By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
That's my concern, Rick.
Frankly I'd rather they keep my ~$150/month, pay down the deficit, and enhance our healthcare system and infrastructure.
This is coin related - I'm going to be buying and submitting fewer US Coins as a result of this legislation. I'd be nervous if a US coin dealer.
Doctors are getting the shaft on both ends - higher taxes now and lower reimbursement down the road as the reconciliation kicks into effect on medicaid/medicare. It would be nice to buy a car or house and have to pay only 39c for each dollar owed like health care bills. Now with the Health Care mandate removed, we get to provide more free care to those who don't have insurance.
Along with the increase in the national debt, it's just awful legislation.
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
The US is way behind on a lot of fronts like healthcare and education, none of the recent bills have improved that. Our country is becoming less attractive for people to move here unless they are coming from Chaostan or their special skills command top dollar in US businesses. Tourists however will always come.
For traditional collectibles businesses, I cannot envision legislation that would significantly draw new collectors into classical numismatics.
@Lakesammman said:
I'm not seeing a revision of the OP??
This is coin related - I'm going to be buying and submitting fewer US Coins as a result of this legislation. I'd be nervous if a US coin dealer.
Doctors are getting the shaft on both ends - higher taxes now and lower reimbursement down the road as the reconciliation kicks into effect on medicaid/medicare. It would be nice to buy a car or house and have to pay only 39c for each dollar owed like health care bills. Now with the Health Care mandate removed, we get to provide more free care to those who don't have insurance.
Along with the increase in the national debt, it's just awful legislation.
It is awful. It will personally hurt me as well but that's not what I'm worried about.
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Walkerguy21D said: By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
That's my concern, Rick.
Frankly I'd rather they keep my ~$150/month, pay down the deficit, and enhance our healthcare system and infrastructure.
Put your money where your mouth is. Refuse the tax cut. Mail them extra money. Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice that will help with whatever problem you want to fix.
@Walkerguy21D said: By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
That's my concern, Rick.
Frankly I'd rather they keep my ~$150/month, pay down the deficit, and enhance our healthcare system and infrastructure.
Put your money where your mouth is. Refuse the tax cut. Mail them extra money. Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice that will help with whatever problem you want to fix.
That's silly and made me laugh. The guy make a sincere point and you hit him with that?
Actually I would do that but I don't trust that they would put it toward the national debt or infrastructure. I already give a lot to charities. What now? I will have to give even more in the future it looks like
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Most of the calculators online right now are too vague, or seem to have an agenda. This one, if I put that I live in a high tax state, it says my taxes will increase and if not, they will go down. Another I used today only gave the option of Single filer or Joint with 2 dependents.
Nearly all of my clients live in a high SALT state, and the vast majority of them don't exceed the 10,000 cap now in place on state and local deductions. I am more concerned for the people who will now lose out on the Misc itemized deductions subject to the 2% threshold. I have a lot of clients who this will affect.
Also to add that IMO a reduction in future growth of a program is not the same as a cut, or slashing programs.
@Walkerguy21D said: By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
That's my concern, Rick.
Frankly I'd rather they keep my ~$150/month, pay down the deficit, and enhance our healthcare system and infrastructure.
Put your money where your mouth is. Refuse the tax cut. Mail them extra money. Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice that will help with whatever problem you want to fix.
That's silly and made me laugh. The guy make a sincere point and you hit him with that?
Actually I would do that but I don't trust that they would put it toward the national debt or infrastructure. I already give a lot to charities. What now? I will have to give even more in the future it looks like
Not silly at all, in my opinion. In my opinion, the individual can do a lot more good with their money than government can. I think it's good he (and you) care about these things. As long as you are sending your own money in to charities that help, I have no issues. And you said "I will have to give even more...". I think that should read, I GET to give even more now. How is that a bad thing? You get to decide which cause needs your money the most, instead of having someone else decide for you.
Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice
Not a bad idea, jwitten, I can give even more. Or save more for the inevitable massive health insurance premiums I'll be facing one of these days. I hope you enjoy your windfall on whatever it is you plan on doing with it.
@Walkerguy21D said: Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice
Not a bad idea, jwitten, I can give even more. Or save more for the inevitable massive health insurance premiums I'll be facing one of these days. I hope you enjoy your windfall on whatever it is you plan on doing with it.
Healthcare is so screwed up by both sides now. I am self employed and paid for our own, and it was estimated to go from about $860 to $1,400 next year. We decided to go with a Christian health share plan instead for around $500. Oh, and I'll add this. This is what conservatives want! Take YOUR own money, and use it for YOUR own healthcare! Taking personal responsibility. America could use a little more of that these days.
@crazyhounddog said:
I come here to relax and to get away from the BS involved with politics. But since you’ve put it out there I for one am sick and tired of the damn Democrats obstructing EVERYTHING! What a freaking joke. How in the hell can anything get done? They, the Democrats, are just full of hate, like what they accuse Trump of. Like a bunch a freaking babies crying everyday. Maybe they should just get over it.
So there ya go!!
Love ya dawg but one party has the majority in the house, senate and Oval Office. If things can't get done there is division in the controlling party. Things never even make it to the Oval Office to get vetoed.
Quit watching the fake news
Actually what I described is exactly how the government works or in this case isnt working. Isn't the whole "fake" news thing getting kind of tired and lazy? Maybe you were joking ; )
Imagine if we had to elect a Board Moderator for 4 years . ( obviously the one we have is awesome and exhibits rock star tendencies ). Let's say after about 20 minutes of ruling we realized he was a buffoon. Damn. We are stuck with him. So what do we do?
1) threaten to move to Canada or NGC?
2) try to work with him and point him in the right direction when he loses his way even when he pouts
3) undermine everything he does and disrupt the boards into a stalemate for the greater good of the boards until the next board election.
I'm all for number 2 unless he or she shows they arent worthy. Then I can live with number 3.
Luckily we don't have elections on this forum
Merry Christmas
Is the country doing better now than it was a year ago?
1) Stock market is up
2) More jobs
3) Kicking some ISIS ass
Jobs are coming back to America and hard working Americans can keep more of their money.
Yes the main stream media is bias .
CNN stands for Clinton News Network.
How bout that uranium 1 deal where the Clinton foundation received 145 million dollars and the United States received zero for 20% of our uranium? What about that?
Why are the Clintons above the law?
Yes I’m serious.
But remember this. I love you man
Think of all the money you save having a remote for the tv with only Fox News programmed into it!
Shouldn’t horse’s nether regions only be posted in the veterinary forum?
You're being way too kind.
Need to keep this coin related.......
"My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose, Cardinal.
@tradedollarnut said: "Think of all the money you save having a remote for the tv with only Fox News programmed into it!"
God no, I get depressed enough with the news from Fox and the BBC. For the sake of balance, I need the other channels for humor!
I truly believe that ignorance is bliss and much less stressful. Think how much fun collecting coins is for folks who don't know anything! Now, after learning a few things, I can hardly find one that is not impaired in some way.
Very needed relief for me for the coins in my collection that are owned by my corporation. Now I can sell my winners and buy some losers with potential........
As I understand the theory of this tax plan, a more robust economy will bring in more revenue. This, in turn, will help to reduce the deficit. My money is on Congress spending any extra revenue realized in this manner. This will be the flaw in this grand scheme.
As for my coin budget, I will be buying only a few items to finish projects already under way. Still watching closely the trend line on the PCGS 3000 index.
I like all you guys so I’m gonna move on.
I have said enough and probably too much for this coin forum. I do believe the forum mods are on Christmas Vacation at this s point and I like it here. So, the answer the original question. Yes I do believe that more money in your pocket equals a stimulation of the economy. More coins will be bought and sold along with our coins going up in value.
Of course this is just my opinion.
Merry Christmas to all, Joe
The bitterness of "Poor Quality" is remembered long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.
@bolivarshagnasty said:
As I understand the theory of this tax plan, a more robust economy will bring in more revenue. This, in turn, will help to reduce the deficit. My money is on Congress spending any extra revenue realized in this manner. This will be the flaw in this grand scheme.
If I want to watch Fox News I can just go down to the Knights of Columbus and watch my Dad and his friends play pinochle. Same thing.
Fox News reminds me of a sit com about the News but I guess it's supposed to be real. Hard to tell at times. MSNBC is equally bad
Saw a great movie ( sceener for the Academy). The Post. Everyone here would love it OR hate it
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Walkerguy21D said: By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
Actually I would do that but I don't trust that they would put it toward the national debt or infrastructure. I already give a lot to charities. What now? I will have to give even more in the future it looks like
This is an interesting concept that hasn’t even been mentioned. Most of the talking heads seem to think charitable contributions will go down because it won’t be beneficial any longer. But as you seem to be implying it might actually stimulate future giving. Image the minds being blown if that happens.
@bolivarshagnasty said:
As I understand the theory of this tax plan, a more robust economy will bring in more revenue. This, in turn, will help to reduce the deficit. My money is on Congress spending any extra revenue realized in this manner. This will be the flaw in this grand scheme.
Trickle Down = Voodoo Economics
Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
Fox News reminds me of a sit com about the News but I guess it's supposed to be real. Hard to tell at times. MSNBC is equally bad
Left and Right channels purporting to tell the news are doing a grave disservice to our democracy. I also blame the Sheeple who can't discern fact from fiction.
@jwitten said: "Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
Problem, the lowest income folks end up not paying any taxes to speak of and the child credit .. oh never mind. I'm outa here while the getting is good. Merry Christmas!
Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
you really believe that? Wowser. Their net will be worse. What do you think will be cut to pay for this tax plan? Country Club mememberships or some social services?
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@bolivarshagnasty said:
As I understand the theory of this tax plan, a more robust economy will bring in more revenue. This, in turn, will help to reduce the deficit. My money is on Congress spending any extra revenue realized in this manner. This will be the flaw in this grand scheme.
Trickle Down = Voodoo Economics
Keeping our doctor, plan and saving $2,500 was funny too.
@Walkerguy21D said: By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
Actually I would do that but I don't trust that they would put it toward the national debt or infrastructure. I already give a lot to charities. What now? I will have to give even more in the future it looks like
This is an interesting concept that hasn’t even been mentioned. Most of the talking heads seem to think charitable contributions will go down because it won’t be beneficial any longer. But as you seem to be implying it might actually stimulate future giving. Image the minds being blown if that happens.
I guess it depends on why people really give. I wouldn't under estimate humanity just yet. People still do the right things when push comes to shove. The tax write offs aren't the reason why I give and I hope that's the same for most but I catch your drift
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
you really believe that? Wowser. Their net will be worse. What do you think will be cut to pay for this tax plan? Country Club mememberships or some social services?
@privatecoin said:
I lived in California 13 years. At my highest i earned 42k in one year. I claimed zero, withheld extra, and still at the end of the year i owed the state. They are doing a good job of driving their middle class out of the state. I'll stay in Kansas earning the same as i did in California and only paying 1/3 the amount to the state i was paying California. Plus my property tax is only $125 a year. Now i have money to buy coins!
The only problem with the above is that you end up living in Kansas and Not California ...........
Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
you really believe that? Wowser. Their net will be worse. What do you think will be cut to pay for this tax plan? Country Club mememberships or some social services?
Heck, even the CNN link said it
Dig deeper. Sounds like lazy reporting or very glossy. The money is going to come from somewhere. If you get $100 a month more in your check and Medicare or basic social services are cut odds are you will be worse off. Not a great time to be retired either.
You're a good man. Happy Holiday's
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
There is a Wiki page for the 2017 Tax reform act that contains a lot of the details on the tax plan.
It a live document that will probably get updated soon to reflect the actual law that was passed today.
I do not know if it is related to modern politics or tax increases but the television networks have revived the UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) and flying saucer stories from the late 1940s.
"Navy pilot sees UFO, says it was not from this earth".
We also have the flint hills, Solomon valley, castle rock, monument rocks, and many other places. Everybody is just brainwashed into the I-70 scene and ignore the original American highways. There are also lots of canyons that you can explore for fossils since it used to all be under the ocean.
Now don't get me wrong, there are good parts of California, but it is far from the perfect pie some people pertain it to be. No different than you not hearing me promote living in "Kansas City". There are good and bad things here too. I just choose to look at it from the perspective that you cannot beat the cost of living where I do. I'm much happier keeping my money in my pocket.
Just my opinion.
Well since everyone else has gone off the rails on this topic (including some of my favorite people here), let me add as someone that grew up not far from the Arikaree Breaks, Kansas has some subtle beauty but nothing that is going to hold up to La Jolla or Joshua Tree or Yosemite. And you can't be citing Castle Rock any more -- that thing fell over one night and no one even noticed it for days.
But I will agree that Kansas is a great place to grow up or even to retire to. Maybe its best natural feature is best seen by driving out to the middle of the country away from any city lights ( lots of chance for that) and on a clear night, especially when there is little moonlight, just look up. Now there is a sight you won't see in most of California. Most people from the coasts don't really know what the Milky Way looks like.
Oh, and as to Lakesamman's original question, I am in one of those high SALT places, so yes, I will buy less.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
@bolivarshagnasty said:
As I understand the theory of this tax plan, a more robust economy will bring in more revenue. This, in turn, will help to reduce the deficit. My money is on Congress spending any extra revenue realized in this manner. This will be the flaw in this grand scheme.
I have got to see how it will affect me as a sole prop, the bigger tax breaks are going to corps, I have been reluctant to change to a corp, so will have to see how much the difference is. At first the new tax plan was not helping me in the slightest, but the latest revisions due give some tax breaks to pass thru Income , so maybe it will help a little
By making a huge hole in the deficit, many programs will be automatically slashed due to "Pay as you go" legislation passed a few years ago.
That's my concern, Rick.
Frankly I'd rather they keep my ~$150/month, pay down the deficit, and enhance our healthcare system and infrastructure.
I don't think I will change much in the way I collect coins because of the new tax laws.
This place is much better without political discussions. Which side of this coin do you prefer?
I'm not seeing a revision of the OP??
This is coin related - I'm going to be buying and submitting fewer US Coins as a result of this legislation. I'd be nervous if a US coin dealer.
Doctors are getting the shaft on both ends - higher taxes now and lower reimbursement down the road as the reconciliation kicks into effect on medicaid/medicare. It would be nice to buy a car or house and have to pay only 39c for each dollar owed like health care bills. Now with the Health Care mandate removed, we get to provide more free care to those who don't have insurance.
Along with the increase in the national debt, it's just awful legislation.
The US is way behind on a lot of fronts like healthcare and education, none of the recent bills have improved that. Our country is becoming less attractive for people to move here unless they are coming from Chaostan or their special skills command top dollar in US businesses. Tourists however will always come.
For traditional collectibles businesses, I cannot envision legislation that would significantly draw new collectors into classical numismatics.
It is awful. It will personally hurt me as well but that's not what I'm worried about.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Let's be honest... It's disguised as coin related.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
Put your money where your mouth is. Refuse the tax cut. Mail them extra money. Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice that will help with whatever problem you want to fix.
That's silly and made me laugh. The guy make a sincere point and you hit him with that?
Actually I would do that but I don't trust that they would put it toward the national debt or infrastructure. I already give a lot to charities. What now? I will have to give even more in the future it looks like
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Most of the calculators online right now are too vague, or seem to have an agenda. This one, if I put that I live in a high tax state, it says my taxes will increase and if not, they will go down. Another I used today only gave the option of Single filer or Joint with 2 dependents.
Nearly all of my clients live in a high SALT state, and the vast majority of them don't exceed the 10,000 cap now in place on state and local deductions. I am more concerned for the people who will now lose out on the Misc itemized deductions subject to the 2% threshold. I have a lot of clients who this will affect.
Also to add that IMO a reduction in future growth of a program is not the same as a cut, or slashing programs.
My Ebay Store
Not silly at all, in my opinion. In my opinion, the individual can do a lot more good with their money than government can. I think it's good he (and you) care about these things. As long as you are sending your own money in to charities that help, I have no issues. And you said "I will have to give even more...". I think that should read, I GET to give even more now. How is that a bad thing? You get to decide which cause needs your money the most, instead of having someone else decide for you.
Or better yet, take the savings they are giving you and put it towards a good charity of your choice
Not a bad idea, jwitten, I can give even more. Or save more for the inevitable massive health insurance premiums I'll be facing one of these days. I hope you enjoy your windfall on whatever it is you plan on doing with it.
Healthcare is so screwed up by both sides now. I am self employed and paid for our own, and it was estimated to go from about $860 to $1,400 next year. We decided to go with a Christian health share plan instead for around $500. Oh, and I'll add this. This is what conservatives want! Take YOUR own money, and use it for YOUR own healthcare! Taking personal responsibility. America could use a little more of that these days.
As a disruptive "student" of grading
only interested in my self interests, I'll chose the LEFT side of course!
Merry Christmas...
The fourth through the eight words in the question sum up the situation.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
What crowd are you in if you like rainbow toned coins
Flag it
Shouldn’t horse’s nether regions only be posted in the veterinary forum?
Think of all the money you save having a remote for the tv with only Fox News programmed into it!
I would not call @Ikeigwin's coin that bad. Looks like the fellow above likes it.
Shouldn’t horse’s nether regions only be posted in the veterinary forum?
You're being way too kind.
Need to keep this coin related.......
@tradedollarnut said: "Think of all the money you save having a remote for the tv with only Fox News programmed into it!"
God no, I get depressed enough with the news from Fox and the BBC. For the sake of balance, I need the other channels for humor!
I truly believe that ignorance is bliss and much less stressful.
Think how much fun collecting coins is for folks who don't know anything! Now, after learning a few things, I can hardly find one that is not impaired in some way. 
Very needed relief for me for the coins in my collection that are owned by my corporation. Now I can sell my winners and buy some losers with potential........
Truth? Fox News
No impact on my spending $1,000s of dollars on worn little metal disks.
Pravda = Truth.
As I understand the theory of this tax plan, a more robust economy will bring in more revenue. This, in turn, will help to reduce the deficit. My money is on Congress spending any extra revenue realized in this manner. This will be the flaw in this grand scheme.
As for my coin budget, I will be buying only a few items to finish projects already under way. Still watching closely the trend line on the PCGS 3000 index.
I like all you guys so I’m gonna move on.
and I like it here. So, the answer the original question. Yes I do believe that more money in your pocket equals a stimulation of the economy. More coins will be bought and sold along with our coins going up in value.
I have said enough and probably too much for this coin forum. I do believe the forum mods are on Christmas Vacation at this s point
Of course this is just my opinion.
Merry Christmas to all, Joe
Trickle Down = Voodoo Economics
Wow! What a coin!
If I want to watch Fox News I can just go down to the Knights of Columbus and watch my Dad and his friends play pinochle. Same thing.
Fox News reminds me of a sit com about the News but I guess it's supposed to be real. Hard to tell at times. MSNBC is equally bad
Saw a great movie ( sceener for the Academy). The Post. Everyone here would love it OR hate it
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
This is an interesting concept that hasn’t even been mentioned. Most of the talking heads seem to think charitable contributions will go down because it won’t be beneficial any longer. But as you seem to be implying it might actually stimulate future giving. Image the minds being blown if that happens.
My Ebay Store
Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
Left and Right channels purporting to tell the news are doing a grave disservice to our democracy. I also blame the Sheeple who can't discern fact from fiction.
@jwitten said: "Well, the good thing about this plan is, it is putting money in almost all low and middle class families, not just wealthy. So it's not really trickle down... more just like, "keep more of your money, no matter who you are"
Problem, the lowest income folks end up not paying any taxes to speak of and the child credit .. oh never mind. I'm outa here while the getting is good. Merry Christmas!
This thread is going no where at this point. The coin thing is lost now.....just sayin'
you really believe that? Wowser. Their net will be worse. What do you think will be cut to pay for this tax plan? Country Club mememberships or some social services?
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Keeping our doctor, plan and saving $2,500 was funny too.
I guess it depends on why people really give. I wouldn't under estimate humanity just yet. People still do the right things when push comes to shove. The tax write offs aren't the reason why I give and I hope that's the same for most but I catch your drift
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Heck, even the CNN link said it
I consider that a plus.
Dig deeper. Sounds like lazy reporting or very glossy. The money is going to come from somewhere. If you get $100 a month more in your check and Medicare or basic social services are cut odds are you will be worse off. Not a great time to be retired either.
You're a good man. Happy Holiday's
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
There is a Wiki page for the 2017 Tax reform act that contains a lot of the details on the tax plan.
It a live document that will probably get updated soon to reflect the actual law that was passed today.
I do not know if it is related to modern politics or tax increases but the television networks have revived the UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) and flying saucer stories from the late 1940s.
"Navy pilot sees UFO, says it was not from this earth".
The Mysterious Egyptian Magic Coin
Coins in Movies
Coins on Television
The funny thing is that everyone thinks all politicians are corrupt except flash!!!
Well since everyone else has gone off the rails on this topic (including some of my favorite people here), let me add as someone that grew up not far from the Arikaree Breaks, Kansas has some subtle beauty but nothing that is going to hold up to La Jolla or Joshua Tree or Yosemite. And you can't be citing Castle Rock any more -- that thing fell over one night and no one even noticed it for days.
But I will agree that Kansas is a great place to grow up or even to retire to. Maybe its best natural feature is best seen by driving out to the middle of the country away from any city lights ( lots of chance for that) and on a clear night, especially when there is little moonlight, just look up. Now there is a sight you won't see in most of California. Most people from the coasts don't really know what the Milky Way looks like.
Oh, and as to Lakesamman's original question, I am in one of those high SALT places, so yes, I will buy less.
"Look up, old boy, and see what you get." -William Bonney.
A democratic politician is nothing but a Pied Piper! Are you a Pied Piper that has menions following him?
Why oh why did I read this entire thread?
(BTW, no need to answer; hopefully I have the willpower to not look at it again.)
Ed. S.
nope if i buy or sell a coin it's cause i want to not cause of some political issue
I have got to see how it will affect me as a sole prop, the bigger tax breaks are going to corps, I have been reluctant to change to a corp, so will have to see how much the difference is. At first the new tax plan was not helping me in the slightest, but the latest revisions due give some tax breaks to pass thru Income , so maybe it will help a little
We shouldn't spend time arguing Dem or Rep left or right, we should be wondering why so many people have interest in dividing us.
"A dog breaks your heart only one time and that is when they pass on". Unknown