Graded Card Scanning Guide - Take a Look!

I have been working on scanning my PSA cards over the last year or so. Over that time I have run a number of questions past some of you and requested feedback from some more of you. I decided to compile a guide showing some guidelines, tips, tricks and workflow I received from you and other sources.
I compare the Epson V600 and Canon 9000f, both of which I own. Ultimately, the guide uses the V600 for the main workflow.
Let me know your thoughts, revisions, etc. I am open to feedback. Thanks!
Edit 6/25/2021:
REV 04: Added Section 6 covering IrfanView – Batch Image Processing.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Great guide. Thanks for posting. Will have to try some of those tips.
Awesome! Very easy to follow.
I didn't see any tips for multiple cards on the scanner bed. Do you only recommend scanning one card at a time?
Yes, I always do one at a time. I have seen variation in the scans based on where the cards are placed on the glass. Also, alignment would be even more challenging.
I am sure it can be done successfully, but I prefer the single card method.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Excellent guide with some good tips, very professionally put together. Thank you for making it!
This guide is awesome with easy to follow instructions. There are great examples showing the varying results for the different techniques that are used.
Great job putting this together.
Donato's Complete US Type Set ---- Donato's Dansco 7070 Modified Type Set ---- Donato's Basic U.S. Coin Design Set
Successful transactions: Shrub68 (Jim), MWallace (Mike)
Thanks. The info I compiled in this guide was taken from many sources and a bunch or trial and error. I figured why not summarize it all in one document and share it with the masses...
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I read it, tried it and figured I'd share because I'm quite happy to have read it and applied what I could. I'd only add that I used an HP Office Jet 4620 Print/Fax/Scan/Copy - it has a recessed bed that's about the exact thickness of a standard top loader which is helpful...(Fixed)
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Not sure if your scanner is a CIS or CCD type. Hard to say since it looks like you are scanning a card in a plastic sleeve, so both types of scanners will be similar in result. I am not sure how you feel about this scan because you typed "I read it, tried it and figured I'd share becuase I'm quite . " Looked like you stopped mid sentence...
if you could, you would surely benefit by removing the card from the sleeve and scanning directly on the glass.
Trick is, unless you have one of the scanners in my guide, your images will more than likely not look like the ones in the guide. The device has much more to do with the outcome than then process.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
This one is easily a "hobby" contribution post of the year candidate.
A lot of hard work, time and effort went into this project.
I'm immensely indebted to you for doing it.
Question: what's your first name?
It is on the bottom of the first page of the guide. Nic
Thanks for the kind words.
For those of you who have already viewed it, I just updated it with higher quality pictures. WORD was reducing the images when importing, I removed that limitation.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Thanx Nic.
I'll be saving this for sure!
Thanks for putting that together. I realized bgs holders do have there place in my collection
NGS428: Your guide is "5-Star/Top Shelf"! I think I speak for others by saying you are very kind and unselfish for sharing your work with us. "Thank You"
Much appreciated! Thanks Jim.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Very impressive!
Collecting 1970s Topps baseball wax, rack and cello packs, as well as PCGS graded Half Cents, Large Cents, Two Cent pieces and Three Cent Silver pieces.
Amazing contribution to the website. Thank you! I just went step by step with my V600 and scanned this colorful card from the top of my PSA stack on my desk.
IG: goatcollectibles23
The biggest lesson I've learned in this hobby, and in life, is that if you have a strong conviction, you owe it to yourself to see it through. Don't sell yourself, or your investments, short. Unless the facts change. Then sell it all.
Looking good! I see that card has an inner sleeve, making it another and more reflective layer the scanner has to penetrate. Similar to a BGS holder.
You could try turning unsharp mask to medium and compare the results.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
My apologies, I didn't have the guts for the Dimaggio - it's too thin to take out and scan raw. However, I put this 1936 Wheaties Series 4 Lou Gehrig right on the glass and I'm amazed at the scan it produced - really. See for yourself! Thanks again - I'm really new to scanning and your tips are great.
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Can't blame you on the Dimaggio.
On that scan, love it! That scan really jumps off the page! Great detail.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Hey Nic,
Thanks for sharing the work you put into this, I printed off your guide followed all your steps and made my first scan. I also added the scan I had taken before it looks a little cartoonish now that I see them side by side. Now I need to see if I can upload that TIFF file into flickr or not, looks like I'll have to rescan a ton of cards now
I wasn't able to upload my new scan, what irfanView download do I need to get?
Thanks again, Tim
My new website
Hi Tim. Looking at a bunch of the scans posted on the forums, yours seemed pretty darn good in comparison. If you were able to squeeze a bit more out with this guide, that is great!
For Irfanview, go to
2. Assuming you have a 64 bit Windows PC you would then go to the irfanview 64-bit link on the left side of the page.
3. Then click on the link that says: "download IrfanView-64 English (Version 4.50, Self extracting EXE file, 3.34 MB)"
4. It will take you to a page that is a pain in the butt to find the download link sometimes...
Or you can just download from my Dropbox at:
If you have something other than 64 bit windows there will be a different file needed.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Thanks. Hope you were able to use some of the tips!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
If anyone is having software issues with the V600, please go to the Epson website at
and download the latest drivers. There were issues with the software hanging up.
Happy scanning!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Hey, great guide and the BGS card trick is so simple and obvious but great - how did I miss it?!
I'd like to contribute this video I made a long time ago for a friend (excuse my sniffling as I was sick at the time) showing how to align and size the card in GIMP image editor (free) even if slightly crooked.
Beautiful guide, and saved me a ton of time as I just started trying to scan my collection. Thank You!
Great! Let me know if you have any questions. Also, feel free to post some of your scans! Happy new year!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Very well done and much appreciated. Thanks for your effort!
Do you have any tips for scanning foil cards in which the final scan appears very dark? Attached is an example along with a random card with the same settings.
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Greg Maddux #1 Master SetGreg Maddux #2 Basic Set
Just watched it. Great tutorial. Downloading GIMP as I type. Thanks.
Each of those cards are a different animal.. I have not found a solution yet, but I will pass one on if I do.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I made some updates to the guide and re-linked it in the first post.
Happy new year everyone!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Thanks for the update notice. Happy New Year!!!
Revised the section on refractor scanning, adding a few tips from forum members.
1,000th post. Yeah!!!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
This might be the thing in the hobby that I endorse the most. It should be pinned to the top of every hobby message board.
Thanks Arthur, I agree. Cataloging with detail the cards by cert number is important. PSA has been starting to do this themselves with SecureScan as they too have started to see the importance. I enjoy doing it just to catalog my collection, but it has many other benefits.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Great work putting together that file, thanks again.
One note: be careful placing and removing those BGS holders to and from your scanner bed. Their squared-off hard plastic edges can scratch the scanner glass a lot more easily than most of the generations of PSA holders do.
Thanks for the heads up. I will keep an eye out for that!
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I'm not sure if all scanner glass is created equally, or if some scanners have more scratch-resistant surfaces than others? Maybe there is a coating that reduces the chance for scratches like there is with eyeglasses?
I am still happily using my Epson V300, but I did manage to put a scratch in the glass thanks to a BGS corner that I should have been more careful with when placing. Oops!
I don't buy a V600 without this thread and @NGS428 's guide. Thanks for all that legwork
It's my purchase of the year. Couple quick samples. 

New REV posted.
Edit 9/14/20:
Added a section on scanning Apps and added to the holder preparation section.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I have seen your amazing work, it's great for newbies like me.
I dont have a Epson perfection V370, v600 or Canon 9000f but i can get a Epson perfection V200 photo or Epson perfection V30 do you have any experience with them? are they suitable for the work?
Thanks in advance and as i said you're doing an amazing work.
Thank you. The V30 or V200 should work, they are CCD scanners and I see they have a driver (from 2009) listed under windows 10 (assuming that is what you have). That would be a way to go, I just worry about operating system compatibility in the short term. Both should get you the same result.
V37 would be a slightly newer version you could also consider.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
I have look for V600 but in EU it’s 280-300€, the V370 it’s currently not for sale and in the 2nd hand markets it hits the same price as new (so it’s a no for me), about V37 I can’t find any operational one for sale.
Just found a V30 and a V200 like new. V200 also uses fluorescent lamp instead V30 led (I don’t know it this is better or worse). I have seen a V350 too but I don’t know if it will make a difference with V30 or V200.
I’m concerned about drivers too but I expect to use with VueScan if things get worse.
I have just seen i have a Konica Minolta 284e printer wich also can scan up to 600ppp so i can give it a try with some photoshop postproduction but i have no idea what i'm doing,to be honest.
I want to ask you how big are your files too? i dont know how much space will i need if i go with 300 or 400dpi.
Whichever scanner you go with, just make sure it is a CCD type. Not a CIS type. My guide walks through that in the first section.
The uncompressed TIF image files are around 7MB, while the compressed JPG images are about 2MB.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Edit 12/10/20:
Expanded Section 1.1 on scanner examples to include some higher and lower end models. Also noted the model PSA SecureScan uses. Added section 3.3 on display gamma.
See the first post for the download link.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Edit 6/25/2021:
REV 04: Added Section 6 covering IrfanView – Batch Image Processing.
See the first post for the download link.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
this is great stuff. do you know of a mac os equivalent to irfan? thanks!
While I don’t have a Mac to test that version out, this looks like a suitable alternative.
Guides Authored - Graded Card Scanning Guide PDF | History of the PSA Label PDF
Glad this got bumped. I'm adding the URL to my favorites so I never have to search for it again when I want to spread the word of the good book. This tutorial changed my life. I love you, Nic.
thanks!!! I will check it out this evening