2021 High Relief Gold Liberty

The design was announced back in 2019, but this is the first rendering I've seen of it in anything other than sketch form. This is out of the Mint mailing that showed up in my mailbox today. It's not even on the Mint's website yet, as they're just showing the standard "image not available" image. This could look really cool in high relief.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Cool 😎, I wonder what the saddle flying off the horse is supposed to symbolized?
I can just imagine so many different images (and I'm not going to go there) that could be photoshopped being thrown from the horse.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
It's bucking because it's tail's on fire
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Quoth the brochure, "bucking off a Western-style saddle, evoking the throwing off of the yoke of British rule during the American Revolution." I find the saddle unnecessary and the symbolism contrived. As with all of the HR Liberty gold, I kind of like it, and expect to like it more in person, but it could have been done better.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
They need to get rid of the sunburst. Too busy.
The really cool thing about these is that come preapproved by CAC. I didn't know CAC had a deal with the Mint.
The horse is not that good. I still think Raymond Delamarre did the best horse. I have this medal. The picture is from the web.

Another Raymond Delamarre horse. I have this medal too. The picture is from the web.

If it had been effectively done in the background, making it a less sharply defined collection of geometric clip-art, it could have worked well. As is, it's out of character with the rest of the design and distracting.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Interesting idea, but I don’t see how bucking a western saddle off represents throwing off British rule. If anything, it should be a British style saddle, right?
That's what I was thinking. Perhaps an English saddle wasn't as interesting looking.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
I like it! Coulda done without the sun in the background, tho.
Hope that chicken head is replaced with one of the traditional proud eagles.
Have to agree that the stylized sun just does not fit with the realistic horse.
Did Western Style saddles even exist when the Colonials were bucking off the British?
All that said I commend the Mint for the effort to feature the horse with a rendition that is at least satisfactory.
@Samuel08 what horse?
what does pre-approved by cac mean? isn't cac generally used to legitimize / upgrade older graded coins? I've never used cac so clearly I've still got a lot to learn about its functions, esp w ultra moderns [bizarre from everything I've gleaned from these forums to date]
Our dear 'leader' in the WH.
thanks for sharing, @messydesk
kind of a jarring design; a motif I'm not used to seeing on us coins
absolutely did not like it at first glance, and def think the shaking off the yolk of british rule is contrived as others have mentioned, BUT, as far as a 2021 design, I think it's more than appropriate, after the year we've all just been through, the horse really captures the damn-burst of resocialization many of us will experience this year
Im partial to the Morbiducci horse on the Irish halfcrown prova.

Latin American Collection
Maybe the sun caught the horses tail on fire? Chicken head horrific. Hard pass.
The eagle looks possessed. The horse's tail needs some work - but I like the horse in general.
That's a different CAC, isn't it? That's the Citizen's Advisory Committee. Their entire role is to approve coin designs.
Different CAC
Well that is a major departure in design style....Perhaps the Mint has heard repeated requests for more art on coins. Let's hope this is a beginning of such an effort. Cheers, RickO
Love it! Sign me up for one.
I have felt that kind of energy... I was the yoke, when bareback riding, as the horse thought a big stick was a snake.
This. It was also likely impacted by what appears to be lower-than-expected sales ....
The 2017 and 2019 'American Liberty' 1.0oz. Au coins are both still available from the Mint. Currently, they are $2,765.00.
Through the week ending 05/09/21:
~ 17XA sold 33,632 units, or 33.6% of the 100,000 mintage limit;
~ 19DA sold 11,853 units, or 23.7% of the 50,000 mintage limit.
I think the horse looks like it is trying to get out of Dodge as fast as possible. And what's with the angry seagull on the reverse?
Check the designer's initials. CAC gold, even. Four sets of initials on that coin. I wonder if CAC contributed the nasty sun.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
The saddle is redundant and ugly, the sun does not match (and I like sun elements on coins). The eagle is as stated UGLY!
The posture of the horse is fine and represents freedom, joy, energy and independence. Lose the d-mn saddle.
Well, just Love coins, period.
Oh mint, how far you have fallen
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
I agree 100% they need and go back to the 1800,&1900's when a true artist's using a sketch pad and pencil to design our money. Or give the job to designer's in Canada or Australia!
And the same goes for Disney studio's....they did better in the late 30 's and 40's then the computer crap they put out today!
One would think,or even believe both....would be producing better coins and designs, better animation but no.... that would be real art...not something from the HAL 900,000 spit out!
"That's why I wander and follow La Vie Dansante"
just adding this as I haven't seen it brought up yet - I also think it's strange that they've moved away from a personification of liberty [lady liberty] and have moved onto non-human representations of liberty
i guess signals a new direction the mint will be taking w these, but - my god - lady liberty is one of the oldest, longest running concepts/motifs on us coinage [I know this is a medal, but still] - WHY steer away from personifications of liberty?
the mint and/or the ccac is not doing us coinage justice - if anything, I think they need to mint some more products that harken back to more 'classical' designs; products that build off this country's numismatic history, not torch it for some horsies
There will be a $100 Gold coin and a $10 Gold coin.
The Silver will be a medal...
This is NOT a medal it is a $100 Gold Coin!
perspective doesn't change 🤷😎🤙
PSA: beware forum members and god have mercy on your soul if you ever transpose medal for coin ... beWARE!!! 👻
The horse is a metaphor. It’s literally a metaphor
If that is the winning design, I don't want to see what the runner-up was. JMO.
I don’t like it at all.
The eagle dominates its side while the bronco less so
is there room for “front” “back” ?
There must be a better tale, for that tail. If it wasn't bucking, it would be dragging.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Any idea on what the issuing price will be ?
A lot!
So much that I will be patient and wait for a graded version that I hope is closer to spot. I love the coin I just don’t intend on paying that premium.
Thanks. I'm reading this correctly, the issuing price will be $2,665.00
The actual 'row' is determined by the weekly average of the London Fix just prior to release. Reference
Since this data is not yet available, we will have to estimate.
The average London Au Fix for 8/10/21 was $1,726.45.
Based on this figure, your estimate of $2,665 is correct.
Note - this is an estimate. The 'row' could change prior to release.
If I was raw gold, lying in the ground for millions of years, I'd be proud to be dug up and made into a $10 Lib or a $20 Saint. Being used for something like this..... not so much, and very likely it will return to the smelter for a second chance in the not-so-near future.
I'd buy this as a bullion round, but not at any sort of premium.