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Widget, classy, or dreck? (post a coin, get an answer)

RYKRYK Posts: 35,790 ✭✭✭✭✭

After being perennially peppered to define "dreck" in the context of collectible coins, I have realized that sometimes a picture is worth 1000 words. I am proposing that people post photos of their own coins (if they have a thick skin), their neighbors' coins, their rival's coins, or any coin they want, and I will classify the coin as a widget (Agree), classy (Like), or Dreck (LOL). In fact, any forum member will have the ability to vote on this critical numismatic categorization.

Let's have some fun with this!

In the spirit of the thread, I will post first. (I was going to post a photo of the quarter that has been face down on the floor of my daughter's car for several months, the one that looks too toxic to touch and spend, but alas she left for school before I could find the appropriate gloves to wear to pick it up).

From my boyhood collection:

Remember, vote...
Agree for widget
Like for classy
LOL for dreck




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