Daniel Shane Canup (Kriptonite Comics) got 15 years in prison on Friday.

It goes on and on through all 33 counts, but his plea was for 15 years minus the time he already served.
(Updated to add:) I was asked for the link to the court case, here it is. It was originally 10 felony charges, but 24 more felony charges were later added. 34 in total if I am reading it correctly. Case # 2017CF001647A
Good for him. Im guessing he’ll do some hard time given those convictions.
Since I am the type of guy who will tell people he told you so. I said a decade ago Shane was a creepy version of the comic book guy from the Simpsons. People told me I was an A$$.
That very well maybe true but consider this notice that I told you so and I was right.
11.5$ Southern Dollars, The little “Big Easy” set
His hardest time will be with other inmates not convicted of child porn.
Sad. I hope he did not molest his own kids.
I don't recall that - did you say that on this forum or the Comic one? Had a known I would not have had this creep sell coins for me and I would also not be out $2,400
What happens for the consigners now?
He hosed a few consignors (including me) of thousands of dollars about 18 months ago. Since then he has not taken consignments, at least in coins. I was considering suing him in small claims court, but it appears my chances of success are slim to none given his other troubles. I just hope his kids are safe at this point.
I'm lucky. I got my money from him right before this mess arose. I told him I was a lawyer and would take appropriate action. I guess that helped.
Wow sorry you got taken connecticoin. I hate thiefs.
Being a thief turns out to be the lesser of his character flaws
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Did anyone read the court transcripts? What was the extent of his criminal involvements?
It's too bad that so many people in the numismatic community were ripped off.
...who said he paid for what they found?...maybe he stole that also...his world sucks for the next fifteen...and rightfully so
5'7" and 250 pounds, likely he'll be okay in prison if he can throw a punch. Too bad.
Anything to do with child porn or any crime against women and he's gonna have a very very rough stay in prison. Because everyone will be able to see his rapsheet in prison and then he will get fu*ked up at some point I can garentee that! Hope he finds himself within 15yrs...
Creepy F”er
Latin American Collection
They're SOL
He spent 282 days in jail because he couldn't make a $3,500 bond to bailout.
You all know 15 means 5 right?
Based on his facebook picture, it is NOT a good 5'7" 250. Not built like a like a fireplug, more like the Michelin man.
May not be a correct assumption. Many people have NOT bonded out because they KNOW they are going to the state penitentiary (hard time) but when you are pending trial, normally you are kept in county or even city jail, much easier time, local, etc. It is day for day credit, so less time in the big house, much much rougher crowd. It's not Club Fed, but not Attica either.
I was asked for the link to the court case, here it is. It was originally 10 felony charges, but 24 more felony charges were later added. 34 in total if I am reading it correctly. Case # 2017CF001647A
I only bought one coin from him. When I wanted to return it he declined saying it was a consignment and he had already paid the consignor........well maybe not.
Does this mean my eBay feed will not be blown up anymore?!!?!?!?
Sad situation, for those he exploited
BHNC #203
Am I reading this correctly as he had 10 charges with $3500 bond per charge that's $35k not $3500 ??? The remainder (the other 23) were dismissed.
SET BONDSMAN - AMT: $35000.00 X 10
"Keep your malarkey filter in good operating order" -Walter Breen
... but likely not MS-61
See http://www.doubledimes.com for a free online reference for US twenty-cent pieces
3 hots, a cot, and medical coverage. That’s justice served , alright.
People who are convicted of child pornography or similar charges are kept in solitary confinement away from the general prison population. If Florida is like Iowa he can be out on parole with half his sentence served.
More like well circulated.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
And he couldn't even apologize to all the collectors for lying and ripping them off like he was Joe Expert photo guy!
I hope he gets worked over by Guido and Vito until he learns his lesson!
This cretin is in for a difficult time in prison.....Yes, he will likely be kept separate, but they always find a way...Should be an article noting his demise in a year or so. Cheers, RickO
Hey all, I work in a Tennessee State Prison and I hate to break it to you but time spent in the county jails is much harder time than in the state prison. They are much more crowded with as many as 10 people per cell, less food per meal and almost no time out of the cell for recreation. Once a person is classified and sent to a prison to do their sentence, they get about 12 hours a day that they are not confined to a cell. This includes going to a job 6 to 8 hours and recreation time, etc. They also get up to 16 days a month taken off their sentence if they work and do not break any rules. This does not apply to sex crimes, they do 100% of the time sentenced.
So you're saying he'd rather spend time in county jail, than bail out and go home.
You might want to reexamine that premise.
Sure are a lot of people here with intimate knowledge of the prison system. Makes me kind of proud I know nothing about it.
That sentencing sheet is confusing. It looks like the minimum sentence should have been 37.5 years and he could have gotten LIFE.


Pear shaped? With Dunlop's disease?
My YouTube Channel
I think you forgot the .....*****stick.
Someone start a picture thread on the AT dreck that he used to peddle on ebay to remind the new people. If you just got here it may seem he was just a sexual deviant.
While its true consignors didn't get paid at the end , there were a lot that sold items thru him that benefited from what looked like rampant shilling in his auctions.
No, Mustangbob is correct. It's pretty common, actually, when you know you are going to be doing hard time.
He deserves everyday of hard time he does. Yes he is going to do a HARD number because of the horrific crimes he committed. I’m more than sure he’ll be held in protective custody for his entire term. No television or much company. But of course there’s alway a slight chance he’ll be put into a wing of the prison where he’d be locked up with other child molesters he can hang out with.
Justice has been served
Maybe he can whip up some nice toners in stir . Somebody ship him a crate of taco bell napkins , a sack of potatoes , and a hotplate to heat up his frying pan
You and Mustangbob couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
No one knows if they are going to be convicted or not. That's why there are trials, plea bargains, reduced or dismissed charges after discovery. Not to mention that CO Tennessee Dave is absolutely correct, time in a state prison beats the large inner city jails. Large inner city jails hold the worst of the worst awaiting trial. In a state prison, you can get 4 different levels of prisons in places, and not be housed with murderers, like you can be in a city/county jail.
You two really have no idea what you're talking about.
You are correct, I do not have a clue.....never been there or done that. Know some that have and that's the only reference point that I have.....perhaps incorrect.
Bob- the comment wasn't directed at you at all. Sorry you though that.
It's for TPRC and mustangbob.
Oh, I think he knew he was toast. They also added a bunch of additional felonies later.

Dang!!! I'm getting quite an education from this thread.
Worry is the interest you pay on a debt you may not owe.
"Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value---zero."----Voltaire
"Everything you say should be true, but not everything true should be said."----Voltaire
You know how many people that are flat out guilty, walk?
Plenty of them.
Things get thrown out on technicalities, and cases go away.
Not when the dude is sitting at his computer, downloading the stuff when the cops walk in!
Wanna bet?
Search and seizure issues (search warrant issues) get cases tossed everyday.
I love these Google lawyers on CU. Not.
Quite the coincidence , he was in the act of downloading the stuff at exactly the wrong time.