As much as I like clear and non distracting fields, I do like the 66rb for its better color, but the 67bn has the perfect surfaces.. Decisions decision haha
In the Lincoln Cents toned Basic Set, why are sets ranked 9 and 10 both specifically named colorless, yet allowed to be in the toned category, one even winning 2015 and 2016. What am I missing?
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
@SiriusBlack said:
In the Lincoln Cents toned Basic Set, why are sets ranked 9 and 10 both specifically named colorless, yet allowed to be in the toned category, one even winning 2015 and 2016. What am I missing?
Before there was a toned Registry it was called a Colorless Registry. It was a little misleading as it meant rankings were rated by grade only not as the normal copper registries where Red was given bonus points. They later changed it to a toned Registry where bonus points were given to BN.
My first toned Lincoln’s, formerly part of robec’s hoard! I’m so excited to finally have something to contribute and to start a registry set with! They’re also my first coins with TrueViews.
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
@SiriusBlack said:
My first toned Lincoln’s, formerly part of robec’s hoard! I’m so excited to finally have something to contribute and to start a registry set with! They’re also my first coins with TrueViews.
Congratulations @Sirius Black welcome to the adventure and a very addictive and pleasant pastime! Great coins for your first posts too!
@giorgio11 Thanks very much! I’m trying to go slow and steady so I can learn and make informed purchases. It’s hard when you have no patience! Thankfully my wallet dictates slow and steady!
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
@SiriusBlack said: @giorgio11 Thanks very much! I’m trying to go slow and steady so I can learn and make informed purchases. It’s hard when you have no patience! Thankfully my wallet dictates slow and steady!
I fully understand that comment, I'm buying and hopefully not get the notification that I ran out of money haha
I dont think I ever posted the coin that started my set. I bought it just because it was a blueberry, took almost a year until I realized I wanted to complete a set. I believe this came from MonsterCoinz, so shout out to you buddy. MS66RB.
@BeefCurry808 said:
I dont think I ever posted the coin that started my set. I bought it just because it was a blueberry, took almost a year until I realized I wanted to complete a set. I believe this came from MonsterCoinz, so shout out to you buddy. MS66RB.
Cool coin. I think your coin was in a cardboard display where the back of the coin was stuck/glued on the reverse. Looks like residue was removed with acetone or something similar, leaving some of that reddish tone on the reverse, and explaining the contrast in toning from obverse to reverse.
Some refer to overgraded slabs as Coffins. I like to think of them as Happy Coins.
Cool coin. I think your coin was in a cardboard display where the back of the coin was stuck/glued on the reverse. Looks like residue was removed with acetone or something similar, leaving some of that reddish tone on the reverse, and explaining the contrast in toning from obverse to reverse.
Not your typical 1917. Thinking about sending this in for a reconsideration. I sent it in for a reslab and trueview when it was in a much older pcgs slab. Thinking it can get a 64 maybe even a 65 today.
Currently graded MS63 BN
Grape coin @BeefCurry808!
1909 VDB 66RB on its way to me
Kind regards,
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
Miss some of those, including the '17 on this page....
Chris' Complete Lincoln Variety Set 1909-date
My Instagram
Which one to keep........

PR66RB (pop13/3)
or PR67BN (pop3/0)
@OldIndianNutKase Door #2. It has the lower pop, plus Door #1 has that small straight scrape through M and S. Both have great eye appeal though!
Edit: Ahhh, on closer inspection it looks like just a toning line.
Kind regards,
Don't you love the 1932 dates, where the 3 looks like it leans forward and the 2 looks to be leaning backward? Great coin @Ronyahski !
Kind regards,
I would keep the 67BN. Much smoother and cleaner............and I love high grade BN.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
As much as I like clear and non distracting fields, I do like the 66rb for its better color, but the 67bn has the perfect surfaces.. Decisions decision haha
My Instagram
I never noticed that before! Great color on that one!
That reverse is insane!
I Just found this. 1958 penny with some errors i believe possibly DD/O
Youre not hijacking this thread buddy..
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Shoutout to @WingedLiberty1957
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In the Lincoln Cents toned Basic Set, why are sets ranked 9 and 10 both specifically named colorless, yet allowed to be in the toned category, one even winning 2015 and 2016. What am I missing?
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
Before there was a toned Registry it was called a Colorless Registry. It was a little misleading as it meant rankings were rated by grade only not as the normal copper registries where Red was given bonus points. They later changed it to a toned Registry where bonus points were given to BN.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
It helps that I've been staring at Lincoln cents for nearly 60 years now
Kind regards,
Another 1932 en route ... This one a 1932-D MS65RB, also the CoinFacts plate coin.
Kind regards,
Newp from another member on here. I am a buyer if anyone is a seller lol
My old 53-D.
Check out my iPhone app SlabReader!
That beauty is now in my registry set. Think its a ms66 all day long as well
@robec Ah ok, that makes more sense then!
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
Another 53-D........

and there are not many 53-D's with color.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
My Instagram
Still have this 1929 S/S FS-501 in 64 BN

Chris' Complete Lincoln Variety Set 1909-date
First year for Denver - Thank you for posting these !!
They are both hammered gorgeous.
R.I.P Son 1986>2020
Sent this one in raw. Came back 67rb
I agree, MS63BN
My Instagram
That’s one helluva 63!
May as well add another 53-D to the pile.
- Bob -

MPL's - Lincolns of Color
Central Valley Roosevelts
My first toned Lincoln’s, formerly part of robec’s hoard! I’m so excited to finally have something to contribute and to start a registry set with! They’re also my first coins with TrueViews.
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
Not a true view but something to add. Love looking at all your coins folks.
Congratulations @Sirius Black welcome to the adventure and a very addictive and pleasant pastime! Great coins for your first posts too!
Kind regards,
@giorgio11 Thanks very much! I’m trying to go slow and steady so I can learn and make informed purchases. It’s hard when you have no patience! Thankfully my wallet dictates slow and steady!
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
I fully understand that comment, I'm buying and hopefully not get the notification that I ran out of money haha
My Instagram
I dont think I ever posted the coin that started my set. I bought it just because it was a blueberry, took almost a year until I realized I wanted to complete a set. I believe this came from MonsterCoinz, so shout out to you buddy. MS66RB.

My Instagram
@BeefCurry808 Sadly the banks and the govt never fail to notice when you are out of money or owe them money
Collector of randomness. Photographer at PCGS. Lover of Harry Potter.
Cool coin. I think your coin was in a cardboard display where the back of the coin was stuck/glued on the reverse. Looks like residue was removed with acetone or something similar, leaving some of that reddish tone on the reverse, and explaining the contrast in toning from obverse to reverse.
Some amazing coins. I don't like the truviews now. Not sure if too much contrast or what, coins aren't detailed.
I could see that being highly likely.
My Instagram
Not your typical 1917. Thinking about sending this in for a reconsideration. I sent it in for a reslab and trueview when it was in a much older pcgs slab. Thinking it can get a 64 maybe even a 65 today.
Currently graded MS63 BN
Whats everyones opinion on this 1917 DDO?
A few closer shots
Not too toned,but a pretty mean rarity. Fs101 DDO
Edit : PCGS 67RB 2/0. None in BN.
Been looking for one of those for many years in circulation, no luck so far.
Very solid coin at 58, nice rarity !!
R.I.P Son 1986>2020