everybody, for your comments and opinions.
I am myself, very critical with my own collection. For this reason , and due to the fact it was bought raw when I had little experience with US coins , I have examined this coin repeatedly over the years to see if I could detect signs of inappropriate handling/cleaning on the surfaces, and have not found them. I am certainly not an expert, but I have also seen my share of harshly cleaned coins. They are not present here.
However, I do also believe that it was dipped at some point as the toning is a bit subdued for a coin of this age and degree of wear.
I like it, regardless and would be proud to own it.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Cleaning sometimes isn’t so much what is wrong but more about what it doesn’t look like.
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
the crud looks green from the images, may need addressed.
neat re-punched 6. i'd look into the marriage.
nice circ bust dollar w/o ring dings like someone else mentioned. man alive these were so rim-dingy.
Is there some green above the date and in the 9? If that looks like pvc you might want to remove it.
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USAF (Ret) 1974 - 1994 - The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Remembering RickO, a brother in arms.
When I blow up the image, the high points of her hair in back has a green tint. I would soak the coin in acetone for awhile.
I like it even tho it's been cleaned.
How many members can say that they own a very attractive 18th century small eagle dollar?
Cleaned smeaned, she's a beauty!
Great images BTW!