We are all making assumptions. Perhaps as many as three posters have actually read the bill posted above and not one of them understands what they read. Happy Hanukkah everyone!
JMHO ... The only viable medical system is "single payer" a.k.a "medicare for all" from birth to death. IMO, Medical care is a right for every American, not a for-profit business to be enjoyed only by the wealthy and well off. Medicare for all creates one giant risk pool of 300 million people, so the costs are spread out -- most of the pool is healthy so the costs are lowered. (no more $200 charges for getting an aspirin in the ER). Everyone is covered and with one giant pool they can negotiate better deals with drug companies (just like drugs are cheaper in canada and overseas). Preventative care kicks in early (before the emergency room) preventing the onset of more advanced or serious illnesses (catching stuff earlier is cheaper).
Universal health case is what every other major developed country has: England, France, Australia, Canada, etc. You remove the need for profits (paying the CEO 500 million dollar salaries and profits for shareholders).
The reason we DO NOT have it now is the rich and corporations run this country (and run congress through lobbyists, kickbacks, bribes, and donations) ... and they (big corporations) want the current system since they make money off it. They then have more money to lobby and bribe congress to do what they (the corporations) want. So it's a big corrupt loop of money flowing from corporations to congress (campaign contributions) and back again (tax breaks) .
Someday I hope many more wake up someday and realize that this country is not a Democracy run by the people, it is an Oligarchy run by the wealthy and corporations. Congress and the President are corrupt and lining their own pockets with money from corporations. The biggest winner of the tax cuts are congress themselves and the president and all their wealthy donors. That's my rant of the day.
By the way, the "corporate (mainstream) democrats" like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Shumer, etc are just about as corrupt and in the pocket of corporate America as the more outwardly and obviously corrupt republicans. (The democrats are a bit better on social issues, science (they are not science deniers), health care, and education).
The only political group that is not corrupt (IMHO) are the progressive democrats (like Bernie Sanders) who do not take corporate donations. However the mainstream corporate democrats that run the DNC will never allow a progressive to win the primary (it will always be rigged for a corporate schill to win). Just like the 2016 primary was rigged for Clinton to win.
The corporate run DNC would rather lose to a corporate Republican than lose to a Progressive Democrat. Since they (the corporate democrats also want their corporate donations to continue).
Our only hope as a country is for the progressive wing of the democrat party to break off and form a 3rd party that is not beholden to any corporate donors. I am hoping that Bernie Sanders can pull this off. There are others too like Tulsi Gabbard and a new wave of a group called the "Justice Democrats" -- which are mainstream americans that are not corrupt getting involved.
However the media (controlled by big corporations), will be working like mad to prevent the progressive democrats from getting anywhere. They will be slamming and slandering all the way to election day.
Only if a true progressive candidate wins would our government begin to represent the vast majority of Americans. Odds of this happening about 5%.
(It's funny (really sad) to me that trump ran on a platform of being a "progressive republican" who was FOR mainstream america (the little guy) -- but clearly it was a big scam. He immediately sold out and put a bunch of wall streeters and oil barons in his cabinet and is now dismantling all regulations that were there in an attempt to protect mainstreet americans from being taking advantage of by big corporations. This is why we have said goodbye to the EPA (what typical American is against Environmental Protection? Dont we all need clean air and clean water? Got rid of banking regulations. He starts selling our national parts (like Bears Ears) to Uranium Mining companies. Begins to dismantle Science Agencies. Pulls out of the Paris Accord. Told the CDC to remove any phrases that say "Science Based" or "Evidence Based". Can you imagine? Bring back coal? Are you kidding me? Why not bring back buggy whips too? He did give himself a huge tax cut though (probably 100 million dollars or more). So he will eventually walk away laughing all the way to the bank.
Georg Bush nearly had it correct... Trickle down economics = Voodoo economics.
He was just too refined to say what he really thought... Trickle down economics is voodoo economics and that really means poopoo economics but us dignified folks say doodoo economics which should translate into US policy as don't do economics.
We seem to exceed at overlooking past mistakes...
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
We are all making assumptions. Perhaps as many as three posters have actually read the bill posted above and not one of them understands what they read. Happy Hanukkah everyone!
It's like a train wreck. It sucks but you can't help but look.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Regardless of this new tax bill, does anyone really think that the "National Debt" will ever actually go down or even slow it's growth ? I doubt it. It used to be "a few billion here and a few billion there". Pretty soon you'll start hearing the word "quadrillion" more often.
But hey, an inflationary environment should be good for coins, gold, etc.
@ms70 said:
Regardless of what side anyone is on, this thread is a real bummer for the run up to the Christmas weekend.
Yes I have got to agree with you 100%. For this reason I will not respond to the personal attacts anymore for my political beliefs. I for one am sorry I got sucked into it . This is a coin forum and it’s best to leave it at that.
Merry Christmas to all, Joe
The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
@WingedLiberty1957 said:
JMHO ... The only viable medical system is "single payer" a.k.a "medicare for all" from birth to death. IMO, Medical care is a right for every American, not a for-profit business to be enjoyed only by the wealthy and well off. Medicare for all creates one giant risk pool of 300 million people, so the costs are spread out -- most of the pool is healthy so the costs are lowered. Everyone is covered. Preventative care kicks in early (before the emergency room).
Universal health case is what every other major developed country has: England, France, Australia, Canada, etc. You remove the need for profits (paying the CEO 500 million dollar salaries and profits for shareholders).
The reason we do NOT have it now is the rich and corporations run this country and they want the current system since they make money off it. They then have more money to lobby and bribe congress to do what they (the corporations) want.
This country is not a democracy run by the people, it is an oligarchy run by the wealthy and corporations. Congress and the President are corrupt and lining their own pockets with money from corporations. The biggest winner of the tax cuts are congress themselves and the president and all their wealthy donors. Thats my rant of the day.
This could happen over the near term, maybe first by building a few larger players to deliver basic medical treatment and prescription drugs at a reduced cost to consumers. Like Amazon getting into the RX market or the proposed merger of CVS and Aetna. It needs to occur in small steps, because of the current players have too much to lose, and have a very strong political lobby. The delivery of basic medical and RX could turn into a more regulated industry like utilities. Advanced medical treatments and the costs associated with them are much bigger issue to deal with.
@coinkat said:
Georg Bush nearly had it correct... Trickle down economics = Voodoo economics.
He was just too refinedy to say what he really thought... Trickle down economics is voodoo economics and that really means poopoo economics but us dignified folks say doodoo economics which should translate into US policy as don't do economics.
We seem to exceed at overlooking past mistakes...
Hillary Clinton is a fan of "trickle-down economics", as are most politicians. As proof, I point to the 2008 financial bailout. Trillions of dollars were spent bailing out various financial institutions. But ALL of that money went straight to the top. None was spread around to the people. If that isn't the ultimate form of "trickle-down economics", I don't know what is. Hillary voted for it, as did a lot of others.
@dcarr said:
Regardless of this new tax bill, does anyone really think that the "National Debt" will ever actually go down or even slow it's growth ? I doubt it. It used to be "a few billion here and a few billion there". Pretty soon you'll start hearing the word "quadrillion" more often.
But hey, an inflationary environment should be good for coins, gold, etc.
Yeah, if your want to make a $20 trillion debt look small, you just have to inflate the GDP of the US to $40 trillion.
I'm not sure what the trigger could be, but inflation is about the only option available, since the debt is not likely to be reduced.
The current Tax reform might be a small step in trying to 'light' the inflation fire.
Also the recent trend in minimum wages is another way to kick start wage inflation.
Pay the lowest earners more, and those earning slightly more will start to demand more pay, and so on up the wage ladder.
@coinkat said:
Georg Bush nearly had it correct... Trickle down economics = Voodoo economics.
He was just too refinedy to say what he really thought... Trickle down economics is voodoo economics and that really means poopoo economics but us dignified folks say doodoo economics which should translate into US policy as don't do economics.
We seem to exceed at overlooking past mistakes...
Hillary Clinton is a fan of "trickle-down economics", as are most politicians. As proof, I point to the 2008 financial bailout. Trillions of dollars were spent bailing out various financial institutions. But ALL of that money went straight to the top. None was spread around to the people. If that isn't the ultimate form of "trickle-down economics", I don't know what is. Hillary voted for it, as did a lot of others.
It's does trickle-down, you just need to have some resources invested in the area where the trickle is happening.
ie. The financial markets starting in spring of 2009.
If they kickoff a round of 70's style inflation, many here may see the benefit in higher gold and silver prices
The need to stabilize financial institutions was required and the decision to do so prevented an economic collapse not seen since the Depression. I would argue that the bailout was an effective bi-partisan effort with the origins in the Bush Administration. Was it really an option for a huge international institution such as AIG or America's largest Auto manufacturer to fail? AIG and GM paid back bailout funds at a profit to the federal government. There is a monumental difference between the federal government intervening and preventing an economic collapse and an irresponsible tax cut.
We should just agree to disagree on this Mr. Carr and move on. Enjoy the Holidays
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
I respect your opinions but if medical care is a right for every american, why didn't my great grandfather get free medical care? Where in the constitution and amendments does it say I have a right to free medical care?
My great grandfather felt that America was based on the belief in democracy and capitalism. Instead of asking the government to pay for his healthcare and provide him a job, he had the right to go out and make his own way. If he was not happy with his job or employer or wage, he had the right to go start his own business. If he needed to pay for healthcare, he had the right to work hard and earn money to pay for whatever services he wanted or needed.
In fact, the system is designed to benefit capitalism, not the rich. It gives EVERYONE the opportunity to rise up if they work hard. They don't have to rely on the government or an employer. They can invest their capital (time, labor, money, smarts, etc.) in creating a business and generating wealth. The current tax code gives a ton of tax breaks to business because we are a capitalistic society. The tax system encourages people who want to work hard and create wealth to get the most tax benefits from starting their own business. If you really want a living wage or better healthcare or more tax breaks, who is stopping you from starting your own business? The answer to that question is the person staring back at you from the mirror every morning.
This is the reason my ancestors immigrated to the US and left the system of governance they found in Europe. It is also the reason they started their own businesses and tried to live the american dream. The american dream to them was not to get free benefits from the government, but to work hard and make their own way. The only cap on their happiness and wealth was the cap they placed on themselves. They told me to stop blaming the government, employers, and everyone else and to start working harder than anyone else if I wanted to get ahead.
Personally, I think my great grandfather would be sickened by the "poor me attitude" today and would tell people they have no idea what hard times really are. You may ask me who is supposed to take care of the sick and the poor? My great grandfather told me the church, the community and family took care of the poor and the sick. When did it become governments job?
@10000lakes said:
The spin begins.
Several large companies have announced cash bonus to all of their non executive employee's, typically $1000.
Also some have announced increases in minimum wage to $15 per hour.
Right leaning media says 'see how great the tax plan is'
Left leaning media says 'the companies were going to do this anyways because of low unemployment'
I saw this posted on facebook:
The tax cuts have already gotten more people a $15 minimum wage than Bernie Sanders ever has.
Additionally, almost all stock is owned by the very wealthy.
According to your own data, 63% of stock is owned by the "99%". So I would say you helped him make his point, not yours
The bottom 90% own only 19%. The top 10% in terms of an income bracket are around $140k+. Hardly middle class outside of the very high COL areas.
When the bottom 90% of income earners account for 19% of the ownership, you can't tell me with a straight face that it's good for the middle class.
It would be interesting to see income distribution by COL. I wonder how many people who make $140k+ are in high COL areas and considered middle class? I'd guess the majority of people making $140k+ are in high COL areas and considered middle class than low COL areas and considered upper class.
In California, Google employees are asking for rent control in Mountain View (where Google's HQ is) because they can't afford to live there. Also, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development "low income" level for a household of 4 in San Francisco is over 6 figures at $105,350. At this level, they are qualified for "affordable and subsidized housing programs such as Section 8 vouchers."
@dcarr said:
Regardless of this new tax bill, does anyone really think that the "National Debt" will ever actually go down or even slow it's growth ? I doubt it. It used to be "a few billion here and a few billion there". Pretty soon you'll start hearing the word "quadrillion" more often.
But hey, an inflationary environment should be good for coins, gold, etc.
It's worth considering that the US only paid all it's outstanding debt and had a balanced budget under a single President, Andrew Jackson.
Left out funding for 7,000,000 totally innocent children sustained by CHIP to wonder if they'll have to, or even have
a chance to, stand in line for "government cheese". Sorry, that was this week's emergency funding legislation. Maybe next year?
Carried-interest is so boring .....
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
OMG. Look where our corrupt education system has taken us.
Please forgive the messenger, as it is morally correct and "human" to take care of the sick, unfortunate and needy - one of the characteristics that separates us from animals...
HOWEVER, here is a News Flash for all those with personal beliefs or opinions.
There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof of the nonsense some are posting.
We were very lucky to live here. Unfortunately, soon enough, this country will be even more like all the rest.
@Insider2 said:
OMG. Look where our corrupt education system has taken us.
Please forgive the messenger, as it is morally correct and "human" to take care of the sick, unfortunate and needy - one of the characteristics that separates us from animals...
HOWEVER, here is a News Flash for all those with personal beliefs or opinions.
There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof of the nonsense some are posting.
We were very lucky to live here. Unfortunately, soon enough, this country will be even more like all the rest.
@dcarr said:
Regardless of this new tax bill, does anyone really think that the "National Debt" will ever actually go down or even slow it's growth ? I doubt it. It used to be "a few billion here and a few billion there". Pretty soon you'll start hearing the word "quadrillion" more often.
But hey, an inflationary environment should be good for coins, gold, etc.
It's worth considering that the US only paid all it's outstanding debt and had a balanced budget under a single President, Andrew Jackson.
That doesn't count since is was pre FED and pre income tax.
Even if Clinton did or didn't balance the budget (no one seems to agree).
They had to whip up a tax cut and a 'war on terror' to make sure we piled on more debt.
Our country runs on debt, like I said earlier in this thread.
Repubs or Dems will do there part to continue this, anything else is just talk to put on a good show for the sheeple's.
@ColonelJessup said:
Left out funding for 7,000,000 totally innocent children sustained by CHIP to wonder if they'll have to, or even have
a chance to, stand in line for "government cheese". Sorry, that was this week's emergency funding legislation. Maybe next year?
Carried-interest is so boring .....
No cheese lines until March, they passed a short term funding bill.
Children’s Insurance, Other Health Programs Funded — For Now — In Bill
December 22, 2017 at 12:00 pm | Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News
Print Article
The bill passed by Congress late Thursday to keep most of the federal government funded for another month also provided a temporary reprieve to a number of health programs in danger of running out of money, most notably the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP.
Funding for CHIP technically expired Oct. 1. States have been operating their programs with leftover funds provided by the Department of Health and Human Services since then. But nearly half of the states were projected to run out of money entirely by the end of January, putting health coverage for nearly 2 million children at risk by that point.
The funding provided by Congress for CHIP — $2.85 billion — is for six months, but it is back-dated to Oct. 1, so it will run out at the end of March 2018. The program covers 9 million children across the country.
Mark Twain said there are lies, damn lies and statistics!!! This thread is full of statistics.
I am neutral on most of this stuff. I am actually the most liberal R that I've ever met. A lot of the issues really do come down to $, including lots of lobbying $ (which I affectionately refer to as bribes), etc.
The D's (including most of my family) have been lobbying for 30 years to eliminate the SALT deduction, they are just mad now because they wanted to spend the money on something else.
I believe the reason we haven't gone to single-payer is $, and not what you think. There are between 600,000 and 1MM highly paid bureaucrats in the various segments of the insurance industry, and they would all be unemployed under single payer. Nobody, not Clinton, Obama or anyone else wanted to drop that many "professional" people on the street. I actually support single payer, but I think there should still be extra services available if you have the money.
Wait til the robots come, we will really need to rethink the whole system. The lowest estimate I've seen is 20MM displaced workers. The pols will start trying to block them, just watch. I expect them to start trying to block self-driving cars soon, no matter how many people are killed by distracted drivers.
I do believe the mods are already on break, as I can't believe this puppy is still rolling.
Happy Holidays to all the bastages and curmudgeons, everywhere!!!
@MrEureka said:
If my accountant tells me to pre-pay my 2018 real estate taxes before the end of 2017, it will affect my short term budget for coins. That is, if I had a budget.
I asked my accountant the same this morning. In my case he said not to. I'm going to take a haircut next year
Good thing! The House compromise bill eliminated the prepay option.
Wasn't trying to prepay 2018 just wanted to pay the second half of 2017 before Dec 31. Second half of 2017 taxes are due in Spring 2018. That way I would have paid 1.5 times in 2017 calendar year and only .5 in 2018. This is allowed. However, im my particular case it didn't matter. No benefit. It may benefit others
Merry Christmas Lance
I think the bill eliminated the option to prepay state and local income taxes.
I believe that property taxes could still be prepaid if your county allows it.
I just finished prepaying mine. The website even had a drop down option for the payment purpose of "prepayment for next year tax payment".
It's worth a shot since it won't be of any use to me as a deduction next year.
Exactly. I will be AMT so it wasnt a solution for me. I wanted it to be!
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
They are all not on break as at least one has answered a post today a few hours ago. I (for one) am being exposed to many ways of looking at things going on in the political realm that will have an effect on the coin business!
Let's see how the "sham-or-not" (?) tax cut affects the FUN show both on the floor and the auctions.
@Insider2 said:
OMG. Look where our corrupt education system has taken us.
Please forgive the messenger, as it is morally correct and "human" to take care of the sick, unfortunate and needy - one of the characteristics that separates us from animals...
HOWEVER, here is a News Flash for all those with personal beliefs or opinions.
There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof of the nonsense some are posting.
We were very lucky to live here. Unfortunately, soon enough, this country will be even more like all the rest.
Well put.
Inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Even the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1584 consider some worthy of shelter and sustenance.
@10000lakes said:
The spin begins.
Several large companies have announced cash bonus to all of their non executive employee's, typically $1000.
Also some have announced increases in minimum wage to $15 per hour.
Right leaning media says 'see how great the tax plan is'
Left leaning media says 'the companies were going to do this anyways because of low unemployment'
I saw this posted on facebook:
The tax cuts have already gotten more people a $15 minimum wage than Bernie Sanders ever has.
Abraham Lincoln has warned repeatedly about believing what you read on the Internet.
How many employee bonuses from which large companies (specific, and how large)? How many raises to $15hr is some?
And how many workers have gotten to $15 in the past two years. Was it Bernie, or some of the people around before the campaign. BTW, I have alienated some of his proponents on other issues also
@ms70 said:
Regardless of what side anyone is on, this thread is a real bummer for the run up to the Christmas weekend.
Yes I have got to agree with you 100%. For this reason I will not respond to the personal attacts anymore for my political beliefs. I for one am sorry I got sucked into it . This is a coin forum and it’s best to leave it at that.
Merry Christmas to all, Joe
Try this one on, @'dog. You were the very first person in this thread to spew your hatred and vitriol.
Until your Cheeto cheering, some small modicum of civility and restraint was maintained. Your espousal of your political beliefs was, from minute #1, aggressively hostile, off-the-wall and totally contrary to Forum customs, mores, rules and culture
On the other hand, every troll has a touch of sadism in their psyche. So thanks for the fun
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@10000lakes said:
The spin begins.
Several large companies have announced cash bonus to all of their non executive employee's, typically $1000.
Also some have announced increases in minimum wage to $15 per hour.
Right leaning media says 'see how great the tax plan is'
Left leaning media says 'the companies were going to do this anyways because of low unemployment'
Abraham Lincoln has warned repeatedly about believing what you read on the Internet.
How many employee bonuses from which large companies (specific, and how large)? How many raises to $15hr is some?
And how many workers have gotten to $15 in the past two years. Was it Bernie, or some of the people around before the campaign. BTW, I have alienated some of his proponents on other issues also
You can Google it, but some of larger companies include ATT, Comcast, Boeing, Wells Fargo ...
You can watch NBC, MSNBC tonight and see if they even report that all of their non-executive employees are getting a bonus
@Insider2 said: "There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof..."
@ColonelJessup replied: "Inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"
It's not a good idea to kick a bull in the nuts...however, I see you probably went to public school. BIG FAIL!!
"Life?" OK, we all have a right to life. This has nothing to do with a rebuttal to what I posted except that it is in our Founding Documents. Technically, all it is these days is a few meaningless words: "Right to Life." Unfortunately, NOT! Of course in all depends what "is" is. Oops' I should write what "life" is. Certainly, a blob of cells growing in a petri dish may not be considered life.
"Liberty" has nothing to do with anything I posted either. Unless it is something we have lost. If I wish to get technical, the government is on/has be on track to give citizens less and less liberty. Helmet laws, seat belt laws, firearm laws, bumper standards, zoning laws, on and on. While some regulation is necessary please don't bring "Liberty" into this. We have less and less. So again, just words that do not refute my post.
Finally, our pursuit of happiness has not been infringed - only made more difficult. Please see "Liberty" above. In fact, virtually any non-citizen can come to this country and pursue their happiness and that of all their relatives they bring in at our expense. Really stupid don't you think?
Can anyone else attempt to explain to me how housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food are natural "RIGHTS" given to US citizens at our founding?
David Crockett had a really good answer about public (government) assistance:
Yes the Obamacare mandate was repealed. People are no longer penalized if they do not buy health insurance.
But the Obamacare taxes on investment income and medicare tax are still in effect for high income earners.
Low income people will still be able to sign for subsided health care.
Most people that didn't qualify for a subsidy went into the open market to purchase their health insurance instead of going through the state and federal websites.
So I don't know what you call the current arrangement Obamacare lite, Trump O'care, or something else.
I just hope they keep something in place, since I will be jumping into the individual market at some point before I reach the age of 65.
@Insider2 said: @Insider2 said: "There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof..."
@ColonelJessup replied: "Inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"
I see you probably went to public school. BIG FAIL!!
"Life?" OK, we all have a right to life. This has nothing to do with a rebuttal to what I posted except that it is in our Founding Documents. Technically, all it is these days is a few meaningless words: "Right to Life." Unfortunately, NOT! Of course in all depends what "is" is. Oops' I should write what "life" is. Certainly, a blob of cells growing in a petri dish may not be considered life.
"Liberty" has nothing to do with anything I posted either. Unless it is something we have lost. If I wish to get technical, the government is on/has be on track to give citizens less and less liberty. Helmet laws, seat belt laws, firearm laws, bumper standards, zoning laws, on and on. While some regulation is necessary please don't bring "Liberty" into this. We have less and less. So again, just words that do not refute my post.
Finally, our pursuit of happiness has not been infringed - only made more difficult. Please see "Liberty" above. In fact, virtually any non-citizen can come to this country and pursue their happiness and that of all their relatives they bring in at our expense. Really stupid don't you think?
Can anyone else attempt to explain to me how housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food are natural "RIGHTS" given to US citizens at our founding?
David Crockett had a really good answer about public (government) assistance:
Even the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1584 consider some worthy of shelter and sustenance.
As I stated in my post, my ancestors were trying to get away from Britain and Elizabethan laws. They did not want the government taking care of them. All they wanted was an opportunity and America gave them the best chance of realizing their dreams. If they needed help and truly could not provide for themselves, they asked their family, their community and their church and it was provided. There was no Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, Social Security, Disability, etc.... How in the world did they survive??????????????????? They came here with nothing, and many suffered great loss but they all persevered through hard work and a dependence on those around them, not someone in Washington or some overreaching laws.
Sadly, I am NOT a 1%'er, but I am 100% liking the Trump thing.
I CHOSE to buy stocks instead of trinkets, and have had something for 40+ years, and the increase in just the last 12 months is astounding.
I CHOSE to leave being employed and now own my own business, and not let someone else determine what I was worth, sink or swim.
I CHOSE to live in a state that does not feel it has the right to TAX my income.
If you choose to not participate in the stock market, work for others, and give chunks of your income to the state, then I can see why the new tax bill is scary, but don't thrash the ones who do. There is a big difference in opinion between those who get a signed paycheck and those that create the jobs and sign the paychecks.
Look at some new MONSTER HUGE companies, liked Google, Apple, Amazon, Paypal, ebay, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, etc. and think very hard as to how much little in resources it took to start these companies.
When I did work for a company, I was very happy when one of my workers, nice lady, about a $22 hour line worker came to me, she was quitting, and cashing out her company stock. She had to quit to cash it, those were the rules. It had been accumulating for a long time, and she could not STAND it any more. I asked her if she was going to be OK without a job, and she, very much embarrassed by her own statement, said that her stock fund was about $5.5 million, and yes, she would be OK.
On the plus side think of the money saved by the people not having to pay the fine for not having health care! They win. They may be able to buy a few coins.
Just stating the obvious here, I know but let's just hope it is only a very small percentage of them that find themselves sick enough to enter into the health system via the emergency room. We all know who has to pay for that...us poor suckers paying 10-20k a year for family health coverage...which may quickly increase dramatically in price again.
Even the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1584 consider some worthy of shelter and sustenance.
As I stated in my post, my ancestors were trying to get away from Britain and Elizabethan laws. They did not want the government taking care of them. All they wanted was an opportunity and America gave them the best chance of realizing their dreams. If they needed help and truly could not provide for themselves, they asked their family, their community and their church and it was provided. There was no Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, Social Security, Disability, etc.... How in the world did they survive??????????????????? They came here with nothing, and many suffered great loss but they all persevered through hard work and a dependence on those around them, not someone in Washington or some overreaching laws.
Read Gladstone on English Common Law and Antonin Scalia's thoughts on it as the basis of much of our jurisprudence. Your family escaped monarchy.
If you had read the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1597-98, you'd find that it offered sustenance and charity to, among others, disabled military veterans, widows and orphans. These were considered the "worthy poor". Have you no shame? Not about caring, or not, but your disclosing your lack of intellectual rigor in disclaiming a document you haven't even bothered to read. If you're not opposed to veterans' benefits, what you so cavalierly discount and discard may buttress your arguments the next time VA funding is cut.
Survival? What was the life expectancy when your people came over? Pre-Social Security I'm recalling it being in the low 50's. Government-funded polio vaccine development? Rip-off
Read about Teddy Roosevelt's principles. They have more nuance than your Norman Rockwell-inspired fantasies of a pre-transistor age spiritual Eden.
"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." - Geo. Orwell
@ColonelJessup said: "You are my second favorite troll "
@MaineJim said:
On the plus side think of the money saved by the people not having to pay the fine for not having health care! They win. They may be able to buy a few coins.
Just stating the obvious here, I know but let's just hope it is only a very small percentage of them that find themselves sick enough to enter into the health system via the emergency room. We all know who has to pay for that...us poor suckers paying 10-20k a year for family health coverage...which may quickly increase dramatically in price again.
I worked in the admissions office at a major (A rated) metropolitan hospital for two years. No one was denied care. On occasion, an ER patient was sent to one of the other hospitals in the city. I never heard of one of these folks dying on the way over to hospital "B."
BTW, we joked that our patients were charged almost $100 for an aspirin because of all the "free" care given to all the indigent patients we admitted.
PS Put a stop loss bottom on your stocks to make sure you keep all the profits. You can keep increasing it while the stocks go up.
Even the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1584 consider some worthy of shelter and sustenance.
As I stated in my post, my ancestors were trying to get away from Britain and Elizabethan laws. They did not want the government taking care of them. All they wanted was an opportunity and America gave them the best chance of realizing their dreams. If they needed help and truly could not provide for themselves, they asked their family, their community and their church and it was provided. There was no Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, Social Security, Disability, etc.... How in the world did they survive??????????????????? They came here with nothing, and many suffered great loss but they all persevered through hard work and a dependence on those around them, not someone in Washington or some overreaching laws.
Read Gladstone on English Common Law and Antonin Scalia's thoughts on it as the basis of much of our jurisprudence. Your family escaped monarchy.
If you had read the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1597-98, you'd find that it offered sustenance and charity to, among others, disabled military veterans, widows and orphans. These were considered the "worthy poor". Have you no shame? Not about caring, or not, but your disclosing your lack of intellectual rigor in disclaiming a document you haven't even bothered to read. If you're not opposed to veterans' benefits, what you so cavalierly discount and discard may buttress your arguments the next time VA funding is cut.
Survival? What was the life expectancy when your people came over? Pre-Social Security I'm recalling it being in the low 50's. Government-funded polio vaccine development?
Read about Teddy Roosevelt's principles. They have more nuance than your Norman Rockwell-inspired fantasies of the pre-transistor age.
LOL - I wrote up a big intellectual response but realized I was being sucked into a black hole with no way out so I poured myself a Scotch instead and all is good
Some may see this as a "hose job" but I have never seen such optimism in the business world. For example, AT&T just throwing an additional $1000 to every employee as a direct response to the hose job - uh - I mean the new tax laws. Thats $200MM for those keeping score directed mostly to the "common man" - not shareholders or executives. I have never seen this kind of reaction from corporations. Perhaps they not "pure evil" afterall?
My point is please stop drinking the pure D or R koolaid and think for yourself. Go ahead all of you Sanders or Cruz fans, hit the Disagree or Flag button with gusto!
"31. Not all CEOs think they'll use their savings to create jobs, though.
Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale University said their companies plan to make large, immediate capital investments in the United States following tax reform. Capital investments, like building plants and upgrading equipment, can spur hiring."
"31. Not all CEOs think they'll use their savings to create jobs, though.
Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale University said their companies plan to make large, immediate capital investments in the United States following tax reform. Capital investments, like building plants and upgrading equipment, can spur hiring."
Well duh. Think about how that question is phrased. Companies generally do make large, immediate decisions. Plans have to be made, they have to research, etc. That would be like me asking you (if you were given $1,000), do you plan to immediately go buy a very expensive coin with it? Most here would say no, even if most would eventually, after research and considering, go buy SOMETHING nice with it.
LOL, then don't read it.
We are all making assumptions. Perhaps as many as three posters have actually read the bill posted above and not one of them understands what they read. Happy Hanukkah everyone!
JMHO ... The only viable medical system is "single payer" a.k.a "medicare for all" from birth to death. IMO, Medical care is a right for every American, not a for-profit business to be enjoyed only by the wealthy and well off. Medicare for all creates one giant risk pool of 300 million people, so the costs are spread out -- most of the pool is healthy so the costs are lowered. (no more $200 charges for getting an aspirin in the ER). Everyone is covered and with one giant pool they can negotiate better deals with drug companies (just like drugs are cheaper in canada and overseas). Preventative care kicks in early (before the emergency room) preventing the onset of more advanced or serious illnesses (catching stuff earlier is cheaper).
Universal health case is what every other major developed country has: England, France, Australia, Canada, etc. You remove the need for profits (paying the CEO 500 million dollar salaries and profits for shareholders).
The reason we DO NOT have it now is the rich and corporations run this country (and run congress through lobbyists, kickbacks, bribes, and donations) ... and they (big corporations) want the current system since they make money off it. They then have more money to lobby and bribe congress to do what they (the corporations) want. So it's a big corrupt loop of money flowing from corporations to congress (campaign contributions) and back again (tax breaks) .
Someday I hope many more wake up someday and realize that this country is not a Democracy run by the people, it is an Oligarchy run by the wealthy and corporations. Congress and the President are corrupt and lining their own pockets with money from corporations. The biggest winner of the tax cuts are congress themselves and the president and all their wealthy donors. That's my rant of the day.
By the way, the "corporate (mainstream) democrats" like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Shumer, etc are just about as corrupt and in the pocket of corporate America as the more outwardly and obviously corrupt republicans. (The democrats are a bit better on social issues, science (they are not science deniers), health care, and education).
The only political group that is not corrupt (IMHO) are the progressive democrats (like Bernie Sanders) who do not take corporate donations. However the mainstream corporate democrats that run the DNC will never allow a progressive to win the primary (it will always be rigged for a corporate schill to win). Just like the 2016 primary was rigged for Clinton to win.
The corporate run DNC would rather lose to a corporate Republican than lose to a Progressive Democrat. Since they (the corporate democrats also want their corporate donations to continue).
Our only hope as a country is for the progressive wing of the democrat party to break off and form a 3rd party that is not beholden to any corporate donors. I am hoping that Bernie Sanders can pull this off. There are others too like Tulsi Gabbard and a new wave of a group called the "Justice Democrats" -- which are mainstream americans that are not corrupt getting involved.
However the media (controlled by big corporations), will be working like mad to prevent the progressive democrats from getting anywhere. They will be slamming and slandering all the way to election day.
Only if a true progressive candidate wins would our government begin to represent the vast majority of Americans. Odds of this happening about 5%.
(It's funny (really sad) to me that trump ran on a platform of being a "progressive republican" who was FOR mainstream america (the little guy) -- but clearly it was a big scam. He immediately sold out and put a bunch of wall streeters and oil barons in his cabinet and is now dismantling all regulations that were there in an attempt to protect mainstreet americans from being taking advantage of by big corporations. This is why we have said goodbye to the EPA (what typical American is against Environmental Protection? Dont we all need clean air and clean water? Got rid of banking regulations. He starts selling our national parts (like Bears Ears) to Uranium Mining companies. Begins to dismantle Science Agencies. Pulls out of the Paris Accord. Told the CDC to remove any phrases that say "Science Based" or "Evidence Based". Can you imagine? Bring back coal? Are you kidding me? Why not bring back buggy whips too? He did give himself a huge tax cut though (probably 100 million dollars or more). So he will eventually walk away laughing all the way to the bank.
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Georg Bush nearly had it correct... Trickle down economics = Voodoo economics.
He was just too refined to say what he really thought... Trickle down economics is voodoo economics and that really means poopoo economics but us dignified folks say doodoo economics which should translate into US policy as don't do economics.
We seem to exceed at overlooking past mistakes...
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
It's like a train wreck. It sucks but you can't help but look.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Regardless of this new tax bill, does anyone really think that the "National Debt" will ever actually go down or even slow it's growth ? I doubt it. It used to be "a few billion here and a few billion there". Pretty soon you'll start hearing the word "quadrillion" more often.
But hey, an inflationary environment should be good for coins, gold, etc.
Yes I have got to agree with you 100%. For this reason I will not respond to the personal attacts anymore for my political beliefs. I for one am sorry I got sucked into it . This is a coin forum and it’s best to leave it at that.
Merry Christmas to all, Joe
This could happen over the near term, maybe first by building a few larger players to deliver basic medical treatment and prescription drugs at a reduced cost to consumers. Like Amazon getting into the RX market or the proposed merger of CVS and Aetna. It needs to occur in small steps, because of the current players have too much to lose, and have a very strong political lobby. The delivery of basic medical and RX could turn into a more regulated industry like utilities. Advanced medical treatments and the costs associated with them are much bigger issue to deal with.
Hillary Clinton is a fan of "trickle-down economics", as are most politicians. As proof, I point to the 2008 financial bailout. Trillions of dollars were spent bailing out various financial institutions. But ALL of that money went straight to the top. None was spread around to the people. If that isn't the ultimate form of "trickle-down economics", I don't know what is. Hillary voted for it, as did a lot of others.
Yeah, if your want to make a $20 trillion debt look small, you just have to inflate the GDP of the US to $40 trillion.
I'm not sure what the trigger could be, but inflation is about the only option available, since the debt is not likely to be reduced.
The current Tax reform might be a small step in trying to 'light' the inflation fire.
Also the recent trend in minimum wages is another way to kick start wage inflation.
Pay the lowest earners more, and those earning slightly more will start to demand more pay, and so on up the wage ladder.
It's does trickle-down, you just need to have some resources invested in the area where the trickle is happening.
ie. The financial markets starting in spring of 2009.
If they kickoff a round of 70's style inflation, many here may see the benefit in higher gold and silver prices
The need to stabilize financial institutions was required and the decision to do so prevented an economic collapse not seen since the Depression. I would argue that the bailout was an effective bi-partisan effort with the origins in the Bush Administration. Was it really an option for a huge international institution such as AIG or America's largest Auto manufacturer to fail? AIG and GM paid back bailout funds at a profit to the federal government. There is a monumental difference between the federal government intervening and preventing an economic collapse and an irresponsible tax cut.
We should just agree to disagree on this Mr. Carr and move on. Enjoy the Holidays
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
I respect your opinions but if medical care is a right for every american, why didn't my great grandfather get free medical care? Where in the constitution and amendments does it say I have a right to free medical care?
My great grandfather felt that America was based on the belief in democracy and capitalism. Instead of asking the government to pay for his healthcare and provide him a job, he had the right to go out and make his own way. If he was not happy with his job or employer or wage, he had the right to go start his own business. If he needed to pay for healthcare, he had the right to work hard and earn money to pay for whatever services he wanted or needed.
In fact, the system is designed to benefit capitalism, not the rich. It gives EVERYONE the opportunity to rise up if they work hard. They don't have to rely on the government or an employer. They can invest their capital (time, labor, money, smarts, etc.) in creating a business and generating wealth. The current tax code gives a ton of tax breaks to business because we are a capitalistic society. The tax system encourages people who want to work hard and create wealth to get the most tax benefits from starting their own business. If you really want a living wage or better healthcare or more tax breaks, who is stopping you from starting your own business? The answer to that question is the person staring back at you from the mirror every morning.
This is the reason my ancestors immigrated to the US and left the system of governance they found in Europe. It is also the reason they started their own businesses and tried to live the american dream. The american dream to them was not to get free benefits from the government, but to work hard and make their own way. The only cap on their happiness and wealth was the cap they placed on themselves. They told me to stop blaming the government, employers, and everyone else and to start working harder than anyone else if I wanted to get ahead.
Personally, I think my great grandfather would be sickened by the "poor me attitude" today and would tell people they have no idea what hard times really are. You may ask me who is supposed to take care of the sick and the poor? My great grandfather told me the church, the community and family took care of the poor and the sick. When did it become governments job?
Merry Christmas everyone.
I saw this posted on facebook:
The tax cuts have already gotten more people a $15 minimum wage than Bernie Sanders ever has.
It would be interesting to see income distribution by COL. I wonder how many people who make $140k+ are in high COL areas and considered middle class? I'd guess the majority of people making $140k+ are in high COL areas and considered middle class than low COL areas and considered upper class.
In California, Google employees are asking for rent control in Mountain View (where Google's HQ is) because they can't afford to live there. Also, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development "low income" level for a household of 4 in San Francisco is over 6 figures at $105,350. At this level, they are qualified for "affordable and subsidized housing programs such as Section 8 vouchers."
It's worth considering that the US only paid all it's outstanding debt and had a balanced budget under a single President, Andrew Jackson.
Left out funding for 7,000,000 totally innocent children sustained by CHIP to wonder if they'll have to, or even have
a chance to, stand in line for "government cheese". Sorry, that was this week's emergency funding legislation. Maybe next year?
Carried-interest is so boring .....
OMG. Look where our corrupt education system has taken us.
Please forgive the messenger,
as it is morally correct and "human" to take care of the sick, unfortunate and needy - one of the characteristics that separates us from animals...
HOWEVER, here is a News Flash for all those with personal beliefs or opinions.
There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof of the nonsense some are posting.
We were very lucky to live here. Unfortunately, soon enough, this country will be even more like all the rest.
Well put.
That doesn't count since is was pre FED and pre income tax.
Even if Clinton did or didn't balance the budget (no one seems to agree).
They had to whip up a tax cut and a 'war on terror' to make sure we piled on more debt.
Our country runs on debt, like I said earlier in this thread.
Repubs or Dems will do there part to continue this, anything else is just talk to put on a good show for the sheeple's.
No cheese lines until March, they passed a short term funding bill.
Children’s Insurance, Other Health Programs Funded — For Now — In Bill
December 22, 2017 at 12:00 pm | Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News
Print Article
The bill passed by Congress late Thursday to keep most of the federal government funded for another month also provided a temporary reprieve to a number of health programs in danger of running out of money, most notably the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP.
Funding for CHIP technically expired Oct. 1. States have been operating their programs with leftover funds provided by the Department of Health and Human Services since then. But nearly half of the states were projected to run out of money entirely by the end of January, putting health coverage for nearly 2 million children at risk by that point.
The funding provided by Congress for CHIP — $2.85 billion — is for six months, but it is back-dated to Oct. 1, so it will run out at the end of March 2018. The program covers 9 million children across the country.
Mark Twain said there are lies, damn lies and statistics!!! This thread is full of statistics.
I am neutral on most of this stuff. I am actually the most liberal R that I've ever met. A lot of the issues really do come down to $, including lots of lobbying $ (which I affectionately refer to as bribes), etc.
The D's (including most of my family) have been lobbying for 30 years to eliminate the SALT deduction, they are just mad now because they wanted to spend the money on something else.
I believe the reason we haven't gone to single-payer is $, and not what you think. There are between 600,000 and 1MM highly paid bureaucrats in the various segments of the insurance industry, and they would all be unemployed under single payer. Nobody, not Clinton, Obama or anyone else wanted to drop that many "professional" people on the street. I actually support single payer, but I think there should still be extra services available if you have the money.
Wait til the robots come, we will really need to rethink the whole system. The lowest estimate I've seen is 20MM displaced workers. The pols will start trying to block them, just watch. I expect them to start trying to block self-driving cars soon, no matter how many people are killed by distracted drivers.
I do believe the mods are already on break, as I can't believe this puppy is still rolling.
Happy Holidays to all the bastages and curmudgeons, everywhere!!!
If everyone can keep away from petty personal attacks on other members, they probably see no harm.
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Exactly. I will be AMT so it wasnt a solution for me. I wanted it to be!
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
They are all not on break as at least one has answered a post today a few hours ago. I (for one) am being exposed to many ways of looking at things going on in the political realm that will have an effect on the coin business!
Let's see how the "sham-or-not" (?) tax cut affects the FUN show both on the floor and the auctions.
The real purpose of the AMT Tax.
How long would it take someone to even read the thing?
Inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Even the Elizabethan Poor Laws of 1584 consider some worthy of shelter and sustenance.
Abraham Lincoln has warned repeatedly about believing what you read on the Internet.
How many employee bonuses from which large companies (specific, and how large)? How many raises to $15hr is some?
And how many workers have gotten to $15 in the past two years. Was it Bernie, or some of the people around before the campaign. BTW, I have alienated some of his proponents on other issues also
Try this one on, @'dog. You were the very first person in this thread to spew your hatred and vitriol.
Until your Cheeto cheering, some small modicum of civility and restraint was maintained.
Your espousal of your political beliefs was, from minute #1, aggressively hostile, off-the-wall and totally contrary to Forum customs, mores, rules and culture
On the other hand, every troll has a touch of sadism in their psyche. So thanks for the fun
Merry Christmas!

"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown
You can Google it, but some of larger companies include ATT, Comcast, Boeing, Wells Fargo ...
You can watch NBC, MSNBC tonight and see if they even report that all of their non-executive employees are getting a bonus
I'll re-state this FACT again.....The Obamacare mandate was repealed in this tax bill
@Insider2 said: "There is NO mention in the founding documents of this country that any of us has a "RIGHT" to housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food! If you disagree with this post, let's see the proof..."
@ColonelJessup replied: "Inalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness?"
It's not a good idea to kick a bull in the nuts...however, I see you probably went to public school. BIG FAIL!!
"Life?" OK, we all have a right to life. This has nothing to do with a rebuttal to what I posted except that it is in our Founding Documents. Technically, all it is these days is a few meaningless words: "Right to Life." Unfortunately, NOT! Of course in all depends what "is" is. Oops' I should write what "life" is. Certainly, a blob of cells growing in a petri dish may not be considered life.
"Liberty" has nothing to do with anything I posted either. Unless it is something we have lost. If I wish to get technical, the government is on/has be on track to give citizens less and less liberty. Helmet laws, seat belt laws, firearm laws, bumper standards, zoning laws, on and on. While some regulation is necessary please don't bring "Liberty" into this. We have less and less. So again, just words that do not refute my post.
Finally, our pursuit of happiness has not been infringed - only made more difficult. Please see "Liberty" above. In fact, virtually any non-citizen can come to this country and pursue their happiness and that of all their relatives they bring in at our expense. Really stupid don't you think?
Can anyone else attempt to explain to me how housing, medical care, a job, public assistance (government) of any kind, or even food are natural "RIGHTS" given to US citizens at our founding?
David Crockett had a really good answer about public (government) assistance:
Remember though, you cannot believe anything on the Internet.
Yes the Obamacare mandate was repealed. People are no longer penalized if they do not buy health insurance.
But the Obamacare taxes on investment income and medicare tax are still in effect for high income earners.
Low income people will still be able to sign for subsided health care.
Most people that didn't qualify for a subsidy went into the open market to purchase their health insurance instead of going through the state and federal websites.
So I don't know what you call the current arrangement Obamacare lite, Trump O'care, or something else.
I just hope they keep something in place, since I will be jumping into the individual market at some point before I reach the age of 65.
You are my second favorite troll
As I stated in my post, my ancestors were trying to get away from Britain and Elizabethan laws. They did not want the government taking care of them. All they wanted was an opportunity and America gave them the best chance of realizing their dreams. If they needed help and truly could not provide for themselves, they asked their family, their community and their church and it was provided. There was no Medicare, Medicaid, Obama Care, Social Security, Disability, etc.... How in the world did they survive??????????????????? They came here with nothing, and many suffered great loss but they all persevered through hard work and a dependence on those around them, not someone in Washington or some overreaching laws.
Sadly, I am NOT a 1%'er, but I am 100% liking the Trump thing.
I CHOSE to buy stocks instead of trinkets, and have had something for 40+ years, and the increase in just the last 12 months is astounding.
I CHOSE to leave being employed and now own my own business, and not let someone else determine what I was worth, sink or swim.
I CHOSE to live in a state that does not feel it has the right to TAX my income.
If you choose to not participate in the stock market, work for others, and give chunks of your income to the state, then I can see why the new tax bill is scary, but don't thrash the ones who do. There is a big difference in opinion between those who get a signed paycheck and those that create the jobs and sign the paychecks.
Look at some new MONSTER HUGE companies, liked Google, Apple, Amazon, Paypal, ebay, Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, etc. and think very hard as to how much little in resources it took to start these companies.
When I did work for a company, I was very happy when one of my workers, nice lady, about a $22 hour line worker came to me, she was quitting, and cashing out her company stock. She had to quit to cash it, those were the rules. It had been accumulating for a long time, and she could not STAND it any more. I asked her if she was going to be OK without a job, and she, very much embarrassed by her own statement, said that her stock fund was about $5.5 million, and yes, she would be OK.
Good for her
Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT of Happiness. Not a guarantee.
On the plus side think of the money saved by the people not having to pay the fine for not having health care! They win. They may be able to buy a few coins.
Just stating the obvious here, I know but let's just hope it is only a very small percentage of them that find themselves sick enough to enter into the health system via the emergency room. We all know who has to pay for that...us poor suckers paying 10-20k a year for family health coverage...which may quickly increase dramatically in price again.
Read Gladstone on English Common Law and Antonin Scalia's thoughts on it as the basis of much of our jurisprudence. Your family escaped monarchy.
If you had read the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1597-98, you'd find that it offered sustenance and charity to, among others, disabled military veterans, widows and orphans. These were considered the "worthy poor". Have you no shame? Not about caring, or not, but your disclosing your lack of intellectual rigor in disclaiming a document you haven't even bothered to read. If you're not opposed to veterans' benefits, what you so cavalierly discount and discard may buttress your arguments the next time VA funding is cut.
Survival? What was the life expectancy when your people came over? Pre-Social Security I'm recalling it being in the low 50's. Government-funded polio vaccine development? Rip-off
Read about Teddy Roosevelt's principles. They have more nuance than your Norman Rockwell-inspired fantasies of a pre-transistor age spiritual Eden.
@ColonelJessup said: "You are my second favorite troll
I worked in the admissions office at a major (A rated) metropolitan hospital for two years. No one was denied care. On occasion, an ER patient was sent to one of the other hospitals in the city. I never heard of one of these folks dying on the way over to hospital "B."
BTW, we joked that our patients were charged almost $100 for an aspirin because of all the "free" care given to all the indigent patients we admitted.
PS Put a stop loss bottom on your stocks to make sure you keep all the profits. You can keep increasing it while the stocks go up.
FUN is coming! Cheer up. -)
My 1866 Philly Mint Set
LOL - I wrote up a big intellectual response but realized I was being sucked into a black hole with no way out so I poured myself a Scotch instead and all is good
Is that the famed "Scaly Polished Silver Medium-Mouthed" Numisma-Fish?
Nice catch!
Already well of the rails, this thread needs some Christmas music!
How about the theme from The Grinch Who Stole Christmas...
Experience the World through Numismatics...it's more than you can imagine.
Some may see this as a "hose job" but I have never seen such optimism in the business world. For example, AT&T just throwing an additional $1000 to every employee as a direct response to the hose job - uh - I mean the new tax laws. Thats $200MM for those keeping score directed mostly to the "common man" - not shareholders or executives. I have never seen this kind of reaction from corporations. Perhaps they not "pure evil" afterall?
My point is please stop drinking the pure D or R koolaid and think for yourself. Go ahead all of you Sanders or Cruz fans, hit the Disagree or Flag button with gusto!
Looks like Mr. Potter's bank is going to have a banner year
So let me share some cheer from ultra-libs REM
"It's the End of the World As We Know It, and I Feel Fine"
Probably less coin buying:
From: money.cnn.com/2017/12/20/news/economy/republican-tax-reform-everything-you-need-to-know/index.html?iid=hp-stack-dom
"31. Not all CEOs think they'll use their savings to create jobs, though.
Just 14% of CEOs surveyed by Yale University said their companies plan to make large, immediate capital investments in the United States following tax reform. Capital investments, like building plants and upgrading equipment, can spur hiring."
What exactly is a "hose job" anyway?
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Well duh. Think about how that question is phrased. Companies generally do make large, immediate decisions. Plans have to be made, they have to research, etc. That would be like me asking you (if you were given $1,000), do you plan to immediately go buy a very expensive coin with it? Most here would say no, even if most would eventually, after research and considering, go buy SOMETHING nice with it.