One member has generated a discussion concerning his whereabouts as he has not posted in a while. It got me thinking. Although each of us are important because it takes all of us to have a popular coin forum, who's posts (what member) would I miss the most if they NEVER posted again.
This is not a popularity contest as members such as @ricko, @Paradisefound, and @Justacommeman would be hard to beat. So if you care to post, only ONE member you would miss the MOST as we all could possibly name over dozen easily.
So let's embarrass some members.
I vote for Roger Burdette because of the archival info he posts regularly.
Uhhh ..... I may be contribute to partisanship if I do

OR would it help people to come together?
I have good friends from both side of the isles here in CU

I'd miss me.
Check out my current listings:
without a doubt, SeattleSlammer
Tough choices... there are a lot of members I would miss...not at all sure I can narrow it down to just one...No, I cannot....I learn from so many here, and enjoy the humor of others (sometimes, the same people)....Just too hard to do... Cheers, RickO
Quite a few actually some of which have already posted to this thread!
My YouTube Channel
I know without a doubt who I WOULDN’T miss😊 and I haven’t seen him post for a while so I have high hopes.
Okay, okay, I see what this is all about.
"We'd all miss insider2."

I can't name just one because there are several who have a lot of good information to share. I would miss having their input. Whenever I'm reading a thread and look down and see one of their icons, I know that there is going to be something that I will want to read.
I think @JBK may be on to something. I have to admit, @Insider2 would be on my short list, but one of at least a dozen others that I could name.
DON'T make me do this. GEEZE.
OK.............Roger Burdette because he is a walking dictationary....and he does dictate a lot around here.
Be safe and good luck with the approaching storm
I still miss coinguy.....
Homerun Hall.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I wouldn't even know where to begin!
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
This is NOT about me.
I just joined a short time ago and I don't come close to the members on my list that I'd miss. There are several very knowledgeable folks around here and besides many of his attempts at humor (
) Roger's posts of original letters on many subjects edges out everyone else as #1 for me.
Was there something specific about him or just everything? How long has he been gone?
coinguy1 is Mark Feld. He had a falling out with HRH in 2011.
I think a lot of us miss him.
I don't know half of you half as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.
Don't quote me on that.
He posts on another site. I read somewhere that some former members of some sites would not come back if the people who ran the site asked them to return. The names of two of those folks have slipped my mind.
Mark Feld works at Heritage and offers the same great advice to anyone who calls him there. Including "you might not like it because... ". Numerous Forum members have availed themselves. Whether here, ATS or at work, he's an asset worth holding on to.
RE: "I vote for Roger Burdette because of the archival info he posts regularly."
Sorry. I'm actually an analog qubit machine, but don't tell anyone.
There are many deserving members, but one name I can add without offending anyone is @Paradisefound.
The giveaways are great, but one of her main superpowers has been to bring a little more civility to the forum. And with that going for us, everyone can contribute more effectively.
Shut -up and post another interesting letter.
coinguy1 is Mark Feld. He had a falling out with HRH in 2011.
Thanks Lance.
Wow, can't believe it has been that long!
Certainly I would miss many other (current) members, but figured it was safe to pick a very good one that we
already lost. Mark seemed to have a great handle on grading, grading standards, and the market, and posted
some very insightful commentary. He also backed me up publicly on a '93 Lib Cap that I had sold, that some were claiming was a fake - that later cert'd as genuine.
Does anyone know whatever happened to supertooth? He was an infrequent poster, but he and I exchanged hundreds of PM's concerning early walkers over the years, but I lost track of him.
I'd miss Ricko and I'm not ashamed to say it! Do I win anything? Ricko has (to me anyway) always been the voice of stability on this forum. His posts are educational and entertaining; and quite often he weighs in sensibly on posts that can, and sometimes do, become argumentative.
Tom DeLorey aka CaptHenway,
The gentleman has more hands on coin experience than likely any other member. Also a quick wit and most importantly, he is from Detroit!
If I did not post,................... I would miss me the most
There are too many posters to the forums who I would sorely miss if they stopped posting. Many of those who posted years ago but no longer do so I miss. Hopefully Keets will start posting again soon.
I miss those I served with, that lost their life on active duty!
I still have their memories, may they RIP, Amen
Do you walk to work or take your lunch ?
This and the OP's question cannot be answered.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
I miss Bear, not because he had deep numismatic knowledge, but because of his shared joyful quest to buy attractive coins so he could enjoy them himself and with us during the limited amount of time he had left due to his terminal illness. His other goal, sadly, was about converting his assets into a gem coin collection he could leave to his heirs. I recall that after his death they were sold off by his family, many of which were at a sizable loss since they were not held for very long.
Edited to add - see this link for more info about Bear's collection (thanks to Stef):
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Your post makes no sense to me.
I drive to work and usually take a lunch or use our kitchen "stocked" better than home to make a lunch. When we move into the new building we'll have a full kitchen with a stove, oven, etc.
Conder is a great poster. I've PM's a bunch of members on different forums to get them to join others they don't post on. As soon as I realized how much fun ad informative the forums are I've called some well-known folks to try to get them to join. A few did but most can't be bothered.
We are VERY LUCKY to have many of the movers/shakers in numismatics join the rest of us here. And remember what I posted, all us "little guys/gals" do a lot of moving/shaking here too.
Bear was an exceptional contributor to the forum. Considering the coin market of the last few years, the heirs may have been wise in selling the coins.
I've heard of him. Nice remembrance.
I only joined six months ago, but have already come to appreciate the vast array of posters here. So many of you bring unique insight, attitude, experience,etc.
One of my goals when I joined was to give direction to my collecting and learning. After completing my circulated silver Washington set, I have found that I gravitate most towards this series, and in particular the 65 to 98 issues. I'd like to say that @cladking has been a huge help in my appreciation of these coins. When I search the forum for answers, his name often comes up in a thread giving me great information. Thank you @cladking
Bill Jones for his knowledge and images.
Like a slow growing tumor...
I would miss anyone who has never inserted politics into a thread
I would miss crazyhounddog and his beautiful Buffalo Nickels the most. While not a constant source of advice, but is a constant source of his lovely Buffs.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
Russ, Mark Feld, Lucy Bop.
@BillJones, because he has his own ideas of what he likes & sticks with it. He also contributes real-world experience. “When everyone is thinking alike, someone isn’t thinking.....”
I know that I am now unpopular because I am not a CAC cheerleader, but I call them them way I see them, and really don’t care about that.
How about Backroadjunkie? Always keeping us abreast of the latest news and coin facts. There are more here than just one though, we could use a box of 20 names!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read 100's of posts for every one that I make. Thus, my meager post count over the past 12 years I've been around is less than some of you put up in a month or two, LOL. I've learned SO MUCH from all of you that I'd be hard pressed to name a "single" person. Let's just say that I would miss YOU if YOU weren't here. It's this total community that keeps me coming back day after day.
Lets try to add this all up:
jmlanzaf + Insider2 = ?
The same thing you get when you mix an elephant and a rhino.................ELIFINO
I would miss many and do miss Bear.
Hoard the keys.
Bill Jones, because he shares his deep knowledge of the history of coins and tokens, his grading expertise, and his experiences as a dealer. No candy coated opinions from Bill!
So many come to mind, but I’ll have to say MFH.