N.M. Rothschild & Sons 2 oz gold bar - looking for info

Hi there. I have inherited a N.M. Rothschild & Sons 2 oz gold bar and am not able to find much info on it. Is this bar considered rare, and possibly worth more than just the value of the gold? I see one on eBay listed for over $8,000, but it's not selling so obviously not worth that much. I can't find any completed sales on eBay for a similar bar. I'm also curious as to the approximate year that this bar was manufactured. Thanks in advance for any info that anyone is able to provide.
Neat gold square/bar. Did you check this site?
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
Thanks mkman123. Yes, I found that webpage at rarebullion.com before. Unfortunately it doesn't have much info, and since they are "out of stock" it doesn't list a price that would indicate it's approx value.
Contact them, they buy, perhaps they will make you an offer
Many members on this forum that now it cannot fit in my signature. Please ask for entire list.
nice biscuit
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Sweet !!!
Nice looking, I would love to own one.
Successful Trades: Swampboy,
Nice gold 'block' or 'biscuit'....I notice it is .995 rather than .999... Have no idea of collector value.... Cheers, RickO
Nice bar!
My YouTube Channel
Very Cool
Looks very much like our 2oz engelhard london square. I think it was produced by Engelhard.
I would submit this to allengelhard.com and see what they say.
Wow lotta of time lotta responses... it's stamped on bar RMR... royal mint refinery...
well that sure answered all of the OP's questions.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Do you still have the bar? I am interested.
theres nothing wrong with that, I like
Google Rothschild...
Loads of information on wealth and gold. Rothschild vintage gold bars carry a good premium from 25% and up from my experience.
The 2oz and 50g (1.608oz) bars are more common or seen than a 5 Tolas (1.875oz) bar, but none the less all great collector bars.
50g bar.
5 Tolas bar with a JM 5 Tolas.
Both produced in the early 60's
Unlikely. This is a 3+ year old thread.