"31. Not all CEOs think they'll use their savings to create jobs, though.
Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale University said their companies plan to make large, immediate capital investments in the United States following tax reform. Capital investments, like building plants and upgrading equipment, can spur hiring."
Well duh. Think about how that question is phrased. Companies generally do make large, immediate decisions. Plans have to be made, they have to research, etc. That would be like me asking you (if you were given $1,000), do you plan to immediately go buy a very expensive coin with it? Most here would say no, even if most would eventually, after research and considering, go buy SOMETHING nice with it.
Except. Same thing happened with the Reagan cuts, corporations did not use the extra coin to reinvest in capital investments. So sure they may have to 'think about it, plan for it, etc.', but in the end, it is not likely based on previous examples.
I worked in the admissions office at a major (A rated) metropolitan hospital for two years. No one was denied care. On occasion, an ER patient was sent to one of the other hospitals in the city. I never heard of one of these folks dying on the way over to hospital "B."
BTW, we joked that our patients were charged almost $100 for an aspirin because of all the "free" care given to all the indigent patients we admitted.
PS Put a stop loss bottom on your stocks to make sure you keep all the profits. You can keep increasing it while the stocks go up.
We're on the same page - I did that yesterday morning!
That's because they don't think Trump can stay in office and the Dem's might take over Congress again. It seems to me like every time the Republicans get things on track the Dem's come in and totally F it up! Then the dem's try to take credit for all the improvements the Republicans caused!
"31. Not all CEOs think they'll use their savings to create jobs, though.
Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale University said their companies plan to make large, immediate capital investments in the United States following tax reform. Capital investments, like building plants and upgrading equipment, can spur hiring."
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@amwldcoin said:
That's because they don't think Trump can stay in office and the Dem's might take over Congress again. It seems to me like every time the Republicans get things on track the Dem's come in and totally F it up! Then the dem's try to take credit for all the improvements the Republicans caused!
@coinkat said:
Georg Bush nearly had it correct... Trickle down economics = Voodoo economics.
He was just too refinedy to say what he really thought... Trickle down economics is voodoo economics and that really means poopoo economics but us dignified folks say doodoo economics which should translate into US policy as don't do economics.
We seem to exceed at overlooking past mistakes...
Hillary Clinton is a fan of "trickle-down economics", as are most politicians. As proof, I point to the 2008 financial bailout. Trillions of dollars were spent bailing out various financial institutions. But ALL of that money went straight to the top. None was spread around to the people. If that isn't the ultimate form of "trickle-down economics", I don't know what is. Hillary voted for it, as did a lot of others.
It's does trickle-down, you just need to have some resources invested in the area where the trickle is happening.
ie. The financial markets starting in spring of 2009.
If they kickoff a round of 70's style inflation, many here may see the benefit in higher gold and silver prices
A lot of it did trickle (actually gush) down to the Clintons and numerous other politicians on both sides. Publically, Hillary Clinton has expressed disdain for trickle-down. But she and many others voted for it when it was in their own interest and nobody was looking.
I thought I just wasted 40 minutes reading this whole thread, but now I found out it was all worthwhile. I finally understood one of the Colonel's posts!
Some may see this as a "hose job" but I have never seen such optimism in the business world. For example, AT&T just throwing an additional $1000 to every employee as a direct response to the hose job - uh - I mean the new tax laws. Thats $200MM for those keeping score directed mostly to the "common man" - not shareholders or executives. I have never seen this kind of reaction from corporations. Perhaps they not "pure evil" afterall?
My point is please stop drinking the pure D or R koolaid and think for yourself. Go ahead all of you Sanders or Cruz fans, hit the Disagree or Flag button with gusto!
Hopefully you realize this was back-room Congressional demand to lobbyists for support.
Actually they use a wand that looks like a snake. On former member referred to a hose job as getting shanked. To each their own. A "hose" job likely refers to police supposedly using a rubber hose to extract info or confessions from someone in their custody. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment that one would look forward to.
I believe most govt decisions are determined by bribes (see my comment above), this does not upset me. What upsets me... is how cheaply they sell us out. That's D&R, no distinction on this point. Nearly every congresscritter house/senate D&R is taking money to look the other way on opioids. Look at the number of people dying and the pathetically small amount of the bribes. Only if there's a wave of congressional family members dying will something be done. There are lots of examples that are similar (but without as many deaths).
@BAJJERFAN said: "A "hose" job likely refers to police supposedly using a rubber hose to extract info or confessions from someone in their custody. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment that one would look forward to."
@au58 said:
When people talk about a "single payer" system. who is the "single payer" they're talking about?
See quote below from Wikipedia and the link. What it means is that you don't have for profit insurance companies running our health care. What it means is if you have cancer and need chemo and are poor (like a friend of mine in France), you get the chemo and don't go into debt for the rest of your life. Things like that. But it means everyone gets health care, not just the rich. Like your first 12 years of school, everyone gets an education here.... When I travel around the world, you talk to all income levels in places like France and they are strongly supportive of the single payer system. So I ask the question again, what is it that the rest of the 1rst world knows about health care that we don't? (And it is a rhetorical question as many probably already knew.....).
"Single-payer healthcare is a healthcare system financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer')."
I guess that is the "hose job!" Healthy folks pay for the sick. Sort of like folks with no children paying the government to "school" the children of others with more nonsense about our "rights" and what they should think or believe. LOL. Nope, not funny.
BTW, I'm still waiting to read the explanation that some product of our mostly non-educational system posts about the inalienable "right" to be educated and the inalienable "right" to healthcare. I need some humor to get out of my mood today. Writing a "snarky" post is not having the effect it usually does on my mood.
@au58 said:
When people talk about a "single payer" system. who is the "single payer" they're talking about?
See quote below from Wikipedia and the link. What it means is that you don't have for profit insurance companies running our health care. What it means is if you have cancer and need chemo and are poor (like a friend of mine in France), you get the chemo and don't go into debt for the rest of your life.
I guess we could do the same with housing and cars.
@au58 said:
When people talk about a "single payer" system. who is the "single payer" they're talking about?
See quote below from Wikipedia and the link. What it means is that you don't have for profit insurance companies running our health care. What it means is if you have cancer and need chemo and are poor (like a friend of mine in France), you get the chemo and don't go into debt for the rest of your life. Things like that. But it means everyone gets health care, not just the rich. Like your first 12 years of school, everyone gets an education here.... When I travel around the world, you talk to all income levels in places like France and they are strongly supportive of the single payer system. So I ask the question again, what is it that the rest of the 1rst world knows about health care that we don't? (And it is a rhetorical question as many probably already knew.....).
"Single-payer healthcare is a healthcare system financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer')."
My question was rhetorical.
I know what single payer means.
But why disguise it? Why not just call it what it is - taxpayer paid?
Actually they use a wand that looks like a snake. On former member referred to a hose job as getting shanked. To each their own. A "hose" job likely refers to police supposedly using a rubber hose to extract info or confessions from someone in their custody. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment that one would look forward to.
Your answer is history.
Mine is poetry
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@au58 said:
When people talk about a "single payer" system. who is the "single payer" they're talking about?
See quote below from Wikipedia and the link. What it means is that you don't have for profit insurance companies running our health care. What it means is if you have cancer and need chemo and are poor (like a friend of mine in France), you get the chemo and don't go into debt for the rest of your life. Things like that. But it means everyone gets health care, not just the rich. Like your first 12 years of school, everyone gets an education here.... When I travel around the world, you talk to all income levels in places like France and they are strongly supportive of the single payer system. So I ask the question again, what is it that the rest of the 1rst world knows about health care that we don't? (And it is a rhetorical question as many probably already knew.....).
"Single-payer healthcare is a healthcare system financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer')."
My question was rhetorical.
I know what single payer means.
But why disguise it? Why not just call it what it is - taxpayer paid?
Because if you call it "taxpayer paid", the taxpayers might object to being forced to pay.
If you call it "government paid", it's a free benefit that doesn't cost you anything.
We get exactly what we deserve from the government, pretty much ALL the time.
Consider the whole "first world problem" nature of this thread. The OP didn't ask about poor people, or starving people, or middle class people. His first concern was whether this tax bill was going to prevent him from buying food....er...no, it wasn't food. Medical care? No...no...it wasn't medical care. College tuition? Heat for his home? Rent? No, the OP posed a political post querying whether or not the tax bill will leave him enough money to overspend for pretty little baubles he finds pleasing.
[of course, that was just his way to try to sneak this political post past the mods. Mentioning coins. But they aren't dumb enough to fall for that...oh, wait!]
Actually they use a wand that looks like a snake. On former member referred to a hose job as getting shanked. To each their own. A "hose" job likely refers to police supposedly using a rubber hose to extract info or confessions from someone in their custody. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment that one would look forward to.
Some may see this as a "hose job" but I have never seen such optimism in the business world. For example, AT&T just throwing an additional $1000 to every employee as a direct response to the hose job - uh - I mean the new tax laws. Thats $200MM for those keeping score directed mostly to the "common man" - not shareholders or executives. I have never seen this kind of reaction from corporations. Perhaps they not "pure evil" afterall?
My point is please stop drinking the pure D or R koolaid and think for yourself. Go ahead all of you Sanders or Cruz fans, hit the Disagree or Flag button with gusto!
Hopefully you realize this was back-room Congressional demand to lobbyists for support.
Sure, it may be part of the Washington sausage making. But still there's an optimism here I haven't seen in decades. The social issues, while real, are overly hyped. You know the networks I'm referring to.
I personally see it as a lot of chaff put out there to sell papers, to get tv ratings and to read internet articles/blogs. Despite the noise, this country still rocks like no other.
I am pro-single payer, but if you look at most other countries they have limited systems. Yes, you get your chemo, but if you are 70 and you want a 2nd knee or hip transplant so you can keep jogging, they just laugh. Then they'll tell you to save up money and fly somewhere where they'll do it for anyone with said money (like here).
@shorecoll said:
I am pro-single payer, but if you look at most other countries they have limited systems. Yes, you get your chemo, but if you are 70 and you want a 2nd knee or hip transplant so you can keep jogging, they just laugh. Then they'll tell you to save up money and fly somewhere where they'll do it for anyone with said money (like here).
Fix the toxic food supply and the need for the chemo will go down dramatically. Treating the results of one poison with another is not medicine, but insanity.
You've just dashed my lifelong belief that a "hose job" was an enema. The tax reduction will allow me to donate a greater percentage to the 2020 RNC POTUS campaign. I expect it will be a good ROI.
From the Center for Public Integrity:
__James Cosgrove, who directs health care reviews for the Government Accountability Office, told the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee that the Medicare Advantage improper payment rate was 10 percent in 2016, which comes to $16.2 billion.
Adding in the overpayments for standard Medicare programs, the tally for last year approaches $60 billion — which is almost twice as much as the National Institutes of Health spends on medical research each year.__
And medicare represents less than 25% of total health care spending annually. Imagine if the government ran everything. We would be looking at some real money.
Very true. Imagine if the government ran everything. Well, we are headed that way and many of our citizens (especially the young) plus the majority of our non-citizens thinks that they have "rights" which they really don't. That's because they never were alive when things were different so they don't know anything else. Ever hear the expression "From cradle to grave?"
@shorecoll said:
I am pro-single payer, but if you look at most other countries they have limited systems. Yes, you get your chemo, but if you are 70 and you want a 2nd knee or hip transplant so you can keep jogging, they just laugh. Then they'll tell you to save up money and fly somewhere where they'll do it for anyone with said money (like here).
Not in France, my father in-law got his hip replacement as soon as it became apparent he needed it - at the age of 78. On the other hand, poor person in the US without health insurance? Probably will go to the grave with the bad hip.........
@au58 said:
From the Center for Public Integrity:
__James Cosgrove, who directs health care reviews for the Government Accountability Office, told the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee that the Medicare Advantage improper payment rate was 10 percent in 2016, which comes to $16.2 billion.
Adding in the overpayments for standard Medicare programs, the tally for last year approaches $60 billion — which is almost twice as much as the National Institutes of Health spends on medical research each year.__
And medicare represents less than 25% of total health care spending annually. Imagine if the government ran everything. We would be looking at some real money.
And yet, it still works everywhere else in the first world. No question we have problems with corruption in the system. How much of that is Govt. and how much of that is the for profit system on our health?
If you like the post office, you'll love single payor health care.
The Canadian system works great.......if you're healthy.
If you are intelligent, hardworking and creative, why would you pursue a career that doesn't pay well?
Merry Christmas!
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
Neutral on spending for me- not sure how any of this will play out until I sit down with my accountant. Probably wouldn't effect my spending decisions anyway. I'll ask him for my post card size tax form then go from there...
Not all that optimistic on the tax cuts till government gets spending under control, and I don't think that's going to happen. Also, that $20.6 trillion guerrilla in the room is a bit of a concern.
It is a description of a certain act that also is used to describe a bad deal.
Except. Same thing happened with the Reagan cuts, corporations did not use the extra coin to reinvest in capital investments. So sure they may have to 'think about it, plan for it, etc.', but in the end, it is not likely based on previous examples.
Best, SH
Got word from Santa that Christmas has not been overhauled.
We're on the same page - I did that yesterday morning!
That's because they don't think Trump can stay in office and the Dem's might take over Congress again. It seems to me like every time the Republicans get things on track the Dem's come in and totally F it up! Then the dem's try to take credit for all the improvements the Republicans caused!
smoebody got a head start on the egg nog
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Yup that is right. Sure. Yup.
A lot of it did trickle (actually gush) down to the Clintons and numerous other politicians on both sides. Publically, Hillary Clinton has expressed disdain for trickle-down. But she and many others voted for it when it was in their own interest and nobody was looking.
I have all my shopping done and the presents wrapped. Time to relax and enjoy the coin forum. This looks interesting . Hmmmm,
Hail to the chief
Admit it. Some of us feel bad for the fish.
All this political talk is innaproprite in the US coin forum
It should be in the Bitcoin forum!
Ask someone who's had a colonoscopy
I thought I just wasted 40 minutes reading this whole thread, but now I found out it was all worthwhile. I finally understood one of the Colonel's posts!
When people talk about a "single payer" system. who is the "single payer" they're talking about?
What is Single Payer ...
My Coin Blog
My Toned Lincoln Registry Set
If you like your taxes, you can keep your taxes.
When someone is peeing on you and trying to convince you it's raining.
Think "trickle down."
Hopefully you realize this was back-room Congressional demand to lobbyists for support.
Actually they use a wand that looks like a snake. On former member referred to a hose job as getting shanked. To each their own. A "hose" job likely refers to police supposedly using a rubber hose to extract info or confessions from someone in their custody. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment that one would look forward to.
I believe most govt decisions are determined by bribes (see my comment above), this does not upset me. What upsets me... is how cheaply they sell us out. That's D&R, no distinction on this point. Nearly every congresscritter house/senate D&R is taking money to look the other way on opioids. Look at the number of people dying and the pathetically small amount of the bribes. Only if there's a wave of congressional family members dying will something be done. There are lots of examples that are similar (but without as many deaths).
@BAJJERFAN said: "A "hose" job likely refers to police supposedly using a rubber hose to extract info or confessions from someone in their custody. Doesn't seem like the kind of treatment that one would look forward to."
May I have some more please?
See quote below from Wikipedia and the link. What it means is that you don't have for profit insurance companies running our health care. What it means is if you have cancer and need chemo and are poor (like a friend of mine in France), you get the chemo and don't go into debt for the rest of your life. Things like that. But it means everyone gets health care, not just the rich. Like your first 12 years of school, everyone gets an education here.... When I travel around the world, you talk to all income levels in places like France and they are strongly supportive of the single payer system. So I ask the question again, what is it that the rest of the 1rst world knows about health care that we don't? (And it is a rhetorical question as many probably already knew.....).
Best, SH
"Single-payer healthcare is a healthcare system financed by taxes that covers the costs of essential healthcare for all residents, with costs covered by a single public system (hence 'single-payer')."
I guess that is the "hose job!" Healthy folks pay for the sick. Sort of like folks with no children paying the government to "school" the children of others with more nonsense about our "rights" and what they should think or believe. LOL. Nope, not funny.
BTW, I'm still waiting to read the explanation that some product of our mostly non-educational system posts about the inalienable "right" to be educated and the inalienable "right" to healthcare. I need some humor to get out of my mood today.
Writing a "snarky" post is not having the effect it usually does on my mood.
Two more days 'til Christmas!

I guess we could do the same with housing and cars.
What color Volga would you like?
My question was rhetorical.
I know what single payer means.
But why disguise it? Why not just call it what it is - taxpayer paid?
Your answer is history.

Mine is poetry
Because if you call it "taxpayer paid", the taxpayers might object to being forced to pay.
If you call it "government paid", it's a free benefit that doesn't cost you anything.
We get exactly what we deserve from the government, pretty much ALL the time.
Consider the whole "first world problem" nature of this thread. The OP didn't ask about poor people, or starving people, or middle class people. His first concern was whether this tax bill was going to prevent him from buying food....er...no, it wasn't food. Medical care? No...no...it wasn't medical care. College tuition? Heat for his home? Rent? No, the OP posed a political post querying whether or not the tax bill will leave him enough money to overspend for pretty little baubles he finds pleasing.
[of course, that was just his way to try to sneak this political post past the mods. Mentioning coins. But they aren't dumb enough to fall for that...oh, wait!]
I plan buy deals that are right and sell at retail only. No change.
It's all good.
Sure, it may be part of the Washington sausage making. But still there's an optimism here I haven't seen in decades. The social issues, while real, are overly hyped. You know the networks I'm referring to.
I personally see it as a lot of chaff put out there to sell papers, to get tv ratings and to read internet articles/blogs. Despite the noise, this country still rocks like no other.
I am pro-single payer, but if you look at most other countries they have limited systems. Yes, you get your chemo, but if you are 70 and you want a 2nd knee or hip transplant so you can keep jogging, they just laugh. Then they'll tell you to save up money and fly somewhere where they'll do it for anyone with said money (like here).
The tax reduction will warm my wallet; some of the money will be used to fill gaps in my set.
Fix the toxic food supply and the need for the chemo will go down dramatically. Treating the results of one poison with another is not medicine, but insanity.
You've just dashed my lifelong belief that a "hose job" was an enema. The tax reduction will allow me to donate a greater percentage to the 2020 RNC POTUS campaign. I expect it will be a good ROI.
"Everything is on its way to somewhere. Everything." - George Malley, Phenomenon
From the Center for Public Integrity:
__James Cosgrove, who directs health care reviews for the Government Accountability Office, told the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee that the Medicare Advantage improper payment rate was 10 percent in 2016, which comes to $16.2 billion.
Adding in the overpayments for standard Medicare programs, the tally for last year approaches $60 billion — which is almost twice as much as the National Institutes of Health spends on medical research each year.__
And medicare represents less than 25% of total health care spending annually. Imagine if the government ran everything. We would be looking at some real money.
Very true. Imagine if the government ran everything. Well, we are headed that way and many of our citizens (especially the young) plus the majority of our non-citizens thinks that they have "rights" which they really don't. That's because they never were alive when things were different so they don't know anything else. Ever hear the expression "From cradle to grave?"
Here here
Nice Chicken!
Ohhhh Boy did she hit it out of the ball park my dog Izzy could not keep the eyes off of her singing! Thank you for sharing.
Not in France, my father in-law got his hip replacement as soon as it became apparent he needed it - at the age of 78. On the other hand, poor person in the US without health insurance? Probably will go to the grave with the bad hip.........
Best, SH
And yet, it still works everywhere else in the first world. No question we have problems with corruption in the system. How much of that is Govt. and how much of that is the for profit system on our health?
Best, SH
I see the thread went sideways.
If you like the post office, you'll love single payor health care.
The Canadian system works great.......if you're healthy.
If you are intelligent, hardworking and creative, why would you pursue a career that doesn't pay well?
Merry Christmas!
@spacehayduke said: "And yet, it still works everywhere else in the first world."
Based on your personal experience and not the "spew" that is thrown around - right?
Neutral on spending for me- not sure how any of this will play out until I sit down with my accountant. Probably wouldn't effect my spending decisions anyway. I'll ask him for my post card size tax form then go from there...
Not all that optimistic on the tax cuts till government gets spending under control, and I don't think that's going to happen. Also, that $20.6 trillion guerrilla in the room is a bit of a concern.
Yes, the mandate was repealed,. not the original bill.
BHNC #203