...and the WINNER is..........the 'Dedicated And Devoted' D~A~D

Share a story you are proud of on your sons / daughters accomplishment with our fellow CU members......
...or share a family story you are proud of......... if you rather not brag
edited to include Dads of any pets
I think Father's Day needs to be elevated up to the kind of Mother's Day.....roses.....box of chocolates.....special special gift etc
Not sure I want to start the bragging contest!

Plus, mom and the kids deserve a lot of the credit, too - wouldn't want to claim it all.
OK, here are some hopefully entertaining ones:
All are great people, the most important thing....
@Ricko likes this non blast white coin.....and I think you would too
I call it toy coin and it is actually really neat
.999 silver from Perth Mint limited edition 
Have FUN
I'll draw on Father Day......
Brag away my friend...the kids exist because you married your sweetheart
First born loved the dirt. So much so that we expanded the sandbox many times to accommodate all his earth moving equipment. This was all before he was 4.
Wife and I are both college graduates and of course knew that he'd be one too, someday. However, as he grew up his fascination for dirt, mud, etc just grew and grew.
We moved when he was in Jr. High and the new place did not have the yard and dirt we left behind. Didn't give it much thought as he seemed normal in every other sense (not that digging trenches, building roads and highways at age 4 was odd). He said he wanted to go to college after HS graduation. But, had no idea of a focus of study so off to community college to get the basics out of the way.....nope, that did not work for him. Although he did get good grades he came home one afternoon and said that he was done with school. He wanted a job digging ditches or moving dirt or blading roads. He found it in a small company and the owner was a great tutor.
Today he is a General Contractor and owns his own grading company and is highly successful. Makes a great living doing just what he always wanted to do. Destiny prevailed.
I guess there is a moral here: Let the kid become what HE wants.
PS: he has two boys and both have worked in the field with shovels, backhoes, and front end loaders too. However, the first goes off to college this year to be an engineer.....the second is just starting HS so who knows what he'll do.
He followed his dream and you @AUandAG cleared the path toward his success
Dirt! Ha! Love i! (The dirt calls to us......)
My dad (and mom) might recall when I was in first grade I said I wanted to be an archaeologist. They sort of encouraged that, took the family to places like Dino nat mon, GC, Yosemite, Yellowstone, etc. They never said “don’t do that.....” but they implied that perhaps there is no money in it. I was always the one to dig trench lines for the sprinklers, holes for new trees, etc etc. College rolled around and I was highly encouraged by my dad to go major in geologic engineering or geology so I could have a career. 1.5 years in and I was done with that! By the end of undergrad I was working for a contract archaeology firm, digging my heart out in the greater southwest! Didn’t make much money, but loved it! 2 degrees later, I live in paradise, and travel the world looking for missing US service persons when they don’t return. Rewarding. And archaeology. And a bit o’ money. Everything you can ask for from the dirt!
My daughter is getting her first exposure to this....she’s digging holes with me in the backyard for new trees and plants (she’s 2.75 years old). I love it! (And I won’t encourage her to be an archaeologist! Ha! You bet I will!)
GBU @SurfinxHI for what you've done. Your daughter is following her Dad's path.....it seems
Happy Dad Day my brother 
My daughter loves reading, and loves reading about history.
One day last year when she was 5 years old and in kindergarten she left this note for me.

Thankfully she clarified that this was not the REAL Constitution.
Still funny that she could spell "Constitution," but not "prize"!
My current "Box of 20"
Well, since you asked,
My son is a math wiz.
He graduated HS in the top 10 of his class, and got a partial scholarship to an excellent college in NJ.
Graduated #1 in his class in engineering.
Then went for his doctorate in engineering, but after his masters was lured by the DOD to go to work for them.
BHNC #203
I have three daughters, all successful Mothers and career women. Between them, five children now pursuing their own careers (except one, but he will shortly be on his way.). Not a coin collector among them...
Cheers, RickO
I have two sons and two daughters...they are very kind hearted and always wanting to help anyone in need. That's all I could have hoped for.
My youngest son, while in Boy Scouts, was stressed when we visited an classic car restoration shop that was going out of business, after seeing demounted tires laying in the shell of a car, swarming with mosquito larvae. He asked if he could take the old tires and have them recycled, which they happy to get rid of. That started him on a campaign to get old tires out of the environment, from the woods, out of lakes, along the roadways, etc, and over a 4 year period, he collected 3 1/2 tons of tires, and paid the recycling fees out of his own pocket, although he did get money for recycling some steel and aluminum as some of the tires were still on wheels.
He received an an award from from the Boy Scouts (Hornaday award) and another one from the Department of the Interior. All this while earning his Eagle Scout, and also completing all 134 Merit badges that were offered at that time. He is just finishing up his biology degree.
My oldest son is a combat medic, somewhat of an adrenaline junkie, and has always been "the rescuer". He received an award in high school with his search and rescue dog, for finding a missing child, sadly deceased. While in Iraq, he called me 2x. The first time, just a quick call, "Dad, I'm alright, Gotta Go". His unit had just been hit with a large truck bomb, many dead and wounded US troops, and he knew, since I was ex-Army, that it would make the news and would probably identify the unit, so he had the presence to "reassure" dad. He currently is on his 3rd tour in Korea.
@Bob13 ...she is very CLEVER indeed 
.....Still funny that she could spell "constitution", but not "prize"!
Dang Mustang, Nice stories you raised your kids well.
As for my kids, Well my daughter finally figured out what she wants to do in life. I always pushed her to be her own businesswomen, but that was not in her at the present time. Sierra, my daughter has decided to become an elementary school teacher in Southern California. After much reflection on my part, I agreed with her that this is the best and most FUN job she could have at the present time. She just got her Associates Degree and is off the San Diego State for her teaching degree. She will have an awesome life.
Now what to do about my son who is addicted to video gaming. Well, at least he is the smartest one in his class. He will be fine.
My daughter was a horse show judge as a teenager. Still is, and rides like a cowboy.
Great thread.
My YouTube Channel
Indeed this coin forum has some excellent members! I always look forward to logging on to see who's posting what each day. Best coin forum on the net by FAR!
My YouTube Channel
You all have such wonderful children to be proud of. As parents, that is something we all hope for.
My one and only child is a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst. She spent 7 years in college getting her 4-year degree and a Master’s in Education. As someone who only finished High School, she has accomplished something her father could only dream about. She works with children that have been diagnosed with Autism trying to make their everyday lives better. She also has a 3-1/2 year old Godchild who is autistic. We have her over the house almost every weekend to give her parents a break and to work with her to improve her life. My daughter’s goal with her and other autistic children is to get them in a school with typical children and not let them feel like they are handicapped.
My daughter makes me proud, every day!!!
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
My 12 year old competes in the World Speed Cubing Competitions [Rubiks Cubes]

He solves it in 22 seconds using two hands...................45 seconds using one hand
He still finishes in the middle since the winners can solve it in less than 5 seconds but at least he's not hanging out on the street corner getting into trouble.
The first world championship was held in 1982 with a winning solve time of 22.95 seconds. Today the world record is 4.59 seconds
PS.......You should see them solve it blind folded.
PPS More money is spent on Rubiks Cubes than Barbie Dolls and YoYos combined.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
Nice thread, but makes me feel completely inadequate as a father haha.
USAF Retired — 34 years of active military service! 🇺🇸
The only son I have. I adopted him when he was 2 months old. I taught him lots of tricks and he does it and does it well on demand. Unfortunately, he diagnosed with cancer and his health is deteriorating. He might not make it till the end of this year but we always have fun together to the fullest....

Sorry for the diagnosis.
He looks like a great friend, the kind of dog that 'Mad Max' would have by his side.
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
From the time my son was 8 years old, he loved going to the farm to shoot our guns. It was a family thing and by the time he was 10 I got him his first gun--870 wingmaster 12 gauge. Didn't get him enough ammo, even though his shoulder was blue. As he grew older he had as many guns as I did. He decided on graphic novels as his career and in 2005 won the Indie Comic award at Comic Con and wrote and inked many top comics. After about 10 years and the up and down comic market he had several jobs. Then with a family friend who had just opened a gun shop he became manager. They now have a fabrication facility just starting and they make their own firearms under their own label. It is growing so fast and with so much C&C machine expense, I wonder where it will go. But he is finally doing what he has always loved. BTW, just traded him a Canon camera for a Buffalo Nickel(to keep it coin oriented).
As has previously been said. help your children as much as possible but let them make their own decision(right or wrong) giving them your support whenever needed.
Thanks for the opportunity.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
I've got two kids, a daughter and a son. My daughter is just finishing the 5th grade and moving on to Middle School next year and my son just finished kindergarten. I am so proud of them, the smiles on their faces can brighten the worst of my days.
My favorite part about being a dad to these two, is I get to act like a big kid and play with them. I can do things that would normally get me some strange looks, but with them around it's all smiles and laughter.
Last winter I enjoyed being the cool dad when I went out and built an igloo from a rare deep snow we had. I showed the kids and their friends how to use a medium size storage container to pack snow and make bricks to build the walls. I had to laugh when a couple of them said "this is just like Minecraft". My kids keep me young at heart and I love them for that. 
He's a Blue Heeler mix with Border Collie, extremely intelligent and very easy to train. Best dog I could hope for.
Okay here I go, I have 4- wonderful kid's 3- girls, 1- boy well lets start with the girls. 1st up is Amanda did a lot of pageants and traveling working as a rock star model, she won 1st place as miss banana queen in Ecuador and won 1st place in China with many others and she did some modeling for Lilly Ghalichi one of the cast of Shahs of sunset with some film pieces mixed in did very well for her self. Now she is on her way to mother hood it's are 2nd grandchild her 1st is on the way we cant wait but we have to.
Next up would be Em doing very well she bought her 1st new car her self at the age of 20 a New 2015 Chevy Camaro she wanted to do it by her self with out dad's help and she started up her own Makeup line business and does modeling as well with rock star and other Company's.
Next up the youngest Meg she go's to college and does Baby photography and loves her work stays supper busy looking to buy her 1st house in the next 5 years if it keeps going as is.
Now my son Adam he is a chip off the old block just like pop's. I don't know if that is a good thing or bad any way he is in the Military doing very will he is training urban Warfare here in So Cal, has a wife and one boy that is sharp as a tack always comes up with a way to making us laugh when he comes to see us, when he get's out in a year and a half he wants to go into law enforcement or take over my business working with the U.S. Forest Service will see if I'm ready to hang it up by then.
That's it in a nut shell, time is short spend as much time as you can with them they grow up fast and you will never have any problem's if you keep them on a straight path..
We never had any not one. Well maybe 1 a speeding ticket with the one. I think you know watch one she took care of it on her own...We Love them all.
Hoard the keys.
When my oldest son was in high School he received a very prestigious award for playing 3 sports for all 4 years. It took a lot of dedication to do that while maintaining an 3.8 grade point average. He was not the star in any of the sports but he gave it his all in all of them. Football, Wrestling and Track.
@NVU... great looking dog... and I feel your sorrow... Dogs are family.... very sorry to hear of the diagnosis... Cheers, RickO
Both my kids 11-9 both got ready for school on their own and made the bus everyday last year without incident or arguing. It didn’t hurt that I got up and got dressed too and toughed out the cold rain and snow etc. with them. Some days the hill is too slick for the bus and we have to walk down to the lower pick up site. We brought a football this year and threw it with all the kids and made waiting way more fun.
Things like this is all I ask! All indications so far is that they’ll be great at life.
Thank you! I’ll make sure he gets your loves
I'll say a prayer for your little guy.
My daughter is a veterinary oncologist. She treats for pets whose owners will pay, but mostly does not recommend treatment unless caught very early. Best wishes with your "son", sorry to hear the news. Cancer treatment can prolong his life a little, but causes suffering. Sorry for the downer post. Best wishes.
I agree 100%. My wife and I found out about his cancer, but it was too late for treatment so we decided to let nature take its course. Once he becomes too ill, we’ll let him go peacefully. Thanks very much for your thoughtfulness!
If we were all the same, the world would be an incredibly boring place.
Happy to report that each of our children are productive members of society and seem to have found enjoyment and satisfaction in their chosen paths after graduating from college. I know this is supposed to be a Dad thread, but let's face it, the Moms deserve most of the credit. That said, I just came across this graphic that one of the younger children gave me on a not so long ago Father's Day:
As to specifics, some of the boys were Eagle Scouts and others had different priorities. One of the daughters has a successful career (that as reported on another thread took her to London and Gibraltar recently) and the other is a full time homemaker. The oldest son led the way graduating from Harvard and now works in finance after getting an MBA. The next two both went to my alma matter, Northwestern, and one is a small business owner and the other an anesthesiologist. Their youngest brother just completed his residency in anesthesiology.
Most important though, they are all happy and even though they live in distant states, they still keep in touch with us - thanks in part to the internet and Face Time.
My son and his wife gave us 2 great grandkids. I am grateful for that. Peace Roy
BST: endeavor1967, synchr, kliao, Outhaul, Donttellthewife, U1Chicago, ajaan, mCarney1173, SurfinHi, MWallace, Sandman70gt, mustanggt, Pittstate03, Lazybones, Walkerguy21D, coinandcurrency242 , thebigeng, Collectorcoins, JimTyler, USMarine6, Elkevvo, Coll3ctor, Yorkshireman, CUKevin, ranshdow, CoinHunter4, bennybravo, Centsearcher, braddick, Windycity, ZoidMeister, mirabela, JJM, RichURich, Bullsitter, jmski52, LukeMarshall, coinsarefun, MichaelDixon, NickPatton, ProfLiz, Twobitcollector,Jesbroken oih82w8, DCW
Raised 3 kids on a little Island off the coast of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. My oldest daughter took to the ocean studying Marine Biology, taking a year of her college as a transfer student in Hawaii becoming a surfer and certified scuba diver, returned home after graduating, picked up a job at a shellfish hatchery and worked as a deputy shellfish officer. She is now the first woman to become a shellfish warden on Martha's Vineyard and just won the Massachusett's Shellfish Constable of the Year award!!! Here's to guarding clams and scallops!!!!!!!!! My youngest daughter worked as a branch manager at the local bank and would save me pristine star notes and occasionally find silver coins and Buffalo nickels and pass them in my direction....she gave us our first grandson - now two years old!!!!! And finally my son who ran a Dairy Queen for years decided to switch it up and join a small mail room. He sends out packages for us common folk as well as some celebrities that pass through his door, "Dad, I just mailed out a painting for John Mellencamp! Yeah, he painted it, it's a little weird!" My son is currently on the mend after a biking accident involving a van. He suffered a broken nose and broken cheekbone but got very good attention at the Boston General Hospital and will be okay. Our kids really keep us young or make us feel really old, I'm not sure which one it is, but always make us proud!
My son is in his last year of his Doctorial program in Finance at UT-Dallas, something I could never accomplish. In a year he'll be called 'Doctor' like his grandfather and uncle. He then returns to teaching at Chiangmai University in Thailand.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
I just lost my Father on May 11th. He was 79 years young, it was very sudden and unexpected. So this will be my first Father's day in my 57 years that I will have nobody to say Happy father's day.
Our two children are both coming home from neighboring states which will be nice.
My condolences go to you
Successful transactions with : MICHAELDIXON, Manorcourtman, Bochiman, bolivarshagnasty, AUandAG, onlyroosies, chumley, Weiss, jdimmick, BAJJERFAN, gene1978, TJM965, Smittys, GRANDAM, JTHawaii, mainejoe, softparade, derryb
Bad transactions with : nobody to date
I also lost my father on May 11th at the age of 79( 8 years ago). My father got me interested in coin collecting. Although his collection is small compared to mine( complete penny, Kennedy sets along with some Morgan’s and foreign gold) I continue his collection to this day with the intention of passing it down to grandchildren. My father used to sing the Berle Ives “ Silver and Gold” song when he would break out his collection and we would look at it together.
Happy Father’s Day to all.
Yes sorry about you father. I know how it is not to have them around I catch my self ready to say lets go over to my parents house, They passed many years ago I was in my 30's when they both passed on it's hard not to have them around. Happy fathers day to you and all the others out there.
Hoard the keys.
Happy Fathers Day To All !